I have been summoned as a Champion. But do I really need to catch the Demon King?

Chapter 4 Deliverance and a Thousand-Year-Old disciple.

‘If you read the notion there, you seem quite satisfied, and the standard of living there is, of course, surprisingly high here in civilization, right? Are you sure it's a medieval fantasy from the same backdrop as the Ryerdas Empire? ’

Thought means essence contaminated by human will in the atmosphere. Essence responds to man's will. That's why a gifted person can be born.

And this is the story of a profound fluctuation in essence in the will of others. Depending on his essence, the essence near him changes a little, depending on how he feels that day.

This changed essence was different from changing attributes. It would be appropriate to contaminate the person's emotions themselves.

In other words, when a gifted person encounters an essence contaminated by joyful emotions, he or she can share them a little. When a large amount of evil is gathered, it seriously pollutes the essence and there is also a plague of evil spirits filled with evil.

The pollution of such essences was possible only if the person on the high horizon applied a little towards looking at the feelings of ordinary human beings where there was no control over the essence. Like the current revolution.

And as a result, the people living in villages that exist within their own minds are quite satisfied with their lives.

I felt like I would be contaminated by their abundant emotions, even with the power to broaden my emotions right now.

“Well, I guess the story is a completely different country than I've ever known. It's a pacific band.”

Even though I simply looked at the mood of the people, I knew enough that this country was not the Demon King's country that I thought it would be.

‘Well, no matter how good the country is, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. ’

A place where people live. It is natural to have an unhappy human being. No matter how many beings are happy, few unfortunate human beings have always existed.

In that sense, he was able to live a considerable life in two places inside the current feeling of Kwon Hyuk. The essence of living in the atmosphere is overly polluted, making it difficult to live to the extent that the feeling of the revolution in processing information cools down.

‘One flows out of the city I was going to go to, and the other out of the woods? The former is one person, the latter seems to be a lot of flesh emitting……. ’

I was astonished at the fact that one person was living to this extent alone, and was astonished at the many dark murders, hatred, and despair of essence that came from another place.

All the villages in the spirit of Kwon Hyuk have a generous atmosphere of essence, but only in that toxic village. No, I analyzed the information received, so this was a difficult group to see as a village. The fact that only that group had a toxic negative emotion attracted the attention of the revolution.

The existence of Kwon Hyuk alone was so remarkably liveable that it was not impossible to exist.

Human beings were always at an extreme, creating explosive emotions and roughly defining them in that direction could be enough.

Rather, even though it is confined only to the inner atmosphere of the Kwon Hyuk, even though the Pacific lease is a country surrounded by such a clear atmosphere, many beings have drawn attention to the explosion of negative emotions.

‘Above all, the former is the village that I originally planned to go to, and the latter is a place that would only pass if I didn't try to go. Let's see if we can get to the city for a second and see what kind of group it is. ’

In fact, it was not easy to find out in detail what was going on in that place. But this is how he came back to the human world.

Now that you're out of your life span, isn't it a delicacy to move your feet and see for yourself and jump into the scene?

‘Then why don't we go over there and stop by and go to the city? Oh, before that. ’

After deciding on the plan of the future, Kwon Hyuk tried to move straight away. But immediately after that, he thinks of his only colleague and smiles.

“Come out, Miris. ”

It overwrites the information of the revolution with the illusion that the power of the revolution clicks and puts a switch on it. As a result, a sentence with the shape of a giant door appeared in both eyes of Kwon Hyuk. Shortly after a few seconds, Kwon Hyuk's spirituality opened a huge door and summoned the bifurcated creature that existed beyond his subspace.

“Hoo, master. Thank you for being called right away?! ”

The spirit of Deboard, Myris, materialized by the power of Kwon Hyuk, tried to pose in the air and greet politely.

But before that, he suddenly began to fall in the aftermath of being summoned into the air, and Kwon Hyuk realized his mistakes and hurriedly responded to them.



Immediately, after turning his power back into power, Myris weaves it into a massive net, embodying a flowing aura in his body. Surprised by the sudden fall of Miris, who sat on it, he looked at him with a slightly troubled tear and clearly panicked face.

“Don't worry, Master? What is this?”

“Oh, sorry, sorry. I summoned you without thinking about the idea of a spirit, but if you materialize, you'll have weight, right? I had a short thought. ”

With a slightly awkward smile, Kwon Hyuk, who made a foothold of Aura and walked through the void in front of Mirissi, apologized as if he was truly sorry. Miris shakes her head while still not concealing her embarrassed face.

“Oh, no. Master, everything, just a little bit of a surprise. You don't have to apologize for that. As a result, there is also my fault that I did not anticipate this situation.... ”

“No, don't apologize any more..... because I'm more sorry. ”

Whether he was genuinely frightened by the falling situation or still had a face full of panic, at the moment Myris apologized to Kwon Hyuk, Kwon Hyuk avoided his gaze by pressing his nose with his thumb and index finger.

“That, Master, is more than that. Where is this place? I think it's different from where I was before.... ”

“Ah, if it's a reward room, it just got out. This is where the Maier Empire exists on the Mandalas continent. I don't know the exact location. ”

Myris quietly explained to him that he was barely real while sitting on his brother's net.

“Is it the Meier Empire...? ”

“You don't know the Meier Empire? ”

“Oh, yes. Once injected with basic human knowledge for the care of an occupant, but in the background of that era, it's always fluctuating, so nothing has been injected. ”

Certainly Myris is a gaseous spirit made in the distant ancient times. He could not have known more about this era.

Well, you were going to go with him from now on, right? I don't think I need to explain this to you. I want you to go on a proper sightseeing tour and explain it to me then.

I was thinking about how to explain that to Myris, but this time I decided to convey the opinion of Mu-hyuk in the deep world. As he said, it would be better to explain if there was anything he didn't know at the time. Above all…….

‘Even if I try to explain, I don't know the details.... ’

I have no knowledge of myself. The knowledge acquired during his stay in the Ryerdasus Empire existed, but once he saw that the atmosphere was different from the sky and the earth, he did not know how reliable the knowledge acquired at that time would be.

“Let's have a look at it. When you get to the city, ask if there's anything you don't know. I will answer you.”

“Oh, yes. Okay. But, Master, are you going to the city afterwards? If you don't mind, how do you plan to move? ”

“Ah, yes. I'm going to go with you from now on, but I have to tell you something, right? ”

In Myris' words, Kwon Hyuk stopped at a place of concern for a while and entered the city, gathering information about the world's return from the city, and explained to her his plan that he would rest for about a week and go out to find the next dungeon of Abyss.

“First of all, I was thinking of coming to the Imperial Palace of Lyudas to tell you the news of my survival……, honestly. ”

What Kwon Hyuk is currently thinking about was about swimming. In fact, it was right to go to the Imperial Court and inform him of his survival once he thought about swimming.

The problem was then the fact that the swimmer would definitely try to follow him. It may sound self-boasting, but I thought that swimming would definitely come after Kyung-hyuk, who was convinced that he liked him a long time ago (not long after he actually went to high school).

He was the one who would follow if the swim left by himself. Well, it didn't matter that the swim was coming. I thought it would be quite fun to travel together....

The problem is…….

“If a swimmer follows you, your child's reputation will interfere. His mischievous behavior is a bit of a pain in the ass, so if I find out that my goal is a coordinating species, I'm definitely in danger of swimming, so I'm going to interfere. No, he'll stop me from leaving again, and he'll take care of it, so you're good enough for the rest of your bullshit. ”

…… In summary, I was just thinking about it because I didn't want to see the God of Transfiguration. I was thinking about swimming, but the fact that the end was meditation made me feel pretty good.

“Well, when it comes to this, let's make a decision with ease. Honestly, I said I'd be looking for the dungeon in a week, but I'm thinking full exploration a month back. ”

Kwon Hyuk, who muttered so little that Miris could not hear, convinced himself and nodded. Half of my mind just wanted to clear the Dungeons of Abyss right away, but the other half was tired enough to say that the Dungeons of Abyss were going to happen, so I thought it would be better to recover.

Therefore, once the rest time is one week, then when you start exploring the dungeon of Abyss, you will challenge the clear and if you do not find it, you will go around casually for about a month.

I was going to find the only dungeon of Abyss now known if I didn't find it a month later. You can challenge me at any time as long as it's the only known place, so I was going to visit you later, but what are you doing playing for a month?

“Now, then, shall we begin our journey, my lady? ”

After completing all the planning, Kwon Hyuk reached out one hand with a smile on Miris' face. Miris shakes his head as if he doesn't know the English language, while holding Hyuk-hyuk's hand firmly.

“If it's a trip with the Master, I'm always welcome. ”

“This is an honor. ”

Kyung-hyuk jokingly laughed at Myris, who replied with a slap on his head.


I'm actually subtracting the progress itself quite late. Instead, there will be a lot of overall flower water, so please read it with a relaxed mind and thank you!

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication.

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