I have been summoned as a Champion. But do I really need to catch the Demon King?

Chapter 4 Deliverance and a Thousand-Year-Old disciple.

“Sorry about this. I tried to come out of curiosity, but I never thought it would be like this. ”

After making a playful suggestion, Kwon Hyuk took the flyboard out of the item window and climbed on it, and Miris also climbed on the flyboard as recommended by Kwon Hyuk.

It was on a cramped flyboard for both of them to ride, but Gwon Hyuk's body controls the flying-jewelry without any inconvenience to both of them.

Kwon Hyuk enjoys a speed of 200 kilometers per hour while enjoying the surrounding scenery.

In Myris' case, he seemed to be frightened at first, but at a later date, he had no intention of looking at the surrounding landscape like Kwon Hyuk.

A newborn spirit, she can smile at everything, whether it's mysterious or sometimes not.

Kwon Hyuk, who was watching as he grew up, was able to reach the place he had originally aimed for some time. It didn't take long to get to the destination because of the speed of the flying board.

“But I didn't know these guys were camping. ”

I knew there was something because all sorts of negative emotions were so dense, but I didn't expect a non-artificial sight to wait until this time.

I was just thinking about something tragic, but I was shallow about the fact that I just got out of the dungeon.

“Master, what are they? If my knowledge is correct, what they are doing.... ”

“Yes, that's rape. There's even a loot. These guys. Miriam, I'm sorry. I didn't see anything. ”

“It's all right, Master. I'm a spirit, and I'm nothing. ”

For a long time, I didn't know that I had not been able to identify this place in advance because of the excitement of being in contact with people.

He said it was okay in his arms, but he sighed annoying in Myris' expression of a slightly trembling hand.

Myris was just born into this world. No matter how knowledgeable she was, it couldn't have been good for her sentiments to show such a place.

They're bandits who can be anywhere by the looks of them.

Well, security seemed to be good around here, but outlaws are everywhere unless they control the entire human race.

In the story of the revolutionary and mystical world, Kwon Hyuk kicked his tongue and looked at the landscape beneath his feet.

There were some typical bandits that would once appear in the fantasy world, based on whether or not they had just ended the plunder.

They raped women who appeared to have been abducted on the one hand, and handed out items that appeared to have been looted on the other.

There was only one part that distinguished them from ordinary bandits, which was the fact that one of the bandits' powers was unusual, and that there was something like a shield that hid the space that seemed to be the archetype of these bandits with a horse tool.

‘What kind of bandits have these horseshoes? ’

Most of the bandits had second-grade, fifty-grade forces, and the strongest looking one was estimated to be over 100.

The essence there, that is, the equipment assumed to be a horse-drawn tool, was also the power to slap the knights.

Even so, this should be enough. I'm sure that the information collected by Kwon Hyuk is just about as good as the quality of the bandits in this country.

I said that every village is basically robbing a country where there are dozens of superheroes standing by, and that would be possible.

Sohyuk, one of the transcendents who also shares power and pride, breaks his head with a grave expression that he feels bad about seeing great races.

“Hah, shall we clean it up? ”


Honestly, I can confidently say that I am a selfish revolutionary, but I didn't just pretend I didn't see it.

It was not a definition of saving women who were being raped or of not being able to forgive bandits.

Simply……, I felt dirty because of the filth in front of my eyes, and if I didn't get rid of them, I would feel bad all day today.

‘I want to save women with a dump. We need to educate Myris. There, I have to experience some killing too, and I think I can pull out the basic common sense I need before I get to the city. ’

The murder of Kwon Hyuk, who was already on the ruler's footing, was merely an act. Taking control of his unconsciousness to the depths, he was already in a position to deal freely with even the survival instincts of his race, which are fundamental to the idea that man should not be killed.

In the first place, when we scientifically saw humans killing humans, it was no different from what one life could always do in nature.

This is what it means to say to people, "You can't kill people! The fundamental reason why the idea of 'conservation' is embodied was the instinct of conservation that all races have.

The instinct of a tribe to protect its own kind somehow gives the same tribe great aversion to killing. Therefore, animals that do not exist in reason should not kill their people.

Well, even if there are factions that don't, most people feel a serious rejection of killing their own people.

In other words, the idea that a human being should not be killed, a human moral value, is that the vast majority of people who have instincts for the preservation of the species are more than incorporating genealogical glasses into what would not be right to justify that instinct.

Scientifically, it was meaningless. The wrong thing? An unwashable sin? Ha, tell him not to be funny. Murder is a simple phenomenon.

I feel guilty that this is not right by the instinct of conservation of the species that feels objectionable to this phenomenon.

If he dies from empathic imagination, he simply feels terrorized by the assumption.

The concept of sin can't work. Why is it that simple physics is a sin to burst the heart of a creature and stop its activity? It's just a phenomenon that exists there.

It was just a simple law, like taking a stone and letting it fall out of your hand. In the first place, human standards of right and wrong are odd.

I had no intention of denying the creature's own survival instincts. Of course. Life itself is a miracle product that has been recognized. I was so miraculously born, it was natural to think I didn't want to disappear.

The denial here was about the concept of the unwashable sin created by man, attached to the simple phenomenon of murder.

The concept of sin itself was meaningless. I couldn't have been right or wrong. It was simply a world that was turned around by the laws of physics and the laws of power, and creatures such as humans were merely products created ‘by chance’ in that world.

Whatever those accidental products do, it's funny to give meaning to them. There is no meaning in the creation of life. It is simply made somehow.

And somehow the laws of physics created organic matter, and the essence of that organic matter became willful. A story that simply stops with it.

Murder was essentially a story of organics that were made just by beating and beating and fighting each other and beating and crushing each other.

“That's why I don't really feel objectionable... ”

There is no objection to the murder itself. Instead, there was only a sense of guilt based on what was caused by the murder, namely, the outcome. If Kwon Hyuk grieves for killing someone, Kwon Hyuk will have his guilt.

But killing him doesn't really feel like it. In other words, it was said that it was possible to kill ‘simply’ a creature who would not feel guilty even if it were killed.

“Shall we test it?”

And now, there's a bunch of garbage in front of you that doesn't seem to be very impressive. If they wipe it out, their conscience won't move. I'd rather freshen up.

So Kwon Hyuk decided to test his power once again. You have complete control of your own power, but you must also have a comparable target to see a modest output.


Hmmm, many of you want to take part.. When you reach 200 won, we will take part in the celebration of 200 won! Because I'm running out of time for personal reasons these days, it's hard to raise more than a day. I'm sorry I can't take it often. I beg your pardon.

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication.

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