'Well, let's keep going for a long time.'

Since the 3rd floor of Abyss Dungeon, Kwon Hyuk has been flustered by a long unfolding hideout. He glances at the enormous number of worlds before his eyes with excitement.

Once his abilities were in place, he thought he had nothing to do with it, but he had to be nervous about breaking into someone else's house.

'Well, aside from whether this is home.'

The living space made in a huge tree was not dug up, but made naturally as if the tree had allowed it to live.

It would be natural for the world to have the will of the world itself. However, there was an unnatural part of the interior because it was also a wooden building, but it was adding mystery to the reverse.

'Wow, be careful.'

After breaking through the defensive line that protects the world water so simply, Kwon Hyuk whistled around the inside of the world water. Of course, but as much as possible, he focused his mind on his hideout: Donghwa Moo-young.

He will, too. This is the interior of the world. No matter how big the difference between the number of worlds and the number of revolutions was, it was the intrusion of foreign matter into his body. It's no wonder you won't notice the disguise unless you're careful.

Rather, it was strange for Kwon Hyuk to be able to walk around the world in such a relaxed way. This is enough to know the ability of the mock power to completely block the foundations of the revolution.

'I think this is it....'

In addition, in the case of Hina and Myris, she was sleeping poorly at the inn. In other words, Kwon Hyuk sneaked out without telling them. Well, in the first place, in case of Kwon Hyuk, you don't have to sleep or focus on the inn's room, so it won't be a big deal.

'Found it.'

While looking through the inns where Hina and Myris are sleeping in trouble, she gladly searches the interior of the world to determine the position of the Elf's doorbell. Specifically, Kwon Hyuk smiles and takes a light-hearted step.

"Excuse me."

With a light-hearted mind, Kwon Hyuk really opened the door in front of his eyes. At the moment, Kwon Hyuk was not merely dividing things by feeling, but projecting his senses onto the feeling itself and looking at the room where Hina Myris slept.

That's why I didn't receive any more information from my heart to find the Elf's Apocalypse. All he wants is location information about where the Elf's Apocalypse is. No other information is required.

It bothers me that I'm assigning some of my psychic powers to projecting my senses to look at Hina and Myris. And now the roughly surpassing behavior is upsetting.



Beyond the sparkling door, where Kwon Hyuk was doubtfully covered in wooden themes, the most intense water vapour was blooming.

Well, the water vapor itself is not a problem. There is no way to limit Kwon Hyuk's vision with this amount of water vapor. What's important is that this is a place where water vapour can flow.

Yes! This was a bath! That too is a dirty big bath! The residential area inside the world water was literally not just administrative, but a luxurious bathtub where someone could live.

In the bathtub, Kwon Hyuk was looking for Elf's servant and enjoying bathing naked..... Isn't it natural that you are naked because you are taking a bath?

The problem is that Kwon Hyuk didn't even think about it and opened the bath door. The problem was that there were no bathrooms or dressing rooms made of private rooms.

Who knew the door I saw walking inside the world water would be the bath door? Of course, he was in the middle of a bath, and none of the nude parties knew that he would open his own private bath, which is mostly dedicated to the administration of the Elf Slave and the Meier Empire.


For that reason, we haven't been able to figure out the situation for a while, so we haven't been able to do anything like a paused video, and we've been staring at each other for a while. Originally, there was no way that Flora could see Gwon Hyuk while she was hiding.

But now Kwon Hyuk has opened the door strongly. In the first place, I felt like I had been sneaking in to have a conversation with the blind man, and I couldn't find any more reason to remain hidden, so I just broke out of hiding.

.... If I had known this, I would have kept it hidden and had a good view. I would have made a slight contact after cleansing my eyes or after taking a bath.

"…… Ah! Sorry, it looks like you misunderstood the room."


The two of them looked at each other without saying a word, but after a while, Kwon Hyuk bowed his head and closed the bath door as if nothing had happened with a good smile.

For a moment, Florana, who did not know how to cope with an unexpected response, was once again ignorant and forced to watch Kwon Hyuk close the bathtub. Soon after, however, Kwon Hyuk sobered up about saying a word with his eyes shining through the door of the bath.

"Big, big, he's got a nice body. I did a good calibre."

Her face instantly blushes as if she had eaten well. A bloody floana rushes to the tip of its pointed ear, as if it were steaming right now.

"..... die!!"

Even if you feel unwell, cover your little breasts with one hand and come with the other hand. No, it must be attributed to them. Through the power of the water attribute, he speaks the magic of the ice type and shoots at the revolution as it is.

Protects Aura with a shield after she opens the street at the door because of the attack. Even expanding the shield just before the arrow of ice hits the shield to completely wrap the arrow of ice and eliminate the noise caused by the arrow of ice as a mechanism to compress and extinguish it.

"……! Strong?!"

In an instant, Florina, who covered herself with a bath towel that she did not know where she came from, ran out of the bathroom in awe.

"Take it easy. All of a sudden, I made a mistake, but can we talk and attack?"

"Are you really saying that about the subject that broke into the heart of Igracil? What is your identity?"

Moisturized golden hair, starting with pointed ears and flowing on the chin. Suddenly she comes out of the bath, so she doesn't care that her body is wet, but rather answers her question with vigilance and power.

However, knowing the shame of being a woman, it was quite necessary for her face to be bitten red. Kwon Hyuk who is not strong enough to hit the taste of Kwon Hyuk up to the body (empty oil).

"Well, that, once I think about explaining the details,"

"No, I'll hear more about the restraints later. Be gentle."

Once Kwon Hyuk showed a nuance to calm down and resolve the conversation, but was alert because of the fact that he showed his nakedness as a sudden intruder, Florina entered the battle position as a doorman.

He expresses the aura (attribute) of the stem water attribute in the body. At the same time, I felt the essence of the atmosphere become heavier. At the same time, Gyeonggi sent a curious gaze when she told me that her sense of blurred transcendental skills had triggered power (traits) without opening up power.

"Indeed, power, no, it triggered a trait. I knew it, but they're real doofuses, they're absurdly strong traits."

And as opposed to it, the Sovereign Revolution also opens up its power lightly. After a while, the essences in the atmosphere began to obey Kwon Hyuk, and the sensational floana made him more alert.

"Huh? Level 150 +? Featured users of absolute self-sufficiency. This pressure there. Even if I can't, I am more qualified than I am....."

I don't know why the creature broke into Igdrasil in the middle of the night. When she shook her head, she looked at Kwon Hyuk with her sunken eyes and immediately launched an attack.



The moment she expresses her will with synthesis, the atmosphere vibrates, and suddenly a sack of bow pops into the air and is heard in her hands. Immediately thereafter, she pulls an arrow at the bow, which she does not know where she came from, at a speed that is hard to chase with her eyes, and immediately pulls the bow protest.



Immediately after that, he was surprised by the arrow that Ora embodied, and immediately escaped. An arrow fired from the bow appeared right in front of his head outside of the perception of Hyuk, and as he fled, he left a small scar on his cheek and passed by him.


And shortly after, a strong explosion occurred at the place where the arrow flew. Kwon Hyuk opened his mouth with a trembling glance.

"What a great joke. You gave Ora explosive power. Did you just cross that attack, space? No, it didn't cross the space....."

In any case, when Hyuk burst into laughter with a powerful arrow, he was as frightened as he was when he saw an unbelievable sight.

"... you avoided it, not stopped it? That too?"

Her power is connected. The power to make anything possible when it comes to the concept of connecting space and space. Just a moment ago, she presented her arrows and the head of the revolutionary movement, as well as the arrows that followed the space that existed in the trajectory of the arrows she shot.

But it avoids beating your head lightly? It shredded the power itself into being expressed by superior dominance over its own essence. When Florina realizes that, she anticipates a tough fight and puts an arrow in her bow again, Kwon Hyuk raises her hands over her shoulders and talks.

"Oh, so I'm not here to fight."


Fight back!

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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