"Now, do you want me to believe that?"

Like no combat doctor at all, Florina frowns at the figure of Kwon Hyuk who waves her hands and looks at Kwon Hyuk with an arrow. Kwon Hyuk scratches his back head with a face that is difficult to see.

"I hope you believe me, but if I keep attacking like that, I'll be forced to respond sincerely." "

"Let's do it. That's what I want."

Kwon Hyuk sighs and mutters. Once he stole the bathroom, it was his fault, but if he was detained here, he would be tortured or imprisoned to have a proper conversation.

So on the contrary, let's overpower this side and let's listen to the conversation. I'll give you some credit if you don't take my life for a perfectly oppressive subject.

After Kwon Hyuk had just thought that, the background of the space where Kwon Hyuk and Kwon Hyuk stood changed in an instant as he tried to increase his power to defeat Floana in full.

Shoot me! Aargh!

"…… is this a realm designation?"


Kwon Hyuk murmurs as he stares into the atmosphere, tired of the essence of the atmosphere that changes in an instant, and the shape of the atmosphere that changes into the aura of the soil that can be called the beginning of all forests and trees.

"Hmm, should we try it in full?"

"No, on the contrary. I'm trying to stop my partner at this point."

Suddenly, the particles of light begin to gather in the air that Kwon Hyuk was staring at. Within a few days, a woman with a floana resemblance and a different vibe appears, not blonde, to assert that she is world champion.

"Igdrasil? What do you mean you're going to stop me?"

Once, the woman facing Kwon Hyuk's gaze, like Floana, turned her back defenselessly to Kwon Hyuk and faced Floana without being wary and without intending to be hostile at the same time.

"It means exactly what I said. My companion, stop hostilities you can't use anymore."

"…… Igdrasil. You're talking incomprehensible. The author is an unidentified intruder. But now you're asking me to have a conversation, not defeat the intruder?"

Igdrasil sighs as if he were going to shoot a bow right now, staring at Gwon Hyuk, who is watching the conversation with his arm over Florina Igdrasil.

"Yes, an intruder. Intruders who are super-strong, who we, no, don't know if all the troops who live in this city will fight with their lives at stake. It's not like that super-strong invaded for question-and-answer, but just came to talk. Even if you are an intruder, if you have enough power, shouldn't you try to have a conversation by respecting the doctor of that existence? As the leader of this city, and the Elves."

When Igdrasil stabs her in with a strong stab that she has been fleeing until now, she bites her lips tightly and pulls her strength from the arm that was slowly pulling the protest.

"... As you can see, that being is stronger than we are."

In the first place, I realized the moment he revealed his power piece. The presence before your eyes reveals the fact that you are not something you can do.

Nevertheless, what has come to light is simply the fact that life is not felt by the enemy, and for a long time (?) was a little lost in the fact that he had never seen anyone naked in his life.

"Yes, Florina, I understand that you run without thinking back and forth about the shock you have seen naked, but at least if you are the head of a race, at this moment, exclude selfishness and judge coldly."

She was the one who blushed her face and avoided Igracil's gaze at the moment when she appeared naked, but she took a deep breath and looked at Kwon Revolution after taking a blatant hostile gaze until just before.

"Okay, let's have the conversation you want. However, I will not hesitate to enter the battle if I have a weakness to make a fool of myself."

"Well, let's do that."

It was an elf woman who knew how to move in the public interest rather than her own selfishness. Well, I still felt hostile in my eyes, but I didn't care if it was just a situation where I could have a conversation.

"... I intend to keep this realm designation intact for as long as I don't know who you are. Do you understand?"

"It's okay, there's also this fault that we sneaked in the first place."

Igracil, in her laid-back opinion, was illuminated with confidence that it could crush the realm with its own power at any time.

'As you can see, this man crossed the wall.'

Currently, the world's water is located at the top of the absolute, the same landscape as Silis, also known as the Demon King. That means that the Status level is reaching 249.

Her own power would be 100% defeated if she fought Silis because she was unsuitable for combat and didn't like it either, but she was at least strong enough to lead the battle to an equal level.

Even with that insight, if she could not end it, neither could she, nor Silis. Must be a monster that crossed a wall of Level 250. Evidence that you can be as relaxed as you want to be within your designated area.

'First of all, don't pretend to be like that.'

The world leader Igracil himself was furious with the fact that he had infiltrated the enemy inside his body. Maybe she's feeling more shame than she's feeling right now.

Nevertheless, she was trying to figure out the worst than the uncertain dangers of confronting a person coldly in front of her eyes. At least, Kwon Hyuk is relieved that he has no hostile intentions.

"Shall we move on first? You're talking about this state, aren't you?"

Kwon Hyuk looked alternately in the back corridor at Floriana, who was only wearing a bathrobe, and who was torn apart by her arrows.

Then, Igdrasil, who holds the bathrobe tighter in shame, agrees with her and Gwon Hyuk's opinion.

"But, is this okay? Isn't there a commotion and a crowd?"

"Don't worry. Immediately after you showed up, I took action to prevent you from grasping the situation in this space with my power as soon as I determined you didn't have enemies."

"Somehow, no one has come until now."

This space was the interior of the world water igracil. As she was in her own body, the troops living inside Igdrasil had already taken action in preparation for the disturbance caused by Florana.

"Phew……. Then Igdrasil. Please escort him to the reception room. I go after them in my clothes. I'd like to see his surveillance as well."

When Florina looked at herself and told her not to be stubborn, Kwon Hyuk scratched her nose with a really hard face and followed Igracil who was guiding her.

"Here, sit in a comfortable place."

"Excuse me, then."

Gwon Hyuk, who had been walking behind Igracil for a while, was able to reach the green-brown reception room with a calm impression. There was a cozy couch in the centre, and Gwon Hyuk comfortably buried himself on the couch, following Igracil's suggestion to sit there.

"So how do you want to start the conversation?"

"No, let's wait for that elf to come, too. The opponent who wanted to have this conversation in the first place was the Elf Bellboy, not the world."

Yigdrasil, who settled quietly in front of him in the story of Kwon Hyuk, embraced him and sat quietly facing him. Two people who have been watching each other so silently for a while.

In the case of Kwon Hyuk, the awkward gaze, and in the case of Igracil, the vigilant gaze exchange time with each other.

After about 10 minutes of waiting, a floana dressed in the same costume and wounded clothes that had just been defenseless, a dress that was gorgeous enough to be worn on the official statue, then coexisted with cleanliness and generosity, came into the reception room.

"…… you were waiting."

"No, no, you can wait as long as it's worth the good watch you just saw."

Until now, he had returned a playful answer to ventilate the atmosphere in the too awkward air with Igracil, but he realized that it was counterproductive in the way that Florina was staring at herself like she was going to kill herself.

'I went into a similar light feeling when I was unawares about swimming, but it must have been an excuse.'

Honestly, Kwon Hyuk was the only woman who lived closest to him. In that sense, the way he treats women is fundamental when it comes to swimming.

When Florina came to life, she coughed, avoided her gaze, thought of something, and apologized.

"Well, that, again, I'm sorry about before. It was an unfortunate accident and it wasn't on purpose either……, I will apologize again."

After respectfully apologizing and bowing his head, Florina looks at him as if she knows his weight, and pulls out the power that was in his body and sits next to Igracil.

"I'll take that apology. Most of all, I want to stop talking about it."

The story of Igdrasil reveals a starry existence that crosses the walls of the Absolute. I accepted the apology once I realized that Pride was as strong as he was, and that's why he bowed his head.

The essence is that I no longer want to talk about the humiliating events themselves.

"Well, thank you for accepting my apology. So let's move on to the point and why I came here today, the Elf Bellboy...."

"Florina, Florina Igdrasil. Feel free to call me floana. And I want to hear from you before I enter into a conversation."

Kwon Hyuk answered with a shameful voice when he asked a question while being respectful of each other but blatantly wary of him on the Florina side.

"This, a mistake. I'm impatient because I have to go back before morning. First of all, my name is Kang Gyeong-hyuk. Identity...., Attacker of Abyss Dungeon, do you know?"

Kwon Hyuk, with his arms on the table in front of the couch, closes one eye with his hands half covered.

His playful behavior, however, could not be reconciled with the destructive power that the pronouncement of the revolution brought.

"Poetry, who targeted the Dungeon of Abyss?!"

"Dungeon Striker?!"


It's usually blonde, but when you emphasize it's global, it's a green-haired igrazillion!

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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