It was the beginning of the vibration that rang out of Mipirel's arms that had only restrained Mipirel until the shield was broken in order to flee, and that somehow changed the way that Gwon Hyuk cast his magic without killing him.

A vibration small enough to only feel itself. Mipirel, who realized that it was a signal that he wanted to communicate with the communication bead, took out the communication bead as an opportunity for a brief descent.

"Well, I got in touch. Luckily, I just found the target and I just reported it……. What, prophecy?.... Your Majesty? Who? …… The clothes of the form I first saw on my black hair?"

The moment Mipirel flees, he pulls out a small crystal bead in response to the vibrations he feels in his arms, and Kwon Hyuk wrinkles his brow as he converses with it behind his back. The moment he noticed that it was an artifact for communication, he immediately interrupted the duc to prevent his information from leaking out.

However, Mipirel sent a sudden awe-inspiring gaze to Kwon Hyuk, who had no intention of telling him his information shortly after.

Suddenly his expression changes. The roses began to overflow, as well as the slaughter, and the slaughter was carried in Essence and shot at the Sovereign Revolution with an overwhelming lifestyle.

At that moment, Mipirel realized that there was a reason why he couldn't run away from him, but he responded with a smile that looked different from what he had just done.

"... I think we should change the plan. There's a reason I can't save you."

"Haha, you son of a bitch. That's what I wish I'd done. Come on!!"

Mipirel's energy changes in an instant. An attribute that proves to be the dominant circle wizard, which has been hidden until now, saves moments and surrounds Mipirel's body.


The power to vibrate space just by revealing its existence. Just as Sohyuk said that Mipirel was an angel, the attribute power he revealed was the attribute power of light.

Adventurers who had barely survived that overwhelming presence swallowed their breath, realizing that the enemy was preparing for the final attack, and then scratched the rest of the Mana to the ground to respond.

"I am exhausted by the blasphemy of the symbols of the great expanse of stature....."

An incomprehensible spear flows through Mipirel's mouth. And as it corresponds to the Young Spear, a huge magician implements it at high speed behind Mipirel's back. A magic trick that reveals itself in the air as if ink were spreading in water.

Whenever the enchantment and the spear are built, the energy he emits is increasingly heightened, giving rise to an overwhelming force that cannot be thought of as the same creature. The weather itself was different from what has been released so far.

It's so overwhelming that the space he's standing in is a little twisted. What was even more alarming was the fact that the circle magic appeared in the air, aimed at Kwon Hyuk, and did not allow him to shoot and obstruct Young Chang.

Bang! Fuchung! Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!

"All right! Let's see who wins!!"

It intercepts the magic of deterrence with the magic of that circle, and in response, it changes the attributes of Mana in its heart. A devastating fire that turns everything into ash that you need to power up your magic this time.

As soon as Kwon Hyuk turns his Mana's attributes into flames, like Mipirel, a flame of eagles begins to burst from his body.

The light emitted by Mipirel is not as fundamental as the light that seems to go blind. In the case of Mipirel, the attribute power that exists before opening. Using essences close to Ora.

That's why it's an attribute power. It has almost the same properties as the ora, but it can increase the power of magic itself, but it can't be used like the user of power uses the ora, so it's called an attribute power.

But what Kwon Hyuk uses is a manna with attributes. Changing Mana's own attributes. Obviously, the fundamental attributes of Mipirel and Kwon Hyuk are different in nature.

Nevertheless, the wavelengths of each other's attributes gave them a similar sensation and led them to a higher horizon where they embody magic.

I rearrange the essence in the atmosphere by manipulating the Fire Mana, which seems to burn the atmosphere right away. In this process the properties of the essences spoiled by the Mana of Fire change.

Beautifully embroidered in the atmosphere with the essence of a property that only sparks remain, such as Mana, which holds itself in place.

The same was true of Mipirel. The power of light he possesses turns the attributes of the essence he builds into light.

Two people who do their magic without restraining their magic towards the other side and build their magic without any error.

And within that time, they almost simultaneously embodied their magic in an accelerated thought, which extended Charlna's time by one minute.

"Even for the sake of His Majesty, I will never spare you!! Shining Flare!!"

"Be a sacrifice so I can return home!! Bolkeno!!!!!!"

Eight-circle master's broad-spectrum magic, Shining Flare and eight-circle Vegginer's broad-spectrum magic, Volcano was implemented to kill enemies that block the user's front, and collides without forgiveness.


Two magic speeds of light. Immediately after birth, there was an overwhelming explosion reminiscent of the Big Bang that occurred when the universe was created.

The explosion was so overwhelming that even the sound was lost, and the two magical clashes without circumstance swallowed up all the attention, even the caster, without forgiveness, and widened its scope.

And the aftermath, of course, spreads all the way to where the adventurers were. Unprotestible destruction. No, the adventurers, who didn't even notice the explosion in the first place, burst into the shadow of death, shining brightly at the moment of Charlna's death.

"Order, execution."

It is natural for adventurers to disappear without leaving a trace in the aftermath of the conflicts between broad and broad magic.

But there was a miracle, no, a miracle that was preliminary. Unperceptible, the moment the magical aftermath of the inviolability overcame them, Hina had the same eyes as a devout believer who had almost witnessed the descent of God between them.

In the shadow of Hina, who watched the battle of the revolution and was so relegated that he doubted whether this was right for a little girl, a human being emerged from the shadow in an instant and protected Hina as well as all the adventurers around her with his shadow.

The Phantom World, which was originally meant to protect one Hina, naturally protects all adventurers, including Hina, who always remembered protecting a considerable number of legions when he was ministered to Sohyuk in the past.

If this magical aftermath had consumed a great amount of spirituality, I would have protected Hina only as I was told.

But the Phantom World is the currency of dominance. No matter how vast the enchantment crashes, it is everywhere.

Unlike absolute self-sufficiency, which cannot resist the dominance of magic, the spirituality charged by Kwon Hyuk consumes only 5% and can be perfectly defended.

As a result, Phantom Worlder, who surrounded the adventurers with his own shadow for a moment, released his shadow and hid in Hina's shadow again as soon as the explosion seemed to have gone blind and deaf.

"Huff! Huff! Huffy!"

"Me, am I alive?"

"Bar, what the hell just happened? Destruction of the world?"

Phantom Worlder that only showed up for a second. That is why most people do not notice its existence and sigh of relief at the fact that they are alive.

'That was just.....'

Only those in absolute subsistence, such as Florina, noticed Walder's protection and turned their gaze towards the hina that Walder had appeared.

"Oh, well...?"

Hina, who didn't really understand what was going on in her eyes, only touched her red hair, as if it were difficult.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, what is this?!"

Fortunately, the adventurers who looked around immediately after their gaze were naturally scattered by the horror. That's because the vastness of the finger pointed at by the adventurer who gave out the elasticity close to the scream was enough to make everyone lose their horses.

"…… The Mountain Zone is gone?"

"Well, that's not all, Master. Look at that, that. The walls of this space..... melted, then hardened and rocked! What the hell is he doing? Are you a god from heaven?!"

The reason why the ground, which had been so weakened that it could not be said to have collapsed as it had just been by the explosion, could still retain its shape.

The reason was found out. It was simply because the wall of the earthen cave, which had been dug out of the ground, was melted to a greater extent than lava by the collision of the Volcano and Shining Flare, and was then exposed to the atmosphere as soon as the aftermath of the explosion was gone and rocked to solidify rapidly.

It was only the desolate land that remained in the mountains where the massive forests of the same magnitude as the big cities that soared up there had melted away.

By the protection of the Phantom World, grass and trees were in contrast only to where adventurers were now standing.

A topographical change that is simply incomprehensible beyond two beings hitting and fighting. With the change in front of them, Floriana and the adventurers could no longer say a word.


I catch it early today. Good night.

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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