When Flora and the adventurers were feeling helpless in the battle of the Extraterrestrial Realm, the two of them stood there and stared at each other, triggering magic.

"This deadly son of a....."

We couldn't hurt each other without a great deal of magic. It was a simple reason, but the moment they used magic, both of them triggered the defense magic that they were preparing at the same time.

The High Class Wizard can do double casting, of course. In the case of Kwon Hyuk and Mipirel, even triple casting is possible. At least, you cast a strong defense magic by forcing the underlying Mana to squeeze like oil.

But even so, it doesn't make sense for both of them to be okay. The magic that dominated the moment the magic and magic came out should have dealt deadly damage to the opponent.

Even if you used defensive magic, it is impossible to defend perfectly! But why are they both breathing without rough scars?


It was a phenomenon currently caused by the wings that Mipirel exported behind his back. Beautiful wings with white feathers that never ask.

Yes, the Angel is the symbol of the race, and Mipirel has now come and taken it out. And by pulling out these wings, Mipirel was able to reverse his magic, pushed out of power.

Yes, it was pushed. No matter how much magic you have on a circle, it is difficult for a circle magic to defeat a class magic.

The moment the magic of Kwon Hyuk and Mipirel came into contact with power, Volcano of Kwon Hyuk succeeded in piercing the Shining Flare of Mipirel.

As a result, the fiery beast of fire, which made all too much ash, overflowed toward him. Of course, it is pure that Mana should have become ashes in that place without being able to resist the depleted essence of the circle.

No matter how dominant you are, there's no way the Wizard can stand the heat of melting the ground and solidifying it with rocks.

But just before he died, the white wings he sent out. The wings that remind the seer of the angel himself saved him from death.

It was precisely the defensive magic unfolded in the middle by the essence supplied by the eight metallic wings that were half covered from the tip on the eight wings.

Knowing this, Kwon Hyuk stared at the metallic wings that covered Mipirel's wings while grinding his teeth while exhausting Mana.

"This is urgent. You're a dirty, deadly bastard."

Yes! No matter what Mipirel pulls out (Pigeon!) Like protecting the wings, that metallic wing was so amazing in performance that it would feel just as good as the moment I saw it!

I don't think it's urgent that a pigeon should come just before he dies, even if he gets shot by this shotgun! It wasn't his own creep either! It was a miracle that someone else gave it to me.

Isn't it possible that the wizard has magic?!.... There are exceptions like Kwon Hyuk, but where will such exceptions exist again in this world? That was obviously someone else's wonder.

"Ha, I never thought I'd be able to bring out the wonder that I received from His Majesty. He's too dangerous to expect. Yes, so you can reveal your molars to His Majesty."

Squeeze the wings of a dove with one hand, as if it were proud to be cool, even with its own ripped arrowheads.

Nevertheless, he did not stop staring at him like he was about to die. However, Manah received it as a stare that did not die even though his brother was depleted.

At the same time, I converted the power that had been converted into magic into power and put it on one side of the field of view, whether he took it out or not.

Then the truth, as natural as it may be, triggered. The Truth, transformed by all its merits, as well as by the possibilities of universality, including the possibilities of power, digs into the mysterious information!



⤷????? Restore Essence

'It's dirty short!'

Even so, it should be said that it is surprising, which is evidence of the dominant power user. It was impossible to read the details as if the protector had been caught. At least fortunately, we were able to figure out the approximate function.

'It seems strange that a creature with the ability to recover is created.'

As he knew the function of the Shiny, he didn't know if Mipirel would have the Shiny, and he didn't even know the timing of the end of it, so he shoots at him with more life than the life he has lived so far.

"What are you going to do with those eyes? I certainly do not like the fact that I have won by borrowing the power of another being. But this wonder is also proof that I was recognized by His Majesty. It's like a body to me. I don't usually take it out, but it's natural to take it out of the battle against robbers, isn't it?"

In other words, if you interpret what Mipirel is saying in a deceptive way, 'Tempredo is good too, motherfucker. If you flirt, you'll get items from Koreb too!' It will mean. How pathetic of you! I never thought I'd blow factual violence out of here!

Oh, shit! You filthy temper! I'm going to buy you something because I'm dirty too! Eeeeeeeeeee!!

…… did not react the same. Rather, I looked at Mipirel with a ridiculous expression.

'Ha, son of a bitch. Do you know who didn't use it because you don't have any templates?'

…… Honestly, he was also a 17-year-old boy once. No matter how dominant you are, you feel that self-control is perfect, but you don't control or control your emotions as part of it.

So, what I want to say is, it was only the first time that I tried to catch Mipirel by biting and stretching for this reason, but I was fighting with the magic of Feng Feng Feng, Feng Feng Feng..., something like that. Do I have to say that my blood pressure is soaring?

It was quite enjoyable. Yeah, it was pretty fun, not a joke. Whenever magic and magic collided, the heat that occurred and the loss of life were judged coldly in the form of interception, but on the other hand, there was no feeling that they did not enjoy it a little.

That's why I only dealt with magic as part of it! No matter how much Ora was healed, there were huge differences between the fundamental magical systems, and there was some confidence that magic alone could make enemies. This is as big as the difference between mock power skills and power traits.

At least Manah (Aura) of Kwon Hyuk was half healed for the protection of Hina, Mipirel was focused on running away, and Kwon Hyuk was focused on catching him, so he was able to fight on an equal footing because Kwon Hyuk used his own magic.

There was also a chilly judgement that there could be a considerable loss of spleen to flip the plate.

So, what do you think? When the magic that triggered the ultimate power collides with each other and flows to the victory and defeat, I honestly say, "Oh, this just burns? 'I thought a little bit, a little bit!

Later it was a savage idea to go and kick the bed so that the bedspread would not be left behind, but he is 17 years old! You might have a little idea, don't you?!

However, the deadly adult bastard could not accept the romance of such a man, and he looked desperately surprised to see that he had won.

It's also a dove in the sky (!) Pull out your wings and look down at the revolution arrogantly as if you were a god!

This was a good fight, half dead, swept away by the magic struck by the power. I'm glad you're strong enough to kill me. Isn't it a man who has to die with his thumb up?!

If the opponent was a middle-aged man, it would have been a golden boot, but even a young man in a suit wasn't bad for the old man.

But what's the final boss? Why the fuck are you suddenly two phases in?! You're not the final boss, you're just the middle boss with the key to opening the way to the final boss, so don't change your mind!!

With the power you have from others! With the power from others!!!!! I say it three times because it's important! It's not your strength! I'm being motivated by the power I've received from others!

That filthy, deadly adult bastard! He's the dominant one! Ow! Ow! Ow! Shame on you!!!!!!!!!!

Kwon Hyuk sends Mi Pyrel to die and live for an absurd reason. And Mipirel laughs at how he thought it was a stare filled with the wrath of the Stragglers just before defeat.

"Khhh, there is no such thing as unfair. The world is such an absurd world anyway. Isn't winning a real winner? Well, since you've climbed the Ruler of the Land, you must die with satisfaction. Explosion."

Restore the essence of the circle with the essence supplied by Mipirel, who used to laugh at Kwon Hyuk's burning gaze. The circles were immediately rotated to create Mana and trigger the 6th Circle Fire System Magic, Explosion.

Judging by the weather, I can never stop Mana from kicking his ass, and I thought I'd end it with this strike.


It explodes in front of the eyes of the revolutionary power of high-density flames that gather as a single point in the atmosphere. Even if it explodes in the air at the moment it explodes, the trace is so overwhelming that it engraves on the ground that it explodes into flames.


One of the sights, as well as the look on the faces of the adventurers who were watching the battle, went into contemplation.


Let's all shout together! Superior Revival Spell!

'.. did you get rid of it?'

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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