"Hoo, thank goodness. They say they can't avoid the prophecy, but this is an exception. Although, it is a monarch who has lived for 100,000 years. You won't be harmed by such a lower race."

In the instant that Kwon Hyuk is swept away by the explosion, Mipirel sighs with relief and exhales his breath, deciding that he would have died without leaving a trace.

Of course. It seems that Manah is exhausted because of his weakness and uneven breath at first glance.

It is strange to be alive because I was exposed to the fire magic of the Sixth Circle in such a defenseless state. Didn't his disciple, Hina, who had been watching the fight so far, scream?

Even though she was attacked by Boeing, Kwon Hyuk seemed quite ignorant. Therefore, it is natural that Mipirel decided to win the battle. Yes, except for the voice that was heard the moment he took his place.

"Ha, fuck, did you get rid of it here? It's the perfect place to say the resurrection word. I was trying to end this romantic scene of me walking out of the fog like this. This son of a bitch is a pigeon to the end, and he doesn't know what a man's romance is."

"..... you're alive? How?"

After discovering that Hyuk-hyuk, who was unharmed by Explosion's massive distant earthquake, organized his uniform, Mipirel's gaze became incomprehensible, and Hina and the adventurers focused on him in paints.


"Oh! He's alive! Even so, that monster can't die easily!"

In the case of Hina, of course, the teacher was happy that he was alive. In the case of adventurers, he was happy with the illusion that the power Hyuk, who was protecting himself by fighting against the unbelievers (Mipirel) who had just attacked suddenly because he did not know the details.

.... To tell you the truth, the adventurers and floana were just caught up in the fight against the coordinating angel who came after Kwon Hyuk. It was a natural response for those who were troubled and causal, but did not know it.

"Hina, you should see it there. I'm going to show you a new look from now on."

Despite the considerable distance there, Gwon Hyuk, who heard Hina's happy little cry with excellent hearing, looks at her and pretends to raise her thumb and talks at ease.

A Mipirel that frowns on its eyebrows and re-exposes its thirsty posture and pressurizes the power revolution. The wonder he bears on his back also empowers him, and a stronger force presses him than ever before.

However, Kwon Hyuk took the place of answering by snoring and digging an ear hole in spite of the pressure.

"Hey, you little pigeon on the sidewalk. Take the tem out of a deadly magic versus magic battle?"

I heard Mipirel wrinkled more strongly in the eyes of Kwon Hyuk and tried to press him. Obviously, Mana has been depleted, so he has decided that he can be overpowered by the weather alone.

But it was an illusion. That's because Manah Kwon Hyuk was overflowing with aura, just to be clear.

"Huh? You're not the only one with Phase 2. Dude, you just shaky the world, what the fuck? Come on, I'll show you what the absurdity of the world is. This is the boss war that is up to Phase 5!"

If that guy showed you a second pattern like a twisted boss, that's it if he showed you a couple of spleen defeats!

Now, the first defeat is Ora's Recovery! Instead of giving up Ora's recovery for a day by Uroboros, we express here the Mock Power to restore Ora at once!

Fruit and Fruit Light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Haah?! What the hell is this?!"

The power of Hyuk rises as if it were going to go out like a lamp in front of the wind just before it explodes.

The wavelength of essence that once again wields fiercely around him. Just to express how intense the wavelength was, the earth on which he stood was plucked, and the air howled.

"This is Phase Two, motherfucker!"

In an instant, Kwon Hyuk, who recovered Aura, pushes the ground and jumps into the air. Without stopping there, Mipirel soared to a floating height with his wings. Immediately, Kwon Hyuk made an aura platform in the air.

Accelerate the incident to complete the Young Chang. Mipirel was forced to open his eyes while performing defensive magic.

"Come?! Powerful users?!"

Not only magic, but also power is properly inherited. Mipirel is terrified by the identity of the power of the revolution in a common word of dimension that he knows.

Then, towards him, he takes a huge hammer out of his armor and plunges Mipirel into the ground with his shield intact.



In the first place, Kwon Hyuk had some free time for this fight. How many splenomegaly do you think you can't afford? Above all, the presence before the eyes is the circle wizard, who uses half bifurcation.

To be honest, no matter how much it's the same, it makes no difference. It was rather embarrassing to lose.

That's why I had enough time to pursue my romance as a 17-year-old man, as I explained earlier throughout the battle, and I had the possibility to pick my opponent by blowing up this ridiculous combination.


Even though he magically blocks the hammer of Kwon Hyuk, Mipirel, who is enchanted on the ground with his defensive magic, reaches the position and vomits his voice of anger.

"You! What the hell are you doing?"

"So the question is cliché! Nevertheless, the answer is the quality of Kwon Hyuk! I'm the final boss, asshole! Watch and learn! This is the Final Boss' Force, which is divided into 5 phases! Phase 3! Phase Space Open!! The power of that moment once again!"

Quite the opposite of what just happened, this time Kwon Hyuk looked down at Mipirel, and Mipirel looked up at Kwon Hyuk.

In that situation, Gwon Hyuk spits out a ridiculous line and throws the giant iron hammer he was holding, and takes a stance when a health-loving uncle of a game returns to his high season.

The posture that only the person who knows the person knows makes the person who sees laugh. However, it was not a phenomenon that could be laughed at shortly after. Especially, Mipirel, who was facing Kwon Hyuk as an enemy!

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Supporting job!!!

The enormous level of essence is fluctuated by the influence of Aura, who is revealed by Kwon Hyuk. The amount of essence that is so distressing that the illusion of crushing and reconstructing the space goes beyond merely being there.

This was not an oracle that was already allowed to be held by a single creature. A bowl that can be overflowed beyond the final amount that a dominant being can possess.

If you have that amount of aura, it is natural to be overwhelmed by a sense of omnipotence.

"… ha, crazy."

Mipirel finally gave up his understanding of the sight. To give up understanding, even though it was a wizard who used bifurcated magic, the power revolution was now a monster beyond absurdity, beyond the laws of existence itself, which could not exist.

He was showing off an unusual amount of aura even though he was not the dominant but the coordinator in a situation where he didn't understand how to use the essence form used by the powerful user. It was strange to understand this situation.

"Hang in there!!"

It's about 1.5 times the amount of ora that was originally exported. Kwon Hyuk, who exposes an amount of ora equivalent to about 6 million. If the original powerful user does not acquire the whole blood refinement method, the amount of ora that can be acquired only by the dominant level is limited to 5 million.

So it wasn't wrong to feel the amount of aura that Mipirel was feeling with the coordinator. If you learn the whole blood method, you can hold about 15 million Oras in the best position of dominant, but that's the limit or 5 million!

Such a huge aura is indiscriminately embodied as a Swallow aura, firing bombardment at the earth. It's a sight that creates a sense of fear that you can pee when you see it.

Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit

Beyond the indiscriminate desolation of the land on which Mipirel stands, it was such a terrifying landscape that the adventurers who watched the fight swallowed saliva as a group.

"Damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the middle of the day, on the subject of the inferior human race!!!!"

A Mipirel that somehow withstands and spits out profanity with the magic of defense cast through Mana, which restores its attack.

But he was forced to tell the truth at the next moment. It was because of Gwon Hyuk, who laughed bitterly and never stopped the bombardment by Swallow Ora.

"Now, to add to the absurdity here, I didn't get any attacks, and I'm going straight to Phase 4..... If you don't want to die, do you want me to kill you?"

I couldn't be so afraid of the laughter of Ji-hyuk, who smiles with all his weapons out of his armor.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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