The idea that Kwon Hyuk came up with was one that would not feel real if someone else heard it. The idea of filling this empty space with lava!

If there is a space of 50 floors and heights, this place where Kwon Hyuk currently stands will be an underground oyster at a considerable depth.

.... It was strange that the ventilation is good and gravity has not changed at all, even though the fire was fired and the ashes were scattered, but the transcendent will of the person in charge of the dungeon must have done something.

Can't there be a dungeon that is not a dungeon of Abyss and that is embodied with suffocation and overwhelming environments as soon as you enter?

.... The dungeon of Abyss would be rather flirtatious! Whatever it is, it's a dungeon where the eggs of the murder maggots float in the air!

Anyway, for that reason, won't Kwon Hyuk just wave a little bit of land here and the lava will rise? I came up with the idea.

“... Are you kidding me now? ”

“No, it's definitely true that lava exists down here. Just in case, it widens your senses, so there's lava under about 200 meters. I have to use this.”

With the idea that there might be lava, Kwon Hyuk investigated the underground more deeply than here, and fortunately, the heat of high temperatures presumed to be lava in the underground was captured in the atmosphere of Kwon Hyuk.

So what's left is to pull that lava up and fill this empty space before it collapses. Lava is a liquid. It is lava that the rocks are forced to liquefy by superheat.

But even with the liquid, the density existed. I don't know if there's a place to flow. If all sides are tight, they will be able to support the ground enough.

Pour a full bowl of water into the unbroken bowl, and pour a chunk of rock on top of it that is just the size of the bowl, so that you don't have to worry about running over water. Will the stone sink? There's no room for water.

Above all, if the lava escaped the lava zone, it was more likely to be rocked again by rising temperatures.

So, this space was kept at a temperature that was transcendent (perhaps) enough for a human to survive.

In that case, this empty space will be able to be supported by solid rocks that are hardened with lava in a short time.

“…… good. I understood the theory itself. But how are we going to get the lava out of that basement? As you have explained there, there must be no hole to escape the lava into the liquid so that it can support the ground properly. But as I said, we can breathe. This is the story of a hole somewhere in this space that acts as a vent. ”

When Kwon Hyuk talked about the operation, he explained why Kwon Hyuk was so bored and logically unable to comment on the absurd scale of his ideas.

“No, there are no ventilation holes for breathing in this space. After clearing the dungeon, I don't know to what extent it will be transcendent unless it completely destroys the space itself.., right? I just think that unidentified power nourishes people, maintaining a minimal environment for them to survive. The appearance of the Beast must be one of its outcomes. That's the reward for supplying the beast that drops the Maestro Stone, but at least we have to guarantee the hunting environment. ”

According to the story of Kwon Hyuk, the reason why humans can survive in this space that is presumed to exist underground is because of the transcendent will to take comfort in it. There were no holes through which the air could circulate, as Flora was concerned.

“And how are you going to boil lava..... and the answer to that is this one! ”

With that cry, Kwon Hyuk embodies a book in his hands. It's not the other way around, his creepy temperament. Yes. Kwon Hyuk intends to save Elesia by using his temper here!

“Well, let's do it. ”

Kwon Hyuk holds the book in one hand and gives it to the fingertips of the other hand. And he began to write down the route to the future he thought he was going to.


But the moment he tried to write down through Aura in the book shortly after, his hand snapped, and he stood still. The future he was about to confirm, the future beyond his current capabilities.

Otherwise, the amount of aura on his finger is insufficient to confirm the future.

‘.... It's not like my fingers are not moving. In other words, you don't have enough amount of Aura. ’

The amount of aura that remains for Kwon Hyuk is about 3 million. The recovery of Ora is sealed for one day today, so use caution.

He hoped that a small amount of aura would be consumed, and he further increased the amount of aura he injected into his hands, strengthening the density of the aura and writing.

“Damn, you eat a lot of dirt. ”

A revolution that increasingly increases the amount of ora you inject to write faster. At this time, when only 200,000 copies of Aura remained, I could barely fully write down what I had intended.

“Huw, that's enough. Now, let's all get the hell out of here. ”

When the revolutionary revolution, who had finished writing down perfectly, shouted with the materialization of his temperament, the adventurers, as well as Florida, looked at him with suspicious eyes.

“What are you doing? Are you making fun of us? No matter how powerful you are, if you make fun of us like this, you can also tolerate the situation.... ”

From Florina's point of view, it was simply incomprehensible that the action of the revolutionary revolution now writes in a book that does not know where it came from.

What does that change? It's natural to be angry with this idea. But shortly after, Kwon Hyuk insisted, cutting off her words.

“Now that I understand what I don't understand, why don't you just follow me quietly? Or……,”

Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Fouaão!!!

A vibration distinct from the vibrations caused by the collapse of the ground until the moment Kwon Hyuk stopped speaking for a moment suddenly resonated beneath their feet.

As soon as the strike team noticed the vibration, they immediately turned their gaze to their feet, and the ground at a place slightly distant from them was shattered and shattered.

Looking at the place with a dumb face in the face of an unexpected situation, a huge amount of lava began to soar in a hole that would be 50 meters in diameter. Kwon Hyuk, who watched him, smiled so vividly that he wanted to hit him.

“You're going to have a deliberate lava bath with that lava? Does anyone here have a hobby of melting bones and flesh? ”

A group of assailants, who were conscious of Kwon Hyuk's voice, rushed out to the exits in haste. Kwon Hyuk shouted in a distressing voice.

“Oh, wait! There...! ”

Kwazak! Kwajang-chang! Phew! Phew!!

The lava stem erupted fiercely, cutting through the ground in the place where the exits of the dungeon originally exited, just as the cry of Kwon Hyuk was a sign. Kwon Hyuk excuses himself by pulling his tongue out of the sight.

“I want to fill the other hierarchy with lava... Deheet!”

“What is it now, Deheh! Is that it?!! The exit!! The exit was blocked with lava?!! ”

The structure of this dungeon was such that the more the entrance of the fifty storeys was sequentially present in the deeper place, the more the next storey was in the ground cavern that was completely vertically lowered.

The problem is that after clearing the first floor, the entrance to the dungeon was automatically renewed as soon as it entered the dungeon where the entrances were packed.

In other words, a ground oyster with 50 entrances could not be used unless the entrances of the ground oyster itself could not be cleared of all 50 levels of stairs as the entrances served as a continuation button.

As you probably said, the boundary of the dungeon itself was similar to a bug in the system that caused it to act like a continue button.

What's important is that even in the case of an exit, a one-way exit that can only escape exists in a place that is made up of a single dungeon, just like the entrance.

As long as the dungeon is completely cleared, the rules of the dungeon requiring unilateral passage will also disappear, so it will be possible to enter the exit now.

That is why Kwon Hyuk made the 50-story exit of the earth cave fill the entire earth cave and bring the remaining lava to the entrance as well as to the earth cave where the exit was assembled.

We need to fill the other tiers with lava, too, so that the ground is properly supported, right? in the judgment you make. And, of course, there was only one exit left, and the lava was heating up.

He gave up his life with the look of a man who had dislodged the attack on the Lava pillar reminiscent of the Assassin Fire Pillar.

“Huhu, we end here. ”

“But if it's the amount of lava, Elena will be saved. Let's be grateful for that. ”

I don't know how, but Kwon Hyuk pulled the lava out of the ground as he was confident. The amount of lava that rises like crazy was estimated to be enough to support a lying ground.

The lava that sprang up there was rocking at an unavoidably low temperature in space compared to where it was originally. This is it. Elena has been saved!

…… the problem was that they were about to die! But where is the city saved?! With that in mind, the sound of Kwon Hyuk's voice suddenly echoed when the attack group was eagerly awaiting death.

“ ……? What are you guys doing there? If you don't come quickly, we'll throw it away. ”

The attack group looks at the place where Kwon Hyuk was. Then, he held Hina's hand and stood in front of an unidentified white light. At first glance, Florana questioned the shape of a door made of light.

“What is that? Are you saying it's a tombstone to set up in a cemetery? ”

“Monument? Why a cemetery? This is a warp gatedebshow? If you move on, it leads straight to Elecia, so don't catch any poop foam. Come with me. If you want to die so cool, melt in lava and die. I'm going to die first because of the specs. Here we go, Hina. ”


With an absurd expression on Florina's question, Hyuk-hyuk led Hina and walked toward the light.

Then, the figure of Kwon Hyuk, who should have come out beyond that light, disappeared. An attack group that looks through a lump of light by rubbing its eyes with a surprised face.

A few moments later, the Dungeon Strikers pushed each other and jumped to the Warp Gate with all their might..... and said that the splash of roses that had just been destroyed felt ridiculous.


With this, Elecia has been saved!

P.S.: Thank you for your thoughtfulness!

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