“Ugh, the roots are still frozen. ”

“Isn't that good enough? Igdrasil. If you did it wrong, it would have been a catastrophe that Elecia would have been so desperate. ”

A few days after the great catastrophe of colourful oil that almost collapsed, the center of Elesia became the world's center.

Inside, Igracil, beside Florina, who was looking at work pushed by the dungeon attack, was struggling with blonde hair, not green hair.

“I understand. I understand..... Did you have to use lava there? Haven't you heard that a human being called the Mighty Revolution has the same power as a human being? If so, was there no way to fill the ground more neatly,.. Like, more kindly? ”

Igdrasil is still roaring with a face that is still burning with lava roots. That's because the means used by Kwon Hyuk not to save Elesia was not usually the means.

Perceptual fluctuations occur in the aftermath of deep underground battles by yourself and Mipirel. This is why we used our hands to formulate large amounts of lava emissions resulting from tectonic fluctuations.

As explained in the past, the more detailed the result is, the more detailed the skill required to reach the result, i.e., the detailed control of his power. Moreover, the amount of ora that needs to be formulated also increases significantly.

On the contrary, the more detailed the process for achieving the desired outcome, i.e., the more detailed the cause, the more natural the conditions required to retrieve the desired outcome are met, thus reducing the skill and aura required to determine the future.

No wonder it's easier for the pre- and post-process to establish a clear future than it is for the process to bring about unexpected results.

That's why I've succeeded in bringing up an enormous amount of lava to support Elecia's ground by causing a battle between myself and Mipirel.

It was not without aftermath, so sinkholes were often created all over the city. About half of the paperwork that Florina is currently processing corresponds to follow-up on that.

However, the whole city would have been devastated by minor damage. You won't be able to thank me enough. However, taking Igracil as a problem was one of the minor damage that occurred in the process.

…… hot lava erupted from the basement like a volcano exploded, filling the empty space created by the dungeon in an instant.

As a result, even the roots of the world water that was holding the ground were burned together. Fortunately, it did not have such a big impact that it would interfere with life, but the roots would still burn. Of course it will hurt.

“Really, I was in a panic. All of a sudden, the ground doesn't flutter like it's going to sink right now, the vibration stops, the ground starts to crumble so hard that I can't stand it anymore, and the roots start to burn without even knowing the English language at the end! Would you mind giving me a little thought about supporting the land with a little less life?! ”

Igracil, who thought the paperwork of Slowly Florina was coming to an end, was vomiting as hard as he could at the time.

A few days later, after a gap between the self and the effect of the first death that came before his eyes, he called out.

Well, it was the responsibility of the entire Elf Jong because it was the cause of the attack on such a dungeon without any preparation.

Igdrasil, who has been in charge of the processing for several hundred years, is still listening.

“Please understand that I was uncontrollable at the time. More than that, Igdrasil, there's a life story. Physically, are you okay for the exact life span? ”

“…… I've been appealing to you to ask for that part. Are you asking me now? ”

“I'm sorry, as you can see, it just didn't take much time. ”

In fact, until now, I've been so sick that Igracil has been beaten up! Ask him for information! It was an appeal.

Igdrasil, despite Florina's apple, sighed like an old man who choked on the world to see if he didn't like this situation of bowing down. But she's a good answer to the question she wanted.

“Well, the effect of the burning of the roots was that the stem had a lifespan of about 10%, but it was too much to support the ground in the future, so it restored its original lifespan. Exactly 80 percent of the health you've been using so far. You don't have to worry about 8000 if you can't. ”

Life expectancy has increased to 8,000 years, even though the ground has stabilized for less than 200 years. It was a sign that she knew how much she had done to keep the city.

“So rest assured, I'm asking you to stay safe for the next 8,000 years. ”

“Yes, I will try my best as an Elf's servant, an administrator of the Meier Empire, and a keeper of World Water. ”

I've been saying hello to each other in the sense that the attack on the dungeon that has been rotting the Elves' troubles until now has been shortened. Then Igdrasil switches topics as if he had been reminded of them.

“Oh, what are you going to do with a human being named Kwon Hyuk? Are you sure you don't want to inform the Empire? ”

“Because he wanted it. Hinara, who asked me as a dum, was going to do what I wanted her to do in my line. I was asked to confirm that he said he was an extreme massacre, but not in detail, but after hearing the situation roughly, it was not intentional.... ”

Having explained to Kwon Hyuk that he had a roughly dual personality illness, he now told him that he had solved it, so he believed it and intended to use his hands.

.... Honestly, even if it wasn't, Kwon Hyuk was willing to listen to me. Whatever the cause and process, it's true that he saved all the people of Elecia and the Dungeon Strike Group.

Even so, it was Florana who didn't want to pretend to be a person with enough power to make the city a ruin one day..... Well, I was scared because I forgot to tell you.

His personality didn't look bad, but if he was distracted and thought about the damage that would happen if he just left, it was good to listen to him.

“…… It's a complete dragon. You're the executive of the Meier Empire, aren't you? First of all, why don't you talk to me at the doorbell meeting tomorrow in Morre? ”

“In terms of force, it was nothing like a dragon. So I will stop reporting to the Meier Empire. What are you going to do if you fly away and shoot Bress for nothing? ”

Legendary dragons are the roots of the Dragonians, which are told only by legends in the world today.

Well, I didn't believe in existence for a while, so I witnessed myself as an angel who made me doubt my own eyes.

So the fact is, the dragons may also exist somewhere in the world, but in the Maier Empire, they are treated as legendary animals.

In the voice of Floana, who talks about the dragon of Kwon Hyuk, Igracil recalls what caused the vibrations that the earth sounded so crumbling a few days ago, and nods.

“Yeah, let's quit. There's nothing good about scratching this side and making crumbs. ”

“You think so, don't you? ”

So is Floriana with Igdrasil's strong consent? Faced with a face, he shook his head up and down and made his choice.

“So what happened to you, that important revolution? I can't even see my nose right after the dungeon attack. ”

“Immediately after clearing the dungeon, he got what he wanted after moving us to Elecia, so he was ready to leave the city immediately. After that, I know that the master and the deputy master of the adventurer Legion Volford invited me to a drink to celebrate the return of survivors, but after that, I don't know? ”

Floriana bows her head to the grave to see if she knows the details of the current Kwon Hyuk. On the other hand, Kwon Hyuk, who was at the heart of their topic, …….

“Who told you my story? Why are you tickling? ”

A typical response to someone's curses or stories is moving towards the frontier between the HangChang Meier and Lyudas Empires.

“Teacher? Uh, can I clean your ears if you're itchy? ”

A group of Kwon Hyuk who are enjoying a pleasant journey aboard a wagon purchased from Elecia. It's been a while since I picked up the stuff I needed about two days ago and ran back and forth without stopping.

“Oh, it's okay. I'm not really ticklish because of the earlobes. No, more than that. Hina, I need you to focus a little more on your training. ”

The interior, which is a dirty and expensive luxury, was large enough to accommodate Hina, Kwon Hyuk and Miris three people.

It was not a modern car, but a medieval wagon. The interior was also spacious and convenient enough to imagine a few days' journey and live on, rather than just a man-made wagon.

In the interior, Kwon Hyuk was training Han Chang Hina. No matter how powerful the wagon was, there was enough vibration to move at high speed.

So standing inside the wagon with that vibration is trying to balance the hina and the muscles of the whole body.

So Kwon Hyuk trains Hina and reads the book, and Miris also sits next to her to know the common sense of the world.

This was the view inside this wagon for these two days. A few days ago, the battle with angels, the fierce survival war in the dungeon of Abyss, was a lie, a peaceful day.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

P.S. 2: To explain that the meeting that came out of the outbreak of time has not yet taken place, I added a remark about the doomsday meeting to Igracil's conversation.

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