Miris raises a question mark over his head with an elongated head. His gaze was like, "What's wrong? 'I felt like asking.

In Myris' gaze, Hina, as well as Arias, were overwhelmed by an unwilled defeat..... It seems like Miris is talking about knowing the revolution better than they are.

As a result, the woman of Kwon Hyuk (? as) was forced to be struck by an unknown defeat. Like, don't you think they're doubting the power of Suwon Hyuk?!

"Argh! Of course! If you don't tell me, you'll be able to build a fortress that's bigger than a turtle!"

"Of course! You're the one with the greatest magic! A fortress like that is ridiculous!!"

Like Hina and Aria, they were forced to smile awkwardly at the party's voice.

No, as they say, Kwon Hyuk was capable of handcrafting a mobile fortress far superior to Canvaserun.

He is also an outstanding talent, but in his mind there are transcendents who have a wide variety of knowledge.

Above all, in the case of Maheuk, the Fifth Civilization knew the extremes of science and technology that could be reached by the human race.

There was a field that specialized in magic in a different sense from the world of making mock-up machines.

Whether it's in this world, alchemy, or hypnotics, these are all the areas that make the most powerful mock-ups in the recipes made by the transcendents of this world.

Most of the gifted objects can be made by the transcendent. But even so, there were clear limitations.

It lacks discovery by research. You can only make items that exist in a recipe.

It was easy to say that it was not possible to implement a bifunctional tool with the desired functionality in detail. However, the creation of artifacts by magic was different.

Depending on which magic is imprinted, the effectiveness of the artifact varies by 10 million. Above all, it was great that the form of the tool to imprint merit was free.

Crafting a mock-up machine called Maestro Engineering in Alchemy or in this world can only be implemented in the form of a recipe formulated by a transcendent.

Well, whether the transcendent is not a transcendent or not, the mock-up machine that can be made by alchemy and witchcraft implemented all the variables in detail so that it can be made in any form.

But the conditions that had to be achieved for him were pox. Magical artifact creation.

And there was no such restriction on true semantic hysteresis with science and technology. Deboards used by Kwon Hyuk, for example.

This was also the integer of hysterectomy. An area that simply requires overwhelming technological power to implement science and technology.

Parts such as artificial intelligence that govern the deboard are often used to implant spirits. Similarly, the lack of durability of the joint imprints the magic that strengthens the durability.

This was the machining, the shape and the ability to be imprinted were the creators' minds. If we use alchemy, let's say we use mock power.

In order to strengthen the durability of the joint, it took some hard work to implement an alchemy with a strong durability enhancement capability and then change the joint.

It was not necessary to mention the usefulness of witchcraft. You can build a huge castle and hit the magic of space travel right away to become a moving castle.

Of course, alchemy, and precisely the mock power associated with crafting, were not unconditionally behind the machete.

Mammatography is an essential condition for the existence of magic in order to imprint the power of the desired effect.

In other words, in order to make a sword that fires, there must be a magic that makes fire. If you don't have it? If you don't, you can create it. Magic possibilities are infinite.

If the land had reached the pole, it would have been possible to create any magic through research.

But for him, he needed a land equivalent to that. In this area, the power or mock-up power of the production line was also shown to be superior to that of hypnotics.

Depending on the type of power, there is enough power to imprint the function you imagine, not only because the output varies according to the landscape, but also because there is enough power to imprint it without the research process.

Muhyuk said he knew among powerful users who had the ability to impart various advantages to the substance.

His own combat abilities were not very good for the useless. However, he said he used his powers to create weapons that exceeded his imagination and used them as his focus to reach the position of the transcendent.

When it comes to manufacturing, it surpasses the wizard who is close to universality. Well, Kwon Hyuk didn't have the mimicry power of the production family right away, so he couldn't perform the same miracle.

However, it has unlimited possibilities of magical machining. He was also with Maheuk, one of the wizards involved in the creation of artifacts.

By mobilizing their knowledge, you will be able to build a Moving Fortress that is much better than Canvaserun. With that certainty, Kwon Hyuk literally threw Kanvaserun out of space.

"I don't need this! Son of a bitch! I'll make something better!! 'Like throwing away the gift I gave you!

.... Well, I was thankful that I made a clear goal of being a mobile fortress in a car that I thought I needed a personal means of transportation to go back to swimming.

"So you're going to build your own mobile fortress from now on?"

"That's it. To be honest, walking around the Islands like this is just to play with you guys, but there's no place to go and work."

Yes, as Kwon Hyuk said, he was looking for a place to settle down and work for a month.

His head was drawing a blueprint for what type of fortress he was going to build that would be nicer than Canvaserun.

And in order to make this design a reality, we needed a fairly large piece of land, but we didn't see any usable places. However, this was Alpia, the capital of the Ryerdasus Empire.

'As densely populated as it is, it will be hard to find any vacant space. I didn't really expect it from the beginning....'

Kwon Hyuk made a decision to look around in his place of standing. The place where the fortress is made is not inside Alpia, but outside, where Kwon Hyuk thought it would be.

'Honestly, it's not a pity to spend time with this.... In reality, it would be too much to achieve a return to the world in this year's time, so let's take a little break and move on. I also knew that because of the Evil Ones, my skills were pretty weak right now.'

The plan that was originally put in place was slightly modified by Kwon Hyuk. It was impossible to get out of this world right away anyway.

The ability of the coordinators, the purpose of Kwon Hyuk, is roughly assumed. Even if I couldn't, I could see how Kwon Hyuk had risen to the rank above the first level.

To ensure a proper victory, I had to climb to the top. So don't be impatient. I find it hard to move forward in this state until I climb the hill. Kwon Hyuk, who sat around the system with three more people for about an hour after that.

There were light happenings, such as seeing an opera-like play on Myris' active recommendation, seeing Hina's interest in seeing the weapons in the forge, or seeing adventurers fighting by magic and asking Aria what magic was.

So the three men wandering the streets realized that the evening was running out and Kwon Hyuk opened his mouth.

"Shall we go back?"

Kwon Hyuk told me to go back to the Imperial Palace with the idea that I was about to finish my work today. The Hindus nodded their heads and listened to the opinion of Kwon Hyuk.

After that, the Kwon Hyuk group who had returned to the Imperial Palace was able to return to the Imperial Palace without any problems. The existence of Kwon Hyuk is quite empowering.

Even though Kwon Hyuk just arrived at the Imperial Palace yesterday, the knights who were standing guard of the Imperial Palace paid homage and allowed him to enter the Imperial Palace in a purely military manner.

Just before they entered the Imperial Palace, they met someone they had never thought of.

It was to meet Anz, who was travelling with Mifiana in his outfit, lightly dressed and not elsewhere.

Kwon Hyuk, who did not know how to face Anz in such a large palace, raised his hand and greeted her with delight.

"Princess, where are you going...? Where are you really going?"

Honestly, Kwon Hyuk, who waved his hand and greeted him with a roughly familiar face, confirmed the appearance of Anz who was preparing to go out in earnest.

Of course, Kwon Hyuk thought Anz was working hard together after having a reunion as a woman.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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