.... I worked hard and quickly to deal with the Meier Empire. Instead of Suzie, I saved Anz and saved the Emperor as a Dum.

However, unlike what Kwon Hyuk had expected, Anz was preparing to go out. Of course, Anz had found such Kwon Hyuk and greeted him with a happy face.

"Oh, is it Kwon Hyuk Duke?.... From the looks of it, you have just returned."

.... Should I say it's nice to meet you? No, honestly, with a face close to his face that was thrown out and hollowed out, Kwon Hyuk looked a little surprised at the way he greeted Kwon Hyuk.

I don't really hate meeting Anz, but I have to be a little uncomfortable because this lady's face is so bright that I can feel the gap with her usual face.

I even grabbed Hyuk-hyuk's hands as if I was really grateful, and then I rattled Hyuk-hyuk with a strong upward and downward swing.

"Thank you! For healing my poor father, as promised!"

"Oh, that's why. Well, that's it. It wasn't that hard.... It was a nuisance in the middle of something."

Anz, who was genuinely delighted, was unfamiliar, so that when Kwon Hyuk was being cruel, she could only accept the voice of thanksgiving.

Even so, no matter how Anz was, my father came back alive. Of course you'll be pleased.

"A nuisance? Did something happen? No, I finally want my father back! Because it's important that I can finally be freed of that boring position!"

Kwon Hyuk was a little bored thinking about the situation in Canvaserun. It's a nuisance to say it. It was a huge scale event enough to frighten Marie if Anz heard the details of the inner lining.

The capital Alpia was threatened by a massive maneuver fortress. Of course, the scale of Kwon Hyuk's hand disappeared into the air at once, but it was still dangerous.

However, Anz, who had a full strike without even talking to Marie after Cans was noble, did not know that.

Therefore, after lightly handing over Kwon Hyuk's remarks, Kwon Hyuk nodded with a shaky face, expressing his gratitude to Kwon Hyuk, merely expressing an unseen sense of liberation.

"Uh, yes……. Congratulations..... But I don't think that position has been liberated. It's not the position that governs the administration of the Ryerdasus Empire, is it?"

I'm sure it's not Kwon Hyuk, right? Anz nods at me with a clean face or something.

"Why not? I've been handing it all over to a writer called his father who came back a few hours ago. It's been a long time since I've been so happy rolling around in bed! All thanks to you, Kwon Hyuk Duke!"

In Anz's voice, who could not really hide his joy, Kwon Hyuk was forced to smile awkwardly, twitching his cheeks.

Now that I've seen this girl, I've been so delighted that I can rest before my reunion with my father!

In fact, Kwon Hyuk did not restore the emperor to do this..? Mifiana, who was standing next to her, had been torturing him as if she was trying to escort Anz when she was in trouble.

"Hey, Kang Gyeong-hyuk. How can you stop our princess? The person who was rolling around in the room until just now suddenly went for a drink this evening.... That's a princess, too!"

When Mifiana, her escort, sighed with annoying face, Kwon Hyuk slightly tapped Mifiana's shoulder and said,

"Well, the princess will have something piled up, so you can hang out with her. Honestly, if you're around, there's nothing dangerous to be dizzy about."

"… uhhh! Why should I even look at night work, even if I was on vacation after the war?"

Even if he talked to Kwon Hyuk, he continued to escort Anz, who sang a nosebleed song, just as Mifiana, who was fully aware of her situation, would never change.

"Then I'll just go. I was going to drink and live here for a long time, just like the Chief of Staff said! Again, thank you so much for saving my father!"

Perhaps she escaped the Imperial Palace at this late hour to drink, as I explained.

Baron, dressed as a ceremony at the level of Duke, shook Anz's hand and vomited his sighs.

'Ha, I didn't save the Emperor for this.'

The ideal scenario for Kwon Hyuk was to stabilize the Ryadasus Empire by working hard with Kans as well as Anz.

That way, even if the demons start to move, they won't be pushed in vain, right? However, as soon as my father came back, I didn't know Anz was going to leave the job and go out.

No, it didn't make any sense. Yesterday, after several months of hard work, I also experienced that I was dead and alive. She'd really like to rest mentally.

No matter how much the flesh is sold by Kwon Hyuk, it is the limit of the mind. That's why Kwon Hyuk thought that he was drinking, and that his steps would only stop him with a light eye.

"Teacher, is this country really okay?"

I can't even think of Kans as the emperor of a country. And this time, he was released from Anz's duties.

Ariah, who saw him like Kwon Hyuk in the sights, whispered and replied with a shrug.

"..... I have endured well so far, but it will work somehow. Now let's go back to the room rather than that. First of all, the guests are here."

I'll take care of it.After returning that meaningful answer, Gwon Hyuk went back to the room he was assigned to and first identified the guests who were sitting in the room.

They were members of the Valkyrie, including swimming, but no different. Perhaps after a conversation with the swimmer, he came together to convey the results to Kwon Hyuk.

Each of them returned to his room with Hina, Ariah, and Myris in the guise of girls with their own personality.

"Ah! Hyuk is here?"

"The story of being in my room..... is the story over?"

When Kwon Hyuk spontaneously opened the visit and entered, the swim first took place and celebrated Kwon Hyuk. Kwon Hyuk shook his hand lightly, just like Anz did during the swim.

However, with the swim, Morka, Marky, and Jeanie looked at them and slid their heads.

"Call it Kang Gyeong-hyuk. He's a swimmer's boyfriend.Take care of him in the future."

Once I had a proper introduction to them, I was the first to greet them, but somehow the three of them simply blushed their faces and avoided their gaze.

Kwon Hyuk raised his head with a suspicious look on their faces. It was so awkward that you couldn't even look at Kwon Hyuk's face for something else than avoiding him.

There was nothing in their reaction, and Kwon Hyuk watched them swim. Swimming also seemed to not understand the three people's reactions for a while, and then I realized one thing.

Yes, they've all seen it! Even if you do now, you can still see the sediment that has flowed out of the savory part of the swimming pool!

And they knew that the existence underlying that liquid was the revolution. For those who were still virgins, the sight was too stimulating.

When women were alone, they enjoyed the secrecy of male profanity, but as a woman, they were forced to be ashamed to witness such a sight.

It was obvious that he could not face the cause of the landscape, so he blushed his face and avoided the glare.

Because when the delusion about swimming and the death of Gwon Hyuk blooms in your head, it becomes a strange energy in many ways.

Swimming was also a little after that, so I forgot for a moment and reminded myself of the party members' reactions.

Then I blushed my face so strange that it would burst right away, and I approached Kwon Hyuk. She suddenly grabbed Hyuk's ear as she became a Hongdaemu and tried to question the behavior of the swim that was coming to her.

"You, go out and talk to me for a second!"

"Yay. Swimming? It hurts. Let's put this down."

If you are a normal person, you are pulling your ear with a strength that is not unusual, even if it is really ripped off. Kwon Hyuk has not moved at all.

I didn't even intend to stretch my ears as the swim pulls. The groaning that Kwon Hyuk uttered was completely read in the language book, and it didn't look sick at all.

This time, the swimmer grabbed one ear as hard as he could with both hands, but he didn't move. Instead, stand there and stare 'What? What's going on?'

With his gaze swimming in shame, he vomited his nerves as' Wu Seed ', but gave up dragging the revolutionary power away and heard him in a small voice.

"You! I should have told you that if I had put that thing in there, I'd get rid of it! Suddenly, he disappeared and he was in front of the kids! I'll give you a line!!"

Swimming's tight right now! I used a nuance that sounded like screaming, but somehow suppressed my voice and listened.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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