Kwon Hyuk, who initially told her a story and put a question mark on it, finally understood her story. Ah! and spit out the elasticity.

"That's right, that was it. Sorry, I completely forgot to care about the Emperor. What was the problem?"

Kwon Hyuk realized that swimming angry was a story about the sudden disappearance of the cap of the ora that kept semen from flowing.

I apologized with a sorry face for the fact that he had been forgetting until now. On that apple of Kwon Hyuk, swimming opened his mouth sharpening his eyes.

"I'm not asking because I had a problem. I told you. In front of the kids, did they even spill? Is your underwear so damp that your skirt gets wet with water?"

After going down to the end, he avoided the gaze of Kwon Hyuk.

And in response to this reaction of swimming, Hyuk imagined swimming in front of his semen in front of party members.

"…… might that excite you?"


When the swim comes out like that with the face just before the blood explodes, this is good as this again..... Kwon Hyuk, who was thinking like that, is flustered with a cough.

And as he looked in and asked how he was going to swim, Kwon Hyuk turned around and looked at Morka, Jeanie, and Maki. I didn't look at Kwon Hyuk properly.

The awkward atmosphere is what Kwon Hyuk was thinking. Surprisingly, salvation came from an unexpected place.

"... Teacher, why are they in our room?"

When the three men were avoiding their glances without knowing what to do, Ariah asked Khwhwhwak with a voice questioning the appearance of the three men.

With his mention, I knew in advance that a guest was coming to the room. But Ariah, who did not know why he came to them and who they were, asked for an explanation.

Yesterday, I explained to Aria that the voice of Aria asking for explanation was as good as the voice of Hyuk.

"Oh, these are the people who will be joining us on our journey for the time being. Swimming, you're here to conclude, aren't you?"

When Kwon Hyuk asks the swimmer about the most important reason they're in this room right now, he nods as swiftly as if the swimmer had found the topic.

"Yes, it's a good thing Morka, Jeannie and Maki decided to act with me."

When I explained with deep gratitude to the three people I was hanging out with just because swimming was just a friend, I finally opened my mouth while avoiding awkward gaze.

"We, the adventurers, are already successful enough. Well, it's called Morka. I'll do my best in the future..... He is more amazing than I thought. Huge."

"It's Maki. like a retired adventurer, and I have nothing to do, so I'm going to go swimming and follow..... I understand that you can't be the subject of blood, but please pay attention."

No, if they talked and were ashamed, they wanted to risk another death instead of just saying it.

Especially, I was ashamed of the fact that Morka had been praising me for nothing. This is a compliment, but should I be happy? Do you have to be happy?

Genie, the last remaining party member, trims her throat with a cough.

Then, the clergymans raised their heads in exaggeration, lifting up their long, sordid toes.

In particular, it was clearly aimed and done to keep the raised cheesy toes up to the thighs so that the underwear could not be seen.

"Hm, hmm. Tell him to hold the genie, please. Even though you look youngest, you are the most associative member of the party, so I want you to call me Sister. Huhu, if you're tired of swimming, talk to me. That overpowering emotion. I'll deal with it."

Gwon Hyuk looked at Jinny as she was blatantly tempted and told her doctor what she was looking at.

Hindo looked at the situation and thought about whether he should draw a sword and swing it.

Wouldn't it be enough to excuse Hina for flying mosquitoes and cutting them off? When I was thinking about it, I started to stretch it by grasping Jeanie's bowl, which the swimmer was tempted to do.


"Ah, yayayayayaya! Oh, it hurts! It hurts!!"

"Jeanie, can you please not tempt Hyuk to appeal to the subject of being a foot virgin? Hyuk is not a man enough to resist that temptation."

Swimming and preaching Ginny's cheeks as if they were chopped rice cakes or pizza cheese. The swimmer thought that he was unaware of the sermon.

'No, a man is only worth 10,000 if a woman shows him her underwear.'

……. It was too bad that Jeanie stopped her skirt from her thigh as she was also a man. At least I'll show you some color.

"That's right, Ginido. I saw the swim coming out of my crotch! You're screaming and falling for it, aren't you? It doesn't work if you pretend to be an experienced woman now."

"Woo! What's exciting and what's shameful is different! I'm really interested in a girl who's ashamed of me! I'm so interested!"

Myris intrudes as he starts to feel like he shouldn't be here.

"Hi, I'm Myris with the master. I hope you'll be able to help me with my upcoming trip."

Myris' introduction admires the fact that the members of the swimming party are genuine and then elegant, and that if they compare only their personal appearance, they carry a few steps ahead of themselves with a great woman.

"..... Hina is being sacrificed by the teacher."

"This is Aria, who is witchcraft."

After Myris, Hina and Aria introduced themselves, and three men who could not use a man for something as cute as a woman began to harass the two girls with a joyful scream.

"Hey, look at this! I don't care about this ear."

"Look at the glossy color of this hair. What kind of flame do you think you're making?"

"..... You've already grabbed a sword at that age, it's amazing."

Three people who fell in love with the two girls as though they didn't care at all about Hina and Aria.

According to their appearance, Kwon Hyuk sat at the table of the room thinking that the invitations of the people he was going to travel with were good enough.

Then he approached him in a belligerent step and swam to sit next to Kwon Hyuk. Myris was excited about the two of them.

Now that I had the opportunity to see real couples frowning in front of me, it was a natural story that caught the attention of Myris, who was just born curious.

However, they did not notice what their own world was made of, nor did they begin a conversation with Miris' observers.

"You, have you ever met a party member like that?"

When Kwon Hyuk met such a decent party member, he said it meant he was lucky, and the swim nodded gently.

"I think I was lucky to meet those kids, too. Everyone's weird, but they're good kids. Pure."

At the end of the swim, Kwon Hyuk smiled and gave his consent as if it were irrefutable.

"Well, when I saw the semen, they definitely felt like footy country virgins..... Well, the last genie seems to be a born agent."

In his remarks, Kwon Hyuk recalls his attitude that he had forgotten, and then blushes his face and opens his shoulders.

"Really! Do you know how embarrassed I was? Suddenly it disappears and gets wet.... How cheap is that?"

Kwon Hyuk apologized for the sound of swimming whining. Then he asks with a playful expression.

"But you didn't like it, did you? You tried to die very well in virginity from the beginning, embarrassed and ended up putting my semen in my womb."

"Well, that...! Poetry, I didn't hate it, but..... No, but that's enough...."

Swimming with less and less voice without finding a word to refute the story of Kwon Hyuk. Honestly, as Kwon Hyuk said, he was not in the mood.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know how much flesh is in the dominant position. Tea."

As Kwon Hyuk moved his hand with a light convergence, suddenly a few centimeters of air emerged from the chair where the body of the swimmer was sitting.

"Huh, huh?!"


Then, the place where the wealthy swimming settled for a while was above the thighs of Kwon Hyuk. He sat on the throne of Kwon Hyuk, looking in the same direction.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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