In a stupid couple or a decent position, swimming means that the body's blood flow accelerates and covers his face with both hands.

Otherwise, he was the least rebellious because his face turned into tomatoes.

However, in reprimand of his sudden actions, he grabbed and listened with his elbows to the belly of Kwon Hyuk.

"Go, what are you doing suddenly?"

"I just wanted to try this pose when I had a girlfriend."

However, the minor resistance of the swim was colourless, and Kwon Hyuk literally wrapped his arm around the swim's shoulder and hugged her from behind his back and snapped her back to his chest.

"... Really, I need some time to get ready."

Whether he didn't hate swimming or not, he leaned on Kwon Hyuk's chest with a grumpy, melting face.

With thighs like that, you can feel the fluffy buttocks of swimming, while with nose, you can enjoy the fragrance of your hair.

Swimming became a little bit more daring after getting used to this pose.

Yes, the buttocks on his thighs were so close that they touched the lower belly of Kwon Hyuk. I was thinking a little about the instantaneous position, but I just pulled my ass back thinking it wouldn't matter what I had to do anyway.

"…… there, Mr. Swimming? If I didn't control my sexual desire, I would have erected it."

I didn't think Kwon Hyuk would even beg for his ass, so I spoke in a slightly embarrassed voice. As I said, Kwon Hyuk is the dominant, so he can resect his sexuality.

If you couldn't do that, it would be so close that even if the sheep soared strongly into the sky, there would be nothing unusual. To be honest, it was just a matter of erection.

"…… I don't really care. Now that I'm used to it, I don't feel objectionable."

Talking like that, Kwon Hyuk realized the behavior of swimming by slinging his butt as a part. Hangzhou, he identified his girlfriend as a sign of physical contact with himself.

... It was a revolution that realized the power of the Three Colors. I did not use a particularly addictive doctrine, simply because polite pleasures seemed to dissuade me from the sexual act itself.

The wall was lowered as much as the objection disappeared, making it easier to run. Kwon Hyuk told me to talk about his personality at any time first, so I was less objectionable to this part.

"… well, no matter how high the exposure play is from the second time."

"I didn't mean to do it. I just wanted to let you know that it's a period! I can't ask you to do it here..."

When Kwon Hyuk looked at the members of the Valkyrie party who were still busy playing with Hina and Ariah, he spoke in a voice that seemed to be embarrassing and a little sad.

Kwon Hyuk acted on her remarks. As I said, he was fortunate to have developed a physiological phenomenon even though he said that sexual desire as well as erection are freely controllable.

Rather, Kwon Hyuk made her draw blood on the lower half of the body as she wanted because she felt sorry for the swimming side if she didn't erect it here.

As a result, the puddle suddenly rises from the touch of the swimming buttocks. As a result, the middle of the cheeky toe of the dress, which was being worn lightly, protruded slightly convexly.

After the erection of Kwon Hyuk, it became a sticking state with its underwear between its trousers and its swimming suit.

The effect of desquamation caused the long tip of the lamb to rise up like a swimming erection.

He covered the rising part as if swimming swiftly and pressed his cheeky toes with one hand. He said with a slightly embarrassed expression that the nourishment was stimulated by it.

"No, so you don't play exposé?"

"I don't think so, either. I was surprised because it came out bigger than I expected from you...."

The voice of such a swim said no, but it clearly contained a slight regret. Just a little wet underwear made me realize that she was excited.

"I'll give it to you before you go. Take it easy."

"….. Idiot, whose fault is this?"

In a different sense, a swimmer who turned his head and looked at Kwon Hyuk sharply could still sink his excitement by breathing a few times like an absolute power-user.

"Phew…, Phew……..... Should I come to that room yesterday?"

"I was going to start designing today, but when our princess calls, of course we should go."

Swimming in an expectant voice, while keeping breathing evenly, Kwon Hyuk smiled and returned his answer.

The answer was that the topic of sexual activity in swimming changed the topic to the idea that it should only be more exciting. Kwon Hyuk also talked about moderate topics.

"Design? What design?"

"There's something I want to make during my stay at the Imperial Palace. I think you should stay at the Imperial Palace for a month. Are you okay?"

"I don't really care about our party, it's been a trip I thought about for years in the first place."

Swimming quietly turned back the answer to Kwon Hyuk's waist and, precisely, whether he was uncomfortable riding on his underwear against Kwon Hyuk's sheep.

"Umm……. But what's a month away from making?"

"Huhu, if you're wondering, come see me when I'm making it."

Right now, Kwon Hyuk, who seemed to be thinking about explaining in detail, felt a tingling glance as the swim squeezed out his lips.

He turned his gaze in that direction, and there was a hina, who was staring at him with a dead rat's unfocused gaze.

I didn't mean to interrupt him because he chose me. However, I was forced to very distort my judgment when I saw him clinging to the Sovereign Revolution.

I felt like I really wanted to pull out the sword and throw it away as a mistake. No, I would not have been able to bear it, even if it wasn't the power of the revolution.

No matter how much you look, Hina smiles awkwardly and shakes her hand.

Different husbands?) was part of an effort to get acquainted. …… while I was sitting on the knees of the Kwon Hyuk, my liking was already running a negative mass.

Well, roughly like this, the Kwon Hyuk group and the group of swimmers spent time making friends, not friendships. Morka, Jeanie, Marky, and Kwon Hyuk had a slightly awkward atmosphere to the end.

But instead, he was able to become quite close to Hina, Ariah, and Myris. At first, Hina grumbled, revealing this to Jeanie as usual.

However, a little later she realized that she was merely a pervert and did not make a wall in particular. If you ask me a question, I'll give you an answer.

Arias and Miris also did not show great repulsion to the three men. While the six were getting to know each other quite plainly, Kwon Hyuk and Swimming staggered in their own world.

It's only the first time! '' Oh! Oh! 'Morka and three other people who were watching the streets later looked a little bored, forcefully ignoring their existence.

It was a couple who had just started dating, and it was showing all sorts of chicken slaughter, as it proved that it was a couple that had gone until then.

I guess they just didn't notice. If it had been the world, I would have sharpened my eyebrows around, but no one would have done that here.

Fortunately, however, the chicken slaughter of Kwon Hyuk and swimming did not last that long. Aria, who looked at the two men as if they were clinging together, opened her mouth as if she had been awake.

"... but, Teacher, yesterday you said you were going to have sex, but what was sex after all?"



At a sudden critical hit from Aria, Kwon Hyuk vomits blood for mental damage, and the swim opens his mouth with a dark face.

When I came to Jeanie, she was acting like a lady in a TV drama, "What's going on? I was shouting 'elongation.

Aria's thoughtless remarks were instantly destroying the room. The spectator pinched Kwon Hyuk's thigh while he was swimming and asked him to stop listening.

"... Hyuk? Why does a kid called a disciple know that story?"

"Hugh, calm down. I explained why I left the room yesterday, and somehow it became known. Aria and Hindo don't know the exact meaning of the word."

Kwon Hyuk explains what happened at the time as briefly as possible and asks with a humiliating face to die.

"… so what are you going to do? Of course, Aria and Hinara are looking at this side with curious expressions, right?!"

"..... What should I do? I have to explain it properly. I was thinking that I should have sex education..... This is also a teacher's duty."


After defeating the evil of the fountain, the routine was going to be quite long after the scene. We have to take care of what we've done.... has not increased by five more than we originally calculated. Yes, absolutely not.

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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