The fact that it came up in the air right now, and the fact that it can control the direction of movement, the fabrication of the perforation was half complete.

The most challenging task, the massive chunk of diamonds, came to mind!

'Okay, here's the part about strengthening the Durability of the Goldstone Ground.'

The greatest advantage of enchant magic was that it was possible to imprint multiple magic without any collision with the landscape.

When imprinting the artifact with magic, it was important to draw it so that it would not overlap with each other.

It is not a fusion magician or a conjunction magician, but if the magicians overlap each other, the imprinted magic will appear.

But Enchant didn't have to worry about that. It imprints the multiple magic of an object according to the landscape and has its original effect without colliding at all.

In other words, some magic enchanted by revenge on the ground of the golden stone is not a problem at all.

Therefore, Kwon Hyuk further encapsulated the magic that once lightly strengthened the durability of the material. But it didn't stop here.

'There was a part of the recipe that clearly gave the recipe the power to strengthen durability…….'

Power and magic run the ark completely. That is why most cases do not interfere as long as each other's altitudes do not vary.

The magic that makes moving speed fast and the power that makes moving speed slow may collide with each other and not change to plus or minus zero.

However, it was said that the magic of fast-moving speeds and the power of fast-moving speeds are not interfering with each other but are applied separately to each other to make moving speeds faster.

…… well, this is the story of most people everywhere, and there was no magic, power, or futility coming from each other.

But at least the mock power that the Sovereign Revolution was trying to apply was not in conflict with magic. That's what Kwon Hyuk was trying to add to the golden stone ground, which was strengthened by magic.

Moreover, it is the creation of a mock power that strengthens durability. It is not a family that needs to be supplied with essence, such as enchanted magic, but a form that has a bifunctional effect by itself as a sustainable mock-up machine.

That is, if this attempt is successful, the golden stone's ground will be more durable than usual, but the enchant effect will be activated when the essence is supplied.

'I need the necessary materials to give mock power……. The wings of a thorn, the hips of Siberia? This really looks like an alchemy recipe for the game.... Where do you want me to get these materials, more than anything else?'

Materials that can be found in dungeons where only the Beast appears after being cleared. In order to confer mock power, the recipe of all creation demanded the following objects:

Honestly, Kwon Hyuk, who couldn't get a sense of where to get these things, eventually returned to the Imperial Palace of the capital Alpia in a few days to get some materials.

Since then, the fabrication of the perforations has proceeded in one and a half thousand ways. After receiving from the Imperial Palace the materials needed to give mock power through the recipe, Kwon Hyuk analyzed the material.

Returning to the original dimension is impossible as these materials can only be obtained from these transcendental beasts.

Therefore, the materials required by the recipe to be able to make the materials themselves are stored one by one to analyze the materials.

If you analyze the material, you can copy as many materials as you want with the Atom Planning magic.

A few days later, Kwon Hyuk began to build a building on the ground of the golden stone. The first building he built was of a design similar to that of the tower.

Located at the very heart of the goldstone, the building consists of a total of 10 floors. On the first floor, there was an elevator built by the artificial creation of all creation.

This elevator allowed me to go up from the second floor to the ninth floor. On the ninth floor, I installed a magic box to control the movements of the perforation, such as adjusting the altitude of the goldstone ground and controlling the speed of movement.

In other words, it could be called a kind of jotasil when compared to a double. The magic faction was simplified for anyone to deal with if it was certified by Kwon Hyuk.

The magic scroll itself can be manipulated even if the hologram comes to mind and is an outcast of magic. The magic scroll for holographic transformation is further installed.

…… more specifically, the design was similar to that of the carrier's cockpit..... There was no difficulty in controlling the performances even with one person.

Nevertheless, you can only see that there is a holographic device that can be placed so that several people can sit down and check the places of perforation.

Whose hobbies does this space add up to?.... Like, there are a lot of things that a man's romance doesn't have when he writes everything, so let's just move on.

If the 9th floor was a maneuvering room for the control of performances, the 2nd to 8th floors were spaces where Kwon Hyuk could control the devices or magic that were placed in the corners of performances.

In the case of a two-storey room, the shield surrounding the perforation itself can be adjusted through the expansion area.

This extension area deploys a membrane of spheres that has a physical impact around the place of use.

The enchanted membrane can only be accessed by those who allow the will of the enchanted caster, and acts as a filter against substances that are harmful to the human body.

Depending on the will of the caster, it can also close the circulation of air as well as materials such as water, so it has the function of diving into the ocean in itself.

The membrane developed by this magic could be broken with more than the strength of the membrane, but it was strong enough that it was impossible to break with natural water pressure because it was possible to strengthen the strength of the membrane by supplying essence.

The area on the second floor was a layer that could be used to set a barrier to the circulation of air or entry of foreign bodies.

The third floor was a magic-controlled area set up for various livelihoods. For example, Kwon Hyuk immediately implemented a significant size public bath on the golden stone platform of the city of performances.

The design was a traditional eastern structure, with simple decorations installed on the base of Hanok, solely for bathing.

…… This was not a physician-installed building, but a physician-installed building with active swimming in view of the completion of the installation to a propulsion device with a complex magic that was just perforated.

Although Kwon Hyuk was busy making this perforation, he did not neglect swimming, a girlfriend he had just started dating.

Once a day, but not once every three days, we spent the night together. Even though I would have been clearly pregnant if swimming had not been contracepted through my own brother.

And every time, he insisted on the need for a poolside bathroom that was so filthy. In the case of the Sovereign Revolution, it was argued that it should not be solved by magic or power.

However, because of the desperate insistence of swimming, it was the building dedicated to this bathroom that was eventually set up to take over Kwon Hyuk.

Furthermore, if you are going to make this king, the doctor of Kwon Hyuk will make it right. Even though it is a simple bathroom, various baths, including hot springs, were implemented.

There were also herbal candies that could be made lightly, not joking. Ariah, Hina, and Myris were said to be very appreciative of the women.

The third floor was a bathtub or other swimming pool, or a space that controlled the temperature of the residential area.

In addition, on the 4th and 8th floors, Kwon Hyuk controls rice paddy fields in the form of vinyl houses installed for self-sufficiency purposes or controls ornamentally decorated forests or flower fields.

A space was implemented to control the various functions. It was a wonderful space that was never used together.

Sitting there, wiggling his soul, the holographic window opened and he swung over the holographic window and manipulated it. The result was truly magnificent.

…… Most importantly, in the case of Kwon Hyuk, I could control everything from the second floor to the ninth floor without having to climb the ninth floor, so I needed to make this even more '?' It also came out.

"I made it easy for someone else to manage porosity when I was a subservient! Especially easy to manage by Maid Myris!"

…… is a claim of Kwon Hyuk, but of course he did not believe even his disciples. It was a space that reflected the taste of Kwon Hyuk.

The 10th floor was a space where Kwon Hyuk magically closed the entrance, a center of essence that was supplied throughout the perforation.

In other words, it was the place where the Infinity Core was kept to name the power source of the Dragon Heart created by Kwon Hyuk.

…… Furthermore, the Naming Sense was a work of Jin Sook and Ming, not of Kwon Hyuk. It was when Kwon Hyuk went to the Imperial Palace to get the ingredients needed for the recipe of all creation.

I asked Kwon Hyuk, who stumbled across two people, what is Sook doing these days? I honestly explained what I was doing because I didn't have to hide it.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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