As a result, the heart of two virtuosos who knew Romang as little as Kwon Hyuk. They both wanted to see the perforation that almost reached completion by kneeling on the floor.

I was forced to show the perforation to two people, and they were excited and spilled a little nosebleed in the form of a huge golden stone floating in the sky and slowly moving buildings.

"Ohhhhh?! It's so spacious that it goes into this vinyl house? What?! What kind of American rice fields do you think you've moved?! Wow?! Sunlight! There is also sunlight!!"

"Compared to what I've seen outside, the vastness of the space is an artifact that the vinyl house itself has just imprinted with the magic of space expansion. That sun is a magic that has been adapted to emit light that is completely the same as the sun. For your information, we've set the environment here to be managed automatically. If you want to manage it manually, you can go to the management tower and control it……."

"This……. Library?... No, are you kidding me? What are these huge numbers of books? Isn't that a computer over there?"

"The book is made and organized according to what is in my memory. And it's not a computer, it's a terminal for searching books. There is also brief information in the further organized books. A hologram?"

When I explained the hologram that Kwon Hyuk embodied by modifying the image magic at the time, the expression of authenticity and sensitivity was overwhelming.

It was because they had a face that they couldn't tell whether the world they were in was sf or medieval fantasy.

A residential building that looks like a skyscraper after that. An interior with a contemporary design that fits the exterior. It was the same design as a luxury apartment.

There were hundreds of rooms reserved to live in this Perforated City right now, even though there were only eight people, including Kwon Hyuk and the swimming party.

As the number of floors rose, the room became more luxurious, and the top floor was a room of immense size and splendour, composed of a whole floor.

Compare the rooms of the world's finest hotels with this room to make comparisons sorry. It wasn't like there were colorful ornaments like jewels.

But there were transcendents inside of Kwon Hyuk. Transcendents are like gods who can accomplish anything if they want.

Of course, you can show overwhelming skill in design. They're the ones who can invest one minute to beat the best designers on Earth.

The space called Sohyuk was created with the help of a transcendent man who was surprisingly talented in the design direction. It was such a beautiful space that even if the modern god stayed, there would be no disguise.

In a room that showed the drama of the concept of a modern luxury room, Jinsung and Sensei instinctively thought they wanted to live in this room for a moment.

…… But the funny thing is that Kwon Hyuk who created this room does not live on the top floor, but lives in the smallest room compared to other rooms on the lowest floor.

"No, unless you're a silver man, why did you build such a huge room? You want to give anyone a charter?"

"…… that room is so expensive that no one will be chartered. Are you sure you made it for a swim?"

Even though it was the smallest, he shrugged his shoulders and talked.

"At first, I was going to do that, but I heard that the swim was too stressful, and I shook my head. You can't live in a house like that."

Certainly it was a room close to the artwork, a room that felt like a foreign object in the moment of living.

When Kwon Hyuk laughed at the impeccable reality that was so perfect, he said with an absurd expression that his sensitivity and maturity were absurd.

"Then what are you really trying to do?"

"No, not just that room right now, but the rooms on the fifth floor were just too much to live in."

.... Like, first of all, it would be best to make an excuse to explain that I was a god and ran away.

Kwon Hyuk, who didn't want to have a huge room, even though he was the dominant, first built his own house of the right size.

Construction that the room is approximately 30 sq. ft. Among other things, of course, the bathroom and the bathroom were perfectly equipped.

Incorporating magic in the scientific knowledge acquired through Maheuk was not that difficult to create. Yes, the beginning of the problem was this. Part that wasn't that hard.

I finished faster than I thought. '

After replacing the time-consuming part with magic and all creation, Kwon Hyuk did not joke, but he built a house that could live long enough for 100 years in an hour.

And a little bit devastated by that fact. When I was on Earth, it would take months and years for me to finish my work in an hour.

As a result of being excited about that fact.... A huge skyscraper filled with colorful homes without the use of anything built. Even the facade was really great with the blue light flashing.

You don't have to hesitate to add a variety of advantages to automatically manage them, even if you don't have to leave them alone for the rest of your life to remain semi-permanent!

The emperor of one country has completed an extra-specific living space so that his eyes are turned upside down. A house worth a few trillion if you can't afford it.

…… The problem was the fact that the owner of the house he built was satisfied with the house he could live in if he invested between 10 and 2 billion even on Earth. I really wanted to ask. Why did you make that?

After that, I spent a month watching the almost completed perforations and not being able to shut my mouth as I had said.

Even though the most violent reaction was not the hobby of the revolution……, I don't know if there should be any part of the hobby of the revolution in this performance.However, it was a self-defense system of performances that reflected a lot of hobbies.

Kwon Hyuk built various buildings. He built a skyscraper that was hard to see in modern times as a living space, and he said it was a public bath, and he also built a huge Hanok.

In one corner, there was a vinyl house with dozens and hundreds of varieties of grain and herbs on a hectare land by the magic of spatial expansion…….

The exterior of the gym, along with various facilities for training, was also built near the Colosseum. In addition, the building was added to the spatial expansion magic as well as the fixation magic.

It was a robust quarantine space that allowed the dominant to endure even if they fought with power. It's a facility for training, isn't it? Several tools were also prepared to help with the training.

…… It wasn't the end here. On the other side there was a swimming pool that seemed to have moved the water park intact, and on the other side there was a large ski area.

Of course, both of these spaces are resorts that have used expansion magic to achieve overwhelming efficiency with less space!

Not yet! The reign of Kwon Hyuk is not over yet! Now that you have buildings, it's time to decorate the exterior of the city of performances!

For him, Gwon Hyuk has magically constructed a system that can control the environment inside the perforated space.

It's easy to say that the climate change of night and stranger, rain and snow, as well as the spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons have allowed you to adjust at your own pace in a management tower of 10 floors!

The principle could not be more difficult. Successful morning implementation by blocking all external sunlight through the Extended Area and creating a simple sun with courtesy light magic.

After this, it was not so difficult to mobilize magic to reproduce the seasons. What is impossible for Gwon Hyuk who can make Ice Age even if he only uses Blizzard now?

…… In all these implementations, Kwon Hyuk mobilized science and technology as well as mock-ups by magic and creation. And magic and moccasins, of course, require essence to work.

In other words, unless the magic belonging to the space family is an exception, such as spatial expansion or subspace magic, it relies entirely on the essence supply of the power source named Infinity Core.

…… The problem was that the capacity of this dragon heart was literally the amount of horsestone of the Coordinator. But that's three connected in series.

A further four were connected in parallel and were designed to enable further supply at any time. The consumption of one set of dragon hearts per day, even though all of these facilities are constantly supplied with essence, is only 5%.

When one set of essences was supplied, it was literally the essence that remained when the four sets of dragon hearts filled 40% of the essence per hour.

…… As a result, Kwon Hyuk did something brilliant. Implement horsepower that only existed in your head as a remaining essence.

Not only that, it was a good opportunity to raise the level of all creation, but it was also made with moccasins used in various weapons and attached to performances.

…… massively sized enchantments painted on each side of a perforated ground in the form of a flipped rectangular horn. Three of those four enchantments were terrifying attack magic.

The first enchantment is Mental Luer, a psychic enchantment that can give any order to a weaker opponent.

Cancer Attribute Attack Magic of the Nine Circles Vegginer, which brainwashes the presence of less than absolute, i.e., superhuman levels. Originally, this magic was a one-man target magic.

However, the vast amount of essence and enchantment in the Infinity Core that remains now is built and expanded to brainstorm the existence of less than absolute within a radius of 10 km…….


Kwon Hyuk is on the run.

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication.

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