Kwon Hyuk, who quickly concluded, summoned swimming parties and hinas. Those who were taking their time doing what they had to do without even knowing that they had arrived at their destination.

The swimmers were nervous about entering the Great Sea for the first time, but nothing happened, so they gathered towards the revolution with a new, relaxed face.

"Teacher, what's going on?"

"No way, have you reached your destination already?"

After one or two of them had gathered in the voice of Kwon Hyuk, who rang throughout Atleon, he asked why swimming and hina had summoned them as representatives.

"Uh, as the swimmer said, I just got to my destination. I found it in the dump where I was headed. So you're saying I'm gonna go in there right now?"

With those words, Kwon Hyuk glanced at the members of the Valkyrie and his disciples. Since when do they swallow saliva after realizing that it is not really a joke from now on in the eyes of the carefully sunken Kwon Hyuk?

"That's why I intend to go in with you all."

"On?! Does that mean we're all going to Abyss Dungeon together?!"

Maki shouts in a panic, surprised by Kwon Hyuk's remarks. Other people were forced to be distressed by her cries.

I remember how dangerous the Dungeon of Abyss was in the past, and the challenge was nailed down on its own.

"No, that's not what I meant. I'm only going to the entrance to the Abyss Dungeon. I think it's best to stay together for now."

Marky's group threw up a sigh of relief at Kwon Hyuk's correction. They told Kwon Hyuk the story of the Polteus Dungeon first floor right away.

I heard it indirectly through swimming, to be exact. However, the place called the Dungeon of Abyss was a dungeon that I didn't like to enter.

I didn't understand the power to crawl into the dungeon of Abyss even though I had the experience honestly.

Before difficulties or targets were possible, maggots were physiologically aggressive. What a parasite.... I can't help thinking that I would rather not die.

"Of course, Atleon is going to leave this place, so it doesn't matter who wants to stay in Atleon."

Instead, we will not know what is going on inside until the power revolution returns. Morka and Jeanine, including Maki, raised their hands and spoke in the words of Kwon Hyuk.

"We're going to follow you. I also want to see the entrance of Abyss Dungeon with my own eyes."

"Right, right. Even if it's the Dungeon of Abyss, you're saying it doesn't matter if you don't enter."

"This is an unusual opportunity. I'd like to take a look."

In the opinion of the three of them, Kwon Hyuk looked remarkable, but nodded gently. Then I looked at the rest of them, swimming, hina, aria.

"I will follow you wherever Kwon Hyuk goes. Now I want to speculate that it's falling like before."

When the swimmer, who knew what the gaze of Kwon Hyuk meant, spoke with a chopped expression, raising his voice as Hina stood next to Kwon Hyuk.

"I will follow you wherever you go!"

Then I looked at the swim with my eyes wide open and explicitly expressed the feeling that I should not follow you.

In Hina's emotions, swimming was just an awkward smile. Then Ariah opens her mouth.

"I don't really care if I follow. Entrance to Abyss Dungeon..... I'm not curious as a wizard."

When I decided to follow him all the way to Ariah, I shook my arm, accepting that Kwon Hyuk was accompanying me. At least a few of them thought they'd be in atlion.

.... Miris? She is the spirit of Deboard. It was decided to enter the Dungeon of Abyss with Kwon Hyuk for a reason.

"I'm the only one who's forced to travel..... I think I feel something absurd, but it doesn't matter! Wherever the Master goes, it's Maid's duty to follow him!"

Miris, who was the only one to accompany her to the dungeon, stared at her with a slightly jealous gaze, as she was halfway through the night.

"Okay, if it's decided, shall we go right away? Then we'll move right away, so get ready. Once the door is inside the ocean, you can't move inside the ocean."

"Which means it's getting wet?"

When Hina asked about Kwon Hyuk's story, Kwon Hyuk nodded and continued to speak.

"Yeah, it means getting wet. Be careful not to lose sight of it, unlike the Atleon interior. Then tell me when you're ready. I'll be on my way."

In the story of Kwon Hyuk, the swimmers and Hinas began to have a conversation as if they were preparing something for a while.

"You mean wet? ….. Shall I change into a swimsuit prepared in advance?"

"No, no matter what happens, it's not a swimsuit, is it?"

"I agree with Machie's story. Jeanie, no matter how bad it is to go to the dungeon first, but I don't feel too good about hanging out."

"Eh? But we're not really targeting the dungeon, are we, like, swimming boyfriends? Rather, if you cheer in your bathing suit, you might be more energetic and target and come out?"

A group of swimmers who start talking about their bedside virtues. God talked like that, but he didn't have to listen, so he focused on Hina, Ariah, and Myris.

"Hina, I don't know what will happen even if we go to the entrance to the dungeon. Aria, even if you are a sorcerer now, there is no shortage. If anything happens, just think of it as a practical experience and do it as you normally would. Miris..... This dungeon may be able to use the Deboard, so prepare in advance……."

The swimming group seemed to be finishing up when Kwon Hyuk was checking the hinas thoroughly.

"... But Genie, is this the sea where the light is completely blocked? You wouldn't see it if you were wearing a swimsuit."

"…… that's definitely what swimming is all about. It was a sharp objection."

"Ugh! I thought about it."

"That's right, Hyuk wouldn't care so much if he was dressed as a swimsuit. You must have seen it so tired last time."

"…… Swimming? It's a hard speech to hear."

"Hey, is that it?! Are you saying that your boyfriend in swimming and swimming is already afraid to play in his bathing suit?"

"Aah?! Swimming avoided the answer?! But no shame at all?! How could our pure swimming have been so filthy?!"

"Wait?! What do you mean you're dirty?! I just got a little used to it."

"That's what's dirty!! Ugh! Whenever I sneak sexual harassment, the swimmer who was blushing is nowhere to be found!"

…… It seemed more and more chaotic than to be ready for something, but it wasn't long before they knew the situation was going to be covered up. After being silent, they became the face of a cautious adventurer.

"Well, I guess we're all set. Shall we move on?"

With those words, Kwon Hyuk looked at the swimmers and Hinas who nodded with a serious face. In the case of Myris, the materialization was first unraveled.

I don't know when to use the deboard, so I want to prepare it in advance. Then Kwon Hyuk nodded and bounced his finger, confirming once again that they were ready.




At the moment that Kwon Hyuk bounced his finger, one of the functions installed in Atrion, Mesh Teleport, triggered and forcibly moved his group to the front of the courtesy door.

Teleport was accessible wherever Kwon Hyuk had been. The transcendental dimension was twisted by the transcendental coordinates, but this part was impossible.

Instead, even though it was a space that had never been there, it could simply move forward to the door because it was possible to move the space within the perception, that is, within the feeling.



And the fact that we moved in front of the door of the courtesy rectangle, of course, moved into the middle of the great ocean.

The whole group was surprised by the sudden sensation of squeezed seawater overflowing their noses and mouth.

It seems to be buzzing before my eyes, but anyone will be surprised if they fall into the sea. But the group were not all ordinary people.

Just Hina and Aria, right now, were quite capable. I immediately adapted and went into action because I heard the warnings of all of Kwon Hyuk.

Hina operated the endotrachea to reduce the rate of oxygen consumption inside the body as much as possible and replaced that part with the endotrachea.

If you do this, Hina can survive an hour in the ocean.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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