Even in the case of Aria, the magic was used to supply oxygen lightly. It consumes Mana constantly, but nothing suffocates me.

Aria, who had never had a magical training until she came to this place, was already a skilled three-circle wizard who controlled Mana by will to activate magic with the coordinates of magic.

It was growing fast enough to be able to enter the class with only one more climb.

Not only Hina and Arias, but also a group of swimmers, each of them immediately supplied oxygen in their own way, so that they could start breathing.

'Argh! Water pressure?!'

'What, more than I imagined?!'

But even though I might be able to get some breathing, the water pressure itself had no choice. No, the water pressure was also trying to offset it with their own abilities, but I had no choice but to illuminate that their bodies would be crushed right away by pressures more than they imagined.

No, it wasn't an illusion. It was a really weird level of water pressure that was shattering the whole body.

'No way...? In addition to blocking the light or the senses, how many times did the water pressure itself correspond to the other oceans?!'

And the swimmer, who realized the reason for such an oddly strong water pressure, bit his lips. Even the tallest swimming pool on the coast was so massive that the limit would come in an instant.

It was hard to hold on for an hour, but the swim was bad enough to release the wind to the whole body with power and to resist water pressure. But then.....



'The water pressure..... is gone?'

'No, it's not that the water pressure's gone, it's that something in our body is acting like a shield.'

Just before that, the water pressure, which was strong enough to hear the whimpering sound of bone articulation, disappeared without a trace.

Hina and Ariah, who almost lost their mind to the water pressure in their senses, and who caused this phenomenon while the swimmers were panicking, were able to realize it through the energy that surrounded their bodies.



Surrounded by their bodies was the power of Kwon Hyuk. It was to protect them by forming a membrane embodied as an aerodynamic force in the body of the whole group immediately in response to the water pressure of the deep sea, which was stronger than Kwon Hyuk had thought.

After realizing that, she tried to convey her gratitude to Kwon Hyuk with a sigh of relief.

Later, however, they recalled that the space in which they stood was a space in which neither light nor sound were transmitted at all, and began to pull the strings of tension instead of thanking them.

Because I could understand from my previous experience that a place that I don't know what's going to happen right now is a place called Prohibition.

All power, follow me. If you use your gift, you'll be able to see where I am.

That's how the voice of the revolution resounded in her brain when she started to get nervous. Using the power of courtesy to convey his will to her.

In the voice of Kwon Hyuk, all of them opened their minds and confirmed the position of Kwon Hyuk. Then she slowly followed him and began to swim forward.

'The water pressure is gone....'

'My body is heavy.'

'Does the deep sea itself also have the ability to suppress movement? This hurts.'

As the swimmers simply swam, they sighed in the depleted deep sea environment and moved their arms and legs forward.

Hina and Ariah were also difficult. No, rather, the younger women were even more mentally distracted by the environment of the deep sea, where their strength stretched out by simply swimming.

Nevertheless, two people follow Kwon Hyuk quietly without disliking him. Hina did not forgive herself for being weak when she was killed by Kwon Hyuk.

In the case of Ariah, I do not forgive the lack of pride as a noble infant who has become an identity nowadays.

How many minutes did you swim along all of Kwon Hyuk? Even in the absence of any foresight, there was a huge door in the reaching place, as Kwon Hyuk said.

Then I'll open the door and get in. Be careful. Follow me.

Then, again, in the voice of Kwon Hyuk, she nodded her head in unison, and Kwon Hyuk shook her hand strongly, thinking that she was ready.

Then, according to the doctor of Kwon Hyuk, a hand made up of a huge form of engineering emerged. Both hands of the same form of manoeuvre held the center of the door and began to open with all their might.


However, Kwon Hyuk's two hands did not open the door. Because the door itself was sealed by a powerful force.

With a slightly intriguing look at the facts, Kwon Hyuk closes his eyes and revises strongly.

'Oh? This is... magic?'

And Kwon Hyuk was forced to be surprised by the fact that he had opened his eyes at the same time as mooning to see what the device was on the door.

That's because the blockade on the front door was a magically implemented blockade, one of the definite ideologies, not any manipulative power.

The opening of the door itself is sealed by powerful magic. The magic that was blocking the door was also not mediocre.

The magic of Gothic circles, it's not that powerful. Kwon Hyuk opened his eyes and thought for a while that this magic would be blocking his way to the entrance to the dungeon of Abyss.

'Magic..... Was it the devil or the angel involved?'

As Kwon Hyuk knows, the tribe that uses magic at this level was the only one who was demon, angel, and himself.

So, of course, if I found a device with magic in front of my eyes, I had no choice but to doubt the two races.

'Well, you can see that by checking the inside.'

But immediately, Kwon Hyuk stopped thinking. Whatever number you use, it will be true if you check the contents of the inquiry.

When you see that you have sealed the door with magic, there is something inside the door that you don't want to show to angels or demons or anyone else.

Confirming it will make everything clear. In that sense, Kwon Hyuk immediately mobilized a more powerful physician in the hands of the enormous force he embodied.


Device Device Gig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He exercises strong physicians and control over the power that he further embodies with his coalition, and he pushes the ora even more strongly, and he mobilizes several mock-ups and concepts.

Since Mahjook exists, it is possible to release the magic in order through magic, but he decided to break the lock himself with the power to do the same thing that bothers to crack the code.

Kachang!!! Kuoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

And soon after the exertion of the ignorant power of the Sovereign Revolution, the huge rectangular door, which was firmly closed, was widely opened.

Due to the nature of the deep sea, even though no sound or light has been transmitted at all, the sense of something seems to be broken at the moment when the magic that is blocking the door is forcibly destroyed by the powerful force.

Because the magic itself was destroyed, a powerful storm of essence swept through the immediate vicinity of Charlna's door.

I was forced to open my eyes as if I was surprised by all but Kwon Hyuk in that huge sense, and then I heard Kwon Hyuk's relaxed voice.

Chet, that's why you're rebelling, and you can't stand it anyway. All right, we're opening the door. Let's go!

The will of a revolutionary power that has no foundation other than the one that has just exercised its powerful power before. As he had been told by his will there, his group rushed to follow him as he entered the door immediately open.

Obviously, even though a huge door was opened and an empty space emerged in the middle of the sea, the current had no effect.

The impact was such that the water should have been poured into the empty space inside the door without passing a drop of water, just as the space itself was cut off.

Obviously, the inside of the door was an air-filled, water-free space. As Kwon Hyuk had imagined, the space itself was disconnected.

I entered the door sequentially with a curious expression. Pong! Pong! They come out of the black sea water of the Great Sea with the sound of them entering inside one or two doors.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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