When all of them entered the door behind Kwon Hyuk, there was nothing left at the bottom of the Great Sea.

Courtesy of Atleon was also due to the recovery of Kwon Hyuk to his new inventory. It was said that all that remained was the gloomy silence brought about by the darkness, which did not forgive a single light or sound.

That's how, when all the members of Kwon Hyuk entered the door, a huge door that was forced open by the power of Kwon Hyuk was bang! Closed strongly with a sound.

"… Puha! Light? There is also air...."

"Teacher, where are you? Why is there such a place in the ocean?"

The moment the enormous water closed by itself and the group entered the courtesy space, she was forced to be surprised.

The moment I entered as many unidentified civilians as there were in the prohibition, I was not surprised by anything.

But I was surprised that there was such a clumsy place in the depths of the deep sea that there was no sound, no light, no air, and a huge water pressure.

"It's enormous in size. Most importantly, this whole space is a human condition. Look at this!"

"…… a stone with a strong wall? No, this is a metal we don't know. It's made of metal and supports the wall."

Maki, who was able to gain visibility through an unknown light source, first noticed the façade of this space.

I threw up a voice with a slight terror, sweeping through the walls of a metal that clearly has artificial properties in a space that I can't even reach.

The genie rushed to the wall and touched the wall with her hand. It wasn't just Jeanie.

I was looking at this incomprehensible space with the exception of Kwon Hyuk. If you know your life is at stake, you must never enter.

Because there was an incomprehensible artifact in the place, of course, my group was forced to pay attention with admiration and curiosity.

"Did you know there was a place like this?"

Aria, who was embarrassed by the fact that she could breathe among her group, asked Kwon Hyuk, who was the only one in the group, with a curious response.

Shortly after entering this place, Kwon Hyuk, who had been staring in one direction with a serious expression, woke up and shook his head and returned his answer to Ariah, the clever eye.

"No, I didn't expect a place like this."

"But the teacher is not so surprised.... Of course you knew about this place."

Without knowing anything, I opened my mouth with a voice that was not seen by Hina this time.

Perhaps immediately after entering this place, I was worried that asking Kwon Hyuk for an answer without knowing anything would not cause civil unrest to Kwon Hyuk.

In his attentive consideration, Kwon Hyuk shook his head and explained with a small smile that he was fine.

"No, should I just check the courtesy door and say that I was expecting something? It's an artificial object that can be opened by force to enter right now. I thought there was something like that in the deep sea, but there was more to it than that, so it didn't have to be weird. But even so, this is a little surprising."

With that said, Kwon Hyuk looked around. Unlike the Great Sea, where the view itself is open by an unidentified light source.

The space where the group now stands was neatly constructed by a wall made of unknown metal, as was the story of Maki and Jeanie.

The shape is like a giant tunnel. The massive door that the group had entered was located near the ceiling. It was probably like an underground facility built at the bottom of the Great Sea.

'It took me about 20 seconds to get through the door when I entered. It's a space built in a little bit deeper.'

It requires a strong enough force to hold the ground as deep as possible. And that wall of unknown metal has that kind of strength.

Kwon Hyuk was also quite exciting because he was not expressing it externally.

I never thought there would be such a space in the place where the entrance to the Dungeon of Abyss existed.

'What I can think of is the hobby of a transvestite. You wanted to make the entrance look like a legendary dungeon? No, considering the entrance of the first and second dungeons, I don't think so.....'

The first was a space like a giant pupil, and the second was the bottom of a deep ground. In a sense, it seemed that the concept was a well-balanced, fairly bloody entrance.

However, the entrance to this dungeon was different. It is undeniable, but the likelihood of being a hobby of the transcendent will not be so high.

'It takes something more than anything....'

Kwon Hyuk has been feeling a little vague since he entered this space right now. There's an indescribable feeling crawling up from a smulsome instinct.

"Hey, Hyuk? Maybe we should follow it all the way over here. Is that okay?"

At that time, a swim that looked around with a curious expression, like everyone else, pointed to a huge passageway in front of his eyes.

At the moment, the place where the Kwon Hyuk group fell is like a tunnel, but the back is blocked right now. The space that is pierced is the only direction in front of your eyes.

I nodded at the story of Kwon Hyuk Do swimming in the same situation that I was talking about even in the future. But it didn't move right away.

I did not enter the Dungeon of Abyss, but I do not know what will happen to this place, which is forbidden, among other things. I needed to move carefully.

"But can't I just dry my clothes for a second before I move? Now, I realize that this deep-sea water, it feels pretty bad."

"Ah, it certainly feels very stretchy, unlike ordinary seawater. It weighs considerably on it. It's just wet, and the clothes are getting really heavy."

…… It was also funny that there was no great tension in the whole group despite the situation of having to move carefully.

I entered the space immediately, but I could only see that I was busy looking around.

There's nothing unusual about the battle there right now, but I'm rather concerned about the clothes that have been wet and stretched.

"No, are you guys a little nervous? First of all, this is the end of the ban?"

And when Kwon Hyuk opens his mouth in an absurd voice, the members of Baliki, including the swimmers, as well as Hina and Ariah, look at each other and nod as if it's okay.

"But you're here, aren't you?"

"Exactly. You have a teacher, so we don't have to be careful. Rather, if you get tired of being nervous, you are more civil."

"Above all, there's no way we can find an enemy you can't detect, is there?"

Hina, Ariah, and Kwon Hyuk spoke in a voice that said that swimming was natural. Genie, Morka, and Maki wedged there.

"I just saw that dreadful mass of attributes there. Should I say that the tension is resolved by myself...."

"The fact that such a strong man is an ally is good enough."

"No matter what. Is this a side effect of taking a bus? The bus driver is so strong, the tension is gone. Something like a relaxing picnic."

Maki's last metaphor was precisely a metaphor that Kwon Hyuk could easily understand by automated translation. It was a kind of transliteration.

Maybe Marky used a similar expression to the bus that exists in this world. Anyway, what's important is that the tension of the group is completely gone because the Kwon Hyuk situation is too strong.

But even so, they were professional adventurers. Hina and Aria were also children who had been taught well by Kwon Hyuk, and as soon as the warning of Kwon Hyuk fell, they would be able to maintain their position.

Knowing that, Kwon Hyuk did not refute their theories, but merely trimmed his vigilance alone.

'... Well, let's think of it as a prize for having fun.'

Instead, as they grumbled that their clothes were damp and heavy, they were soaked with the sea water of the deep sea of their whole body.

As a result, Bourne's clothes, as well as his hair, remained attached to his skin. In the case of thin clothing, it is as permeable as possible so that your hands look shiny.

Kwon Hyuk was not at all colourful as part of the swim, but the underwear worn by Marki, Morka, Jeanie, and even Hina Aria looked all alike.

In the case of swimming, after yesterday's fun with Kwon Hyuk, he wore a nice pink underwear that he chose.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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