Some of them were stronger than the warriors thought, so their lives were at risk. At that time, fighting time was just free time for Kwon Hyuk.

However, when the warrior demands political protection for that reason, the Queen nods as if it were natural.

"In the first place, what I was trying to bring the warrior under me was to help you focus, at least, on the fight."

"Okay, so it's a bargain. Is that why you ordered this quest?"

"Yes? Yes!"

There is a story that you shouldn't listen to in front of yourself, and you are already in a state of panic. A woman soldier with a fierce impression of decency.

She barely awakens to the voice of Kwon Hyuk and hurriedly nods at his question. Speak in the tone that Kwon Hyuk is sorry for the answer.

"As I've just heard, I've decided to work as the queen of this country. I will invalidate the request you accepted. Tell the Adventurer Guild well."

What is it? She was a soldier who wanted to be named, but the previous conversation showed that the man in front of her had a backdrop against the Queen.

Nevertheless, she did not have the courage to ignore a man's insistence. Even if I was a veteran girl, it was a pity that I lost my life.

"I'll tell you for sure!"

The warrior and the queen left the barracks, replying in a more armed manner before the queen came forward.

"…… I think you know, but let's take the story we heard here today to the grave until we die."


When the queen and the warrior left the tent for a short while, they warned her that the last shadow of the warrior was still alive, and she saluted and nodded.

Despite her expressionless face, the woman was able to relax and sigh in the shadow of exiting the tent after the two men.

".... What the hell kind of lightning is this?"

Exhaling in relief and wiping away the sweat on her forehead was a good measure of how nervous she was.

Meanwhile, the queen and warrior crossed the barracks with soldiers wandering around the tent. The look on their faces became worse every step of the way.

"..... It's a lot worse when you look close. Do you mind if I leave this here? Looks like they're all poisoned or sick."

"Huw, we didn't want to leave you alone. Once poison is a threat to life as well as to the battle itself, I am treating it by airborne antidote herbs as much as possible, but the disease also defeats itself…."

At the very least, poisoning by readings is a tricky type, so it's not that difficult to decipher.

The problem is that the disease is a mutant caused by toxins that come from the corpse of a monster, so the mortality rate to the symptoms varies by 10 million, and as a result, there are myriads of different kinds of treatments.

So in the current treasury situation of this kingdom, even if you fight on the front lines, you can't airlift supplies to cure the disease.

"So you have to beat the bottle yourself. Because if you beat it, it's just as resistant to the disease."

It was a terrible front. A war that can't be reversed, even if you want to stand down right now. Looking directly at the wretched situation, Kwon Hyuk kicked his tongue and said:

"... Tsk, you must have suffered a lot too."

"Huhu, this is hardship compared to those who fight on the front lines."

When the warrior and the queen were having such a conversation, the shadow that followed began to whisper in the queen's ear.

Kwon Hyuk looked suspicious as a warrior and saw the shadow as an interesting feeling.

'This dungeon, all the other unique names have locks, but his name is not mosaic. What I can think of is that the shadow is not his name but the name of the position....'

It was likely that the name of the position, like that of Duke or Earl, was also the name of the position given to the escorts guarding the Queen.

When Kwon Hyuk pondered about it, the Queen murmured with a stiff expression.

"..... Is that the time already?"

"What's going on?"

Do you think it's a big deal? In the voice of Kwon Hyuk, who asks the queen about the situation, she returns an answer with the face that she is a little sorry.

"In fact, it's an artifact protected from bottlenecks all over the world and protected from bottles in the area."

"Well, the location. I understand, but what does that have to do with anything right now?"

Asked in an incomprehensible voice by Kwon Hyuk, the Queen began to explain the specific reasons with regret.

"But the problem is that the duration of this artifact is going to be very interesting. So I'd like to move in, but are you okay?"

Indeed, Kwon Hyuk nodded gently in response to the Queen's story that it was no longer difficult to stay in this place. He wanted to get out of this poisonous space if he could.

"Then follow me. I'll show you to the wagon."

And that same day, after three months of reunion with the Queen, the warrior (Kwon Hyuk) was finally summoned to this world and was given the opportunity to present a one-of-a-kind performance award.

Not the other way around, under the Queen's feet. Reproductivity to date is about 95%. I'm approaching the target with ease. At that time, Kwon Hyuk thought so.

+ + +

A considerable amount of time has passed since Kwon Hyuk followed the Queen. The fight that ended the world in the first place. I didn't even think that the verdict would come to pass in just a few months.

In other words, it took this much time to attack the dungeon to anticipate the revolution. The problem was what Kwon Hyuk went through during this time.

…… That is the hell of Lee Seung. Kwon Hyuk has hurt this oblique line several times in the years.

To be specific, the first time was when the warrior had just entered under the command of the Queen. At that time, the warrior wished to fight a monster with strong powers to improve his skills.

Of course, I didn't forget the subject and try to fight a stronger one than myself. An opponent that looks like a perfect winner.

Such opponents were the main targets of the warriors, and the warriors were mixed up among the front-line residents and went to war. The warrior's way of fighting was simple.

Once the warrior asked the queen to accompany the army, she gained the power to move independently.

Through this authority, the only resident, no, the exact name, was to watch the border guard's troops fight with the monsters, and if they had ever been able to fight, they rushed over there and fought.

Of course, the warrior is a man of common sense, so he only jumps on a line that will not interfere with the battle of the Resident Army.

The Border Guard also thanked the warriors for appearing occasionally and dealing with powerful monsters at the superhuman level.

And is it true that we are soldiers of a country that survived until the very end? Despite the fact that the environment is as challenging as the environment, he kept his fever.

In addition to that, it's like a cog engaged in the camp and knocking down the monsters is not a warrior, but I can whistle myself when I see Gwon Hyuk.

The warrior was building his skills through his hands-on experience with the monsters without the risk. And because of the environment of the battlefield, even cheaper warriors became a little closer to the queen in her actions.

But the problem came along so smoothly and about half a year later. A warrior who was a little bit more crowded on the front line because of the lack of slope after half a year accidentally piled up 5 super-intensive masses.

Kwon Hyuk was a power that could be annihilated by smiling and squeezing his fingers, but it was a power that could not be dealt with by a warrior at the beginner's level.

Well, I won't die on the scenario. Thoughtfulness was so reassuring that Kwon Hyuk was forced to be alarmed by the phenomenon that had occurred shortly after.

The Point Mission appeared almost two years before the eyes of the revolution as if this were an important part of the dungeon time.

The attraction that appeared was a huge forest. A country in the woods, perhaps, as you can see when you go to the park? Well, it seemed to have implemented that environmental attraction.

And the concept of this mission is a labyrinth. Breaking through the huge forest in front of you and moving to a goal point in a day.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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