In a way I could think of it as a simple mission. However, Kwon Hyuk muttered as he broke this mission.

"Rotten Transcendent Son of a...! Gipilko, I'll put you in a shit can someday..!!"

No, I don't know if anyone thought of such a forest as a forest where some animal friends come from, but it wasn't such a cute space at all.

First of all, I was silent from the background. If the forest is a forest that is submerged in darkness, can you understand if it is a forest that does not enter a single spot of light?

It wasn't a bad attraction to be in the park. I think it's better to say it's a haunted house. …… It was not a haunted house, but it was a problem.

Once the carousel was different, the beast began to appear. The shitty part was that these beasts were vomiting like one.

It wasn't disgusting or disgusting that the obites were drawn. The obite was drawn because it was doubtful whether the creature could be 'grotesque'.

They're the only ones that have a human gut as their base. Eight arms in the brain crawl at high speed, but the organ that looks like a duodenum jumps into the air like a frog's pearl cake, and it's traumatic.

The most fucked up was the story of the men and the women who were mixed up in the air, floating at the speed of bullets and coming in at almost 100 units.

.... I was not at all thrilled when the man and the woman flew through the sky like that. Rather frightening.

That guy over there is a giant (?) With the object, the body literally pierced like a spear. It was not a metaphor, it was a spear or a beast that pierced the skin and broke the bones.

…… I really didn't want to deal with it in a lot of ways. Even if a man doesn't mean metaphorically, do you want to penetrate a man's penis? Kwon Hyuk was an absolute specification.

What about the girl? This side was eaten like an expression, not a metaphor. Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Quasi-Qua

The moment Kwon Hyuk slipped away from the overflowing creatures, Kwon Hyuk looked like he had been eaten by a tree placed behind him.

…… Let's skip the detailed explanation. There is a place in the forest where various parts of the bones hold hands and make Kangaroo...

The eyeballs flew as far as the optic nerve, swelling close to 30 meters in size, and at the end, they burst into tears and self-exploded, throwing blood like a fountain into their arms.

To be honest, I was mistaken for not being in a 19 or 99 gold horror game.

Among other things, the most important were the commanders and wardens. These bastards have been dealing with them in some kind of chain.

When the commander and warden clasped their limbs and gave them strength to cut them off, the sight of spilling out the blood and all the filth that was in the commander was cut off……, a landscape that no longer seemed to recall.

A dog-like environment that anyone can think of erasing from memory. What seemed more insane was that this labyrinth could not be broken by simply beating the beast around.

The beast's appearance was the same as the one experimenting with psychic power, even if the difficulty was adjusted by the power of the revolution, the level was 250.

But the bowls were all dominant beasts. A union that doesn't understand what kind of mind the transcendent made up this mission.

The labyrinth was also why it could not pass, and that would be insane. …… I might not have been able to break through the labyrinth in time, if fortunately I hadn't found a panel at the edge of each of the beasts' realms.

"De, at last!!!! Hehehehehe!! I'm getting out of this damn forest!! Hehehe! Hehehehehe!!"

.... Thinking about the laughter of Kwon Hyuk at the time, you can see how stuck he was.

Well, the labyrinth of the forest was a labyrinth that had to be properly positioned by moving the realm of the beasts through the panels present at the boundaries of each beast.

It wasn't after escaping, but this forest had a human face. There were different beasts appearing in different areas.

And at the end of the beast's realm, there was a panel that could move the beast's realm to the ground, and it had to be manipulated through the woods to relocate the beast's realm and install it to suit the human body.

The ocular beast, for example, had to be placed on the head of the human body formed by the forest, and the penis beast had to be placed between the crotches.

After all, Kwon Hyuk was able to get out of the forest labyrinth in this way. Given that the time limit was only 30 seconds away, we could see how timing he was in.

If the sky had really helped me to notice the secret of the forest a little later, I would have almost died if I had been wrong. And it was no different for warriors after the mission.

"Khhhhhh!! Damn it!!!!"

Surely, a warrior is a warrior? Immediately at the end of the mission, Gwon Hyuk disguises his body as dead as scenario.

Yes, the warrior defeated 5 monsters while Kwon Hyuk was shooting horrors in the forest. Instead, I think I was seriously injured.

Honestly, it was quite tricky for Kwon Hyuk to smoke when he was seriously injured. I think I've tried hard enough not to be seen by someone who treats the annihilation that prevents the regeneration of wounds.

"…… Warrior. I told you not to overdo it. I wish you were alive. I wish you were dead."

"Ha, I can't die because I'm unfair in this world. Don't worry. No, is it better if you stay here than that? The monsters' invasion is getting worse. I heard that the other nobleman got hit, not the front line, but the front line was broken and retreated..?"

And she was a courteous queen of Danvalpink, rather than nursing such a desperate warrior with extreme care.

She had little blood on her face in the news that the warrior was dead. She seemed to have taken care of him for a reason that day.

A warrior who feels a little gratitude for her actions. The warrior who found his spear in the Queen's nag was able to reach the next level, especially as the Queen roared too recklessly after the battle.

In other words, I could humbly listen to the woman's nagging and climb to the mid-second level. In fact, the warrior could no longer treat the queen blatantly.

Almost two years ago, his emotions were almost cleared up, which completely wiped out his hatred of the Queen.

That is why it is now normal to have conversations with the queen, and to move forward, and vice versa, a situation where the warrior is a little worried about the queen.

"It's okay with you. I'm more capable than you think? I've already taken care of everything. …… this situation will not get any better, but at least we can stop it from getting worse."

"Well, that would be a good thing. But don't overdo it."

I gave back my answer with a mild smile, as the Queen thanked me for the words of a warrior who was a little worried.

Sequelae of battle, at first, because the warrior cares about himself?! She was a queen who was scared, but now she can take his worries lightly.

And with that one mission going on again, the story went on again in a situation where the scenario seemed to have progressed a little bit.

The warrior, who could be cured after two weeks of treatment, went on the battlefield again. In order to be able to use his skills as much as he has accumulated on a certain level....

The warrior fought, fought, and also built a relationship with the queen who thought she was the only one in the world to believe.

The warrior only spoke to the Queen. It was not without a comrade who saw the warrior's skills and achievements and began to be friendly.

However, the warrior who still had emotions in the world itself, apart from the Queen, struck the wall and isolated himself from the people.

There was only a queen who could call him 'friend' …, so he stayed close to her and continued the battle.

And four months later, the warrior was once again in crisis in a wretched survival competition where he became accustomed to too much blood.

If you don't think of the warrior's role, there was a noble. As time went by, even the nobles who had not fought to the end to fight the monsters that followed the tetanus were forced to join the war.

On the other side of the front line, some of the nobles under the Queen's command were engaged, and one of them was jealous of a warrior who was close to the Queen and who made a considerable comparison with other super-individuals on the front line.

As a result, the warrior (Kwon Hyuk) fell into a plot and was isolated among an enormous number of monsters.

No matter how introspective the monsters are, even if they are warriors who can become thousands, the situation does not seem to be the answer.

If Kwon Hyuk revealed his power, he could wipe it out at once, but it was impossible to reproduce it.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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