In that thought, one eyebrow of the goddess was slightly raised in the face of Kwon Hyuk, who endured a smile that would explode without even knowing it.

"…… what are you laughing at? No, how can you smile?"

After confirming that Kwon Hyuk had slightly raised his tail without even knowing it, the Queen did not understand how Kwon Hyuk's actions smiled at him in the moments he emitted.

No, I didn't know how that was possible. From the instant appearance of the Queen, it was selective and not easy to help.

Only Negligee, who was translucent to her nakedness, spoke clearly and was more naughty than her nakedness. It's a situation where you can't see everything.

I didn't know that Kwon Hyuk knew that the goddess was Nova. You see everything from the top to the bottom, of course?

And if you were a normal person, you would be naturally nervous or excited if you could see the nakedness of a beauty, precisely a man.

Isn't it in front of a goddess's oce who seems to be lustful not only of men but also of women? No wonder the goddess can't even open her mouth properly, even if she's not in a dominant position right now.

And you're laughing? You're laughing in the mood that it's okay? I couldn't understand it as a goddess.

"Phew, what happened out there for 10,000 years that I was sealed, so a creature like you could break through a prison like this? No, have human aesthetics grown to my beauty level in 10,000 years?"

I also liked Kwon Hyuk's attitude to ask for his introduction with a smile on it, but without laughing at all.

I don't think it was an attitude to treat a person as a mere beauty. That is why the average aesthetic sensation of people has risen, even though they do not know it. Kwon Hyuk is real and answers to the goddess who raises her head.

"No, don't worry. Maybe 10,000 years ago or now, human aesthetics have not changed much. I'm just one of the exceptions. Then let me ask you again, beautiful goddess. What's your name?"

"…… What a rude question. Do you know what happened to me and know that I'm a goddess? Well, that's it. I'm also the one who's going to get me out of this prison, so let's skip that disrespect. That goddess of mercy and beauty, Freya."

Naturally, while dismissing Kwon Hyuk's attitude, Kwon Hyuk rolled his head in response to Freya's actions, which ended his introduction with an elegant expression.

A goddess on the north side of Europe, called a beautiful witch, if it's Freya. Is it true, like the first dungeon, that you are a North European god?

I told myself that I was a goddess of compassion and beauty, so I understood that overwhelming beauty. She's a goddess of beauty, of course.

.... Is it natural?

I also ignored the other deaths of the transcendents, who were completely incomprehensible in the deep world. Honestly, objectively, dozens of swimmers are pretty, but isn't that pretty? These guys are really.....

With a sigh of relief, Kwon Hyuk took out the topic with a delicate expression while keeping his gaze straight with Freya looking down on him.

"My name is Kang Gyeong-hyuk. As you can see, he is the challenger to this dungeon of Abyss. I know it's a short time coming, but would you do me a favor? The goddess of beauty."

"I gave you my glorious name as a gift before I died, but I didn't want to hear your name. I don't want to waste my memory space without remembering the name of the garbage that will soon disappear from the world anyway."

She shrugged with a smile written by Kwon Hyuk, who told the story in a highly pressing attitude like the Queen on the subject of inviting appearance.



.... Then I went back to my face without expressions, as if the words were fast, and immediately I opened my posture.

At the moment that Kwon Hyuk emitted without thinking to conceal the wisdom of his superior ruler, which he had accumulated for 10 years, Freya's complexion began to pale as she looked at the freedom she had regained even though she had just arrogantly eliminated Kwon Hyuk.

Although the current dungeon has forcefully fallen to the level of the dominant beginner, she is a powerful user of the coordinator from the very beginning beyond the dominant superior.

I could only see how far the landscape of Kwon Hyuk has come.

"Don't be ridiculous!"

That is why I was forced to scream with shock in the face of the high pressure and stubborn attitude that I had just heard.

Contrary to what he had just said, Freya's attitude was completely contradictory, making fun of him as if he was astonished with his expressionless face.

"I don't really have enough memory space to remember the name of the goddess who will be beaten here."

"Bar, you idiot..... the superior ruler?! How, no, why is such a thing here?!"

In a silly reality that I can only think of as fiction, the sight of Freya walking back on the mountain of corpses was silently watched.

He knew what Freya wanted to talk about. Freya would know.

As the owner of Abyss, the dungeon of Abyss has difficulty adjusting. That's why even if you're a dominant, you can't guarantee clearance.

And this fact suggests that, with the exception of the power revolution that exists in the Paralystic dimension, we also know the existence of subordination, such as, for example, the Archangel or the Sacred Evil (although the Sacred Evil was killed by the power revolution).

Therefore, even if you don't want to be a dominant, you won't enter the Dungeon of Abyss, which I can't guarantee you will come back.

In the first place, I felt so strong that I couldn't find a reason to enter the Dungeon of Abyss.

That's why Freya, who thought it was practically impossible to confront the dominant challenger, fell into a weak panic in front of her eyes.

"Well, I don't know how you feel. I've been over the lavatory in many ways. If you want to be comfortable, this world is a fucking world that spits out someone stronger than me...."

"That's not the problem, is it?!"

When he shook his head left and right and loosened his shoulders and neck muscles as if he was exhausted, he smiled.

"But what, what do I do? Isn't that all the Sari in the world? So let's just die quietly. I want to meet my girlfriend in 10 years..... Even if we meet, we should get down on our knees and pray immediately."

'Huhu, once you can regenerate it, will you forgive me if I let you blow your nose?.... It must hurt, right?' Freya was just devastated by Kwon Hyuk's murmurings.

"That's ridiculous..... I wanted to see the assailant in a year, but he's a superior dominant. What an absurd....."

"The goddess, who is also the absurd of the world, should not tell such a story. Now, that denies the reality, but the last word is," Burn the flames hot, "lady. You can't just be a man and leave a girl like you alone, can you?.. Hmm, this is a pretty embarrassing remark that I made."

The warrior who whispered all kinds of sweet stories to the queen for 10 years bit himself too, and the warrior with a gritty face bounced his finger and whispered in a small voice.

"Designate an area."

The privileges of the authoritative user above the absolute level of authority exercised by Kwon Hyuk are immediately exercised here. It puts the world under its control and transforms it to suit its own taste. That's what zoning is.

A guillotine-like space that punishes heretics who are hostile to rebels on the throne has twisted the world and is present here.

Area designation, void space. The world of Manta.

Equipment Device Gigg!!!!

What was born was a space where a dark orbital aerodynamic force moved a floating universe in the atmosphere, transforming even the corpse into ash.

The moment the world opened up to the existence of the revolution and the same space as the painting was painted again, Freya was forced to panic, causing a cute hiccup.

"Now, wait a minute…?!"

"I'm sorry, but I don't intend to wait. Let's end this with a fast pace.Build, Battle Mode. Possibility Crown."

Kwon Hyuk was not using the Implementation of the Mind because he was confident that he could defeat the enemy in an instant without using the Mind Implementation.

That confident Valo entered this Possibility Crown and Battle Mode. In other words, it was his two wonders.

Half a penny can't even implement the right myth. Implementing these two myths could have been defeated without even allowing a single instant of rebellion.

This was neither carefree nor arrogant. It seems to be an objective fact. In this battle, Freya could not survive no matter how much she spent.

The World of Mankind, Derivatives. Fusion zone. Nest of snake that swallows tail.


It goes without saying.

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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