…… If we just come to a conclusion, Freya is right..... Yes, the nucleus of Essence creature was crushed or killed after its beautiful beauty and flesh became blood bread.

It was an outing that contradicted the appearance of magnificent and unmistakable. …… Contrary to the mystical appearance of the goddess on the mountain of corpses!

And I was stealing sweat with the expression that I was satisfied with the power revolution that did not allow me to fight back for a single moment with the perfect combat mode and Possibility Crown.

.... Yes, the man has a attitude that he was satisfied after beating down the goddess of beauty who had no choice but to stand there!

It wasn't just a hit. His realm designation, Uroboros, combined with the world of Manta, created a new space in the realm.

It is an area that maximizes the recovery speed of Aura of the Sovereign Revolution. And in this realm, Kwon Hyuk generously poured out an aura of the same level as the sea, causing a bombardment.

Not only did he pour out his Swallow Aura, but he was like a polite heart king with a bunch of armor, 'Hahaha!' I used to laugh and spill all sorts of weapons, and I used magic to erase the lightning so distorted that the space was distorted.

The power to trample Freya thoroughly with the feeling of persevering and harassing someone weaker than himself.

If he dies, will you go and ask Freya to cry like a child and just kill him? Is it a sin to meet with Kwon Hyuk?

The mysterious, stubborn, and clean impression of the first appearance was whether it was incinerated from the incinerator or not, holding on to Kwon Hyuk's uniform pants, stretching, crying, blowing, and rattling.

It was time to do whatever it took to scream for death. I'd rather scream for rape if I was gonna do it like Fried was smashed.

.. Of course, should I make the same mistake of unilateral swimming?! I bullied Freya more stubbornly than I shouted.

Well, isn't it one way to give your opponent the pleasure of not touching her in the area of rape? Like, "I tried to make you howl like a pig in the pleasures of the Holy Spirit."

A revolution that tormented Freya to such an extent that even the transcendents hated it a little as much as they wanted to relieve all the stress they had accumulated in the dungeon of Abyss.

.... At the end of the day, Kwon Hyuk was a little hurt to kill Freya, who was obedient by revealing her stomach.

.... How the hell can a woman who is a phantom make her submissive like a dog?

That was terrible. It was terrible for my life.

After spending 10 years with Sohyuk, Muhyuk and Sohyuk murmured that he didn't even understand his stress, but also risked another death.

What, a totally liberated power hyuk from stress is somewhat anti-Semites (?) although the street was doing a completely satisfactory tint with the skin.

"Hey, I almost opened my eyes to something. Whew, it was a dangerous moment."

…… Thinking about the process of harassing the goddess, is it already superS?

"Did you say something now?"

... No, nothing.

No matter how you look, you already have a great master (?) When Maheuk was laughing at the behavior of Kwon Hyuk, his whole body began to be struck by the light to see if the final boss of Abyss Dungeon was finally cleared.

Hey, hey, hey!

"Oh, this is the Reward Room!"

Then, Kwon Hyuk, who had already arrived in the third reward room, muttered with an impressive expression.

The end of the Abyss Dungeon has finally reached the place where the 5th Coordinator's Essence Stone exists!

'All right! Let's talk fast! There's no time!'

In reality, it was less than a day, but for Kwon Hyuk, it was only a decade's reward.

No matter how much the spirit of dominance is, it must be reduced. In fact, Kwon Hyuk quickly walked to the altar in front of his eyes and threw the coordinator's essence stone into his inventory without hesitation.

.... Well, now that I'm used to it, I'm not surprised by the enormous amount of essence, but naturally I took the essence stone. Something about the Essence Stone seems to be heavily handled in the process, but let's leave it alone.

"Essence Stone has been recovered. Now, is there anything else to reward you for? Additional Rewards?"

If you've taken 10 years to target the dungeon, give me something I can use! The Dungeon's Reward Room was only quiet, even though it was a revolutionary attitude, as if it were a brawl.


A brief silence that follows. It's like if I don't give you a reward, you're not gonna move here? As if defeated by the attitude of Kwon Hyuk, a light emanated from above the altar and something began to appear.

"Oh? Oh?"

Right. I did the renovation, but just one Essence Stone isn't right, is it? Kwon Hyuk, who was thinking the same thing, approached the altar in antioch.

.... It's scary that it's been 10 years. I never thought I'd rip it off against a transcendent.

Under the circumstances, it seemed like the transcendent was rewarding the attitude of Kwon Hyuk. The situation where Maheuk would also laugh.

Kwon Hyuk seemed distracted by looking at another reward that appeared on the altar. In so doing, Kwon Hyuk confirms the reward that appeared on the altar with joy.

I wish I could throw this to Deborah-grade stuff. And I confirmed that what appeared on the altar was…….

"What is this?"

…… Even the power revolution was something unidentified that was hard to guess. First of all, it was bizarre in form. What do you think we should explain? Yeah, USB. It was something that looked like a USB.

No, even if it was a USB, there was a significant difference between the USB and the USB that Kwon Hyuk knew.

And yet, if you keep talking, it looks like a USB stick. Now, what the hell is this stuff for?

Once you think about the form, is it also a storage device? So what's the storage device for? No, it's a storage device that stores more than that.

"The Truth."

A revolution that triggers the truth to determine the proper performance of the acquired object.

For 10 years, the Truth that had already been on the other side had cleared the dungeon, so it was clear to Kwon Hyuk of the identity of the object on which no protect was hanging.

Memory storage terminal device (roast artifact)

An artifact that allows you to save⤷ a person's memory and replay or imprint it on another person's brain. There are no restrictions on dose.

⤷In the case of regeneration, memory is regenerated in the brain as if watching an image. However, it is often forgotten from memory because it is the level of viewing the video everywhere.

In ⤷the case of imprints, the memory itself is engraved in the brain and is not forgotten and is usually used to easily convey knowledge.

With the item's information, the method of use was communicated to Kwon Hyuk through the Truth. Kwon Hyuk was forced to become subtle with the appearance of a very subtle artifact.

I have no idea where or how to use this item. It seems like the magic that conveys memories is truly subtle.

When I left something for someone else to study, Kwon Hyuk made a thoughtful look on a subtle object that he didn't have time to use, and eventually put it in his inventory without deciding where to use it.

"All right. I got it as a bonus anyway, and I can't find a place to use it.

Kwon Hyuk's disappointment was not so great, since it was obtained by Dum anyway. Most importantly, when it comes to maximum capacity, it was thought that there would be time to use it as a storage device.

'So, is this it? I think I'm getting everything I can.'

There was a strong experience that it was a place that passed without much emotion, unlike the first and second times, so it felt empty.

No, should I say that I forgot something rather than being empty? Anyway, it didn't feel that hot. But I got everything I could get, so there was no reason to stay in this place.

"…… I'll be out in 10 years."

I felt like I had forgotten to lock the gas fire, but what to do is to spend a short time on honey compared to a fierce decade.

So Kwon Hyuk stopped thinking and looked at the altar again. It's already the 3rd time, so try to find a groove that opens the exit by plugging in a properly used stats card.

'This time, it's not by laying down the status card, but by inserting it vertically. This isn't some credit card payment.'

Although, the transcendent must be tired of building 10 dungeons of Abyss in the same way. It might be a natural story to make a difference.

‘If you put it in here like this……. ’


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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