"Where else is this place..... Every time you really target this dungeon of Abyss, there's one thing."

With a time inside the dungeon of 10 years, a day in real time, nearly eight hours passed, Kwon Hyuk was finally able to target the 3rd Dungeon of Abyss and get out.

The problem was that he always wanted to get used to it, so he targeted the dungeon and blew it to a strange place.

Yes, Kwon Hyuk has now been moved to a new place where he has never been. As a result of Mojo's access to the mini-map through the mapper, Kwon Hyuk was definitely a place he had never been.

No, in the first place, I wonder if this is the Mandalas. You've never heard of the desert on Mandalas?

".... Desert, were you in this world? No, first of all, it's a desert world. Yeah, well, there's a huge mountain range in the Great Lakes called Alcanos, and there's no desert?"

But I've never heard of a desert on the Mandalas. No, there was no desert on the Mandalas continent more than that.

.... So this is not Mandalas continent, where the hell is it? A world more than anything else! You're not saying, are you?

"…… No, it can't be. The transcendental wall is thick, so I'm gathering the coordinators' essence stones, right? But all of a sudden, it doesn't make sense to be in a different world."

….. Maybe it's a different dimension of the transcendent dimension. Most transcendents have multiple transcendental dimensions, not one? You don't know if it's one of the transcendental dimensions, do you?

"Enough of that nasty noise!!"

It seemed like Ma-hyuk was talking about something he didn't want to hear, so he shrieked and wrapped his head around his arms.

But he immediately came to his senses and decided to go back to the place where his adorable disciples and his lovely girlfriend were.

"…… Let's try the teleport first. If it wasn't for the other world, we'd be able to get right back to where we were."

Most importantly, it came out in 10 years. But there was nothing and the desert was just a sandstorm, so I wanted to be honest with you.

Above all, the sensitive sensation of the revolution was telling us that the temperature of the atmosphere was close to 50 degrees. Even the sand in the desert is submerged as it is to be submerged at temperatures close to 80 degrees.

Standing alone was a serious condition that caused dehydration and burns to the soles of the feet due to the heat rising from the soles of the shoes.

Just by standing there, HP, easily speaking, said that the dungeon of Abyss really is a shattered environment, and he thought he was using his power to fuck the challenger to the end.

First of all, we convert the current state of power, the power of intelligence, into magic. I feel the essence, the form of Mana and Circle, which is composed of atoms that disappear and pulse in my heart.

He smiles at Mana's senses, which convey his totalitarian senses, and releases Mana, condensed like an atomic nucleus, into the atmosphere.

"…… Teleport"

After directing the essence of the atmosphere like the conductor of the orchestra to the desired position, the world was folded across space and space as soon as the force trigger was spit out, and the revolution was moved to a completely different place.

'Oh, thank goodness. It's not like any other dimension.'

Then the teleport triggered and moved him into a gap in space, and he smiled lightly at the sense of throwing him over the space to the desired coordinates.

Unlike what I was worried about, Kwon Hyuk was definitely in the Paralysis dimension. When he opened his eyes to a sense of total relief and space, Kwon Hyuk stood still in front of the magnificent temple of the courtesy Dragon Road.

"…… came back."

Kwon Hyuk was slightly touched by the magnificent image of the temple he saw again in 10 years. It was only eight hours in real time, but it was strictly 10 years for Kwon Hyuk.

Yes, I've been rolling around in a strange world for 10 years and now I'm barely back! How touching is this fact!

In fact, Kwon Hyuk quickly became a hina and an aria, Miris. And I started looking for a swim. However, Kwon Hyuk's gaze shirked at the fact that there was only a temple.

Are you in there? '

If I wasn't outside the temple, I would have to be inside. In fact, Kwon Hyuk increased his senses and looked inside the temple.

When there was a dragon lord who was the original owner of this temple, he was given magic to block the senses of Kwon Hyuk, but it was simple enough to detect the foundation because the original owner was dead and ownership was transferred to Kwon Hyuk.

'It's inside..... But why are you only swimming? Where are the hinas?'

And as a result of detecting the basics, Kwon Hyuk was able to find the swimmers. Apparently, I'm looking for the right room inside the temple.

.... Even if I was doing well, I didn't know that I was doing well because it was only 8 hours after Kwon Hyuk entered the dungeon.

Let's go. '

I cared about the absence of Hinas, but that's what Kwon Hyuk said to the inside of the temple.

Then, without hesitation, as if he was already fully remembering the expansive and distorted interior of the complex temple, he walked to the room where the swimmers were staying in solitude and opened the visit.


Should it be the room in Rare where the dragon was staying? Even when I opened the door, I didn't hear a sound of greasing the hinge properly.

As a result, a group of swimmers were still concentrating on what they were doing without knowing that Gwon Hyuk was coming.

"Ahhh?! Don't be ridiculous! Double here?! Double?!"

"Uh-huh! Did you see that? This is my luck! Let's go! You pay the toll! If you don't have enough, you can take your top off instead? Hehehehehe."

"Ah?! Mo, Monica? Swimming?! Please stop this pervert! Argh?! Uh, where are you touching it?!"

…… The four of you who placed the invisible game board on a table decorated with a golden tablecloth embroidered with something fancy were enjoying the game.

…… I had no choice but to think that Jeanie was going to drool and strip Marky of her clothes.

"That's Marky's self-employment, isn't it? When Jeanie suggested the Tal Rule, she said it would be fun and said yes."

"That's because I didn't know I was going to get it?! What are you talking about, but I like the head of this party?! So it's just a game like this! I'll sink them all! I didn't think it was a game that affected my luck so much!"

"What is that, my fire? I didn't want to help any more."

"Just take off the couple that made you look like a woman."

In the context of the conversation that led to swimming, Marky, swimming again, and Morka, Kwon Hyuk understood how things turned around.

I feel like I'm starting to enjoy something like a board game because I'm tired of waiting for the revolution. Just like it's not fun, Jeanie suggested the rules of Tal.

Well, for obvious reasons, it's Jeanie's proposal to become a pervert during a pervert, so Morka's opposition to swimming.

As a result, I was in a two-by-two situation, and I saw how the rules of Tal were adopted. And now Maki, who was one of the supporters of the rules of the Tal, has been chosen.

"What kind of joke is it to be naked like a woman?! You have to make a woman! You make the best of her!"

"No, it's wrong to agree with that pervert. Marky, you're taking off like a pervert's companion and getting liberated."

"Swimming?! That's weird?! I'm only going to take off my top now... Liberation..... Are we not the only virgins?! Do you already have a lot of liberating experiences?! Pervert! Exposure!"

"Who's a pervert?! And I haven't played impressions yet!"

"You'll do it if you get a chance! You're waving your waist over your boyfriend like an animal and enjoying liberation?! Pervert!!"

"I won't?!!!"

Something! I was ashamed of Kwon Hyuk who was still listening at the door to the conversation that was going to turn into a woman's slate in the back of the board game.

"…… no, maybe we already enjoyed exposure play without even knowing it. Even if he's capable, we may not notice!"

"…… is it convincing?"

When Morka glanced at the swim, she was unclean as if the swim was screaming with a red face.

"So you didn't do it?!"


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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