The face of the naive virgins, who had not yet experienced it, was overwhelmed by the fact that a friend might have worked hard to make a baby in front of him.

And as the party members were overwhelmed with excitement, they swam with shame and shouted out in front of their eyes.

"Ait! I'm not doing it! Stop it! In the first place, the Tal Rule was weird! We're girls, but what if we show each other naked? You saw it in the first place when we washed together!!"

"Oh-ho? Does that mean a man has to be naked? The experience is different."

"It doesn't mean anything at all!"

I decided to make a popular bet because my father's smile was almost built without even knowing the appearance of a group of swimmers who were shouting and playing well.

Knock, knock.

The gaze of a group of swimmers who were playing with each other as they knocked on the door that they had left open quickly turned to Kwon Hyuk, who was standing at the entrance.

Immediately after that, he hardened as if he was surprised by the look of the swim. He hurriedly approached Kwon Hyuk and jumped into his arms softly enough to be natural, and curled his hand around his neck and hanged him.

"Come on!"

"Ah, I just got back."

In other words, the members of the swimming party laughed and murmured, who could only recognize the fact that he had barely returned to the reunion that led to the natural appearance of the moment he saw Kwon Hyuk.

"…… It's not a dramatic reunion, but it's too spontaneous."

"It's so sweet that I want to hit you with magic."

"Beyond the moon, Solora is bitter for me to reconsider my situation."

Swimming, of course, heard three people murmuring in Kwon Hyuk's ears, but they both started to naturally face each other and overlap their faces shortly after holding each other.

Then, naturally, they kissed each other as if they were familiar, but deeply imprinted each other's existence as if this moment were the end.

"" "………… Explode." ""

.... Something like a mixture of sugar and honey burst out in my mouth, and three people murmured at the same time in the sight of sweetness and bitterness that seemed to have filled my heart with medicine.

However, the two people who were not complacent about the muttering, who were immersed in kissing each other, barely hit each other's faces and shared their gazes for a while, confirming each other's emotions.

"... Hyuk? I think I bowed more than I thought."

"Would you notice?"

"Should I call it a woman's feeling? Why should I say you seem desperate even though you haven't been away for a day?"

.... I had no choice but to nod with a smile as Kwon Hyuk felt his back get a little cooler than I thought.

"Sharp? Correct. In fact, the flow of space in the polite dungeon,..... is so accelerated that the time scale is strange."

"How accelerated is that?"

"10,000 times. Ten years for me objectively?"

In the voice of a swimmer who raises his head and asks nicely, Kwon Hyuk gives back his answer while enjoying the touch of her heart, which gives her a chopstick-like feel in his arms.

The moment he returned the answer, the swim became big enough that his eyes could no longer grow. Then he asks back in a slightly trembling voice as if he could not believe it.

"1, 10,000 times?! 10, 10 years?!"

"…… were you surprised?"

"No, I was surprised. Certainly, I heard that the dungeon of Abyss is going faster, but no matter how many years....."

Unlike Kwon Hyuk who spent 10 years inside the dungeon, he was only a few hours away from swimming.

Beyond surprises, there is nothing strange about the fact that the words of Kwon Hyuk are true. It was absurd to get rid of it.

Nevertheless, the swimmer gently stroked his cheeks, believing the words of Kwon Hyuk and feeling sorry for him, with a slight tear and a distressing look on his face.

"…… are you okay?"

In fact, swimming was not that worried about Kwon Hyuk until just now. I was relieved that the Dungeon Attack ended faster than I thought.

About an hour ago, a member of the swimming and swimming party came inside the temple and asked for sleep. Sudden face to face with the coordinator.

Face to face with being able to kill by lightly pressing their fingers, fatigue builds up like fatigue accumulates in the mind (self-pattern) itself just by facing it.

Even if it's not a direct face, it's an indirect face. That's why after the Hinas went into action, the swimmers fell asleep to recover from fatigue.

Then, when I heard that Kwon Hyuk's dungeon was ringing in the world, I woke up and was playing a board game to wait for Kwon Hyuk.

I was waiting for about an hour after I heard about the attack declaration, how much more accelerated dungeons were there than 10,000 times as much error as the original space flow.

And as I said, the swim didn't worry about his comfort enough to wait for the revolution in the board game.

There was also a belief in the power of the revolution, but in just a little over eight hours, a declaration of aggression came to the world.

In this case, the average person who knows when Kwon Hyuk entered the dungeon is forced to think that he cleared the dungeon of Abyss in an instant.

And the conclusion was that for Kwon Hyuk, this dungeon of Abyss was a dungeon that was not so difficult to clear in an instant.

So I wasn't worried. What are you worried about in a dungeon of such difficulty that you can clear in an instant?

However, unlike the expectations of such swimming, it has been more than a decade inside the dungeon. It's not unusual to worry about the security of Kwon Hyuk after realizing that.

"…… It's okay. Fortunately, the dominant spirit can only last a decade. It hasn't changed that much in 10 years."


No matter how much Kwon Hyuk has changed, it is now almost impossible to understand swimming in absolute subsistence.

No matter how many years passed with a completed spirit, it was a natural story if it was no longer a matter of self-sufficiency that felt no great change.

"Don't worry about it. Even if it's been 10 years, I'm still just a boyfriend who loves you."

"…… What are you talking about all of a sudden?! Rice, it won't change! You've changed! Hyuk I know wasn't the one who made such a blatantly shameful remark!"

"Argh?! All of a sudden, he stabbed me in the pain! Anger, I'm not sure I wasn't influenced by a courteous chicken butcher, but this is a change over time, so should I say it's more like pollution..?"

"Pollution is any pollution."

With a slight wind in the bowl, Kwon Hyuk's voice muttered sharply.

A swim that smiles together, faced with the idea that after a decade of such a reality, Kwon Hyuk certainly hasn't changed much.

"….. Hey, are you two there? Don't make your own world out of nowhere, will you? Honestly, we're all staring. I feel like I'm being terrorized by the sugar in my eyes by flipping my eyes."

So, when Maki woke up on behalf of a party member who couldn't stand the appearance of two people exchanging emotions in their own space, he fell out of the swimming pool in vain.

"Huge, …… Swimming. Where are the hinas?"

After pointing out the chicken slaughter and asking about what he had doubted before, he spilled elasticity as if the swim had blinked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to explain. Hina and Aria, three Mirys are in here right now."

That said, the object that the swim sent to Kwon Hyuk was a cube that could create a special subspace for people to enter and accelerate the flow of the subspace.

One of the objects that the dragons made for their successors was originally intended for the training of their successors.

In the presence of the object, Kwon Hyuk looks at the swim and asks.

"…… do you have any questions?"


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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