"Why are you stuck in there again?!"

"…… Master, should I join too?"

"Why not? No matter how much you grow up, it's only a matter of seconds, so when you get into that fight, it's a hustle and bust? Most of all, you're my man in the first place, right? They and you are in different places in the first place."

When Hyuk grabbed Hyuk's face and looked up at the sky, he saw that the group of Hina who had joined the war had begun to wage three waves.

No matter how many decades have passed, the situation is only a sigh to think that the disciples are too reckless.

If you come back here as a wolf and join Miris, it was a chaotic situation in Chaos, so somehow Miris' war ended in a fire.

No, it wasn't just Miris. Seriously, when these guys start fighting here, the situation goes badly, and now it's time to convince them with power, not words.

"…… Stop."

Kwon Hyuk takes a small sigh and immediately removes the expression from his face and opens his mouth in an anonymous voice to vomit the language.

Swimming around you like Hina, who is about to create a strong force and unfold the culverts of the Extermination Act.

A situation where Aria's energy collides, spreading her debt and hitting Mana in the atmosphere, causing noise like the motor is physically turning.

Therefore, it was obvious that Kwon Hyuk's voice was small enough to be obscured by the noise.

Nevertheless, the movement of the three men stopped at the moment of his voice hitting his ear clearly. I didn't want to stop.

The moment the voice of the Sovereign Revolution was heard, the instinctive survival instinct refused to move.

Hence, Hindo, who was about to step on the pavement, and Arias, who was about to spiritualize his body, were hardened like stones in the air.

Then, something started to go wrong, so I couldn't grease my face, so I moved like a giggling robot and turned my gaze to a place with revolutionary power.

In that place, there was a monster in the vicinity that was fearful because it did not feel any emotion on its face.

What a flaw!

It's just as quiet as the night before the typhoon. In that state, the three men who were delicately scratching and shaking their shoulders each time they showed a fine movement set up their spines as they opened their mouths.

"You guys....."


With an unknown look on his face, Gwon Hyuk suddenly smiled and threw up a language that literally contained "power."

"…… everyone stood on their knees in front of me."




It was three people who were raising their heads at the moment because they did not understand Kwon Hyuk's remarks, but Kwon Hyuk shouted with 'power' in his words once again.

"All of you, get down on your knees and stand in front of me!"




The moment the cry of Kwon Hyuk fell, surprisingly, the body of the swimmer, Hina, and Ariah moved by themselves, and as it was, they began to kneel and raise their hands in front of Kwon Hyuk.

Ignoring their doctors and their bodies moving as they please. The fact is that three people who are still unaware of the situation look up at the power revolution with a blind eye.

In response, Gwon Hyuk, who had still not lost his smile on his face, gave another command in a voice that was not so refreshing.

"Hina, Aria, gravity rises about 20 times as fast as swimming. Restrict me from moving even a centimeter until my permission is given."




What happened when the language of Kwon Hyuk became a force and interfered with the wisdom of the world? The three people who were looking up at the revolution with their faces threw up a tri-colored scream, and suddenly a painful expression of enhanced gravity appeared.

At least it wasn't hard to bear because of their absolute self-sufficiency. But the more I endure, the more my arm hurts and my leg starts to twist like a normal person is really being punished.

"Teacher, there.... Hey, what the hell is this?"

"Don't you see? It's punishment, isn't it?"

At a moment of sudden distress, Aria, who thought her guilt was lightest on behalf of the three, asked, and Kwon Hyuk replied with a single smile.

Ariah did not, of course, ask why he was punished. Even if you're an idiot, you'll be able to challenge why Kwon Hyuk is punished in this situation.

However, it was a little shocking to see that three people who were in absolute subsistence could easily be beaten by words alone.

"Teacher, too. I can't even shadow my toes yet!"

"I wanted to have more magical discussions with you!"

"Hey, Hyuk. I know I was angry for a while and I did something wrong, but this looks a bit like this in front of the members of the party.., I am the leader.."

Well, the punished Hina and Aria glanced at Kwon Hyuk's ability to run far away, and in the case of swimming, they bowed their heads and avoided their gaze.

He opened his mouth and rewarded them with a smile of joy. It's no different…….

"Who told you to open your mouth while you were being punished? 30 times the gravity, command complete silence until I allow it."


…… after frontally blocking three people's mouths, it further strengthens gravity to compensate for the torments the body creates.

If you invest generously in spiritual magic that has already reached the level of dominance, it was not possible to defeat only three people at the 'Absolute' level when implementing merit in the language.

In comparison, even though the three men were doing their best, they could not even resist the profound talent in the language spoken by Kwon Hyuk.

I feel compelled to kneel and hold my hand in that position just as the Sovereign Revolution commanded me. And Marky's group, who had been watching the sights from the beginning, had no choice but to admire them.

"…… I simply defeated the situation by force, which forced me to enter the Lagoon Route immediately."

"Does Harem's preconditions require absolute power?"

"Obviously, with this kind of power, no matter how good a Hiro is, it's impossible to go against the protagonist's doctor."

"It's a possible way to be our master. He's very manly, isn't he?"

As Miris said at the last time, it was very manly in some sense to subdue the lavatory, which might normally be a knifed boat and a Nice boat row.

"I won't let that happen until you reflect properly. Do I have to reflect properly?"

Nod, nod, nod, nod.

If you don't give me the right answer, I will raise gravity by 40 times! I was forced to swim in Hyeong-hyuk's smile as well as just nod hard.

And every time I recall this day, I thought about swimming. Even though he is himself, Kwon Hyuk is also quite terrified when he is angry.

Especially when you almost open a new door that naturally smiles and makes you feel bad about harassing your opponent without any mercy.

+ + +

"Hah, hah, hah."

"Ugh. S, Teacher, I was so violent...."

"Ugh, tongue, Hyuk is a fool..... I need you to take a little look."

Kwon Hyuk defeated the disciples and their girlfriends who were about to enter the arena because of Hina's recklessness.

Then, by the power revolution that punished three people through his power without mercy, three people were barely on the ground after a two-hour period of punishment.

"... what the hell happened while I was sleeping? Stan, is that what I think happened?"

Three women drenched their entire body with sweat and threw up their exhausted breaths on the floor, pushing up to three people so that they could not fight.

And seeing that Yoon Su-ji, who had finally regained consciousness as to whether she was completely seated in her body (self-pattern), looked at the revolution with a reddish face, as if she was exhausted.


Defeat them with the power of the whirlpool.... a little admired as a man.

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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