In a different way, I explained it by shaking my head as if Kwon Hyuk had misunderstood Yoon Su-ji's gaze.

"It was never the sexual thing you thought it was. For the record, all three of them are in good shape."

"Isn't that what you wore after you did it? In fact, it's already all in your clothes, other liquids, damp."

"No, don't tell me if you're going to react because you feel ashamed to die right now! Most of all, I think there are audiences there."

He pointed to a group of Markies who looked as if Kwon Hyuk was frightened and amused by the look of Yoon Su-ji, who turned red and lowered his head as if he wanted to go in with a rat hole.

Jinni laughed at Sattaezil of Kwon Hyuk, wiped the saliva that flowed by his mouth, nodded his head, and defended Kwon Hyuk.

"It was definitely a good caliber, but it wasn't sexual, so I'm relieved. No, it's a better part because it wasn't sexual. Cheolm, I can see all three people rubbing their thighs with the look of their legs...!"

"Never mind perverted remarks. It wasn't really a big deal."

Looking at three people stretched to the floor like Jeanie was not tired, Maki sighed and said with a sigh as if she had never tasted again.

I sent Yoon Su-ji's gaze to Kwon Hyuk to see if it was okay. Kwon Hyuk shrugged his shoulders in the sense that it was always happening, and then reached out to Hina who was completely exhausted and fell.

"... there, hina? Can you get up?"

"I don't have the power to enter my body, but if you tell me to stand up, I'll stand up by consuming my congenital dizziness!"

"No, you don't have to. How about a swim with Aria?"

"I'm a herd. Unlike you two, physical labor is a rat wizard. I would have fainted if my body had not been reflexive."

"It's a little hard for me, too. I'm just going to rest like this for 10 minutes."

I woke up as if Kwon Hyuk could not help but look at Yoon Soo-ji, and I decided to introduce Hina and Ariah.

"I have a bit of work to do, and now it's all spread out like this, but they're both my disciples, who will be your buyers in the future. This way, Hina, this way. Once you are……, hmm. I used to have a lot of Yoon Soo-ji, but now I have more Hina and Aria? No, Aria was over 50 in the first place...."

Even if it wasn't his intention, Kwon Hyuk, who was planning to introduce his new group to Hina and Aria, realized one thing.

Once he rolled 10 years in the dungeon of Abyss, even though Hina and Aria had spent 10 years in the Cube, the age difference did not change.

But in the case of swimming, it's now younger than the mild hina. Aria was a rebel in the first place, so the law of age was different from that of man.

Now that I think about it, I don't know what's going on. …… Swimming, 17 years old this year. After being summoned to this world, there was a lot going on, but in fact it wasn't even a year ago.

Hina, I was 20 years old when I finished my training at Cube. Now I'm three years older than swimming. Aria, 64. You can see that it is older, but it is still an early childhood, based on the growth criteria of the refusal.

Kwon Hyuk……, roughly 28 to 29? Thinking about the first and second dungeons of Abyss, he was now almost 30 years old.

"..... What, now I've come to realize, but somehow I am. I became the guy who flirted with high school."

Having said this objectively, isn't he a very serious person? At that moment, Yoon Su-ji spoke with an expression that he did not know English while Kwon Hyuk was stopping.

"Hey, sir? These two women named Sasserra also told the teacher...."

"Wait a minute, Master? Sager or teacher? What are you talking about?"

When Kwon Hyuk was in serious trouble because of his age, Hina, who had just been spread out like mud on the floor, stood up in front of him.

Yoon Su-ji looked at her as surprised by her sudden actions and was able to regain consciousness.

"Well, that's what happened……."

"No, I know you don't have to talk. The problem is that the teacher is too attractive. So this time, I'm tailing a teacher who's never seen anything like it. Once we're done, let's get started."

"No, so let's stop with that?! You won't have any more balls than that. Are you moving well?!"

"It's the power of love for you!!"

…… Something suddenly became more chaotic, and Yoon Su-ji began to look at him with a polite glance.

Why does the disciple shout love to the teacher? I was wondering if you were dating an additional swimmer? It also contained a memorial.

In his eyes, I don't know how this situation works, so he presses Hina's shoulders to open his eyes and see where the power is springing from and raise his sword again.

"Just calm down and, as I said before, I'll hang out with Hina for a while."

"Eek?! I am?! I am a girlfriend and I am?!"

"…… you were in the swimming pool a few days ago, right? In comparison, Hina is 10 years old. So let's give it up this time?"

"Teacher, I'm 10 years old, too."

Hina is reuniting with Kwon Hyuk in 10 years. In comparison, swimming was practically only a few hours away from Kwon Hyuk.

Based on that fact, when I reasonably thought that swimming was also an emotion in his remarks that induced concessions to swimmers, I just sighed whether Kwon Hyuk's opinion was correct.

.... Even though Ariado, another disciple soon after, asked for time with Kwon Hyuk, there was a bit of a chimi, but Kwon Hyuk is his boyfriend, so it's no wonder he is monopolizing himself? I'm thinking.

"…… okay. Instead, I'll have the monopoly next time."

"Yes, yes. I'll get you an exclusive then, so just hang in there for a few days."

However, the fact that Hina, of course, had not seen Kwon Hyuk for more than 10 years also made a concession to the swimmer.

I think I can endure it for a few days if I don't think I've seen the revolution for a decade.

And the concession of such a swim resulted in a dramatic compromise agreement, in which the runaway Hina regained some reason.

"…… Toothless, the thief cat barely saved his life?"

"No, you're a cat thief, not me, no matter how you look at it. I'm a girlfriend, you're a disciple?"

"Teachers are taught these things, kindly, one by one? Yeah, something like that! ♥"

"... Hyuk, I think I'd better hit it right once."

It was not Hina's provocation, but the swimming started to stand up with blood vessels floating on her forehead, whether it was provoked or not. Similarly, Hyuk sighed in response to what was happening in the middle of the swimming pool when his body was powerless.

"… Sir? When will you introduce me? Even though a proper introduction would not be possible under the circumstances than this."

Looking at that mess, Kwon Hyuk sighed at Yoon Su-ji's voice, muttering in an uneasy voice.

And then about 10 minutes later. Arias, who was scattered on the ground, was barely able to recover, and Hina and her swimmers were able to avoid the battle somehow.

Would you be punished one more time if you were so energetic with a smile? It was because I could not resist the voice of Kwon Hyuk.

Of course, unlike the old Hina, Hina, who was completely female, was completely disconnected from the conversation between the two people because she was hostile before she could swim.

"Well, let me introduce you once again. My name is Yoon Soo-ji. I'm your sister who will learn augmentation from me in the future. I won't tell you until you treat me well, but don't harass me."

However, Kwon Hyuk, who short-circuited the situation, introduced Yun Soo-ji to Hina and Ariah. Shortly after he was summoned, he explained that he was in this situation because he died and saved his life.

Hina and Ariah were the ones who gave the explanation of Kwon Hyuk. Aria did not seem to be very interested, but in Hina's case, she looked at Shin Su with her eyes at the dead body explicitly.

"…… please take care in the future. Death..... No, buying."

"Hey, sir? She's not smiling at all. Rather, you are told that you live a life of subtlety?"

"Excuse me. Do you want me to be close to you? Yeah, we get to know each other pretty well every day."

".... Isn't that the one who dies during the fight?"

After a dramatic compromise with the concession of swimming, Hina somehow regained her reason, "I don't want to do anything you don't like. 'I insisted.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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