After that, Kwon Hyuk began with the tangible pores that Hina had missed so far, identifying and teaching all the shaped pores.

Even if he could do it, if he did not notice that he could do it, it was the same as he could not.

But it was also a story that instinctively succeeded if one could know what one could do differently.

In that sense, Hina is a strong person who uses strength to make her own self, a non-swordsman who flies swords, a wearer who breaks the inner air in the atmosphere.

It was possible to obtain a self-defensive steel that temporarily maximizes the defensive force by exerting strength on the body, a strong deformation that at least slightly modifies the shape of the expressed strength, a steel that can be blown out of the mediator, and finally, a tangential pore called a gray steel that rotates the strength itself to increase the conventional power.

Not only that, but as a typical type of pore, the wall pores corresponding to conventional hard work, supernumerary, equivalence, and water ratio were cooked, and the conventional attribute pores that can be used through an endless machine and the attribute pores that can only be used through an endless machine were also cooked. Of course, these attribute pores also corresponded to the shape pores.

And Hina, who had learned to apply different methods to her, said, "When things were possible that she never imagined would be possible, she was not surprised.

"I never thought that so many things could happen in vain. I never imagined it!"

"It's important to imagine that. The same is true of magic, but I can't imagine what I'm going to do, because I'm going to explore ways to use that ability."

The type pores and shape pores that Kwon Hyuk told Hina now all have a higher surface area, making it possible to do so naturally.

But beyond that, there are many kinds of abilities that people have been studying for a long time on the subject of what they can do now.

Recognizing that fact to Hina, Kwon Hyuk emphasized the importance of research. I think it's very important to think about what is possible with your abilities, no matter what kind of dynamics.

"Research, research?"

"Well, if you don't stop working, you might be able to find something that you haven't found anywhere else possible. And that would be the number of spleens."

That way, Gwon Hyuk, who had been talking to Hina about nothing for a while, looked at her like he was asking her to come again.

After noticing the meaning of the snowflake, Hindo lifted up his sword without saying a word, and set out to attack Kwon Hyuk.

Bang! Keiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

The rivalry between the two began when Hina generously triggered the Heterocyclist to create a statue on every side, to suspend Hyuk's eyes, and to occupy his back while standing still.

Kwon Hyuk also limited his abilities to the same level as Hina so that he could use his maximum power. The fight became more intense than before.

Inside the perforated city of Atleon, the inside of Kwon Hyuk's homemade training ground fluctuated. The dark forces created by the two men in the air scattered like petals and sometimes burst like gunpowder.

The sound of the sword and sword-striking iron resounded, and the two men's workshops, which were given dozens of times per second, were beautiful enough to look like a dance of swords and swords.

It's a story that happens when you get into the supersonic realm and get a good sense of the two people's workshops.

I regretted the various pores I learned from Kwon Hyuk just before I knew that the sky was the sky, and showed a stereoscopic movement along the walls and ceilings.

Kwon Hyuk, like her, stepped on walls and ceilings like the ground and responded with movements that could not be thought of as human.

The movement of the two people was basically based on the doctrine of a bicycle, which was so complex that not only Hina, but every time the figure of the revolution moved, only the statue remained, leaving the mind for a while and missing the position of the two people.


"…… hmm, is it the pore of the Ice Attribute?"

Then there was a change in the battle between Hina and Kwon Hyuk. An exterminator that can break down the condition into root units by eroding the energy of extermination into wounds without hesitation.

Until now, the strength of the invincible attribute, the invincible attribute, had changed to blue and began to scatter cold that seemed to be unable to move even by the joints.

Even the moisture in the atmosphere was frozen and turned into ice on the ground and started to scatter enough cold to fall. Hyeong-hyuk realized that Hyuk applied the attribute pores he had told him about.


"I like the idea that you can't win like this, but using attribute pores to use the same Extermination Method is not very commendable."

Using only pleasantly sought cutthroats, Gwon Hyuk prevented Hina's sword from pressing down lightly at a speed beyond his perception.

No, I didn't just stop him. By pressing the sword against the ground at an exquisite rate at an exquisite time, he showed the trick of holding Hina's sword between the sword of Kwon Hyuk and the ground.


"The Endless God can't be converted to all attributes. But I've never used attribute pores before. So the invincible attribute is an irretrievable attribute in all attributes. That means no weaknesses, no strengths. But sometimes the lack of weakness becomes a strength. If you're on the same level, or on a higher level than your opponent, you can simply stamp and press without being countered."

Therefore, when he triumphs over a stronger opponent, Hina nods again with a gloomy expression, with a sword fixed in her voice to judge the opponent's weakness and move.

If you smile at Hina like that, let's go all the way here today and convert the sword made through the armor into a bracelet and kick her back.

At least, the last battle made Kwon Hyuk draw out his sword, and when Hina sighed, she wrinkled Kwon Hyuk's glabella.

"I see, Hina. I have a question for you."

"Anything! If you want, I can tell you the color of your pants today in three sizes!"

If you were a kid, what would you do with a three-size? I would have thrown an objection, but now I can't talk to an adult woman, Hina.

…… I was curious about the size of the thriller because I had quite a taste for revolution with an honest heart. Oh, the panties, of course. He's a man, isn't he?

However, as Gwon Hyuk, who buried such sincerity deep in his heart, coughed in vain and told her not to play with it.

"No, what I want to ask you is, how old were you when you went into the cube and you went to absolute subsistence?"

This part was more important than I imagined. Problems existed if Hina did not reach the age of high school and did not climb to absolute subsistence.

After this, when Hina reaches the rank of dominant, 'Hallelujah' finds a god on the subject of Maheuk the Drinker! 'It was because it became an eternal lorry.

For adult males, although private cars exist, they end up before and after the age of 20. In the case of Kwon Hyuk, the body seemed to have determined that the growth was over as long as it was not 20 years old, whether it was genetic in nature or bad luck.

He was 5 years younger than he was when he became a ruler, so he reached absolute subsistence at the age of 17 and reached the age of 22 when he finished growing up.

So the years of five years burned down, and to supplement these years of five years, it became a body about 12 years younger than its original age.

In other words, Hindo's original appearance, like the Shotein revolution, had a chance to become an eternal lorry. It was Laurie's confirmation, if not after the age of 17.

.. Ariah? You know Aria, right? Originally, it would have been slower to grow because of the body's close side effects of simultaneously collecting blood from humans and lumps after 10 years.

Even though the mental part may have been a part of it, the physical part is undeniable. You can't be a big sister like you are now.

But that's it. Of course it's Laurie, right? Since the mental problems have been solved, I want you to grow to the junior high school level for 10 years.

After that, if you don't go to absolute subsistence, you're definitely going to be a lower primary school lorry!

"For this reason, it's very important when you're on the Absolute. In that sense, I wanted you to be on absolute subsistence after you were 20. I have no choice but to reach it already."

When Kwon Hyuk explained in detail the intent of his question and asked her again when she would be on the Absolute, Hina replied with a trembling expression.

"Uh……, it's definitely been in the cube……, 3, 3 years?"

Three years....., Hina is 13 years old by simple calculation. I was in absolute subsistence at an age when I was not yet in middle school. Yes, this was glossy.

"…… Later, if you do wrong, it will be difficult for you to reach the elementary level."

"What, like that?! Uh, do it! Teacher! Now I can seduce you! As part of that, I've been running the internal air to keep my breasts from growing to your liking?!"


Method of manufacturing lawful lorries.

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication.

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