
At the moment of Hyuk-hyuk's sudden come-out, he stares at her in a panic, throwing something into the air, even though he is drinking nothing.

I thought that Hinachi, whose body should have grown more perfectly, had small breasts because he had certainly learned nothing.

Kwon Hyuk didn't think it was a good thing, but I didn't expect Hina to control her body size through her internal pores to suit his tastes!

You should have studied the types of pores and shapes that you could use, and you could have applied them to a subject you didn't even know how to control your body size! Genius was also a genius.

…… It was undeniable just this time that genius was exercised in a strange form.

"Didn't you look young too?! Then, can't I change my appearance too?!"

"... It's not impossible."

…… Kwon Hyuk. If I tell you how to do it here, you'll be at war with me. I'll watch as the pass is cut off and I'll jump into the deep world!!!

In addition to magic, there were clearly shape-shaped pores that changed his appearance in the air. There were also shaped pores that could change gender like magic polymorphs.

However, Mahjook of the Deep System of Kwon Hyuk declared war in the same color as the final boss, so he also told Chama Hina how to do it.

You son of a bitch, I'm scared because I'm gonna pretend like I'm really crazy and commit suicide.

"Ha, ha, ha. Let's talk about it later when you're the ruler."

So, for now, the problem is to push her back, so that after avoiding Hina's desperate gaze, Hyuk was big, and then he shook his throat and asked.

"So, Hina, it's the same story with Aria, not you. How was Aria? How long have you been in the sixth grade beaver since you grew up?"

"Hmm, it must have taken……, about five years. And in the meantime, Aria..... has grown a little."

Even a little while ago, Kwon Hyuk stopped talking about how much he had grown.

He noted, however, that Aria was in the sixth grade Beginner. Kwon Hyuk gave Aria the most fundamental foundation of class magic, the Atom Stage Law.

I trained myself to control the Mana I created in the atmosphere, and then made it possible to control the Mana by my own will before going into the 4th Circle.

The core is then changed so that the Mana generated in the circle can be controlled after being in the 4th Circle, transformed before the interruption, and stored at the interruption point like a dragon.

That's how Aria was able to enter class magic as a first-class master. No, it would have been.

That's because Hina wasn't able to enter class magic until just before she entered the cube. Nevertheless, she was now working on the Atom Mana Stage Law.

Once the principle of the Atom Mana Stage Law was injected into Aria so that there was no error, it was possible for Aria to enter the Atom Mana Stage Law by herself if there was no chance.

In other words, the introduction to class magic itself is already the state that the revolution has made its way. But I can't believe I was a sixth grade veggie...

'Is it possible that Solomon, who had knowledge of the magic I wiped down as a basis and left behind a courtesy dragon lord, was wise?'

Even so, Kwon Hyuk is a pure expression of joy and admiration, even though he went up to such a land without approval.

Especially, even if he knew how to enter class magic with knowledge, if he was wrong, the cessation war could have been destroyed.

Honestly, I don't know why she behaved the way she did, but it was her own choice.

In her view, it was already a few years ago, and so was the new wrath.

But at the same time, Ariah was also worried. No matter how knowledgeable the dragon was, it was a firefly in front of the sun.

In that sense, like Hina, Ariah will also have more to teach, except for the part about the rise of the land.

So a few days later, when Aria's turn came, she was pondering for a moment what she would teach her. At that moment, Hina asks in a low voice.

"…… Teacher, were you thinking of another woman in front of me?"

"…… huh?"

"No, no. You don't have to tell me. I can tell. It's true. I think you were thinking about Aria. While I am here, even though it is now time with me...."

…… Again, in a very frightening atmosphere, Gwon Hyuk turned his gaze slightly to the dark eyes of Hina, who was sending out a glance that did not exist as a corpse or highlight.

'.... It's really bad for the heart, so will you stop it?'

No, I was not more afraid to notice how he was thinking about Ariah than he was. It was obvious that a woman's feelings are often attributes of a woman's life.

Kwon Hyuk was thinking about how to get out of this crisis. At that moment, however, Kwon Hyuk's expression changed.

"... Teacher? What's going on?"

A revolution that suddenly starts to refine and focus on something. Hina, who sensed something unusual about the figure of Kwon Hyuk, focused on her pupils and asked with a serious voice towards Kwon Hyuk.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Hina, I decided to play after this, but it seems like it's a little hard."

That's why I'm delivering an apology that means I'm really sorry for Hina's answer.

Originally, after my training, I was going to stay alone as Hina hoped. I'm more tired of dragon roads being imprisoned in dragon sanctuaries for a long time.

Rare at Dragon Road had a variety of board games handcrafted by Dragon Road, with the exception of courtesy board games, one of which he planned to spend time with Hina.

However, Chan Kwon Hyuk, noticing the changes that had just taken place outside of Atelion, changed his schedule and immediately began to move to the outside corner of Atelion.

"Teacher? What's going on? Something serious?"

"If it's serious, it's serious..... Hmm, what the hell are they?"

And Hina followed him as he rushed to the outer corner of Atleon and asked him what the hell was going on.

I don't know if Kwon Hyuk knows the details of her question, but I moved on, saying that it was as clear as the fact that something had happened.

Soon after that, Kwon Hyuk moved to the outer corner of Atleon to see what had happened outside of Atleon.

At this time, Atleon was moving towards the shoreline as it exited the Great Sea of Miriris and floated over the Great Sea, almost completely reaching the eastern shore of Mandalas.

"..... is that the army? Teacher, aren't they soldiers? It looks like thousands of units, even if you can't get there."

"Yeah, the amazing thing is, these guys aren't the end of it. It's only a few tens of thousands of units that are caught up in my feelings right now. No..... this looks like 100,000 units?"

And as Atleon approached the shore, it was not only the discovery made by Gwon Hyuk, but the soldiers who were gathering at the shore to take tents and build bases.

Originally, there were thousands of soldiers on the beach who planned to enjoy the holidays for a few days.

On the one hand, the barracks and soldiers were making over-the-counter accommodations, and on the other hand, they were making meals with supplies.

I looked across the continent of Mandalas with an absurd expression that Kwon Hyuk swallowed up the laughter in the sights.

The spirit of the revolution, which has already become so great that it covers the entire continent, has made it possible to determine the state of the continent in general.

Once there were tens of thousands of soldiers around this place as well as on the shores of each continent.

Among them, there were troops confronting the soldiers of the Meier and Lyerdasus empires, some of whom were in the middle of camps to cross the forbidden aquifers and the Alcanos Mountains.

Well, a soldier in the Forbidden Army was being annihilated with praise.

But even with these troops, there are hundreds of thousands and millions of soldiers who can't make their appearance on the entire continent.

"Where the hell did this number of troops come from? No. What are these guys doing more than that? '

I opened my eyes to look across the continent with the expression that I was a little tired of the numbers that would not be my opponent, even if I were to combine the entire forces of the Meier and Ryerdasus empires.

".... These guys, they're seamen?"


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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