After taking a short breath, Kwon Hyuk cleared his face and opened his mouth and muttered low.

"Don't you mean we just have to get rid of it?"

…… In fact, Hyuk Hyuk, who has survived in a dungeon that cannot survive unless he kills his opponent, is as murderous as Hina.

And in his remarks, all the people gathered in the outer corners of Atleon looked at him with a delicate expression.

I wonder if he's out of his mind, and he's heard something wrong. It included the implications of doing so.

A natural story, if you will. It was an absurd remark that, roughly speaking, the revolutionary regime is now being wiped out against thousands of units, a force that could be 10,000 units if it goes wrong.

"Even if you say extermination..... only a thousand units?"

"It looks like about 8,000. I think it's just a scout everywhere. It looks like about 20,000 people are lurking on the floor."

Morka put the unrealistic numbers of troops in her mouth and returned the answer in a light tone, as if Kwon Hyuk were asking if there was a problem.

It also contained the number of seamen in front of the great sentiments of Kwon Hyuk, and others were forced to be even more frightened by Kwon Hyuk's remarks.

Those troops who are setting up garrisons on the shore right now are also exhausted. Swimming parties have mostly cleared dungeons, so I've never seen this kind of troops.

Kwon Hyuk's group is in a similar position. The only person here who was familiar with such a large army was Yoon Su-ji.

But she, as a warrior, had only fought in the middle of the war.

No matter how many battlefield battlefield battlefields you encounter in the Gulf, can you feel that scale clearly as a human being?

"…… I've been to war as a soldier, but there's just a lot of them down there." "

With a small voice, Yoon Su-ji put one hand on his forehead, staring at the seamen who covered the shoreline as black as ants.

Yes, as a graduate, facing the enemy army from the front and looking down from the top was a visually significant difference in numbers.

When viewed from the front, the followers were not visible because they were at the forefront of the position. So, of course, 10,000 or 100,000 doesn't make a big difference.

But if you look down to do this, you can see that the scale feels enormously different, even though it's less than 10,000.

But right now, the overwhelming number of Thais are trying to get rid of them lightly. It is natural to reveal the embarrassment of power.

"…… Hyuk, are these people there only for a short time?"

"Approximately 7,000 soldiers are below level 50. But at an average level of about 35, the quality of the troops is quite high. And about 1,000 levels above 50. If indicated by the landscape, the level of introduction is 7,000 and the level of secondment 1,000... Wow, I'm going to wipe out one country lightly. Indeed, this is the ruin of the status card."

Based on stories told by other transcendents, this is the average point of a nation's troops in a fantasy world where martial arts and magic normally exist.

Enough to say that a country possesses a rich enough defense force, even if the average warrior has 100,000, knights, superhuman beings, between 100 and 200.

The general view here is that even if there are only five levels of masters, the Absolute, you can call the Empire.

However, due to the nature of the status card, there was a characteristic of mass distribution of super-interest mock power users.

Level 100 or more requires considerable effort, but level 50 or more requires a little talent and enough effort and time to reach anyone.

As a result, the number of super-individual seamen who are absurdly caught in the spirit of the Soviet Revolution is enormous enough to reach about 20,000.

This was 100 times the normal power level of a normal fantasy world.

Compared to the Maier and Lyudas empires using the same status card right now, the level is five to ten times different.

"There's more than a hundred levels, and they don't look very common. In terms of numbers……, roughly 3 people here. 500 seems to be continental. Hmmy, the sea bastards, they whine. Where the hell did you hide your troops?"

It was a distinct defensive force from the Lyudas and Meier empires, which spoke objectively and had been at war until now.

A few decades after peace, not war, the two empires were mobilizing the level of troops they thought would be able to foster.

"Continentally speaking, about 1.3 million troops have been mobilized. In comparison, the total force of the Meier Empire is 250,000, and that of the Ryadasus Empire is 200,000? If you hit it at a level ratio, the average level 40 warrior will be about 128,000, the super-individual presence of 50 or more, and the double-level presence of 100 or more……, about five hundred. This is boring enough for me."

Kwon Hyuk explains to her the numbers of troops mobilized by the Thais in the question of swimming. In his explanation, the complexion of the group became pale, enabling him to imagine more clearly the capabilities of the seamen.

"…… not even Jinjin xx Evolution, what is that unrealistic force? The Seamen are taking over the ground?"

"So what's the end of a nuclear explosion? Oh, now I can make a nucleus, but throw it?"

"…… will you please be patient?"

Kwon Hyuk laughs and jokes as if swimming were a hobby and is slightly dizzy.

However, when he shook his head from side to side with his tired face, Gwon Hyuk shrugged.

"Well, certainly the volume is enormous, but it's not that worrying. They're the only ones who have to do it."

With the effect of the status card, 1.3 million soldiers were made up of three to four elite soldiers who were able to deal with ordinary elite soldiers alone.

Among them, the superhuman ability to massacre dozens and hundreds of civilians on its own unilaterally was mobilized in enormous numbers.

To be honest, this was worse than the Demon Monarch in the story. Even if you say that the power balance between countries is falling apart, it's completely worthless.

"But there are no obvious weaknesses for those who are stronger with Status cards."

"…… Are you talking about traits, no, power?"

Maki, who was staring at the shoreline with a zinc face, saw the hope that the seamen might take over the ground right away.

"Yes, stats card users are, in other words, mock power users. And mock power users can't do the right thing in front of them. Standby control through the opponent's aura overwhelms the opponent's."

Isn't that why the Ryerdassus Empire was forced to summon one of its mighty warriors, Silice, who was also the Demon King?

Well, there was something behind it that had nothing to do with the dragon rod. Kwon Hyuk's story expressed the hope that all had regained some degree of hope.

However, if a seaman suddenly appeared on the ground and invaded the Maier and Lyudas empires, no one would be compelled to worry like them.

Who wants to be ruled by those who have invaded suddenly without knowing? Above all, it was natural to worry about the words of a country that had historically become a colony.

So there can be enough stories to see hope and see the look on your face. But shortly after, Kwon Hyuk broke their hopes.

"But the enemy knows that. You see, there are quite a few numbers of decent power users like swimming. You look like 50 if you can't."

"Oh, fifty?!"

"In other words, there are fifty strong people at the same level as the courtesy apostles……?"

Kwon Hyuk nodded.

"Indeed, the power of the Ottomans, who have continued to develop in the sea during the war on the ground, is enormous. To be honest, if you go like this, it won't be a month, so the ground will be taken."

The starting line was too different in the first place. The Meier and Lyerdasus empires wasted a considerable amount of power if they were to consume each other, even if it was not a total war.

By contrast, the Thais have been united under the existence of the Dragon King and have not quarrelled with each other, but only developed. Even if you look at this situation, you don't know which child will prevail?

"All of a sudden..."

It sounded like Cheongcheon troops. I can't believe the peace we barely regained through the truce. It was not by the devil who had been preparing for the alliance, but by an extraterrestrial creature called the Seaman!


This is why the final winner becomes the one who doesn't fight to the end. If people are fighting in front of you, get down and hide. Patience is the greatest virtue of victory.

... even if I can see the chimney in front of my eyes and shoot it instinctively. Magnetic fields are scary, buzzers.

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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