In fact, he did not notice the existence of Atleon with a faint expression and looked at the Ottomans who were building a ruined camp.

Groups that were so desperate. However, the only one of them, the laid-back one, was the revolutionary revolution that they claimed would be wiped out shortly before.

Ah, further on, Myris was looking at the seamen as if he didn't understand the situation, and Hina and Ariah were standing crooked as if it was a story without any interest at all.

These are the people who are not interested even if the seamen occupied the continent in the first place. Outside, all but Kwon Hyuk were desperate.

"Why did the Seamen invade, not the demons of decency?"

"Do you understand me? But I'm glad you're still unhappy. Once the Devil has emerged, the Meier Empire and the Lyerdasus Empire have made alliances. So how long will it last?"

Maki grumbles with a slightly hysterical voice, so that the genie does not mingle with the muffled voice of despair.

At the very least, the alliance between the Meier and Lyerdasus empires was the only hope of preventing the invasion of the Seamen by the so-called Demons who had emerged from the rebellion.

…… No, I thought it was my only hope. But unlike them, she opens her mouth with a smile that is not serious at all.

"Obviously, if we do this, the continent will be occupied by the Seamen, but it's not that serious."

What are the Valkyrie members and Yoon Su-ji talking about in Kwon Hyuk's flat voice? I looked at and heard it with a face.

"No, why is it so serious that the continent is occupied by the seamen?! It's dangerous?!"

"As long as you don't know what their purpose is, no, it can't be serious to invade by force like this, can it? Sir, it's a disappointment if you really talk like that."

Among other things, Swimming and Susie most vigorously criticized Kwon Hyuk. Yoon Su-ji is a girl who has a strong sense of justice to match the anti-mysticism god.

However, it was unexpected that the swim would be so emotional that it was not because of her party members.

"We can think of it as a long time to go back to the world, but do genies have to live in this world? But when the world is occupied by the seamen...."

Unlike Yoon Su-ji, we didn't want to save the world by definition. An extremely girly admiration for worrying about the world becoming dangerous just when your friends live.

He stroked the cheek of the swim and smiled and said in a tone that was so complicated.

"No, I mean, you don't have to squirm like that, those things. I'm going to wipe them out. Yeah, don't you think the end of Destruction, , will be okay?"

Looking at his girlfriend with such a loving expression, he was forced to harden all the people who were here at the moment when he threw up his unmistakable remarks.

…… and then I realized. From the beginning, he said that the Thais would be exterminated.

In his remarks, all who realized why Hyuk was so relaxed saw Hyuk as an unbelievable sight with a creepy sense of backbone.

Are you seriously telling me that you're going to kill this human being, like, 1.3 million troops on your own? With a suspicious gaze.

No matter how confident you are in your mythical abilities, isn't that a crowd? A stare with obvious doubts.

But at the same time, those who had seen the power of the Sovereign Revolution in the past were also afraid that they might actually commit the same doubts.

In response to the women's complex gaze, she asks with a look that the swim is a little puzzled, but worried that it might be too crowded.

".... No matter how strong you are, you can't deal with that troop alone? Or do you intend to cooperate with the Meier Empire and the Ryerdasus Empire?"

"No? You don't need to cooperate to kill ants like that?"

As if talking about natural facts, Maki looks bored with the story of the revolution, but she says it's not.

"No matter how many billion ants you are, you can't even deal with humans."

"No, no matter how many ants there are, there's no way to beat humans, is there? Well, if humans hit the ants naked, they can be pushed into the volume.... No matter how many ants humans use fire, gunpowder, or bioweapons, they're just ants."

Yeah, even if it was an ant, it wouldn't be dangerous if it was a human. But what if he's not just naked?

What if we use tools like humans? How many ants are there to be your opponent? Even if the ants touch the ground, they can spray deadly toxins and produce viruses that kill fewer than one dog.

"…… for a dominant being, the ability to not exceed a certain level is merely an ant. Even if you can't, you have to be a superhero to earn the 'right to breathe' in front of me."

Yes, to the existence of absolute subsistence. No, even ordinary human beings have enough troops to gather.

No matter how human you are, as the story of Maki suggests, an ant gathers in hundreds of millions of units, and there is no answer.

But dominance was not merely a human being. For an ant, no matter how many ants were, he was a human with the 'tools' to eradicate them in one moment.

Therefore, in order to survive and breathe in front of such a human being, you must be a special ant who is immune to the 'tool'.

"That's the line. In front of the dominant presence, survival is not guaranteed by itself unless it is more than superhuman. It should be of the general view that the average number of ordinary lengths required to deal with an introductory beginner is 5. And the number of introductory beginners required to deal with the introductory intermediate level is also 5. Every time a land rises like this, there are five people who need a land right below it."

This was the most common criterion for calculating the combat power of a combatant. If you have the same ideology, you can't do it in every landscape, but you have five times the strength of the whole landscape.

Of course, this was a theory everywhere. Fighting opponents may not necessarily use the same dynamics as themselves, and can maximize their combat power with positions such as wizards, unauthorized users, and posterity.

The most important thing about fighting alone was that fighting alone would consume a lot of stamina, and a lot of people would be able to use the synergy to power 10 people.

Above all, the greater the number of people, the greater the power, and the proportionate increase in width.

It was not just a 10-by-10 difference, but a 50-fold difference.

So it wasn't a story that was circulating in reality. But it is theoretically correct that the existence of the lower boundary requires five people to deal with each of the higher boundaries.

And every time each rank increases, the number of people needed will increase to 10. In other words, it was said that it would take more than 10 people to deal with beginners who had the best presence at the beginning.

Even if you simply calculate this theoretically, the number you need to deal with a dominant beginner is…….

Approximately 10 billion. Yes, it is theoretically necessary for the general public to deal with the existence of the dominant beginner level.

And every time the landscape rises, this number increases five-fold when it reaches the rank of dominant……, 50 billion, 25 billion, 1.25 trillion.

"Can you imagine? Theoretically, when you reach my level, you have to bring the general population to the level of 1.25 trillion. Funnier thing. When you reach dominance, this theory is useless in a worse sense."

"…… that?"

In the words of Kwon Hyuk, who feeds unrealistic numbers and talks about the level of the dominant power, Kwon Hyuk told the truth when others simply asked with a brutish expression.

"Think about it. This is the number of people a dominant being needs when face-to-face with the general public.".... Do you understand what I'm saying? "

In other words, if the dominant class does not fight head-on, it is a completely useless number.

Specifically, after the dominant wizard sowed Meteo in the country, 'Ah, mp depleted. Shit, I'm filling up the mp.' Who can stop you if you run away after saying?

No matter how low Mana was on the ground, he could not prevent the dominant being from fleeing.

And if you lose your dominance like that, imagine that after a few hours the wizard who filled Mana with grass will move back into space and this time create a poisonous mist to a national extent…….

"Do you think the answer will come from the general public?"


No, not at all. Rather, it became understood that even if the general public came together in trillions, it meant nothing to the dominant being.

"Honestly, if you put together a million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million-by-million existence, It may take months or years, but it's a complete annihilation. Extinction."


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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