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“Diamond Stage monster, it is really difficult to deal with.”

After killing the giant black ape, Liu Yang exhales one breath saying.

The life force of giant black ape is too strong.

If it hadn’t been hit hard in advance and was hit by Meng Shan to break a heart, he would face it, I am afraid there is only a dead end.

But with a slight sigh, he stood up and looked for other monsters in the square.

This time is a rare opportunity for him.

If you miss this village, you will not have this shop.

He must seize this opportunity to accumulate as much monster True Spirit as possible.

However, with such a look, Liu Yang frowned.

In the moment when he killed the giant black ape, the remaining Body Refining Realm monster on the field has been killed almost, leaving only a few left.

The remaining monsters are all Energy Refining Realm monsters.

Energy Refining Realm’s monster, even if it was just in the Opening Meridian Stage, is extremely dangerous.

Because this realm’s monster can all consume blood energy in the meridians, use some explosive secret technique.

Even the Diamond Stage giant ape just now couldn’t compare with it.

Although Liu Yang is confident that he has a strong defense, he does not dare to provoke Energy Refining Realm’s monster.

Monster of that level can definitely break his defense.

“No way, it seems that it can only deal with ordinary monsters.”

Liu Yang shook his head secretly and turned his eyes to see the other side of the square, the leopard that was besieged by Zhou Bing Ma Xingwang Xu Wenjie and several others.

This leopard is now gasping for breath.

A pair of leopard eyes, revealing the color of bloodthirsty, staring at Zhou Bing a few people, seemingly trying to be a sleepy beast.

Several people in Zhou Bing clearly realized this.

The steps of several people changed, and they all seemed cautiously.

Even Ma Xingwang, who is the most impulsive in character, does not dare to venture.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yang rushed past.

“Zhou Bing!”

After approaching, Liu Yang shouted to Zhou Bing, who was nearest to him, “Give a place, I’m here.”

Zhou Bing also fought monster for the first time.

So I didn’t know that Liu Yang had come to the square where they were, and even killed the giant black ape.

“Liu Yang?”

Zhou Bing subconsciously turned his head.

At that moment, Leopard’s body moved suddenly, leaping like an arrow from the string, and rushed straight to Zhou Bing.

When the strong wind hit, Zhou Bing turned pale and hurriedly turned sideways.


At this moment, Liu Yang, who had arrived, laughed, grabbed Zhou Bing’s arm from behind, and pushed him out.


Zhou Bing just flew out, Liu Yang seemed to be hit by a fast Mercedes-Benz motorcycle, his body flew out.

But while flying backwards, Liu Yang stretched out his right arm and put Leopard’s head in his arms.

At the same time, two legs were crossed, and Leopard’s waist was crossed.


Liu Yang and Leopard took off 3 4 meter away as soon as they took off, and then fell heavily on the ground.

Liu Yang touched the ground with his back. Before he felt the pain, he supported the ground with one hand, his two legs strained, and turned sharply, pressing Leopard under.

Ka-cha !

It was also in the process that Liu Yang hugged the right hand of Leopard’s head, forceful fierce eruption, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, ka-cha, and twisted Leopard’s neck to the wrong bone.

Then he punched again and again, and beat Leopard a dozen times.

“Liu Yang!”

Ma Xingwang was shocked and rushed up.

But when several people came, they saw that Liu Yang had pats his hand and stood up from the ground.

If it is to exercise combat ability, Liu Yang will not use this method to kill monsters naturally.

But now, his goal is to kill the monster at the fastest speed and ingest more monster True Spirit.

“You guy, what did you do…”

After several people ran over, they saw Liu Yang’s appearance of being ragged, all looked at each other in blank dismay.

If they are not familiar with Liu Yang, they will not recognize Liu Yang.

Liu Yang was caught in ragged clothes when fighting the Three-tailed Ominous Cat.

Then he successively killed giant black ape and leopard, and made him covered with dust.

“Nothing, just killed a few monsters.”

Liu Yang laughed.

He talked to several people while lifting the head, looking at the monster on the square.

But when I saw this, there was no Monster of Body Refining Realm in the whole square.

Meng Shan stood not far away and saw Liu Yang and Zhou Bing get together, but did not follow.

“Run away, I see where are you going?”

At this moment, Liu Yang suddenly heard shouting loudly ringing from a distance.

He lifts the head, and immediately sees on the street on the other side of the square, a head and a half of a person, a kangaroo-like monster, leaping up and down.

At the same time, behind this Kangaroo Monster, there are 3 silhouettes.

When Liu Yang turned his head, one of them, the sword light flashed in his hand, actually throwing the sword in his hand like a javelin.

The Kangaroo Monster was extremely fast, and in a short time, it ran a dozen meters away in front of Liu Yang.

But the sword thrown by the martial artist is faster.

The long sword broke into the air and screamed,’pu’ sound, penetrated Kangaroo Monster’s body.

“Sky-Concealing Kangaroo?”

Not far away, Meng Shan was surprised to see this Kangaroo Monster.

He didn’t expect, this time when Space Crack appeared in Yang City, such a monster actually appeared.

Sky-Concealing Kangaroo’s level is not high, usually only the cultivation base of Opening Meridian Stage.

But the Kangaroo Bag of this monster is a rare treasure.

Obtained by some Refiner, it can be used to refine the storage bag.

Of course, for him, a storage bag is not worthy of him.

“Good luck.”

At this time, Liu Yang also recognized Sky-Concealing Kangaroo.

Such monsters are recorded in books.

He was envious.

Most people get Kangaroo Bag from Sky-Concealing Kangaroo, and they need to find Refiner to process Kangaroo Bag before they can be changed into storage bag.

But he has Item Slot, maybe without processing, he can also turn Kangaroo Bag of Sky-Concealing Kangaroo into a storage space.

It’s just a pity.

This thing does not belong to him.

At the same time, he has not yet developed an Item Slot that can store Rank 1 treasure.


Suddenly, Liu Yang moved.

He found that the Sky-Concealing Kangaroo had not been killed immediately after being pierced to the ground after being penetrated by the martial artist with a sword hole.

Instead, use the front paws to prop on the ground and want to stand up.

And the hind limbs are constantly pedaling.


Liu Yang’s eyes lit up at once.

With a little hesitation, he quickly stepped forward, 3 steps into 2 steps, rushed to the sky-concealing Kangaroo over there.

As soon as the body was short, the hand was clenched into a fist, and a half-moon-shaped arc was drawn from the back to the front. With a power of 1000 Jun, it slammed on the head of Sky-Concealing Kangaroo.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ ……

Liu Yang punched several times in a row, and Sky-Concealing Kangaroo couldn’t hold on anymore, and he collapsed to the ground without any trace of energy.

At the same time, Sky-Concealing Kangaroo’s True Spirit also entered the Small Golden Tower in Liu Yang’s mind a moment later.

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