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“what are you doing?”

Suddenly there was an angry cry.

Liu Yang stood up and saw the young man who had killed Sky-Concealing Kangaroo with a sword, and walked over with the other two.

The young man was wearing a black martial arts uniform and looked about 20 years old with a cold expression.

The other 2 people are slightly older, but not much.

Several people’s eyes fell on Liu Yang, all with a hint of danger.

Of course Liu Yang knows that his approach is not very good.

He quickly apologized to several people: “Several brothers, I’m really sorry. I just killed a monster. I was so excited. Seeing that this kangaroo didn’t die, I rushed up without control.”

Liu Yang knows that the most important treasure on Sky-Concealing Kangaroo is Kangaroo Bag, and the other parts are not important.

It was for this reason that he dared to step forward.

If he knew nothing, he would never rush up.

Otherwise, any important treasure is destroyed, even if you sell him, you can’t afford it.

Hearing Liu Yang saying this, 3 of the 2 martial artists looked slightly better.

Although Liu Yang smashed Sky-Concealing Kangaroo a few punches, it did not affect the value of Sky-Concealing Kangaroo.

However, the young man headed was still a little ugly, and he coldly snorted: “Do you know what this is, dare to move?”

“Yes, a few older brothers, I promise not to be next time.”

Liu Yang even said.

This time, I made a mistake first.

“Hmph, do you still want to have another time?” The young martial artist coldly snorted, “You pay 2 100,000 yuan, 2 100,000 yuan, this time it’s okay.”

2 100,000 yuan?

Liu Yang complexion changed.

Although this time he was at fault first, but 2 100,000 yuan, this is obviously pitting himself, and touching himself.

An Energy Refining Realm martial artist, touch a porcelain martial artist, it is simply a price drop.

But people just do it, what can you do?

Liu Yang knew that he was still too young to be experienced enough.

However, whether it is the original Liu Yang, or he before the transmigration, they are just students and have not yet entered the society.

Insufficient experience is normal.

Thinking, Liu Yang will turn his head to see Meng Shan.

He still knows it.

This time is his fault first, he does not ask Meng Tian to teach this young man, only to be able to make the major event smaller, and stay with him less.

In fact, he was the first to play the same idea.

Being able to kill a monster of Energy Refining Realm is an opportunity that he cannot afford to give up.

“Big brother Qin Shang, this is my classmate.”

At this moment, Xu Wenjie suddenly came over from behind.

He said to the young martial artist: “He did something wrong this time, but he did not break the Kangaroo Bag of Sky-Concealing Kangaroo after all. You see it on my brother’s face. I have revealed it.”

Xu Wenjie?

When I saw Xu Wenjie, a young martial artist named Qin Shang raised his brows: “It turns out that this brat is your classmate.”

Qin Shang didn’t care about Xu Wenjie.

But for Xu Wenjie’s elder brother Xu Wenyi, he still has several points of fear.

With this in mind, Qin Shang said: “Since it is your classmate, let him pay 50,000 yuan.”

“50,000 yuan is not much money, it should be a lesson to him, so that he can see in the future.”


Xu Wenjie complexion changed, but I did not expect Qin Shang to be hardened and want to teach Liu Yang.

Although he had also plotted against Liu Yang before, his purpose was only to compete with Ma Xingwang for the first place. Afterwards, Liu Yang saw through, and he immediately gave up his intention to grumble with Liu Yang.

Previously in the ring, he found that Liu Yang awakened Special Skill, and he made up his mind even more, to relax the relationship with Liu Yang.

It is for this reason that he will come out this time.

However, he did not expect that Qin Shang, who had a close relationship with him, was so unspeakable.

The electric light flashed in his mind, and he said again: “big brother Qin Shang, we have something to say. My classmate is Liu Yang. Not long ago I awakened the Special Skill, which is our 3rd Academy’s Eldest Senior Brother.”

Awakened Special Skill?

Qin Shang’s expression started, revealing a little look of hesitation.

For ordinary Body Refining Realm martial artist, he does not care.

But a Body Refining Realm martial artist who awakened Special Skill, he couldn’t care less.

Such a martial artist, after breaking through to Energy Refining Realm, will also be stronger than ordinary Energy Refining Realm martial artist.

He did not expect that Liu Yang was actually a rare artist in Yang City, who awakened Special Skill’s martial artist.

If Liu Yang knew that he was a Special Martial Artist, he would definitely not do it.

But now…he just spoke out, but at this moment he felt that he couldn’t hide his face.

Hong long long !

Suddenly, just when Qin Shang was in hesitation, in the sky in the distance, there was a huge roar suddenly.

Everyone looked up in shock.

I saw in the sky in the distance, a tall silhouette in the shape of Iron Pagoda, and a large hand protruded down like a god.

The invisible power came out from that big hand, stirred the air, and then blew out the monster of aura aura, it was there’s no resistance, and was captured by that silhouette into the sky.

This silhouette, like Iron Pagoda, is Meng Tian.


Suddenly, the big hand that Meng Tian protruded suddenly shook hands!

With his grip, the power of terror immediately spread in the sky.

The monster that he shot into the sky was burst into bright red flesh one after another. Countless flesh and blood spattered down from the sky.

“Uncle Meng…”

Liu Yang secretly swallowed.

How amiable was Meng Tian before him.

He did not expect that Meng Tian’s strength was as strong as he was.

Everyone else in the square saw this scene and they were all mouth opened wide.

Qin Shang, for a moment, also forgot how to deal with Liu Yang.

whiz whiz whiz …

At this time, in Yang City, suddenly there was one after another silhouette, soaring into the sky and landed in front of Meng Tian in the sky.

Liu Yang felt familiar with these silhouettes.

There is a silhouette, which is City Lord Guo Hengyi of Yang City.

Several other silhouettes are also great figures such as Guard Commander and Patrol Commander of Yang City.

These people, Liu Yang have all seen on Yang City’s internal website.

Also often appeared on Yang City TV station.

But at this time, these people appeared very respectful before and after flying to Meng Tian.

“This is strength…”

Liu Yang sighed.

Meng Tian has several points of fame even in Dragon Gate.

He came to Yang City, which is a great figure that no one can ignore.

whiz whiz whiz …

Just when Liu Yang was thinking this way, in the sky, after saying a few words with several people, Meng Tian suddenly moved the silhouette, and actually flew to him with several people together.

Liu Yang hadn’t reacted to what was going on. Several people took a few breezes and all fell down.


Qin Shang also has 2 martial artists with him, and his face is pale.

I don’t know how these high-profile great figures suddenly fell beside me.

Is it because of the Sky-Concealing Kangaroo that I just hunted?

Xu Wenjie, who just stepped forward to help Liu Yang speak, was also frightened.

His elder brother Xu Wenyi is well-known among the younger generation of Yang City.

But in front of Yang City City Lord and several other great figures, it was nothing.

Not to mention Meng Tian, ​​even the Yang City City Lord has to treat the great figure with caution.

PS: Change the recommendation position at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. It is still very good to have 2 recommendations together. I will write it in earnest and I hope you will support it. Finally, put a bowl and ask for a recommendation ticket 2.

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