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“What’s wrong, Liu Yang?”

Seeing Liu Yang’s expression change, Ma Xingwang asked in surprise.

“The two Kain Star martial artists you mentioned, when I went home that day, I saw the footprints left by them.”

Liu Yang said.

Then, I will talk about Ma Xingwang roughly.


Hearing Liu Yang’s words, Ma Xingwang stared at the eyes and felt sweaty.

They are just students.

And they are just the cultivation base of Furious Wave Stage, certainly not the opponents of those 2 martial artists who can enter the Kain Star of New World.

It is conceivable that once Liu Yang meets the two martial artists of Kain Star that day, what will happen.

“You two, what are you talking about?”

Suddenly, a ridiculous voice came from a distance.

Liu Yang and Ma Xingwang turned their heads and saw two people, one was Xu Wenjie and the other was Zhou Bing.

Xu Wenjie spoke up.

These days, Xu Wenjie seems to have turned his temper, no longer as before, always fighting against Ma Xingwang.

To catch up with the weekend, sometimes the Society Lord invited guests and went out with a few people to make a meal.

Seeing Xu Wenjie coming over, Ma Xingwang said: “I’m talking to Liu Yang about the two Kain Star martial artists. Should you know about this?”

Kain Star martial artist?

Xu Wenjie hearing this, expression became has several points of dignity.

“You guys also understood?” he said, “my brother the past few days, I have been following the two Kain Star martial artists.”

“I heard him say that the two Kain Star martial artists are strong and weak.”

“Weakness is Energy Refining 1st Realm, the cultivation base of Opening Meridian Late Stage.”

“The strong one, like my brother, is Energy Refining Second Stage, the cultivation base of True Energy Stage. My brother has dealt with him, but unfortunately he still ran away.”

“I tell you, don’t be fooled.” Xu Wenjie said with a serious expression, “If you encounter the two Kain Star martial artists, how far must must run.”

“The two Kain Star martial artists, not to mention the True Energy Stage, is the Opening Meridian Stage. With our strength, it is also a dead end.”

“Relax, we are not stupid, don’t you know?”

Ma Xingwang waved his hand.

Liu Yang is also nodded.

“Okay, don’t talk about this.” Suddenly, Zhou Bing interjected, “Tomorrow No. 2 High School people, come to our Academy for pre-exam communication. Liu Yang, you will start to be harder, then take a few lessons. guys with eyes high above the top.”

“Why, they offended you?”

Liu Yang hey laughed.

Zhou Bing said with a depressed face:

“It’s not an offense to me. It’s just that there are a few guys about my age next to my family. Their parents say they are all students of Yang City No. 2 High School.

“Mmp, our No. 3 High School is not the school building night, is there any good seedlings, as for every day? My ears are going to pickle.”

“They are so powerful, why don’t they compare with the gangs of No. 1 High School?”

“Let’s talk later.” Liu Yang shook the head said after hearing Zhou Bing say: “This time No. 2 High School sent people to communicate, and those 2 Diamond Stage martial artists might not come.”

“Tsk tsk, Liu Yang, you guy, the tone is not small.” Hearing Liu Yang’s words, Ma Xingwang pouted, “This is not looking at Furious Wave Stage martial artist, want to deal with Diamond Stage martial artist? I admit that your defense is indeed strong, but don’t you think you can defend against Diamond Stage martial artist’s attacks?”


Liu Yang shook his head: “Mainly I will wait until tomorrow’s exchange game starts, I might be able to break through to the Diamond Stage.”



“fuck !!”

3 sounds, almost rang in succession.

“You guy, wouldn’t you be cracking a joke with us?” Several people looked at Liu Yang as if they were watching monsters. “How long have you broken through the Furious Wave Stage, and this will break again? And still? Break through to Diamond Stage?”

Liu Yang nodded: “You know, I have a strong defense. Everyday is going to Cultivation Room cultivation for more than 5 hours, plus some auxiliary cultivation medicine pill, it should be able to break through in these 2 days.”

“Stop talking, I need to calm down.”

“I also need to calm down, Liu Yang, you advanced class, I’m looking for someone outside to smoke.”

“Also count me.”

“Okay, let’s calm down.” Liu Yang laughed.

I walked towards the class by myself.

Friends are used to do and so on?

Friends are used to help themselves with depression when they are depressed.

After hitting 3 people, Liu Yang suddenly felt that the anger he had been driven out by Father Liu in the morning was gone.


in the afternoon.

Combat Class.

Third Year Class 1 All the students came to the martial arts hall of Academy.

But unlike Liu Yang when he first came to this World, the current Third Year Class 1 has changed from 30 people to 31 people.

In terms of strength, Liu Yang is standing in the front row on the right.

Standing beside him, neither Ma Xingwang nor Xu Wenjie.

It was a boy wearing a black martial arts suit, half-length hair, and a ponytail tied behind his head.

The boy had a saber case and slender figure in his hand, and he looked calm and quiet.

It was just with the ponytail that was casually combed, and vaguely revealed.

“Ma Xingwang, Xu Wenjie, you two come over.”

After the official start of Combat Class, several actual teachers began to arrange the actual combat.

It’s just that since the last time Dean Wu Lixin announced that this year’s college entrance examination Combat Examination will be conducted in the wild, their Combat Class has changed from the original exercise of only boxing to the use of weapons to fight.

Of course, in order to prevent injuries, when fighting, the students used weapons made of special wood.

“Liu Yang, Qi Feng, you two come over.”

Sun Feiyu walked to Liu Yang and the boy with ponytails and yelled.

Liu Yang and the ponytail boy named Qi Feng immediately followed Sun Feiyu and walked to the corner of the martial arts pavilion.

Qi Feng was newly transferred to the 3rd Martial Arts Academy in Yang City. Like Liu Yang, it is also a Furious Wave Stage cultivation base.

He is also a Special Martial Artist.

These days, every time Combat Class, Liu Yang works with Qi Feng.

Looking at Liu Yang and Qi Feng, a smile appeared on Sun Feiyu’s face.

This year’s 3rd Martial Arts Academy in Yang City, with Liu Yang and Qi Feng, can finally give some explanation.

Although 2 people are afraid that they will not be able to break through to the Diamond Stage before the college entrance examination, in the Furious Wave Stage martial artist, the strength of the 2 people is outstanding.

“Liu Yang, be careful, I have practiced Storm Strength.”

Before the battle, Qi Feng said.

“Oh, is it?” Liu Yang eyes shined, “Is that the trick you said before that has the characteristics of beating the sky? Then I want to experience it.”

He now has 3 layers of Black Iron Armor on himself.

However, the martial arts of this world, there are many martial skill secret techniques, which can achieve the effect of fighting cattle in the air.

Even without breaking Black Iron Armor’s defense, he can hit his body with strength.

Of course, among Body Refining Realm martial artists, not at all can be developed into this secret technique.

At the same time, even if you use the martial skill secret technique, which has the characteristics of fighting against the air, the power will definitely be weakened when passing through the defense of the Black Iron Armor.

Thinking this way, Liu Yang put his wood saber in front of him seriously.

“It will let you experience it.”

Qi Feng expressionless said.

These days, Liu Yang has the same strong defensive ability as iron lump, which makes him suffer a lot.

After officially practicing the Storm Strength secret technique yesterday, he has been looking forward to the arrival of today.

He didn’t believe it, he used Storm Strength’s penetrating attack, and also defended unbreakable Liu Yang’s defense.


When Sun Feiyu saw that Liu Yang and Qi Feng were ready, he immediately waved his hand and pulled away.


Sun Feiyu tone barely fell, the black battle Saber flashing endlessly in Qi Feng’s hands, pierced the air, like a rapid black lightning, stab directly into Liu Yang’s chest.

The Battle Saber in his hand is a real sword.

At the same time, his awakened Special Skill is a special physique called’Storm Saber Body’.

This special physique, in Body Refining Realm, can make him have a faster speed and more sensitive movement technique than the same realm martial artist.

At the same time, it can also make him improve quickly while cultivating martial skills.

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