You can search for “I have countless Item Slot” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

The amazing cold glow is reflected in Liu Yang’s eyes and cuts through the air.

Like an amazing black monster fish with life force in the water, breaking through the water, opening his mouth covered with fangs, he bite fiercely to Liu Yang.

Liu Yang is staring at the silhouette of Qi Feng.

When Qi Feng struck a knife, the side of his body that was undetectable was miraculously avoiding this saber.

Today, he is no longer the old Amon.

Liu Yang found that as the number of Item Slots he develops increases, his own perception seems to increase with it.

This is a bit incredible.

Because the message he received from Small Golden Tower that day did not include this.

However, in the information he got, Small Golden Tower, which had been fuse with him, was originally an alien thing.

But those white bubbles in Soul Sea, but no message came out.

Just like those white bubbles, they are not foreign objects.

But it belongs to itself.

It’s just that the 2 people don’t know what the reason is, they can be combined together into a magical Item Slot for each and everyone.

Unable to figure it out, Liu Yang temporarily gave up.

He only knows that during this time, his combat experience has grown very rapidly.

On the side of his body, after avoiding Qi Feng’s saber light, he immediately used the force of this side to suddenly stab Battle Saber out of his hand.


Battle Saber broke into the air, carrying a harsh wind, like a Black Dragon, and went straight to Qi Feng’s chest.

Unlike Qi Feng.

The knife used by Liu Yang is wood saber dyed black.

Although Qi Feng’s family is in excellent condition, wearing defensive power and amazing inner armor, but if Liu Yang uses a real Battle Saber and cuts across Qi Feng, it may still be dangerous.


Suddenly, when Liu Yang’s wood saber was about to be fiercely stuck on Qi Feng’s chest, Qi Feng suddenly loudly shouts and his body turned like a wind.

While avoiding Liu Yang’s wood saber, Battle Saber, who had been avoided by Liu Yang in his hand, also followed his body.


But Qi Feng’s Battle Saber just turned halfway, and it suddenly stopped.

It was like a poisonous snake, with a terrible meaning, punctured the airflow and attacked Liu Yang’s body from the side.

A ray of invisible air, stabbed with this saber, seems to add a touch of Mysterious Force to this saber.


Amazingly fast!

Qi Feng of Storm Saber Body was awakened, a lot faster than Liu Yang of same realm.

As if he was in action, there was a ray of invisible wind that gave him general help.

At the same time, Qi Feng’s this move is also extremely tricky.

What he showed was the skills he never showed when he played with Liu Yang before.

Although Liu Yang’s actual combat experience has increased a lot than before, in the face of this saber, he still has a sense of inescapability.

As Meng Tian said on that day, in this world, there is no unbreakable defense.

So on Combat Class, Liu Yang until now, can avoid the opponent’s attack, just avoid it.

If you can block, choose block.

Only when he can’t avoid it and can’t stop it, he will choose to resist with his amazing defense.

“Can’t you avoid it, can’t you stop it?”

“Really can’t avoid it, can’t you stop it?”

Liu Yang was unwilling in his heart to think about various methods.

Suddenly, in a flash, when Liu Yang had not yet figured out a perfect solution, his right hand holding the knife was already instinctive.

After receiving it, his strength burst out, and he used his elbow to hit the back of the Battle Saber knife that hit him like a poisonous snake, and smashed it down.


Liu Yang’s elbow knocked against the back of the knife, and a clang of metal collision actually sounded.

Under this smashing, Qi Feng’s Battle Saber suddenly changed direction and made a rubbing sound, leaning against Liu Yang and wearing it.

Unlike Qi Feng, Liu Yang had a poor family, so he took off his shirt before the fight.

At this time Qi Feng’s chopper blade was wiped across his waist, accompanied by a sizzle, which was actually visible to the naked eye and brought a slipping fire star.

Obviously, if it is not Liu Yang’s strong defense, this blow has already injured him.

Of course, this injury is only a minor injury for martial artists.

If Liu Yang was defensive in general, he did not react just now, and let Qi Feng’s Battle Saber pass through his ribs.

The injuries he suffered must have been fatal!

“so close!”

Liu Yang’s heart is even more serious.

Qi Feng is one year younger than himself.

However, Qi Feng not only has stronger talent than Ma Xingwang Xu Wenjie 2 people, but also seems to have better family conditions than 2 people.

At the time of fighting, all kinds of skills are all hand in hand.

Although this period of time, Liu Yang’s combat experience has also increased a lot, but compared with Qi Feng, there is still a certain gap.

Clang clang clang ……

In the martial arts pavilion, there was a continuous battle sound.

Qi Feng is extremely fast and has more combat experience. It is difficult for Liu Yang to seize the opportunity and give Qi Feng a fatal blow.

At the same time, Liu Yang superimposed 3 layers of Black Iron Armor’s defense layer, the defense is much stronger than Diamond Stage martial artist, Qi Feng’s attack is also difficult to cause damage to Liu Yang.

In addition, Liu Yang’s combat experience is becoming more and more abundant, and he can often turn some attacks that may cause serious injuries to himself into attacks that can only cause minor injuries to himself.

So the 2 people were in the martial arts pavilion, fighting back and forth.

“Still fighting with powerhouse can quickly increase my actual combat experience.”

As the battle progressed, Liu Yang suddenly thought of the blow that he used to hit Qi Feng Battle Saber with his elbow. When he saw other people fighting before, it seemed that there was a student. During the battle, Inspiration burst, used a similar this move.

He didn’t think of it just in battle, but this move seems to have been engraved in his body.

When the crisis came, it was used in instinct.

Of course, this is only because he wants to exercise his combat ability.

Otherwise, as long as he is desperate, he rampages.

With his defensive power comparable to iron bumps in Qi Feng’s mouth, Qi Feng no matter how rich his combat experience is, he has to be chased by him to escape 4 places.

“Liu Yang, this guy is really invincible. Qi Feng’s swords did not hurt him.”

“Yeah, if it was me, I was afraid that Qi Feng would have been pierced into a pile of blood holes.”

In the distance, Ma Xingwang Xu Wenjie, who ended the battle, watched Liu Yang and Qi Feng fighting, and they were all amazed.

They have never heard of who, in Furious Wave Stage, there is a defense like Liu Yang.

“Liu Yang!”

Suddenly, in the field, just as Liu Yang turned some thoughts in his mind, Qi Feng saw a long battle and slammed with a sword in his hand, chanting, and after accumulating power, a dragon burst out.

At this time, the wood saber in Liu Yang’s hand had just been recovered, and apparently it was too late to resist with a knife.

Seeing Qi Feng this saber stab, he moved his heart and directly reached out his left hand, swiping from the inside out, trying to disengage Qi Feng this saber.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Liu Yang’s left hand just came out, and the Battle Saber held in Qi Feng’s hand suddenly issued several wind chants.

The speed seemed to be spurred by Mysterious Force, bursting out again and again.

In a short distance, his knife speed has surged by 30-40%.

Indistinctly, as if in the void, a phantom was drawn.

Storm Strength!

Liu Yang’s heart moved, and there was already speculation.

This secret technique that suddenly explodes the speed of the knife, but Qi Feng has never used it before.

At the same time, Liu Yang had heard Qi Feng say before that his Storm Strength secret technique, although his main function is to make him use a knife to send out a strong penetrating force, even if the opponent is wearing Battle Armor , Also have to suffer some damage.

But this secret technique, when it bursts out, can also enhance his shooting speed.

That’s too late!

Liu Yang sighed.

At this time, he was really too late to resist Qi Feng’s this saber.

He could only watch this saber, growing bigger and bigger in his eyes, and then clang stabbed him on the shoulder.

Obviously, Qi Feng was also afraid that this move would hurt him too much, so he didn’t move to Liu Yang’s key as before.


After Yang Ming, Liu Yang immediately felt amazing pain.

This time it was not the kind of pain caused by the masseur’s effort.

It’s you who angers the woman. She puts her hand on your soft flesh, causing the pain of all one’s strength fiercely.

Obviously, Qi Feng’s Storm Strength is definitely an incredible secret technique for Body Refining Realm martial artist.

It was able to retain a certain amount of power after passing through the Black Iron Armor at the 3rd floor.

“This move is good!”

Suddenly, Liu Yang shouted.

After the forcibly endured the blow, he kicked hard under his feet.

Powerful force penetrated through his body, and then he, as a whole, was rushing forward with the tip of the knife stuck on his shoulder.


Qi Feng wanted to withdraw, but it was too late.

He could only be pushed back by Liu Yang while he was embarrassed, while watching Liu Yang approaching him before and after, with a big hand press, it fell on his head.

“You are strong!”

Qi Feng unwillingly put away the knife.

According to his father, his own attack was to face the Diamond Stage martial artist, use it at the right time, and hit the key, and he was able to kill him on the spot.

He is really unimaginable, what exactly is Liu Yang’s monster.

Why is there such a powerful defensive power.

It is monster than monster.

He looked at Liu Yang’s shoulder with just a faint white spot, and he didn’t know what to say at all.


Qi Feng sighed in his heart.

He estimated that he would be able to break through to the Diamond Stage tonight.

So I hope to beat Liu Yang once in Furious Wave Stage.

I did not expect that I would still fail.

After he breaks through to Diamond Stage, Liu Yang is definitely not his opponent.

But he then defeated Liu Yang again, which obviously has no meaning.

PS: I really want to put the bowl, but unfortunately today 2 chapters are a little late, really shameless, 嘤Q

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