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“Due to Diamond Stage, seriously magical!”

Liu Yang stretched his lower muscles and was able to feel the power of terror in his body.

Once this force broke out, I was afraid that in a short time, he could demolish his own house.

“Gourmet 10000 10000 year old audience friends, everyone, and it’s time for the food 10000 10000 year old broadcast time…”

Across the wall, on the TV Father and Mother Liu was watching, the host’s voice clearly entered Liu Yang’s ears.

The breakthrough from Furious Wave Stage to Diamond Stage is a change of shedding body and exchanging bones.

Liu Yang not only greatly strengthened his strength.

His five senses, after breaking through to Diamond Stage, are much stronger than before.


I don’t know if it was due to the sudden surge of power, Liu Yang felt his emotions seemed to be slightly affected.

He looked at the wall in front of him.

Knowing that behind the wall is a TV.

At this time, Father and Mother Liu are watching TV shows.

But he didn’t know what happened, but he suddenly had an urge to break the wall with a punch and smash his TV set.

Then he jumped out and walked in front of his parents.

As soon as this idea appeared, Liu Yang himself was frightened.

“Damn, no, I have to wake up first.”

Liu Yang walked to the desk where he usually studied, picked up the drinking glass, and was about to take a sip of water.


But he had just picked up the glass and hadn’t waited for the mouth to be delivered to his mouth. The glass was cracked open with a clicking sound because of the excessive force.


Liu Yang smiled bitterly.

This time it broke through to Diamond Stage, his strength increased too much.

Different martial artists, breaking through to Diamond Stage, gain different power gains.

His Body of Steel, although the main increase is his defense, but can still increase his strength to a certain extent.

Not to mention his Body of Steel, which was raised to +3 not long ago.

The breakthrough with Liu Yang this time is a lot bigger than the ordinary martial artist.

It’s even bigger than the average Special Martial Artist.

“It seems that I can’t stay at home. I have to get out and get used to it.”

Liu Yang shook his head, cautiously put the water cup that was split but not scattered all over the table.

Then he picked up a rag with his fingers again, and circled the bottom of the glass.

This thing, or wait for him to come back to deal with it.

He was afraid that he would throw the water glass into the trash bin and not wait for the place. The water glass would be crushed completely by him and the water would be spilled.

deng deng deng.

“Mom, let me go out.”

Opening the door and shouting with Mother Liu, Liu Yang grabbed the saber case and quickly left the house.

At this time, it was already around ten o’clock in the evening.

After Liu Yang left the house, he pondered a little, and then hurried to the grove near the suburb where he often visited.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ ……

Under acceleration, as a Diamond Stage martial artist, he went down every step, which was usually a dozen steps away.

From a distance, like a giant monkey that keeps jumping.

“New World!”

During the run, Liu Yang lifts the head, looking deep into the starry sky, the vast and boundless continent.

After breaking through to Diamond Stage, he could vaguely sense a ray of summon, coming from that continent.

As he flew, he dropped his consciousness into his Soul Sea.

After consciousness entered here, he immediately found a slowly rotating Illusory Rune in his Soul Sea, above the Small Golden Tower.


Consciously observed this rune, Liu Yang’s heart suddenly moved.

This mysterious rune is extremely complex and has no idea how it was formed.

As if this thing existed in Liu Yang’s Soul Sea, it just appeared.

According to the information learned by Liu Yang, it is known that all martial artists will appear in the Soul Sea when they break through the Diamond Stage or the Opening Meridian Stage.

At the same time, only the rune appears in Soul Sea, the martial artist can feel the sense of New World.

And martial artist wants to enter New World, Soul Sea, it is necessary to have this rune mark.

“It’s just one condition short now.”

Liu Yang took a deep breath.

Martial artist wants to enter New World, in the soul of Condense the mysterious Illusory Rune, just 1st Step.

After this step, the martial artist must fully solidify this rune before he can enter the New World freely.

There are 2 ways to consolidate this mysterious rune.

One is to break through to Condensing Liquid Stage.

Once the martial artist breaks through the Condensing Liquid Stage, the rune in Soul Sea will be completely solidified.

Another method is to kill monsters insanely.

Every time a monster is slaughtered by martial artist, the rune mark in Soul Sea will deepen.

Until completely solidified.

At this time, the martial artist can enter and exit New World freely even if the cultivation base does not reach Condensing Liquid Stage.

“Then wait for the college entrance examination and join the Dragon Gate Martial Arts Academy.”

Liu Yang thought to himself.

Whether it is a breakthrough to Condensing Liquid Stage, or a mass killing of monsters, it cannot be done in a short time.

In addition to this way of strengthening the mysterious mark in Soul Sea, martial artist wants to enter New World, there are 2 ways.

One way is to find a weak place in space.

Where space is weak, the mysterious mark of the martial artist is condense in Soul Sea and can also enter New World.

However, such a weak place can only be occupied by Great Influence.

As far as Liu Yang knows, there seems to be no such weakness in the entire Yang City.

But Dragon Gate Martial Arts Academy, as one of the top ten martial art schools in Cloud Prefecture, has more than one master of this kind of spatial weakness.

As for the last method, it is through the temporary Space Crack to enter New World.

But this method is too dangerous, and generally no one will choose.


It didn’t take long for Liu Yang to reach his destination.

It was already late at night, and this strange forest near the suburbs, under the breeze, whirling trees and rustling, seemed to have several points of gloomy.

But Liu Yang boldness of execution stems from superb skill doesn’t care about this at all.

boom ~ boom ~ ……

He found a suitable big tree, and after moving his muscles a little, he began to walk around the tree as fast as lightning.

At the same time, 2 palms were also slapped out against the tree.

The body also leans or bumps, and the big tree is used as an imaginary enemy to attack continuously.

In this way, he releases the violent emotion that vents his heart, and somehow causes it.

And the body after a large surge in adaptability.

Diamond Stage martial artist, strong as an ox, is capable of tearing the tiger and leopard, but it is not a joke.

If he can’t adapt, he is a saboteur no matter where he goes.

“In this way, it works quickly.”

With the continuous walks of strikes, this big tree selected by Liu Yang and difficult for two people to embrace was trembling.

Numerous strange leaves fell from the tree.

It didn’t take long for this big tree to become bald.

As for the bark of this strange tree in the middle, it was even layered, all lifted by Liu Yang’s palm.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as protecting trees in this era.

Because various plants grow too fast, every year, Human spends a lot of resources to remove these things.

So Liu Yang this can be considered to contribute to Alliance.

“Okay, take a break, and wait before you continue.”

After a period of time, Liu Yang let out a long breath and suspended his movements.

In a short period of time, he found himself, seeming to have adapted to his time this time, the power of a sharp increase.

“You courting death!”

Suddenly, Liu Yang had just rested, and distantly shouted suddenly came out of the distance of several hundred meters.

This scream, although it is Alliance language, but it gives people a weird feeling.

Like accents in some remote areas.

PS: I told you (%[email protected](###……

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