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boom ~ boom ~ ……

After the binge, there was a fierce fighting sound, which came from a distance.

This fighting sound is extremely fierce. I only know it by listening to the sound. It is definitely not the work of ordinary martial artists.

“what happened?”

Liu Yang’s heart moved, his body clinging to the big tree, only protruding his head, carefully looked away in the distance.

Like a timid baby deer.

He has just broken through to Diamond Stage and has not yet fully adapted to his explosive power, but he does not want to be involved in any battle.

It’s just a pity that Heaven’s Will is unpredictable.

There are always things that won’t go well.

The sound of fighting in the distance, after erupting, moved to him quickly.

Listening to the voice, it should be 3 people fighting.

It’s not a dogfight, but two people, besieging one.

It was the man with the strange voice that was besieged.

“How to do?”

Liu Yang gritted his teeth.

These people dare to be so impudent in Yang City, whether it is a fight of interests or a hatred, if they end the battle, after seeing him, they may kill people and kill their mouths.

He moved his heart, flipped his wrist, and pulled his Black Iron Battle Saber out of the saber case, preparing for the worst.

At the same time, at this moment, he also saw three silhouettes from the distance, fighting all the way through the grove.

“This man…”

Suddenly, Liu Yang eyes shrank.

His eyes stayed on the silhouette surrounded by 2 martial artists.

Specifically, it focused on the man’s two feet.

This man’s 2 feet are incredible.

It is larger than one and a half times that of normal people.

“Kain Star’s martial artist, this person is Kain Star’s martial artist!”

Liu Yang’s heart jumped violently.

The hand that grabbed the knife was tighter and tighter, almost sweating.

He has a sharp eye and can see that the Kain Star martial artist in front of him should be the Opening Meridian Stage of the two Kain Star martial artists mentioned by Xu Wenjie.

Not the one of True Energy Stage.

At the same time, the person in front of him seemed to be injured and could not explode with all his strength.

Otherwise, the two martial artists who besieged him are probably not their opponents.

Because Liu Yang discovered that the two martial artists who besieged the Kain Star martial artist were, just like themselves, all Diamond Stage martial artists.

Not Opening Meridian Stage.

And 2 people are not very old.

“There are these two people, they seem familiar!”

Liu Yang’s eyes flickered and fell into contemplation on the two people who hunted down the Kain Star martial artist.

“Remind me, I have seen photos of these two people from Zhou Bing before!”

Suddenly, Liu Yang seemed to have lightning flashed in his mind: “They are No. 2 High School this time, those 2 martial artist students who awakened Special Skill!”

Thinking of this, Liu Yang’s heart was beating with peng peng.

Only at this time, he was not afraid, but a little excited.

The Kain Star martial artist was obviously seriously injured.

Otherwise, with its strength of Opening Meridian Late Stage, it should definitely not be pursued by two Diamond Stage martial artist students.

“I heard Zhou Bing said that these two people, one is Hu Yue and the other is Ke Yuanfei.”

Liu Yang long let out a long breath.

Even Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei dare to play against this Kain Star martial artist. He has a defense far exceeding 2 people. What dare not dare?

So at this time, he also wants to blend it in!

But he didn’t want to grab the spoils of war with Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei.

He hasn’t been so tasteless.

All he wanted to do was kill the Kain Star martial artist and try to open another Item Slot.

This time is definitely an opportunity for him.

Otherwise, under his current conditions, before the college entrance examination, it is difficult to open an Item Slot.

“Just do it!”

After making up his mind, Liu Yang 2 rubbed his feet on the ground, rubbed a good focus, and turned into a Demon prostrating on the ground, hiding behind a big tree and waiting intently.

“Obediently surrender, the movement here has been heard, and it won’t take long for our City Guard in Yang City to come.”

Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei shouted while besieging the Kain Star martial artist.

Attempt to disintegrate his fighting spirit.

“Die die die…”

The Kain Star martial artist seemed to realize this too.

Knowing this time, I am afraid that things have reached a dead end.

He waved Battle Saber while roaring wildly.

“Be careful!”

Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei glanced at each other, but they dared not venture.

This Kain Star martial artist, even if things have reached a dead end, is still not to be underestimated.

Especially its not only outstanding saber technique, but also the Battle Saber in its hand is extremely sharp.

The Battle Saber flashed a pale gold color, and every time it swayed through the void, golden light remained.

There is a glimmer of light at the edge of the blade, which is dazzling.

Golden Scales War Saber!

2 people know that this is a Battle Saber from New World, ranked Rank 1 High Grade, extremely sharp.

It can also enhance the True Energy attack of Metal Attribute martial artist.

If they are crossed, even if both of them are Diamond Stage martial artists, it is difficult to resist.


Seeing this Kain Star martial artist getting more and more tired, both Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei were relaxed.

They discovered the clues of these two Kain Star martial artists who accidentally came to Yang City through Space Crack 2 days ago.

After confirming, they finally seized the opportunity to separate the Kain Star martial artist from the Opening Meridian Stage and the Kain Star martial artist from the True Energy Stage to launch a sneak attack on it tonight.

The effect is beyond their expectations.

This Kain Star martial artist has been seriously injured.

After being attacked by them sneak, in a short time, they fell into things have reached a dead end.

As for the Kain Star martial artist of True Energy Stage, they did not let it go.

Before starting, the two people notified City Guard of the whereabouts of the True Energy Stage Kain Star martial artist.


Suddenly, the Kain Star martial artist issued loudly shouted again.

He Yue, Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei did not take seriously.

Along the way, this guy has no idea how many times the word “dead” has been called.

They are only for this time, this guy is reapplying his old skills.


Suddenly, when the two thought so, their hearts shrank suddenly.

It was actually vaguely resonating with the word “death” shouted by the Kain Star martial artist this time.

“Not good !”

Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei’s complexions changed at the same time.

I realize that this Kain Star martial artist is likely to have mastered some strange secret technique.

There are few martial artists who can master this strange secret technique in Opening Meridian Stage.

They never imagined that they actually encountered 2 of them.

“Dead! Dead! Dead…”

Following this Kain Star martial artist, 3 or 4 words were spit out again and again.

Every time he spit out a dead word, his chest would expand by 10%.

His face also became very red.

It seems that the blood in the body is overflowing.

Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei are both in place.

2 The human heart does not hurt.

I feel that my body does not belong to myself, and I have no energy to act at all.


At this time, the Kain Star martial artist screamed again.

But at this time, his anger and snarl did not have the same effect.

At the same time, Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei also felt a slow heart.

But 2 people were not happy.

Because at this time, the Kain Star martial artist, already carrying a golden battle Saber, strode towards them.


Under the moonlight, a touch of light gold crossed.


At the last moment, Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei finally broke free from the severe heart pain and quickly backed away.

But the speed of 2 people is still slower.

The chest was scored with a sharp wound by the sharp Battle Saber in the hands of the Kain Star martial artist and flew out.

Seeing this scene, the Kain Star martial artist immediately raised the knife and stepped forward again to completely resolve Hu Yue and Ke Yuanfei.

Bang! bang! bang!

But at this moment, he suddenly felt three strong vibrations coming from behind him.

3 After a shock, a fierce gust of wind blew on him with a cry.

The broken clothing on his body blew hunts.


Kain Star martial artist’s face changed dramatically.

While avoiding sideways, he turned his head halfway.

But as soon as his head turned halfway, the afterglow in the corner of his eyes saw a swift saber light, which cut through the night sky and reflected in his eyes together with the moonlight.

At this moment, the knife is the same as the moon.

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