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In the Cultivation Room specially built by the Great Sky City Divine Court, Liu Yang’s whole heart is immersed in his perception of Grand Dao.

From Dao Monarch Realm, advanced to Ancient Sage Realm, you need to do.

It is to upgrade the Grand Dao under his control to Sage Level Grand Dao.

After Liu Yang put the same attribute item in the Item Slot, his Primal Chaos Body attribute has been upgraded again.

Upgraded from Fifth Level to level 6.

The level 6 Primal Chaos Body makes his comprehension of Grand Dao of Primal Chaos quicker.

His current talent, has not known how many times beyond those so-called geniuses.

“Primal Chaos ……Primal Chaos ……”

At the time of Liu Yang cultivation, an endless expanse of Grand Dao emerged behind him.

The entire Cultivation Room is enveloped inside.

It seems that this space has been changed.

The Cultivation Room selected by Liu Yang is covered by a Formulation, which is a space of its own.

It seems to be bigger than a star.

But at this time, this huge Cultivation Room seemed to be unable to converge even the imposing manner that Liu Yang cultivation unconsciously released.

In Liu Yang cultivation, time passes quickly.

Soon, half a month passed.

During this half a month, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and later Illusory Soul Ancient Sage were patiently waiting in the Great Sky City, and there was no impatience.

Half an month, as far as Ancient Sage Realm martial artist is concerned, it is too short.

Short-term, so that they can not mention interest in cultivation.

For the Ancient Sage Realm martial artist, it is not necessarily a reward to retreat for more than 100 years.

Unless it is a huge opportunity.

For example, get the opportunity to comprehension Grand Dao Rule in front of Nine Sources Monument.

But such an opportunity is too rare.

The Ancient Sage Realm martial artist of All Universes, a martial artist who can get a comprehension opportunity in front of the Nine Sources Monument, is seldom as good as gold.


“Sage Level Grand Dao.”

And just in Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage, quietly waiting for Liu Yang to leave in the Great Sky City.

Even waiting for a period of tens of years or more.

In the cultivation city, Liu Yang, who was cultivated for ten days and five days, murmured and passed the bottleneck from Dao Monarch Realm to Ancient Sage Realm very calmly.

Transform your own Dao Monarch level Grand Dao into transformed into Sage Level Grand Dao.

It is as natural as drinking water.

The so-called bottleneck, to him, is not even as high as the ordinary threshold.

“Now, I can finally stand on the top of Pangu Universe.”

After cultivation base breakthrough, Liu Yang’s eyes were burning.

He has 3 Clone.

3 Clone draws his aura as he breaks through.

Under the effect of Clone Item Slot, he quickly broke through to Ancient Sage Realm with him.

Coupled with his treasures, Liu Yang feels that his current understanding of Sage Level Grand Dao is not too deep, and he should be able to stand in the Peak of Ancient Sage Realm powerhouse.

In All Universes, the Ancient Sage Realm martial artist who can compare with him can definitely be counted on one’s fingers.

But this time, after Liu Yang cultivation base breakthrough, not at all immediately go out.

Instead, it closed for another 2 days, and used various methods to comprehension Ancient Sage Realm martial artist.

At the same time, I also used these 2 days to deepen the comprehension of Sage Level Grand Dao.

So that his comprehension of Sage Level Grand Dao will not be at the bottom of all Ancient Sage Realm martial artists.


Blue Star.

“Dad, Mom…”

Liu Yang stayed at Clone of Blue Star, and after Liu Yang’s True Body broke through to Ancient Sage Realm, his thoughts moved slightly.

Suddenly from Liu Tianyi and Shan Ruyi, I felt a very special aura.

“This is…Ancient Sage Realm martial artist special aura, are my dad and my mom both ancient Sage Realm martial artist?”

After feeling this aura, Liu Yang suddenly showed a very surprised color.

He originally thought he was an ordinary person.

It was only after getting cheat golden finger that it became out of the ordinary.

But after feeling the aura peculiar to the Ancient Sage Realm martial artist in his parents, he realized that it is very likely that he is still a Wu 2 generation?

But after feeling the aura emanating from Liu Tianyi and Shan Ruyi, Liu Yang raised his eyebrows again.

It feels that the aura that 2 people are exuding now is extremely weird.

Compared with ordinary Ancient Sage Realm martial artist, it seems to be very different.

“Are you trying to break through to True God Realm?”

Liu Yang’s heart moved slightly.

At the same time he also felt that at this time Liu Tianyi and Shan Ruyi 2 seemed to have become very weak for some reason.

Even 2 people did not sense the change of his Clone in a short time.

“Forget it, still don’t tell them that I have broken through to Ancient Sage Realm.”

Looking at the two people who looked like this, Liu Yang twitched in his heart and decided to conceal his breakthrough to the Ancient Sage Realm first, lest the two be stimulated.

Anyway, it shouldn’t take long before he can break through to the next realm.

When he breaks through to the next realm, his strength is stronger, maybe he can also assist Liu Tianyi 2 people to break through together.

It happened that, according to his feelings, Liu Tianyi and Shan Ruyi were two people who wanted to break through to the next realm. It was not enough for a few years.

For him, a few years is completely enough.

“Liu Yang.”

While Liu Yang was thinking this way, Situ Yue suddenly walked from outside to his yard.

During this time, Situ Yue often came over.

Ask him a few questions about cultivation separately.

Liu Yang’s Clone, there is no way to cultivate, and every day is very free.

So I am willing to help Situ Yue.

And when it’s okay, it’s fun to chat with my Senior Sister.

At the same time, he is Master Situ Tieshan. He often comes to Situ Yue, and he seems to be very happy.

When thinking of Situ Tieshan, Liu Yang wanted to laugh.

His Master, during this time, by his name, but proud of one’s success was very good.

However, Situ Tieshan does not yet know that his current strength is second to none in the entire Pangu Universe.

Otherwise, his Master may be scared to death.

Thinking of this, Liu Yang thought slightly.

Suddenly thought of leaving Heavenly South, I got a description of the realm of Ancient Sage Realm.

“After the Ancient Sage Realm martial artist, it is the God Level martial artist.”

“God Level martial artist, mainly has three realms, namely Universe True God Realm, Void True God Realm, and God King Realm.”

“Ancient Sage Realm martial artist, if he can be recognized by the will of the universe, can transform his own Sage Level Grand Dao into the Grand Dao of the entire universe, thereby advancing to Universe True God Realm.”

“Universe True God Realm martial artist, in his own universe, is very powerful, but when he travels to other universes, he will be suppressed.”

“But Universe True God Realm martial artist, if you spend a lot of time, there is hope, out of the bounds of the universe, advanced Void True God Realm.”

“Void True God Realm martial artist, even if he travels to other universes, will not be suppressed and will be more powerful.”

“At the same time, the Ancient Sage Realm martial artist, if he is not recognized by the will of the universe, can also force his own talent to break through directly to Void True God Realm.”

“Just doing this will be very difficult, and even if the talent is not enough, it will die immediately.”

Liu Yang closed his eyes slightly.

Before his Clone saw the state of Liu Tianyi and Shan Ruyi, he saw it.

Knowing that the 2 people chose is to directly break through the road to Void True God.

“Void True God…”

Liu Yang murmured.

Most of the time he will choose this path.

Because if it is first recognized by the will of the universe, and then break through to Universe True God Realm.

If he wants to break through to Void True God Realm again, it will take a lot of time to get rid of the universe.

This time may be much more than the time he has cultivated so far.



In the Great Sky City Cultivation Room, Liu Yang let out a long breath, and then his body shocked, he opened the door of the cultivation chamber and went out.

At this time he, aura has converged to the extreme.

From the outside, no one can see that he has been cultivated to Ancient Sage Realm.

The North Divine Court is in charge of the martial artist who guards the Cultivation Room and sees Liu Yang walking out of the Cultivation Room. They are very respectful.

In the past ten days, Liu Yang was outside the Great Sky City, and the story of cutting an Ancient Sage Realm martial artist has been completely spread.

Even when Liu Yang chose to be cultivated here, the principals of the North Divine Court oversee here came to see Liu Yang specifically.

Liu Yang smiled and greeted the guard, and walked out of the North Divine Court branch.

Next, he plans to change to a bigger city.

Using the previous method, continue to exchange the soul of Ancient Sage Realm to strengthen your talent.

Sharpening an axe does not delay the work of chopping firewood .

Liu Yang is very experienced in this.


“Exalted Lord, the man you said came out!”

Not long after Liu Yang walked out of North Divine Court, he was discovered by Illusory Soul Ancient Sage.

It was found that Liu Yang had only been closed for ten or five days, and when he came out, he immediately found Celestial Soul Ancient Sage.


Celestial Soul Ancient Sage startled, followed by the eyes shrouded in the black robe, immediately shimmered.

“Go, let’s follow him, and wait for him to move away from Great Sky City!”

Immediately, 2 people hung far behind Liu Yang.

“Someone really wants to hit me.”

It’s just that Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage didn’t know that they had just kept up with Liu Yang and had broken through to Liu Yang of Ancient Sage Realm, and they had a feeling.

“I want to see, who is so confident.”

Liu Yang sneered in the corner of his mouth.

He just broke through the realm, just to experiment with his current strength.

Thinking about it, he immediately speeded up and flew out of the Great Sky City.

Sou! sou!

Not long after Liu Yang left Great Sky City, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage flew out of Great Sky City one after another.


After Liu Yang flew out of the Great Sky City, he directly followed the Heaven Connecting River with no visible width, and flew all the way up.

The world is vast.

At this time, after breaking through Ancient Sage Realm, he already has a strength that can control some of the rules of the world.

This made him feel that his vision of the whole person had changed.

“Now I have such a feeling, I don’t know what will happen when I break through to True God Realm?”

Liu Yang is very much looking forward to breaking through to True God Realm.

After all, this is the entire Pangu Universe, a realm never seen before.

And his ambition is very big.

I didn’t even want to break through to become the Universe True God Realm first.

“It’s here.”

Finally, after Liu Yang flew all the way for ten minutes, the silhouette stopped.

Suspended over a zone of gentle water flow.

Slowly turned around and waited.

Sou! sou!

Liu Yang stopped shortly afterwards, and the rear, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage, caught up with him.

After catching up with Liu Yang’s Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage 2 people, they were surprised when they saw Liu Yang looking at them calmly, as if they had already discovered their appearance.

“You know we are chasing you?”

Celestial Soul Ancient Sage looked at Liu Yang and asked unexpectedly.

“You… are Six Soul Control Race?”

Liu Yang didn’t answer. He looked at Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage, especially after seeing the Hexagram of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage’s brows, he raised his eyebrows and asked back.

At this time, he was also somewhat surprised.

I didn’t expect the person who followed him from behind. It was actually the person of Six Soul Control Race.

And through induction, he found that these two Six Soul Control Race, are actually Ancient Sage Realm martial artist.

In the past, he was able to sense the martial artist of Six Soul Control Race at a distance.

At this time, he didn’t feel the sense of 2 lives, obviously because the 2 talents are much stronger than the Six Soul Control Race he had encountered before.

“You know us, you are also from Pangu Universe?”

Celestial Soul Ancient Sage heard Liu Yang’s words, slightly slightly wrinkle.

He has never heard that there is such a martial artist in the Pangu Universe who can defeat the ancient Sage with the cultivation base of Dao Monarch Realm.

“It seems that I was right.”

Liu Yang hearing this smile.

Two Ancient Sage Realm Six Soul Control Race, it represents two Ancient Sage Realm Hexagram.

For him, this is already a big gain.

In particular, if he can win 2 people and get 2 True Spirits, it is also a good harvest.

And this has not counted other treasures on 2 people.

Thinking about it, he thoughts move, 2 sides of the body, and came out with two silhouettes exactly like him.

Most of the battles he has cultivated so far have been besieging others.

It is very rare when someone besieges him.

In the moment when 2 Clone came out, Liu Yang even waved his hand, and there were countless sword lights blasting out.

With him and Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage as the center, a huge Sword Formation was laid.

At this time, the large formation he had placed was still dominated by sleepy formations.

Liu Yang found that since he got the Nine Sources Primordial Return Sword, most of the large formations he laid out were mostly sleepy.


When Liu Yang shot, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage both found something wrong.

It was not until this moment that Liu Yang discovered that Liu Yang was not the Dao Monarch Realm martial artist they thought at first, but the Ancient Sage Realm martial artist like them.

“How can this be?”

“Did I read it wrong that day?”

“Or did he hide the cultivation base when he killed Thousand Sabers outside Great Sky City?”

Celestial Soul Ancient Sage fell into deep self-doubt.

How could he not believe that Liu Yang would break from Dao Monarch Realm to Ancient Sage Realm in just ten or five days.

“Two people, haven’t you signed up yet?”

After Sword Formation was formed, Liu Yang smiled.

Take out Heavenly Scar Saber and hold it in your hand.

In a moment of thought, a sharp sword energy waved out.

Go straight to Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage and cut it out.

Bang! bang!

Among the compelling Saber energy, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage also summoned their respective Grand Dao.

The Grand Dao they control is Grand Dao of Soul.

As soon as the Grand Dao of Soul came out, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage took out a brilliant round of roulette.

After the roulette flew out, it immediately dispersed in the sky.

Turned into a palm-size knife with a handle.

Countless handle knives, quickly combined together.

In the blink of an eye, in the sky, they assembled into a huge Void God whale.

A huge whale mouth opened, and in the sky fiercely closed, the saber energy cut by Liu Yang was annihilated in it.

However, after swallowing Liu Yang’s saber energy, the face of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage changed slightly.

Seeing the body surface of the giant whale he manipulated, there was a trace of saber energy that diffused light and darkness.

The saber energy that overflowed from the body of the giant whale touched the space, and even the space was torn apart, terrifying.

The saber energy that Liu Yang cut out was actually that he could not completely dissolve the Whale Swallow in the form of Holy Weapon.

“Illusion Heavenly Technique!”

At this time, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage side Illusory Soul Ancient Sage, the body flicked, suddenly made a weird posture.

As he made this posture, Liu Yang in the distance, and Liu Yang’s 2 Ancient Sage Realm Clone, all felt like a flash.

The scenes in front of me all changed quickly.

Bang! bang!

Liu Yang’s 2 Clone, sensed this change, and immediately behind the Grand Dao of Primal Chaos, evolved the Grand Dao of Soul.

When the 2 Grand Dao of Soul came out, they immediately got rid of the illusion.

As for Liu Yang’s True Body, it was the moment when he sensed this illusion.

The ten Thousand Souls Towers that he put in the Item Slot before that can defend against Soul-type attacks all play a role.

Dispel all illusions acting on him.

Compared with the ordinary martial artist, he is extremely comprehensive and has almost no weaknesses.

“Grand Dao of Soul!”

Seeing Liu Yang’s 2 Clone, Grand Dao of Soul evolved from Grand Dao of Primal Chaos, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage’s complexion changed instantly.

The best part of their department is the soul attack.

Now Liu Yang can evolve the Grand Dao of Soul, indicating that Liu Yang is also very good at this aspect.

In this case, Liu Yang’s restraint on them is too strong.


At this moment, Liu Yang opened Devil God Wings after breaking through Illusory Soul Ancient Sage’s illusion.

With a shock, the space was broken, and with the sound of Wind-Lightning, it quickly approached Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage, and once again cut a knife.

At this time, when Liu Yang chopped out this saber, his body suddenly became 100 times larger, and his strength suddenly increased.

At the same time, he manipulated the Myriad Spirits Blood Wheel, and in his body, instantly incorporated ten drops of Ancient Sage Realm 10000 spirit essence blood.

Let his strength almost reach the culmination he can bear.


After various means were used, Liu Yang fell with a knife, and suddenly the entire space was blasted by him.

Be aware that this is New World space, not Pangu Universe space.

The space of New World is much stronger than that of Pangu Universe.

At this time, Liu Yang was chopped off, as if it were in space, and a huge ocean was cut out, with torn space fragments everywhere.

Those space fragments look like islands floating in the ocean.

At the same time, Liu Yang’s 2 Clone also urged Grand Dao of Soul to use a soul attack on Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Ancient Sage.

Although Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage, Grand Dao of Soul is in charge.

Very good at the soul.

However, in the face of the same Ancient Sage Realm martial artist’s soul attack, they still scored their strength to resist.

In front of Liu Yang, facing the Celestial Soul Ancient Sage that Liu Yang attacked, and the ancient Sage of Magic Sky, seeing Liu Yang’s instantaneous display of power, a terrified look appeared in his eyes.

too strong!

They originally thought Liu Yang was a Dao Monarch Realm martial artist.

Facing them, it is the lamb to be slaughtered.

But now Liu Yang, in their eyes, from a lamb to be slaughtered, has become a fierce tiger who chooses to eat.

During their lifetime, they met many Ancient Sage Realm martial artists.

But none of them can have Liu Yang.

“go with!”

Celestial Soul Ancient Sage looked at Liu Yang without any mercy and cut himself.

Manipulate Illusory Soul Ancient Sage. When Illusory Soul Ancient Sage hasn’t responded yet, let its True Spirit be wrapped in a Hexagram package, and it’s instantly clear.

Shot at Liu Yang’s eyebrows.


In the blink of an eye, Illusory Soul Ancient Sage, under the control of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, crossed the space and reached Liu Yang.

“True Spirit body possession?”

Liu Yang saw Illusory Soul Ancient Sage in front of him, his face slightly strange, and then moved his heart, letting him rush into his Soul Sea.

He has experienced the True Spirit body possession of Six Soul Control Race too many times.

Already used to it.

Even at this time, he experienced the Six Soul Control Race body possession of Ancient Sage Realm, and he was not afraid at all.


In the distance, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage saw that Liu Yang didn’t avoid Illusory Soul Ancient Sage’s body possession, and there was a smile on his face immediately.

Compared to the use of Grand Dao of Soul, True Spirit body possession is the foundation of their approach.

Since ancient times, among martial artists of the same level, as long as they are entered into the Soul Sea by martial artists of their own family, few people have been able to block the body possession.


It was just that when Celestial Soul Ancient Sage’s face was just showing joy, he saw that Liu Yang seemed to be unaffected after being rushed into the Soul Sea by Illusory Soul Ancient Sage. He held Battle Saber and continued to cut him. Come.


Seeing the saber light cut by Liu Yang, grave expression appeared in his eyes.

As soon as the hand is thrown, a silver white shield is thrown.

At the same time, the eyebrow Hexagram keeps spinning, blessing Soul Power on the shield.

Make the shield zoom in in the sky quickly, blocking the saber light of Liu Yang.

Hong long!

Liu Yang’s knife fell on the shield thrown by Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, but his sword was only a meal, and with extremely sharp characteristics, the shield thrown by Celestial Soul Ancient Sage was completely cut in half.

After Heavenly Scar Saber is upgraded again, although he has not acquired new abilities, all his previous abilities have achieved full growth.

The shield thrown by Celestial Soul Ancient Sage is actually a secret treasure of Ancient Sage Realm.

But even the Ancient Sage Realm secret treasure can’t stop Liu Yang’s full blow.

After splitting the silver white shield, Liu Yang’s sword continued, and he continued to cut towards the Celestial Soul Ancient Sage.

Celestial Soul Ancient Sage looked at Liu Yang, who had slashed the shield he threw out. His face was shocked, and he quickly stepped into the air and avoided the distance.

It was just the huge Sword Formation under Liu Yang at first, but he shot one after another sword light, dragging his speed extremely slowly.

Behind Liu Yang, Devil God Wings vibrates, so that Liu Yang’s speed has almost exceeded the limit of the Ancient Sage Realm martial artist, and caught up with Dao Monarch in the blink of an eye.


Celestial Soul Ancient Sage looked at Liu Yang’s overbearing silhouette like a Fiendgod, and his eyes were full of anger.

But he knew that Liu Yang was too strong.

In terms of true battle strength, even two more of him are not Liu Yang’s opponents.

call out!

Thinking about it, he immediately moved his heart and shot his Hexagram from his heart, and went straight to Liu Yang.

His Hexagram is different from other people’s Hexagram.

This Hexagram is a rare treasure of Ancient Sage Realm he had obtained in the past.

The strength of power is far beyond the ordinary Ancient Sage Realm secret treasure.

It is with this Hexagram that he was able to create the huge Six Soul Control Race in Pangu Universe.

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