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In the distance, Liu Yang looked at the Celestial Soul Ancient Sage of Hexagram, which was also blasted towards himself, and after slightly startled, he could not avoid.

Also let Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, with Hexagram, rush into his Soul Sea.

call out!

Celestial Soul Ancient Sage rushed into Liu Yang’s Soul Sea, looked at Liu Yang’s vast and boundless Soul Sea, and oversee the Small Golden Tower in the center of Liu Yang Soul Sea, and a trace of panic appeared in my heart.

As the leader of the Grand Dao of Soul, his strength can be ranked in the top 5 powerful Ancient Sage of Pangu Universe. He has a deep understanding of Soul Sea of ​​most lives.

For some people, the more they know, the more they will be afraid.

Before this, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage had never seen a weird Soul Sea like Liu Yang.

Especially when he sensed that the gray mist in Liu Yang Soul Sea had eroded his True Spirit, he was locked in his heart.

“Exalted Lord.”

At this time, a voice came out.

Celestial Soul Ancient Sage moved his heart and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Illusory Soul Ancient Sage carrying its Hexagram, not far away from him at this time.

Illusory Soul Ancient Sage looked at the Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and said: “Exalted Lord, this space is extremely weird. After I came in, I couldn’t find the way to go, and the bubbles inside, I don’t know what it is.”

“Don’t know what it is, then try it!”

Celestial Soul Ancient Sage’s eyes flashed coldly, and his heart moved, he controlled Illusory Soul Ancient Sage’s Hexagram, and let it hit the bubbles of each and everyone around his body.

He has absolute control over the race he created.

Under his control, Illusory Soul Ancient Sage and its Hexagram flashed again and again, and soon hit an ancient Sage Realm bubble.


As Illusory Soul Ancient Sage crashed into the bubble, he saw that Illusory Soul Ancient Sage and its Hexagram completely disappeared into the bubble.

Following that bubble, it flashed quickly, turned into a dazzling streamer, and went straight to the Small Golden Tower in Liu Yang Soul Sea and flew past.

And after landing on the small tower, it turned into a golden scale.

“this is……”

Seeing this scene, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage felt cold immediately.

At this time, he realized that the possible origin of the golden scales on the Small Golden Tower.

At this time, after Liu Yang Celestial Soul Ancient Sage also entered his Soul Sea, he moved his heart and collected the treasures of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage.

After receiving the treasure of 2 people, he separated his consciousness and fell into the Small Golden Tower.

From afar, they looked at Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage.

“so that’s how it is.”

It was at this time that Illusory Soul Ancient Sage, under the control of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, entered a bubble of Ancient Sage Realm, turned into a golden scale, and landed on Small Golden Tower.

With the transformation of Illusory Soul Ancient Sage into gold scales, Liu Yang also has all the memories of Illusory Soul Ancient Sage, and has a deep understanding of Six Soul Control Race, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, and the entire Pangu Universe. .

“It turns out this guy is the master of Six Soul Control Race, the Celestial Soul Ancient Sage.”

At the same time, after accepting the memory of Illusory Soul Ancient Sage, Liu Yang learned.

This time, one of the two Ancient Sages that I encountered was actually the Great Expert who created the Six Soul Control Race in my own eyes, with incredible power and horror.

This one was actually cut off by himself before he even knew his name.

Even True Spirit is now trapped in his Soul Sea.

It won’t take long to disappear.

Liu Yang glanced at Celestial Soul Ancient Sage from afar, and after thinking about it, not at all controlled him.

With his current strength, he has not been able to confuse an Ancient Sage Realm martial artist who is also good at this aspect through means such as soul bewilderment.

Anyway, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage entered his Soul Sea, don’t want to go out.

In this way, he will let himself die.

However, in order to guard against the unexpected, Liu Yang was still moving before the Celestial Soul Ancient Sage accidentally entered a certain Sage Level bubble, and he controlled the True Spirit of Thousand Sabers Ancient Sage, which was obtained before, and entered it into the Copy Item Slot. .

A Hexagram identical to the Celestial Soul Ancient Sage was reproduced.

After accepting the memory of Illusory Soul Ancient Sage, he already knew that the Hexagram in the hands of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage was different from the Hexagram of others.

All other Hexagrams of Six Soul Control Race are controlled by Hexagram in the hands of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage.

“This Hexagram…”

After copying the Hexagram of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, Liu Yang immediately learned all the information of this Hexagram.

I even know that this Hexagram is not an Ancient Sage level secret treasure refined by who.

It’s Innate Ancient Sage Level Treasure, born from Pangu Universe.

“Now, using this thing, I can also create a new Six Soul Control Race.”

Liu Yang looked at the Hexagram in the Copy Item Slot and moved his heart slightly.

But he has no interest in creating such a race.

With his talent, he only needs to stay strong all the way.

Its own strength is really powerful.

There is no need to create a race like Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, and even cultivate several Ancient Sage Realm martial artists.



Thinking about it this way, Liu Yang glanced at the aftermath of his battle this time, and after using Heavenly Scar Saber to remove all traces he left, he quickly left here.

After leaving the battlefield just now, Liu Yang’s eyes flickered, and immediately went straight to a nearby place where Pangu Universe defensive city was established and flew past.

He unfolded Devil God Wings and it was amazingly fast.

In a blink of an eye, he came to a defensive city with a large scale.

This defensive city is one of the five universe countries in Human Race, and the defensive city established in New World by Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom.

It is much larger than all the defensive cities established by Ancient Saber Universe Kingdom in New World.

In the past, Liu Yang once heard Paradise Spirit mention Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, and even Paradise Spirit suggested that Liu Yang join Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom in the future.

Liu Yang himself also had such an idea.

But now, as he broke through to Ancient Sage Realm, his power surged. He used to be a huge monster of Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom in his eyes. Now, in his eyes, it is not that huge.


Liu Yang flashed his body and landed in front of the teleportation gate of the defensive city of Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, revealing a trace of aura.


Oversee A Dao Monarch Realm martial artist in this defensive city, feel the aura that Liu Yang reveals from afar, and in a surprise, immediately flew over from a distance.

Congratulations to Liu Yang and asked: “I have seen Senior below, do not know if Senior is here?”

“I will borrow your teleportation portal from Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom to return to Pangu Universe.”

Liu Yang said quietly.

At this time, many people in this defensive city are waiting in line to use the teleporter.

There are even many people registering their personal information.

But Liu Yang, as an Ancient Sage Realm martial artist, naturally would not do this.

“Okay, I will open the teleporter door for Senior.”

Dao Monarch hearing this from Celestial Origin universe, immediately said.

This defensive city, with his oversee, is Dao Monarch Realm’s life breaking in, and he is not afraid.

But in the face of Ancient Sage Realm martial artist, it won’t work.

There is an Ancient Sage Realm martial artist who wants to use the teleportation light door, and he has always opened the door to convenience.

Anyway, across from this portal, it is the capital of Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom.

There are powerful arrays in the capital.

There are also several Ancient Sage Realm powerhouse oversee.

Even if Liu Yang is an Ancient Sage Realm powerhouse, he is not worried that Liu Yang will make trouble in the capital of the Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom.

Of course, after sending Liu Yang to the Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, he had to secretly inform the senior executives of the Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom as soon as possible.

“In that case, thank you very much.”

Liu Yang smiled and spoke.

At this time, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage still persisted in his Soul Sea.

It has just become much weaker.

Liu Yang doesn’t have any affection for Six Soul Control Race, a race that was annoying on this day.

So he intends to return to Pangu Universe immediately, pull up all Six Soul Control Race, all up by the roots, and collect their True Spirit.

Just wait a moment, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage dies.

He can get this Hexagram from Celestial Soul Ancient Sage easily.


A moment later, Liu Yang reached the capital of the Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom through the teleportation gate to the Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom.

“Is this one of the top 5 universe countries in Human Race in Pangu Universe?”

After arriving at Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, Liu Yang looked at an incomparable gigantic and was surrounded by 108,000 extra satellites, all of which are far larger than Blue Star. Surrounded by the capital city of Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, he felt very shocked.

Such a huge project cannot be achieved in a short time.

After Liu Yang entered the Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, the teleporter behind him only took a breath, and then came out.

After the man came out, slightly paused, he left from the transmission square.

After changing direction, away from the transmission square, he took out his own contactor and sent out a message.

“There is an Ancient Sage that I haven’t seen before, and through the portal of light, came to our Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom?”

It didn’t take long for the senior executives of Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom to learn about Liu Yang’s arrival.

But they are all confused.

I don’t know which Ancient Sage came to their Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom.


“Are you still holding on?”

When Liu Yang arrived at the Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, he swept his consciousness and saw that the Celestial Soul Ancient Sage had been weakened to the extreme of True Spirit. He actually persisted in his Soul Sea.

Can’t help but sigh, the True Spirit of Dao Monarch Realm is really too tenacious.

Of course, this is also related to the Hexagram of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage.

This innate Hexagram generated with the birth of Pangu Universe can greatly prevent his True Spirit from being hurt. It is very magical.

“Who the hell are you?”

At this time, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage sensed Liu Yang’s gaze and couldn’t help roaring in his Soul Sea.

Until now, he did not know who Liu Yang is.

“Don’t you know who I am, dare to come and kill me?”

Liu Yang sneered.

No longer care about Celestial Soul Ancient Sage.

He flew out of the starry sky of Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, while quietly waiting for the death of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage.

at last.

Liu Yang flew out of the kingdom of Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom and came to the vast and boundless starry sky.

His consciousness flashed, and found that after so long, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage could not hold on, and died in his Soul Sea.

It is a pity that I did not get the True Spirit of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage.

But Liu Yang was not too sorry.

After the death of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, Liu Yang stood in the starry sky and waited quietly.

According to the memory of Illusory Soul Ancient Sage, Celestial Soul Ancient Sage has secretly used Soul Contract in these years to forcibly contract about 20 powerful Dao Monarch Realm martial artists of various races.

There are even several Ancient Sage Realm powerhouse.

At this time, with the death of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, all the powerhouses that he forced to contract will also die.

If they die, they will be counted on Liu Yang.

Just like in the Secret Realm, Bewildering Spirit Territory Lord’s men were killed by Liu Yang.

whiz whiz whiz …

While waiting, Liu Yang didn’t take long to see each and everyone True Spirit in the Small Golden Tower.

A few minutes later, in his Small Golden Tower, 21 Dao Monarch Realm True Spirits and 3 Ancient Sage Realm True Spirits were added directly.

“What’s going on? Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, Illusory Soul Ancient Sage, Overturning Sea Ancient Sage, Heaven Raising Ancient Sage, Wood Sovereign Ancient Sage…”

It’s just that as these people died, some powerhouses in the Pangu Universe were complexion changed, and something was wrong.

Ancient Sage Realm martial artist, in charge of Sage Level Grand Dao.

Many Ancient Sage Realm martial artists, at the time of cultivation, will connect their own Grand Dao little by little with the will of the universe in an attempt to get the recognition of the will of the universe and become the Universe True God.

This will cause these Ancient Sage Realm martial artists to oscillate when they die.

At this time, Pangu Universe died five Ancient Sages in a short period of time. The will of the universe immediately reacted and was felt by other Ancient Sage Realm martial artists.

Especially at this time, there is Celestial Soul Ancient Sage in the Ancient Sage of death, which is really shocking and incredible.

“Not bad!”

Liu Yang looked at the many True Spirits in the Small Golden Tower, his face flashed with joy.

Then he used an Ancient Sage Realm True Spirit to develop an Ancient Sage level Item Slot.

Put the Hexagram of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage into it.


Immediately, Liu Yang began to control the Hexagram of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, sensing all Six Soul Control Race in Pangu Universe.

With the power of Hexagram of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, dimensionality reduction from the source strikes these people.


In an instant, countless wailing sounds rang from Pangu Universe.

Under the control of Liu Yang, the countless Six Soul Control Race has been separated from the body.

Wrap True Spirit with Hexagram, under the guidance of a strange force, break through the space and quickly fly to Liu Yang here.

This time the movement is so great that it is no less than the movement of several ancient Sages who died at the same time.

In the Pangu Universe, I don’t know how many powerhouses I have, I opened my eyes and looked at the source where countless Hexagram converged.

“It’s Six Soul Control Race!”

“Just now Celestial Soul Ancient Sage died, followed by Overturning Sea Ancient Sage, Heaven Raising Ancient Sage, Wood Sovereign Ancient Sage also died together. It is very likely that three of them have been forcibly contracted by Celestial Soul Ancient Sage.”

“Could it be said that this time is who? In the Six Soul Control Race, this race should be completely erased in the Pangu Universe?”

Six Soul Control Race is a cancer of the entire Pangu Universe.

It’s just that Celestial Soul Ancient Sage is powerful, and no one knows where Six Soul Control Race is based. So for so many years, Six Soul Control Race has always existed.

And in many races, they are lurking deeper and deeper, and are disgusted by countless people.

whiz whiz whiz …

Hexagram meets.

Some Hexagrams closer to Liu Yang soon came to Liu Yang.

Liu Yang looked at these Hexagrams and immediately received them, and all of them were collected into his Soul Sea, and he entered the bubble of each and everyone.

Among these Hexagrams, there is the True Spirit of Six Soul Control Race. It is very convenient for him to develop Item Slot without using True Spirit.

At the same time, the bubbles in Liu Yang Soul Sea are endless.

Even today, he can’t perceive how many bubbles there are in his Soul Sea.


Suddenly, just as Liu Yang was doing this, Liu Yang moved his heart and saw that in the depths of Soul Sea, a 7-color light flew out and landed on the Small Golden Tower.

Turned into a brand new Special Item Slot.

This Item Slot is the Special Item Slot he got after breaking through to Ancient Sage Realm.

Just before, the rays of light have been surging deep in the Soul Sea, and it has not come out until now.

“Another Fusion Item Slot…”

Liu Yang murmured.

This Special Item Slot is Fusion Item Slot.

Looking at this Item Slot, Liu Yang eyes flashed, I decided what to use it to merge in the future.

But for now, he doesn’t have the True Sage Realm’s True Spirit in his hand, so I can’t use this Item Slot for the time being.

whiz whiz whiz …

At this time, as more and more Hexagram broke through the space to Liu Yang, he came to him.

He as a whole was wrapped up by countless Hexagrams.

Those Hexagrams even converge into a huge river, like a black Divine Dragon.

Sou! sou!

In the Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom closest to Liu Yang, a few powerful aura silhouettes quickly flew over to Liu Yang.

But these people stopped when there was still some distance from Liu Yang.

Did not continue to approach Liu Yang, disturbing Liu Yang.

far away.

Liu Yang, while devouring the Hexagram torrent, separated a trace of consciousness and fell on several people.

It can be sensed that these people are the same ancient Sage Realm martial artist as him.

At the same time, in his induction, farther away, there are more powerful aura, approaching him quickly.

“Is it all led by me?”

Sensing these, Liu Yang eyes flashed.

With his current strength, he can almost be proud of the entire Pangu Universe.

So before the Six Soul Control Race was overthrown, he made plans to bring all the powerhouses of Pangu Universe.

Hong long!

Suddenly, just when Liu Yang thought so, his heart moved, and suddenly it seemed to hear a strange noise, ringing from infinity, but reaching his heart.

“this is……”

Feeling this mutation, Liu Yang lifts the head, and suddenly he saw above the Universe Starry Sky where he was, countless giant clouds converged, thunder and thunder, and a Supreme will faintly fell from it.

“Pangu Universe’s Will… Is this Pangu Universe approving me?”

Liu Yang’s eyes narrowed.

At this time, he stood in the void, and could feel faintly that after he showed his powerful strength, this Supreme will found out from Universe Source seemed to be fuse together with himself.

Once this will, fuse with him, even if he has not reached Ancient Sage Realm Peak, will immediately break from Ancient Sage Realm to Universe True God Realm.

“How can this be?”

At the same time, the turmoil of Pangu Universe’s Will even shocked all the powerhouses in Pangu Universe.

At this moment, all Ancient Sage Realm martial artists in Pangu Universe, no longer hesitating, all speeded up to Liu Yang.

In the same era, there can be only one Universe True God in a universe.

Once Liu Yang becomes a Universe True God, unless you wait until Liu Yang breaks through to Void True God Realm, or wait until Liu Yang falls.

Otherwise, the entire Pangu Universe cannot produce another Universe True God.


A strange smile appeared on Liu Yang’s face.

He has already decided to take the path of directly breaking through to Void True God, but he didn’t expect that he wouldn’t wait for him to take the initiative to get Pangu Universe’s Will’s approval. Pangu Universe’s Will first found him.

Hong long!

A loud noise, Pangu Universe’s Will, completely emerged from countless giant clouds, fell on Liu Yang and wanted to fuse with him.

At this moment, Liu Yang eyes slightly narrowed.

Under the hood of Pangu Universe’s Will, I felt that my whole mind was cold.

Talent exceeds him by other martial artists who do not know how much, in this brief moment, under the hood of Pangu Universe’s Will.

In a short time, he had more understanding and comprehension on the Ancient Sage level Grand Dao of Primal Chaos in charge of himself.

“Unexpectedly, there is such a benefit of being recognized by Pangu Universe’s Will.”

Liu Yang’s heart moved slightly, something unexpected.

But in this brief moment, he kept his mind.

Only let Pangu Universe’s Will envelope itself, and not let it blend with itself completely.

Take the path of Universe True God, and then advance to Void True God, that is too slow.

Not what he asked for.

So at this time, even if Pangu Universe’s Will actively wanted to merge with him, he also planned to refuse.

Only decided to temporarily use Pangu Will to cover himself during this time, fully comprehension Grand Dao of Primal Chaos.

“Your Excellency is my Human Race?”

At this time, several ancient Sage level powerhouses in the Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom standing in the sky in the distance saw Liu Yang actually attracted Pangu Universe’s Will to take the initiative to recognize it, and finally couldn’t bear it, and asked him.

Human Race is the first big family of Pangu Universe.

Liu Yang looks like the most authentic Human Race.

In the 5 major universe countries, there are more than 20 Ancient Sage level martial artists.

If Liu Yang is Human Race it is better.

But if Liu Yang is not Human Race, and after Liu Yang merges with Pangu Universe’s Will to become Universe True God, then the situation of Human Race may not be so good in the future.

Even if a Universe True God is willing and wants to kill more than 20 Ancient Sages, with no difficulty.

“Not bad.”

Liu Yang said slowly: “It’s just that I often secluded cultivation, not much when I go out, you don’t know me, it’s normal.”

“In addition, I want to go directly from Ancient Sage Realm to Void True God. Before that, I never passed through Pangu Universe’s Will.”

Hearing Liu Yang’s words, several ancient Sages of Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, this suddenly happened.

Liu Yang can be recognized by Pangu Universe’s Will, and he must be a martial artist of Pangu Universe.

But before that, they have tried to communicate Pangu Universe’s Will, but never in it, have experienced Liu Yang’s aura.

So very puzzled.

They didn’t know until Liu Yang finished explaining.

What Liu Yang wanted to do was to go from Ancient Sage Realm directly to Void True God.

To know this path, it is much more difficult than becoming Universe True God first, and then breaking through to Void True God.

The entire Pangu Universe, the martial artist who takes this path, is very few.

At this time, Liu Yang continued to say: “I only encountered Celestial Soul Ancient Sage in New World accidentally at this time. After killing the sky, I wanted to solve the entire Six Soul Control Race smoothly.”

“But I didn’t expect that I did this, which actually inspired Pangu Universe’s Will.”

Hearing this, an Ancient Sage of Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, suddenly said: “I don’t know what Your Excellency is going to do now. Do you want to merge directly with Pangu Universe’s Will and break through to Universe True God Realm?”

“If Your Excellency is willing, I, Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, are willing to protect Your Excellency during the time when Your Excellency breaks through the realm!”


Liu Yang gave this ancient Sage a surprised look.

Then he shook his head and said, “I don’t need to protect the law and become a Universe True God. I don’t want it. Now I just use Pangu Universe’s Will to deepen my understanding of Grand Dao that’s all.”

Several Ancient Sages glanced secretly at each other.

Will Liu Yang say it true?

Liu Yang’s motion this time attracted Pangu Universe’s Will is too great.

If Liu Yang really wants at this time, advanced Universe True God, I am afraid it will attract countless powerhouse siege.

However, advanced Universe True God, if not like Liu Yang, can also take it slowly.

They thought about it, maybe Liu Yang was planning to wait for this incident to end, and slowly merge Pangu Universe’s Will in secret.

In that way, it is obviously much safer.

At this time, Liu Yang eyes flashed and said: “However, although I do not plan to advance to Universe True God now, but there is one thing, I hope a few Fellow Daoist can help?”

“Oh? Don’t know what Fellow Daoist wants us to do?”

At this time, a silhouette suddenly flew from a distance and fell in the middle of the ancient Sage Realm martial artists.

Those ancient Sage Realm martial artists saw respect for the new Ancient Sage and expression.

“Celestial Origin Ancient Sage?”

Liu Yang, who got the memory of Illusory Soul Ancient Sage, immediately recognized this person.

Celestial Origin Ancient Sage is an ancient Sage level martial artist more powerful than Celestial Soul Ancient Sage.

Enough to rank in the top 3 in Pangu Universe.

Seeing the Celestial Origin Ancient Sage, Liu Yang’s heart moved, and after the Celestial Soul Ancient Sage and Illusory Soul Ancient Sage were just killed, several treasures were taken out.

“I want to use these treasures to exchange some Ancient Sage Realm True Spirit with your Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, I wonder?”

The treasure taken out by Liu Yang this time is mainly obtained from an Ancient Sage Realm of Illusory Soul Ancient Sage.

A roulette-shaped Ancient Sage Realm treasure from Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, and a staff-shaped Ancient Sage Realm treasure.

There is even the Hexagram of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage that he copied earlier.

These 4 treasures were taken out. In the distance, several Ancient Sages of Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, eyes immediately lit up.

Ancient Sage Realm treasure, very rare.

Even Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, there are only a few Ancient Sage Realm treasures in hand.

“Your Excellency really want to take these treasures and exchange my Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom for Ancient Sage Realm True Spirit?”

Celestial Origin Ancient Sage took a deep breath, asked Liu Yang.


Liu Yang nodded with a smile said: “As for the value, as long as you Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, you can exchange the soul of Ancient Sage Realm life with me at the market price.”

“The other 3 pieces of treasure, our Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, can produce 9 Ancient Sage Realm True Spirits, and that Hexagram, we can produce 1 Dao Monarch Realm True Spirits, I do not know what Fellow Daoist intended?”

Hearing Liu Yang’s words, Celestial Origin Ancient Sage quoted its price.

He saw at a glance that the Hexagram in Liu Yang’s hand was the treasure of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage.

This treasure is the Ancient Sage level treasure born innately.

The strength of power is far beyond other Ancient Sage level treasure.

Only one piece is worth a few pieces of ordinary Ancient Sage Realm treasure.

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