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Liu Yang nodded.

At the same time there was a trace of joy in my heart.

That Hexagram was just copied by him with an Ancient Sage Realm True Spirit.

As a result, a Hexagram can actually be exchanged for ten Ancient Sage Realm souls, which is a huge profit.

Liu Yang’s eyes flickered slightly.

With a decision in mind.

I plan to copy this Hexagram with True Spirit and sell Hexagram separately.

Instead of selling other Ancient Sage Realm treasure.

This will undoubtedly greatly increase the speed at which he makes money.

However, while Liu Yang was waiting, the Celestial Origin Ancient Sage in the distance, after discussing with several others, showed a trace of embarrassment.

He looked at Liu Yang and said: “Fellow Daoist, our Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, there are only ten or eight Ancient Sage Realm True Spirits. I don’t know if there is one True Spirit left. Can we use the Ancient Sage Realm that we captured before? evil thing alternative?”

Ancient Sage Realm evil thing?

Liu Yang’s eyes shone brightly, and he immediately said, “Also.”

Now, he is in need of an Ancient Sage Realm’s Evil Thing True Spirit to develop the Fusion Item Slot after breaking through to Ancient Sage Realm.

Now he has got countless Hexagrams, and put these Hexagrams into Item Slot.

These Hexagrams are Soul-type treasures.

Liu Yang intends to try to link these Hexagram Item Slots and other Soul-type treasures together with Fusion Item Slot.

Try to merge out a new Soul-type fusion secret treasure.


At this time, the Celestial Origin Ancient Sage in the distance was confirmed by Liu Yang, and the eighty-eight souls that were put together with several other Ancient Sages were immediately taken out.

Also taken out by him, there is a strange mirror with countless weird talisman.

Liu Yang saw these things without hesitation, and threw the things in his hands directly to Celestial Origin Ancient Sage.

Then, the things taken out of Celestial Origin Ancient Sage were ingested by themselves and received into the Void God Bag.

Ka ka ka ……

As soon as these things entered the Void God Bag, Liu Yang manipulated Space Power and crushed them all.

Ten or eight Ancient Sage Realm True Spirits were collected into Small Golden Tower.

Wu wu ……

It’s just that Liu Yang controls Space Power and shatters the souls of Ancient Sage Realm.

However, after breaking the mirror, a scarlet river burst from it was broken up.

This big river exudes a strong evil spirit, and as soon as it came out, it was violently rolling in Liu Yang’s Void God Bag.

Even if Liu Yang’s Void God Bag has a huge suppression on it, it is still rolling, hitting the Void God Bag again and again, it seems to want to leave the general.

Shua! shua!

It was just at this moment that Liu Yang’s 2 Ancient Sage Realm Clone appeared in Void God Bag together.

The Grand Dao of Primal Chaos is called, and fiercely suppresses it.

This great river evil thing, I don’t know how long it was imprisoned by the seal in Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom.

One’s strength has long been reduced to the extreme.

At this time Liu Yang 2 and Clone came out together, and in a short time, they suppressed it.

And in one attack after another, the True Spirit of this great river evil thing was constantly plundered into the Small Golden Tower.

At the same time, I got 4 pieces of Ancient Sage Realm treasure of Celestial Origin Ancient Sage and the others, and they were all very happy.

By the time they refining these 4 Ancient Sage Realm treasures, their own strength can be improved a lot.

Even if some treasures are not suitable for them, they can be stored first to increase the heritage of Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom.

After all, ancient Sage Realm souls, they can go hunting monsters to obtain.

Ancient Sage Realm treasure, but it is difficult to obtain.

Although there are New World Ruler, but the value is too high.

Even one of the most common Ancient Sage Realm treasures can only be obtained by slashing countless monster evil things and accumulating Contribution Points.

Which is as easy as it is now.

In All Universes, it is easy to replace Ancient Sage level soul with Ancient Sage level treasure, but it is difficult to replace Ancient Sage level treasure with Ancient Sage level soul, without exception.

whiz whiz whiz …

When Celestial Origin Ancient Sage was excited in the hearts of several people, the distant silhouette in the sky, one after another aura, a huge silhouette came from the sky.

Centered on Liu Yang, stopped in the sky in the distance.

The first people to come are Human Race martial artists.

These people are the martial artists of Human Race 5 Universe Country and other Universe Country.

Human Race 5 is a big universe country, which is connected with the same gas and occupy the center of Pangu Universe.

Therefore, Ancient Sage Realm powerhouse of other Universe Country is also the first to come.

After they arrived, they all looked at Celestial Origin Ancient Sage and seemed to ask in secret.

Looking at these people, Liu Yang flashed the rays of light in his eyes, and when he flipped his hand, he took out another Hexagram that was sold to Celestial Origin Ancient Sage, exactly the same Hexagram.

Holding this Hexagram in hand, Liu Yang looked at the newly arrived a Human Race Ancient Sage Realm martial artist and slowly said:

“I killed Celestial Soul Ancient Sage of Six Soul Control Race before and got this treasure from him. I don’t know everyone, but do you want to buy this thing from me?”


Hearing Liu Yang’s words, the eyes of the Human Race Ancient Sage coming up immediately lit up.

They all know this sacred relic from Celestial Soul Ancient Sage.

Knowing this treasure is the powerful treasure that can be ranked in the entire Pangu Universe.

I just bought this treasure’s Celestial Origin Ancient Sage from Liu Yang, and several other ancient Sages in Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom, but they all looked stunned.

Even Celestial Origin Ancient Sage secretly checked the Hexagram that he had just exchanged from Liu Yang.

See if it is true.

After he determined that the Hexagram in his hand was the one in the hands of Master Six Soul Control, his complexion became even more weird.

Before that, he never knew that Celestial Soul Ancient Sage actually had 2 such Hexagram rare treasures.

“I don’t know how Your Excellency intends to sell this treasure?”

An Ancient Sage said.

“Ten Ancient Sage Realm souls.”

Liu Yang said with a smile.

“Ten Ancient Sage Realm souls, this treasure, our Black Origin Universe Kingdom wants it!”

Liu Yang tone barely fell, Black Origin Ancient Sage of the Black Origin Universe Kingdom, just shouted first.

“Don’t, I think this treasure, ten Ancient Sage Realm souls is not enough, we Blue Origin Universe Kingdom, willing to increase the price of one Ancient Sage Realm soul.”

“We Qingyuan…”

In an instant, these are originally to see, who is actually the Human Race Ancient Sage that can be recognized by Pangu Universe’s Will.

They all started fighting for the Hexagram rare treasure in Liu Yang’s hands.

“This Hexagram, I only sell ten Ancient Sage Realm souls. Since this time is the Heiyuan Ancient Sage first, then this Hexagram belongs to Heiyuan Ancient Sage.”

At this moment, Liu Yang threw the Hexagram in his hand to Heiyuan Ancient Sage with a wave of his hand.

As soon as he made this move, all and everyone Ancient Sage around him suddenly showed surprise.


But I got Ancient Sage of Hexagram, but laughed heartily.

Then he was also unambiguous. After talking directly with the people around him, he took out ten Ancient Sage Realm souls and threw them to Liu Yang.

The universe of each and everyone centered on New World has been invaded by evil thing and monster.

Even Sage Level powerhouses such as Celestial Origin Ancient Sage, it is necessary to hunt ancient Sage level monsters and evil things frequently.

But it is for this reason that they have some monster souls of Ancient Sage Realm in their hands.

These souls, if accidentally released, may cause great damage, so most martial artists will take them with them.

The only exception is the Ancient Sage of Six Soul Control Race, including Celestial Soul Ancient Sage.

Celestial Soul Ancient Sage, proficient in Grand Dao of Soul.

All the souls he got were used by him through Hexagram to create Six Soul Control Race.

Liu Yang took the ten Ancient Sage level souls handed over by Heiyuan Ancient Sage and directly received it in Void God Bag.

As before, quickly crush these souls and ingest the True Spirit of these souls into the Small Golden Tower.

When doing so, a smile appeared on his face: “I killed Celestial Soul Ancient Sage. I got more than one Hexagram. Do you still want to buy it?”

“The prices are all the same, all are ten Ancient Sage Realm souls.”

“If you don’t have the soul of Ancient Sage Realm, you can also use Contribution Points to trade.”

“As long as you take out Contribution Points that can be exchanged for 2 ordinary Ancient Sage Realm treasures, you can exchange a Hexagram from me.”


Hearing Liu Yang’s words, everyone revealed a surprised look.

Celestial Soul Ancient Sage has more than one Hexagram.

In Liu Yang’s hands, there are more Hexagrams, and it looks like there are many more?

“I want 2 pieces from Blue Origin Universe Kingdom!”

“I need 2 Azure Origin Universe Kingdom!”

“Fellow Daoist, please sell me another Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom!”

Suddenly, each and everyone Human Race powerhouse, all impatient said.

Celestial Soul Ancient Sage’s Hexagram is Soul-type’s innate Ancient Sage level treasure.

This kind of treasure, even if you are not proficient in Grand Dao of Soul, can be used to protect your soul after refining, which is extremely precious.

And the treasures of this Soul-type have always been the most precious among many treasures.

Since Liu Yang still has extra Hexagram in hand, they naturally have to exchange more.


At this time, they were also puzzled, how can there be that many Hexagrams of this level.

But they did not believe that Liu Yang was able to play with them in front of so many Ancient Sage level powerhouses.

“Relax, everything!”

Liu Yang smiled, took out the Hexagrams one by one, and began trading with many Human Race Ancient Sage.

Some of these Ancient Sages who traded with him had Ancient Sage Realm souls in their hands, and some did not.

No, it doesn’t matter, just exchange Contribution Points for it.

As the transaction proceeded, it was only a short time before Liu Yang accumulated 82 Ancient Sage level True Spirits.

apart from this, he also obtained Contribution Points from New World Ruler, who can buy 4 Ancient Sage Realm secret treasures.

Liu Yang looked at the True Spirit and Contribution Points he got, and he moved, opened the New World Ruler exchange list, and found a Ancient Sage level full body armor of Five Elements Attribute.

An Ancient Sage level Battle Saber of Light and Darkness attribute.

And a Ancient Sage level Flight Treasure of Wind-Lightning Attribute.

After the 3 treasures were exchanged, he was immediately immediately, using his accumulated True Spirit to open up 40 Ancient Sage level Item Slots in succession.

Then use the remaining True Spirit to copy the 3 new Ancient Sage level secret treasures, 9 of them.

At the same time, Copy Item Slot was used to copy ten Hexagrams of Celestial Soul Ancient Sage.

And throw these treasures into the Item Slot.

Link these Item Slots with Fusion Item Slots.

All this is carried out in secret, no one knows.

No one knows, in this short period of time, Liu Yang’s strength, once again began to skyrocket.

Especially his defense.

After incorporating 100 pieces of Ancient Sage level Armor, Liu Yang estimates that he is now wearing Unbreakable Armor, just letting dozens of 1 Ancient Sage to attack himself together.

With the various characteristics of Unbreakable Armor, he may be able to persist for days and nights.

In the days and nights, he held Heavenly Scar Saber and vibrated Devil God Wings. It is estimated that the Ancient Sage who had besieged him would have been killed.

Invincible Ancient Sage Realm!

From this moment, Liu Yang really started Invincible Ancient Sage Realm!

whiz whiz whiz …

After the transaction between Liu Yang and many Human Race Ancient Sages was completed, there were more silhouettes in the distance.

And in these silhouettes, different race Ancient Sage gradually began to appear.

The faces of these different race Ancient Sage Realm martial artists, Celestial Origin Ancient Sage and the others have all become dignified.

This time Liu Yang’s movements were too great, and it almost brought the entire Pangu Universe powerhouse.

Now there are so many different race Ancient Sage Realm martial artists, if you do it.

Not to mention that they are a Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom alone, it is the intimate union of Human Race 5 Universe Country, impossible is the opponent of so many different race martial artists.

“So that’s how it is, I said how can we Pangu Universe suddenly someone hooked Pangu Universe’s Will, want to advance to Universe True God.”

“It turns out that all of you Celestial Origin Universe Kingdom planned in secret!”

Finally, as the different race martial artists gathered more and more, an Ancient Sage level Demon Tiger with a king inscribed on his eyebrows swept the Celestial Origin Ancient Sage and sneered.

“Yes, Human Race is originally the ancestor of Pangu Universe. Once someone in Human Race advances to Universe True God Realm, those of us race will not be happy in the future.”

“To be correct, this time will not allow this Human Race martial artist to advance to Universe True God Realm!”

each and everyone different race martial artist, one after another.

Most of these opening different race martial artists are different race martial artists who have hatred against Human Race.

After the words fell, their looks towards Liu Yang’s eyes became extremely cold.

Among the people, Liu Yang quietly watched these people shouting loudly and ignored them.

It was only when these people gathered to prepare to shoot him.

He moved his mind and completely swayed Pangu Universe’s Will that had poured into his body before.

At this time, even if he does not reject this ray of Pangu Universe’s Will, Pangu Universe’s Will, after a long time unable to merge with him, will have to leave himself.

But for Liu Yang, although Panu Universe’s Will entered his body for a short period of time, he gained a lot.

In a short time, he had a deeper comprehension of Ancient Sage level Grand Dao of Primal Chaos.

Deepening the comprehension of Grand Dao means that he has improved his strength.


At this time, with Liu Yang pushing Pangu Universe’s Will out of the body.

Each and everyone Ancient Sage level martial artist around Liu Yang set his sights on him.

Can’t understand Liu Yang’s operation, don’t know what he is going to do.

“Stop being promoted to Universe True God Realm?”

After Liu Yang swings Pangu Universe’s Will, he looks at each and everyone around to clamor for the different race Ancient Sage who wants to besiege himself.

sneered, suddenly out of sight, took out a Black Hexagram.

At this time, the long river-shaped evil thing in his Void God Bag has been beheaded by Liu Yang’s 2 Clone.

After being beheaded, Liu Yang directly shot his True Spirit with Small Golden Tower.

Opened up the Fusion Item Slot he had previously obtained.

After the Fusion Item Slot was developed, Liu Yang immediately, the ten Ancient Sage levels congenital Hexagram just thrown into the Item Slot,

The Hexagram of Illusory Soul Ancient Sage that he photographed before,

And his Hexagram from the entire Six Soul Control Race,

And the pieces of Soul-type treasure he put into Item Slot before, all merged with the newly developed Item Slot.

After these treasure fuse together, he immediately fused out a new fusion secret treasure-Soul Locking Star!

After the Soul Locking Star is merged, it has all the treasures and original abilities integrated into it.

There is also a powerful ability-Soul Locking!

Soul Locking, which can fix the soul of the body inside, can effectively defend against the soul attack of all situations; the outside can set the soul of others, and can make the enemy move in a moment, and it is difficult to get out of Soul Locking.

At this time, Liu Yang took out the Hexagram from his heart, which is his newly integrated Soul Locking Star.

As soon as Soul Locking Star came out, he was the first to say that the Heavenly Tiger Ancient Sage who proposed to siege him immediately stood still in the distance.


At the moment of the Heavenly Tiger Ancient Sage reward, Liu Yang took a look at it and directly ingested the Heavenly Tiger Ancient Sage into his own hands directly from the middle of a large group of different races in the distance.

Until this time, Heavenly Tiger Ancient Sage has not yet awakened from Soul Locking.

Soul Locking Star incorporates ten pieces of Innate Ancient Sage Level Treasure Hexagram, and also incorporates the Hexagram of the entire Six Soul Control Race owner. The power is incredible.

It has even completely exceeded the Ancient Sage level secret treasure level.

After photographing Heavenly Tiger Ancient Sage, Liu Yang’s heart moved and he and A’Hu’s Life Item Slot were linked together.

The silhouette of Heavenly Tiger Ancient Sage quickly became illusory in his hands.


Until then, Heavenly Tiger Ancient Sage was sober from Soul Locking.

It looked at Liu Yang who was clutching himself, struggling violently.

It’s just that under the influence of Life Item Slot, his power has weakened too much.

Can’t break free of Liu Yang’s big hands at all.

“what are you doing?”


In the distance, a different race martial artist, seeing Liu Yang’s movements, all showed surprise and angry.

Liu Yang’s ability is so weird!

What happened just now?

Is Heavenly Tiger Ancient Sage hit Liu Yang’s soul attack?

It’s just what kind of soul attack and power is so big that Heavenly Tiger Ancient Sage didn’t react until it fell into the hands of Liu Yang?

Even the ancient Sage Realm martial artist was present, and Liu Yang’s gaze became very dreaded.

You know, Heavenly Tiger Ancient Sage is not weak among them.

But in Liu Yang’s hands, it was only a moment, and he was captured, which is incredible to the extreme.

True God Realm martial artist shot, I am afraid it will not be so easy.


Liu Yang sneered.

He turned his head and looked towards another different race martial artist, saying: “I remember the person who just said that he wanted to kill me, is there you, right?”

This time he is staring at the different race martial artist, a Starry Sky Demon Crane from Ancient Sage Realm.

Compared with the tigers, the cranes have relatively few powerhouses.

The whole Pangu Universe, there is only such a Starry Sky Demon Crane of Ancient Sage Realm.

And it looks like it has just advanced to Ancient Sage Realm.

However, Dumby has been in Longevity Realm for too long, and it is also time to find a similar supplement for it.

In a moment of thought, Liu Yang used Soul Locking again, and set the Starry Sky Demon Crane in the distance in the sky.

Then the old technique was reapplied, and as soon as it was caught, it was caught in its own hands.

“On your own, still want to round me up?”

After grabbing the Starry Sky Demon Crane in his hands, Liu Yang sneered and looked around all around: “Don’t say I don’t want to be a Universe True God, I just want to be a Universe True God. Do you think you can stop me? “


Liu Yang at this moment is very arrogant in the eyes of many different race Ancient Sage.

Just looking at Heavenly Tiger Ancient Sage, Azure Crane Ancient Sage, and the remaining different race martial artist in his hand, he dare not speak.

Liu Yang’s ability is too weird.

“I really don’t know where you came from. You dare to be alone and face so many of us!”

But in the silence of everyone, a voice suddenly entered Liu Yang’s ears.

Then he moved his heart and saw in the sky behind him, suddenly a black shadow with a dagger flashed.

Under the flash of the shadow, it was like lightning, and the sharp dagger in his hand fell heavily on his back.


This dark figure is an assassin of Ancient Sage Realm!

Seeing this assassin appeared, one shot down in the back of Liu Yang, a group of different race martial artists in the distance, his eyes were all bright.


It is just when these different race martial artists expect Liu Yang to be beheaded by this Ancient Sage level assassin.

They saw, however, that after falling on Liu Yang with a dagger, Liu Yang himself was fine, but the assassin, but spit a mouthful of blood.

It seemed that he had been attacked by strangeness. The whole person flew out at a very fast speed.

“Now, do you know what my confidence is?”

Liu Yang looked at the black shadow flying backwards, and behind Devil God Wings, the whole person quickly caught up with it several times faster than the black shadow, and fell down with a knife.


Liu Yang fell with a knife and directly killed this assassin in the entire Pangu Universe, the famous Ancient Sage level different race assassin on the spot.

At the same time, the Heavenly Tiger Ancient Sage and Azure Crane Ancient Sage he had previously held in his hand were also completely transformed into phantoms and disappeared during this period.

After they disappeared, a group of Ancient Sage level powerhouses were able to confirm that they had died through the turbulence of the will of the universe!

“Anyone else?”

After beheading the Ancient Sage level different race assassin with sneak attack, Liu Yang collected the treasure he carried and turned his head to look at a different race Ancient Sage in the distance.

Yaque was silent in the field.

Any ancient Sage level different race martial artist who was swept by Liu Yang’s eyes saw Liu Yang’s eyes swept away, subconsciously avoiding them.

The strength of Liu Yang is amazing!

Before, they thought Liu Yang’s ability was strange.

But as the assassin of the different race just shot, they found that Liu Yang’s defense, Liu Yang’s speed, and Liu Yang’s attack were all extremely powerful.

The defense is so strong, so fast, an attack can kill an Ancient Sage, who dares to provoke?

I am afraid that, as Liu Yang himself just said, he does not want to be a Universe True God.

If Liu Yang wants to become a Universe True God, I am afraid that none of them can stop it.

It doesn’t work together!

“Since there is no one, then everyone can get together, so make a deal with me.”

Just looking at the silent crowd, Liu Yang’s face slowly showed a smile.

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