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“Little Brother, didn’t you finish the test just now, how come again?”

In the Cultivation Base Test hall, a martial artist saw Qi Feng and asked in surprise.

“This time it was not me, it was my classmate.”

Qi Feng speaks neither cold nor hot.

“Huh, it’s a young genius again.”

Several martial artists set their sights on Liu Yang, and they all sighed and envied.

In the Cultivation Base Test hall, there are 3 4 martial artists waiting for the test.

But these 3 people, each of them, are in their 4s and upwards.

And their cultivation base is all Opening Meridian 1st Stage.

Opening Meridian Stage has a total of ten floors, and they are all at the lowest level.

And 20 years old, it seems to be only older than Liu Yang Fourth Year.

But this 4-year-old is extremely critical.

Because generally speaking, martial artists are only 12 years old, or 13 years old, before they started cultivation.

Unless talent is different, cultivation is too early, which is not good for martial artists.

Like them, although they have been cultivated to Opening Meridian Stage, but because of the poor talent, in Body Refining Realm, even the Furious Wave Stage of Body Refining 6th Stage never reached.

No special chance, this life, I am afraid to be limping at Opening Meridian Stage.

“Your classmates, like you, are also Diamond Stage?”

A martial artist asked curiously.

Diamond Stage martial artist is very rare in Yang City.

In several martial arts middle schools in Yang City, there are almost ten Diamond Stage martial artists that can be born in each session.

Even in big cities, martial artists who can cultivate to Diamond Stage will be classified as geniuses.

Of course, it’s good to cool off under the big tree.

Large cities are stronger than small cities because of safety, cultivation environment, cultivation resources, and educational conditions.

So it will often form a siphon effect on the surroundings.

Geniuses like to run to big cities.

Therefore, the proportion of Diamond Stage martial artists in large cities is definitely much larger than that in small cities like Yang City.


Qi Feng nodded.

There is nothing to hide.


Suddenly, the eyes of several martial artists in the hall, looked towards Liu Yang, became different.

Just now, they just asked that’s all casually.

But I did not expect that this question actually asked a Diamond Stage martial artist.

“Little Brother, don’t know your name?”

Martial artist asked curiously.

“My name is Liu Yang.” Liu Yang touched his head and said, “Like Qi Feng, they are all from No. 3 High School.”

“Yang City No. 3 High School?”

A few people looked at each other with surprise.

Followed by: “It seems that the teaching quality of Yang City No. 3 High School is good.”

“Yeah.” Liu Yang nodded, “We Dean, and the Teacher of the Academy, both in terms of teaching quality and character, are very good. As for the facilities, you don’t need to know it.”

The digger does not forget to dig the well.

Liu Yang comes from No. 3 High School, and No. 3 High School is also really good.

When he was outside, he naturally wanted to advertise No. 3 High School.

“Come on, Liu Yang, we are not in a hurry, you test first.”

At this time, after the test of a martial artist was completed, a martial artist in front of Liu Yang rushed to him immediately.

“No.” Liu Yang waved his hand, “This is not good.”

“Nothing bad.” The martial artist shook his head and insisted, “You are the genius of our Yang City. If you make a name in the future, don’t forget our Yang City.”

“It’s right.”

Several other martial artists also followed.

Liu Yang couldn’t, but could only come to the front.

And handed over the completed list to the staff.

In the Cultivation Base Test hall, there was only a dark machine like a cannon that was one person tall.

It’s just that this cannon has no muzzle.

The place like the muzzle was replaced by a blue screen.

In front of the machine, there is a standing pad.

Liu Yang walked up to the station mat and saw the blue screen of the pitch-black machine in front. The rays of light flashed, seeming to engrave his silhouette in it.

“Diamond Stage!”

A metal-like sound rang from the machine.

What a Diamond Stage…

Hearing that the machine reported Liu Yang’s realm, several martial artists in the hall all exhales one breath saying lightly.

Even if they had known for a long time, it was probably the result.

But when they heard Liu Yang’s realm reported by the machine, they still felt envious.

“Several brothers, thank you.”

After the staff of Hunter Union handed over the list that Liu Yang had just passed in and filled out the message, he made a goodbye with several martial artists in the hall, and turned away with Qi Feng.

Looking at Liu Yang and Qi Feng leaving, the martial artist in the test hall has a somewhat complicated expression.

“Come on, although we failed to break through to Diamond Stage during Body Refining Realm, but in the future it will not be without chance, change the talent!”

After half a ring, a martial artist spoke.

Other martial artists are also nodded.

But in my heart, it’s all mixed.


“Really Diamond Stage?”

In the main hall, the little elder sister named Little Yu took the list handed over by Liu Yang, scanned it carefully, and revealed a somewhat surprised look.

“I will register your information here, and then issue you a second test admission ticket.”


Liu Yang quickly nodded.

At this time, he wouldn’t dare to say that he would make this little elder sister cry for a long time.

“Sister Little Yu, busy.”

Suddenly, while Liu Yang was waiting, a young man wearing white clothed white pants walked in from outside the hall.

This young man seems to be older than Liu Yang and Qi Feng 2.

But it should not be too big.

“Little Ban, why are you here again?”

Seeing the person coming, the little elder sister named Little Yu suddenly felt helpless.

“Don’t call me Little Ban, Ban Shuhang. Or call me Shuhang directly. In addition, this time is not my coming. I just came back from the field last night. I met your mother this morning. She let me Come and see you.”

White clothed youth laughed, raised his eyebrows and said: “How about, have you met any geniuses today?”

Ban Shuhang?

Liu Yang, who was waiting for him, heard the name and looked up at white clothed youth.

This name is familiar.

It seems to be a genius in Yang City No. 1 High School.


Little Yu pouted Liu Yang and Qi Feng: “These two are smaller than you, both are Diamond Stage martial artists.”

Are they all Diamond Stage?

Ban Shuhang startled.

Subconsciously glanced at Liu Yang and Qi Feng, but with this look, he found that he actually had no impression of Liu Yang and Qi Feng.

Is it in the recent rumors that No. 3 High School’s 2 Special Martial Artists?

Feeling slightly curious under his heart, he asked, “Hello, my name is Ban Shuhang, Yang City No. 1 High School, this year’s graduate, don’t you know who you are?”

“Yang City No. 3 High School, Liu Yang.”

“Qi Feng.”

2 Liu Yang also reported their names.

“It’s really you two.” Ban Shuhang raised a brow when he heard two people reporting from his house. “I heard that both of you were Furious Wave Stage martial artists. I didn’t expect that you all broke through to Diamond Stage before the college entrance examination. , Congratulations.”

Qi Feng is just nodded, silent.

Liu Yang shook his head and said, “We are nothing. Without big brother Ban, you are awesome, but I heard that you have broken through to the Opening Meridian Stage not long ago.”

At this time, he finally remembered the origin of the person in front of him.

This Ban Shuhang is indeed a genius at No. 1 High School.

“oh! ”

Just hearing Liu Yang’s words, Ban Shuhang sighed, “How can I break through to the Opening Meridian Stage?”

“You are afraid that you don’t know yet. I just got the news that our Combat Examination for the college entrance examination was not a student of our city of Yang City, and we conducted a separate assessment.”

“And we are in the ten cities in the north, and we will take the exam together. The number of students participating in this Martial Arts College Entrance Examination is probably 10000.”

The ten cities in the north took the exam together, and Liu Yang stayed a little bit.

This platform is a bit big.

“In addition…you have broken through to the Diamond Stage, you may feel that you are very difficult to deal with, but I tell you that Diamond Stage is really nothing.”

“I went hunting in the wild these days. By chance, I met a Young Heaven Chosen from Cloud Water City.”

“After that, I realized that my previous self was really just a frog in well.”

“Who is Heaven’s Chosen in Cloud Water City?”

Liu Yang asked curiously.

“Are you talking about the Yang Family?” Suddenly, Little Yu at the back of the workbench interjected curiously.

“Yes, that one by Yang Family.”

Ban Shuhang nodded.

But in the eyes, there is a trace of loneliness.

It seems that he was shocked after seeing that one Young Heaven Chosen.

“I have heard people say that one Young Heaven Chosen of Yang Family. It is said that when he was not born, Yang Family used a treasure to nurture him in the mother’s womb. It was even after he was born. Named Peak, it means that you can walk all the way to the top of Blue Star.”

Little Yu behind the workbench said with a somewhat yearning expression.

PS: Ding, the system reminds you that you have drawn a recommended ticket bowl, the daily recommended ticket +100

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