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“Yang Dianfeng? Isn’t that sheep crazy?”

Liu Yang was a little dazed: “Is there another name?”

His insights are too narrow, and he only knows some great figures of Yang City.

It is not clear about great figures in other cities.

Cloud Water City He knows that although it is not comparable to the top ten heavy cities of Cloud Prefecture like Dragon Gate, it is also a much stronger city than Yang City.

But Cloud Water City Yang Family, he did not know.

“It doesn’t matter what your name is, because no matter what your name is, when you walk to Peak, it will only be sung!

Qi Feng shook his head with aria in the side.

“Yang Family Yang Dianfeng, I have heard his name, too.”

“It is said that he was awakened by Heavenly Astral Water Spirit Body. He began to contact cultivation at the age of eight. Now he is ten years old, but he has broken through to Mortal Deity Stage not long ago!”

“Ten years old?”

Liu Yang froze a little.

Isn’t this just a brat?

Before listening to Ban Shuhang and little elder sister named Little Yu, they said how great Yang Dianfeng is.

In Liu Yang’s subconscious mind, an overbearing silhouette emerged.

But he never imagined that Yang Dianfeng was just a ten-year-old child.

“It’s different.”

Qi Feng shook his head: “Talent is tall, and the general wisdom is also high. Yang Peak is said to be able to say anything and write any word at the age of 3. At the age of 5, he mastered New World Language and Kain Star Language. Now, I am afraid that the knowledge he has mastered is more profound and more extensive than some martial artists who have been cultivated for two years in Martial Arts Universities.”

“Monster level Genius like Yang Dianfeng cannot be regarded as a child at all.”

Hearing Qi Feng’s words, Liu Yang was completely speechless.

This is really a prodigy, a monster-like character.

It’s really incomparable to such characters.

He broke through to Diamond Stage and was envied by countless people in Yang City.

But if you compare it with Yang Dianfeng, you will see nothing.

“Does this include the Cloud Water City?”

At this time, Qi Feng asked Ban Shuhang.

“Yes.” Ban Shuhang nodded, “Cloud Water City is also one of the ten cities in the north of China. This time, there will be Cloud Water City.”

Qi Feng hearing this, the hand pressed against the handle of the waist tightened.

However, after in a flash, he relaxed helplessly.

Only half a month will take the college entrance examination.

Time is too tight.

Although he broke through the Diamond Stage, he cooperated with his father’s secret technique and took Ten Thousand Years Wind Spirit Pearl to greatly enhance his talent.

From the original Storm Saber Body, it has been strengthened into a comparable Heavenly Wind Saber Body to Yang Dianfeng’s Heavenly Astral Water Spirit Body.

But now, after all, he is just Diamond Stage.

Even if he has a lot of resources to supply, it will take some time to break through to the Overlord Stage.

The Overlord Stage and Mortal Deity Stage are still one level behind.

“Liu Yang, this is your admission ticket, please get it.”

At this time, Little Yu at the back of the workbench finally registered Liu Yang’s information and handed a hunter’s actual test admission certificate to Liu Yang.

“Thank you.”

Liu Yang took the admission ticket and immediately said to Ban Shuhang: “big brother Ban, and Sister Little Yu, Qi Feng and I have something to do, so I won’t disturb you.”

“it is good.”

Ban Shuhang and Little Yu both smiled and waved.

“Qi Feng, go, go to Underground Trading Hall with me.”

After leaving the main hall of Hunter Union, Liu Yang looked at the martial artist going to and from Underground Trading Hall and moved to Qi Feng.

“What are you going there?”

Qi Feng is bored.

After listening to Ban Shuhang mentioning Yang Dianfeng, he had already flown with one heart.

Want to go home early for cultivation.

“That’s Underground Trading Hall. Without Hunting Certificate or Admission Certificate, you can’t enter at all. Are you curious?”

Liu Yang asked in surprise.

Curious about what?

Qi Feng was helpless.

The rules are set by people. When he was young, his dad didn’t know how many times he went to Underground Trading Hall holding him.

It is the Underground Trading Hall of the ten major cities in Cloud Prefecture, he has been to half.

It’s just a pity that he was injured in his mother’s womb.

Even if there are many resources to make up for it, after birth, it will be too weak.

Otherwise, he will definitely not be worse than Yang Dianfeng.

Just not waiting for him to refuse at all, Liu Yang already pulled him and walked into the entrance of Underground Trading Hall.

“Life Detectors sold online are too expensive. I only have more than 200,000 in my hand and I can’t afford them at all. And most Life Detectors are Rank 1 High Grade technology equipment. My newly developed Item Slot is Rank 1 Middle Grade cannot be put down at all.”

As he walked toward Underground Trading Hall, Liu Yang thought.

He was wondering if he could find some old equipment in Underground Trading Hall and put it in Item Slot.

Going down the stairs and walking into the Underground Trading Hall, Liu Yang immediately saw that the entire Underground Trading Hall is estimated to have several 1000 on 10000 square meters.

In the hall, there are stalls for each and everyone.

a martial artist, filled with them, picking commodities.

However, most of these products are exotic flowers and rare herbs, weird ore, blade, spear, sword, halberd, monster parts and the like.

On Blue Star, Space Crack often appears.

When these Space Cracks start, not only will monsters rush out.

Other things may also fall out of it.

If Space Crack is opened large enough, it is impossible to drop a mountain.

“What kind of ore is this, how can it feel so hot when it’s close?”

Liu Yang saw a fiery-red stone at a booth, and as soon as he approached, he felt the fiery heat coming from him.

“This is Scarlet Flame Stone, Rank 1 High Grade ore, which can be used to build Fire Attribute equipment.”

Qi Feng indifferently said aside.

“Rank 1 High Grade ore?”

Liu Yang’s eyes are bright, I don’t know this thing, if I put it in my Item Slot, what ability can I get.

But as soon as he looked at the price marked on the Scarlet Flame Stone, he pulled Qi Feng and walked away.

Just kidding.

1000000 yuan, you can’t afford to sell him.

As for exchanging other things, there is no need to find him.

“Huh, that Iron Armor Elephant seems to be moving, won’t it be alive?”

Suddenly, Liu Yang’s eyes fell on a huge monster 3 meters high in the distance.

The big man, dark, as if wearing a layer of iron armor, was lying on the ground. When Liu Yang looked over, his legs seemed to move.

In addition, it has a chain tied to it.

“It is alive, but it should be beaten into anesthetic.”

Qi Feng said: “In addition, this kind of Iron Armor Elephant, although it is only the monster of Opening Meridian Stage Peak, is very rare. Putting it into the Monster Building can bring a lot of benefits to the Monster Building. If you want to buy, in addition to easy to buy Things, or at least a few million yuan.”

“Cracking a joke, what use do I have to buy this thing.”

Liu Yang immediately hooked the head.

PS: Is that the recommended ticket bowl I got from dreaming last night? ? ? I feel like I will be stunned by endless recommendation tickets! ! !

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