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“Master, go to the city south old district.”


After being separated from Ma Xingwang, Liu Yang called a car and rushed to the city south old district.

When leaving school, Qi Feng’s words had a certain impact on him.

But he did not think too much.

After planning to wait back, call Meng Shan.

Ask Meng Shan about Dragon Gate Martial Arts Academy.

“Little Brother is from Yang City No. 3 High School?”

On the way, the driver asked Liu Yang.


Liu Yang, who was thinking about things, replied with a smile.

He is about to take the college entrance examination. He is very sensitive about No. 3 High School.

“My son is going to martial arts school this year, and he is taking Yang City No. 1 High School.”

“It is said that there are 3 martial arts middle schools in Yang City, one is better than the other.”

“I don’t know Little Brother. How do you think No. 1 High School is better than No. 3 High School?”

There was a middle-aged driver with a black mole on his eyebrows, a pride on his face.

Asked Liu Yang through the rearview mirror.


This problem made Liu Yang startled.

In front of No. 3 High School students, ask how much No. 1 High School is better than No. 3 High School. Is this really good?

“Yang City No. 1 High School, really good.”

After thinking for a while, Liu Yang said: “As for how much better, this is hard to say.”

“After all, our No. 3 High School students are participating in Martial Arts College Entrance Examination for the first time this year.”

“Uncle, if you really want to know, you can wait for the completion of Martial Arts College Entrance Examination this year and compare the results of the two schools.”


The driver hearing this, nodded, is not much to say.

His son received a good rating from aptitude in the recent entrance examination.

He was accepted by Yang City No. 1 High School.

This matter also became his pride, and everybody wanted to mention it.

“Little Brother, here it is.”

At night, there was some traffic jam on the road. After more than 20 minutes, the car arrived at the city south old district.

It’s not like the city center, just standing on the side of the road, you can’t see a few people.

As for the taxi, it is even not found.

Liu Yang will go back next time, fearing that he will have to run a long distance.

“Uncle, drive slowly when you go back.”

After Liu Yang paid the money, he smiled at the middle-aged driver.

“It’s okay, I’m an old driver.”

The driver hehe smiled.

“That’s good.”

Liu Yang nodded, followed by the driver turned his head and stepped on the ground.

Silently, he exerted a huge force on the ground under his feet.

Then he borrowed the power of the anti-shock of the earth, and his body was in front of him. After a while, the whole person was more than ten meters away.

When the right foot touches the ground, the joints of the whole body stretch naturally and play a shock-absorbing role.

Then I saw Liu Yang’s body at the moment of being short, such as dragonfly touches the water lightly, Ma Tafei and Yan.

The whole person was like a light dummy, and flew out again.

In the past ten days or so, Liu Yang didn’t know how much time was spent, cultivation’Metal Breaking Blade’, the martial skill secret technique.

This cultivation of secret technique not only attracts Metal Attribute Spiritual Energy between Heaven and Earth, but also blesses the blade.

It also pursues the harmony and unity of spirit and body.

After more than ten days of cultivation, Liu Yang clearly felt that his control of the body was much stronger than before.


At this time, the taxi was preparing to switch the middle-aged uncle and lifts the head that the car left, and saw that Liu Yang had reached the silhouette outside the dozens of meters, and the mouth opened wide.

“This brat should be human…should it be human?”

The middle-aged driver, who claimed to be an old driver, shuddered and felt his soul was scared out.

He thought of some legends of City South, densely packed above his back, and countless pea-sized cold sweats came out at once.

He didn’t dare to think about it, he quickly started the car and left here.

Although it was not dark at this time, the middle-aged driver felt that there were several points of gloomy here.

At this moment, the city south old district looked like a cave in his eyes.

“Where is this?”

At this time, Liu Yang flew several times in a row, out of sight of the middle-aged driver, and looked at the old low buildings in front of him, but his brain burst into a daze.

Before, he wanted to scare the middle-aged driver because of the rudeness of the middle-aged driver.

That’s why we just did that.

But the first time he came to City South, he found it at this time.

The recklessness just now seemed to have caused me to get lost.

Even where he had just come from, he couldn’t find it.

“I’m not afraid.” Liu Yang comforted himself, “city south old district is only a small number of people, but it’s not that no one lives.”

“Listen to Ma Xingwang, there are still a few buildings, where people live.”

“I was walking around, maybe I could meet someone and ask for a way out.”

Shaking his head self-deprecatingly, Liu Yang started wandering in the vicinity.

According to news he heard from Ma Xingwang, the abandoned house with blood fingerprints on its outer wall should be on the northern edge of the city south old district.

Through the sun, East, South, West, North, he probably still can distinguish.

He felt that as long as he didn’t run around, he would definitely not be able to run there.

At the same time, in the process of finding people, Liu Yang also took out his mobile phone.

Ready to use navigation to see if you can find the way.

“No signal?”

Only after taking out the phone, Liu Yang started.

Nowadays technology is changing with each passing day, and cell phone signals are transmitted through heterogeneous energy mixed in the air.

Above the Blue Star, there are very few places where there is no signal.

City south old district, although relatively remote, is still in the city.

There is no signal here, which is somewhat beyond Liu Yang’s expectations.

Liu Yang stood still and tightened his clothes.

Gradually, it was getting dark, and he also felt a little cold.

He looked at the corner of the alley ahead, and he was ready to speed up and walk forward.

If he couldn’t meet anyone, he planned to find an abandoned building and climbed up to see it.

“It should be near here, and be mental. If we can’t find it, we are afraid to find someone and use the conventional method.”

“Sir, rest assured, we all know!”

Suddenly, just when Liu Yang was about to turn the corner of the alley ahead, his ear moved, and he heard a few deep conversations in front of him.


Liu Yang eyes shined.

But then, he was alert again.

From the conversation of several people, the person in front is obviously not an ordinary person.

Just waiting for Liu Yang to respond, a line of 5 silhouettes all wearing black clothes passed the corner in front and turned out.

These five people, the one walking in the middle, are indifferent.

The person next to him, wearing a helmet with an antenna on his head, holding a newest notebook in his hand, the two were connected together, not knowing what they were operating.

The other three people, each holding Saber and Sword, are listed separately.

“Well, someone?”

After several people turned the corner and saw Liu Yang, they were all surprised.

Obviously, I never expected to meet other people here.


The 2 people walking on the 3nd side, after seeing Liu Yang, all eyes shined.

Looked at the black clothed person in the middle.

“We have limited time, and delay, those guys like bugs will be discovered. Use conventional methods.”

The head of the black clothed person headed hearing this, nodded indifferently.

It was an accident to meet Liu Yang here.

But this accident is what they are willing to see.

Hearing the words of the black clothed leader, the three people on the side immediately went straight to Liu Yang without any hesitation.

“Lucky brat, sacrifice your life to the Holy Spirit!”

At the time of rushing, none of them took Liu Yang taking seriously.

Liu Yang looks too young.

Yang City Some powerful young people, they are all well-known, not at all Liu Yang

And Liu Yang is also defenseless, at first glance is a young man with low martial arts cultivation base.

“I will sacrifice my life to the Holy Spirit?”

“Are you from the Evil God Society?”

Liu Yang suddenly changed his color when he heard the words of several people.

Evil God Society is an extremely large organization.

This organization originated from New World.

But now, this organization already exists not only in New World.

In Blue Star, in Kain Star, even on other life planets.

It has been reported that there are members of the Evil God Society.

At the same time, this organization calls itself the Sacred Deity Society.

Some official members of the Evil God Society even have singular abilities and can control evil things.

At Blue Star, Evil God Society can be said to be a well known organization, notorious.

whiz whiz whiz …

3 black silhouettes, spread out like 3 geese.

Suddenly flew to Liu Yang.

3 people pulled out Saber and Sword at the same time, brought up cold light, like a messenger of hell, with a grin, ruthless beheaded down.

Seeing the speed of 3 people, the people of Body Refining 5th-6th Stage are afraid that they will have to be corpse instantly.

Not far away, the head of the black clothed person raised his head slightly.

Waiting for Liu Yang to give the lead in front of him.

They came here at this time to find the evil thing that appeared in City South 5 years ago.

This kind of evil thing is most easily attracted by bloody smell.

PS: I always feel that few people chase this book.

Alas 😔.

No matter, continue to set the bowl every day.

I firmly believe in this book, and I continue to write in this style. I hope that the more I write, the better I can see the final results.

In addition, the number of words in each chapter will increase today, and strive to be put on the shelf early.

2019.10.01. National Day

What you love, I am determined to write a few excellent web articles, the small author “big tree fat into 🐠” to stay.

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