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Liu Yang watched as he flew towards himself, holding Saber and Sword, and fell down fiercely, seemingly wanting to hit three silhouettes that would kill him, his brow slightly raised.

“It’s a bit slow.”

These three silhouettes feel weird.

3 people seem to be neither Opening Meridian Stage martial artist nor Diamond Stage martial artist in Body Refining 7 environment.

But the strength shown is stronger than the Furious Wave Stage martial artist in Body Refining 6.

Thinking this way, he moved his heart and thought of some legends.

“It is said that Evil God Society has a secret medicine that can stimulate the potential of martial artists.”

“Make it stronger than the general martial artist of the same level.”

“Can these three people take the secret medicine?”

Liu Yang’s gaze, over three people, fell on the back of the black clothed person leader and the martial artist holding a computer and wearing a helmet.

“Hope these two, the strength should not be too high!”

Thinking about it this way, I saw three martial artists approaching, Liu Yang slammed on the ground with his feet, and his body was spread like a violent giant monkey.

Suddenly, he rushed out with a sudden thunder.

In a blink of an eye, he reached the side of a black clothed martial artist who had killed himself.


While flexibly avoiding the martial artist’s sword light, Liu Yang raised his palm into a knife, and a golden light appeared on the inside of his palm.

Like a short golden blade, it quickly cut through the air and reached the front of the neck of the black clothed martial artist.

With so many days of cultivation, Liu Yang is not comparable to ordinary martial artists in combat experience or mastering his own body.

Not to mention the martial artists in front of them are all martial artists spawned using secret medicine.


a light sound.

The black clothed martial artist was full of horror.

But he didn’t have much time to think about how Liu Yang rushed to him, and he felt a pain in his neck.

Then the sky turned around, and nothing understood.

“courting death !”

Seeing this scene, the other two martial artists who rushed over together were surprised and angry.

The two of them turned around and carried their anger, and once again enveloped Saber and Sword in their hands to Liu Yang.

Liu Yang stepped back half a step, firmly grasping the ground with his sole.

Then the body turns and 2 palms are shot accurately at the same time.

Pa! pa!

His 2 arms, with a powerful force capable of tearing tigers and leopards, as if 2 iron essence sticks, directly cut the 2 people towards his Saber and Sword, and all were photographed.


Following Liu Yang’s short stature, the whole person suddenly exerted force, like a galloping horse, and in front of one of the black clothed martial artists in a blink of an eye.

His left palm pointed forward, like the tip of Saber’s knife.


golden rays of light flashed.

Without any hesitation, Liu Yang directly penetrated the chest of the black clothed martial artist.

The palm was pulled out only halfway into it.

When pulling out his palm, Liu Yang even had an empty side to open his body.

Avoiding the hollow of his chest, the blood spewed out.

As for the palm of his hand, it shook like a spirit snake when he withdrew it.

The blood on it was shaken to the ground by him.


The last of the three black clothed martial artists killed by Liu Yang at the same time, seeing this scene, his face suddenly changed color, and he dared not step forward.

Holding a long knife, deng deng deng stepped back.

But as soon as he moved, Liu Yang rushed up.

The speed of black clothed martial artist is fast, but Liu Yang is faster.

The distance between 2 people in a blink of an eye is less than one meter.

“Go to death!”

Black clothed martial artist can’t, but can only raise the knife and fall.

Seeing the saber light dropped by the black clothed martial artist, Liu Yang’s palm was raised, and when he reached Peak, he suddenly fell.

He actually caught up with Battle Saber of the black clothed martial artist, and backhanded the back of Battle Saber’s knife.

Followed by a wave of Peiran vigorously broke out from Liu Yang.

He was actually in the horrible gaze of black clothed martial artist, and instead controlled Battle Saber in the hands of black clothed martial artist, and moved forward fiercely.

Deng deng deng !

The black clothed martial artist stepped back step by step.

Liu Yang moves forward step by step.

In the end, Liu Yang directly pressed Battle Saber in the hands of black clothed martial artist and wiped it into the neck of black clothed martial artist.

Blood flowed out.

Liu Yang pushed the black clothed martial artist who had been unable to struggle, and pushed it directly to the ground.


It was the result of his rapid progress during this time.

Faced with the siege of 3 martial artists with strength close to Diamond Stage, he did not even reveal his amazing defense.

All three people were killed on the spot.

After doing this, Liu Yang withdrew his hands, the two hands were stacked together, and wiped.

Then he slowly turned around and focused his attention on the remaining 2 black clothed martial artists.

“These two people, with such a weak three men, shouldn’t their own strength be strong?”

Liu Yang thought to himself.

After Liu Yang killed the three black clothed martial artists who besieged him, the remaining two black clothed martial artists, with a pair of eyes, stared closely at Liu Yang and did not jump forward.

After Liu Yang stopped, his eyes also fell on 2 people.

Among the 2 people, the one holding the latest laptop looked towards his gaze and was terrified.

It looks like a technician.

At the same time, its pace is also somewhat loose, at first glance it is not very common martial cultivator.

The leader, after he killed three black clothed martial artists, did not rush up.

It seems to have several points of look of dreading.

“I was just in combat and did not show super defensive ability.”

“Even when using a hand knife, I didn’t use the saber skill’broken blade’, wait a minute, should I be able to pit these two people?”

Liu Yang thought to himself.

Then he didn’t wait for 2 people to come forward, took the initiative to take steps, step by step towards the 2 people.

At this moment, he had some expectations.

Among these 2 martial artists, there can be an Opening Meridian Stage martial artist who is not too strong.

“I went to Yan Bing’s house not long ago, and I heard him say that in these 2 days, people from Evil God Society may appear in this neighborhood.”

“So I came over to try one’s luck, didn’t expect really came right.”

As he approached, Liu Yang spoke.

There was even a trace of inexplicable smile on his face, exerting psychological pressure on 2 people.

Yan Bing?

Yang City Special Battle Squad Commander?

Hearing Liu Yang say this, the pupils of the two black clothed martial artists opposite are all shrunk.

The heart beat uncontrollably, like falling into the abyss.

Yan Bing, that’s Sea Transformation Stage powerhouse!

The strength in Yang City is only under City Lord Guo Hengyi.

In front of me, just like a young man with a battlefield veteran, who knew Yan Bing?

Even this person came to find them on purpose?

A layer of haze appeared in the hearts of the two people, making it difficult for them to gasp.


Suddenly, as Liu Yang kept approaching, when the distance between two people was less than five meters, the leader of the black clothed person turned hard and turned sharply, his feet a little, blood energy broke out, and he ran straight to the distance .

He actually left the black clothed person wearing a helmet and wanted to escape alone.


The black clothed person wearing a helmet suddenly turned pale, showing a look of despair.

“It really is Opening Meridian Stage!”

Seeing this scene, Liu Yang jumped in his heart, unable to tell whether he was excited or nervous.

“Is it Opening Meridian Early Stage or Opening Meridian Stage Middle Stage?”

Liu Yang reflected the silhouette of the leader of the black clothed person into his own eyes.

I guess in my heart the specific strength of this black clothed person leader.

At the same time, his body moved instinctively, such as if he took off the rabbit, with a bang, he came to the black clothed person with a helmet on his head and a laptop in his hand.


Liu Yang raised his hand like a sharp knife and slashed towards the great artery of the neck of this Evil God Society member.


In the eyes of the black clothed person in front of Liu Yang, there was a panic in his eyes, his hands holding the notebook were loosened, and his hands were raised together, trying to block Liu Yang’s blow.

whoosh whoosh!


It was only when his hands were just raised that he felt a pain in his palm.

2 palms were cut by Liu Yang palm saber successively.

The palm saber of Liu Yang, after cutting off the two palms of the black clothed person, the speed did not decrease, and continued to move forward.

‘pu’ sound cut the great artery on his neck.

“you you……”

The black clothed person opened his mouth, but after a flick, his body fell backwards.


Liu Yang didn’t even look at this man. After killing him with one blow, he grabbed the ground with his left foot and lifted his right foot tightly. When he lifted it to his knee, he suddenly loosened and stretched it out. Just after releasing the black clothed person’s hand, the laptop that fell from the air was picked up with his feet.

Then Liu Yang landed on his right foot, holding the computer, without shaking it at all, just shaking it lightly, and placed it casually on the ground.

Liu Yang has read the information on this computer online.

It is one of Blue Star’s newest smart computers, priced at more than ten thousand yuan, built with a Monster Crystal Core called Short-arm Two-headed Monkey.

It is already a Rank 1 Low Grade technology product.


After doing this, Liu Yang couldn’t think more, and he showed his body like a Dapeng with wings open, and a black clothed person leader who fled quickly, chasing and killing the past.

This black clothed person leader has already seen his appearance, and he must not be allowed to leave today!

sou sou!

Two figures, chasing and running in the alleyway, quickly rushed up.

In the pursuit, Liu Yang felt that this black clothed person leader should be stronger than the ordinary Opening Meridian Early Stage martial artist, but not as good as the Opening Meridian Stage Middle Stage martial artist.

It seems that this person has also taken the secret medicine of Evil God Society.

Liu Yang feels that if he uses a trump card that is unparalleled in defense, he may not be able to pit this person.

If he kills this person, he may be able to develop a Rank 1 Low Grade Item Slot.

He even thought about what item to put in the Item Slot.

The latest laptop that was just rescued by myself seems to be very good.

PS: Daily bowls.

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