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Liu Yang startled, followed by revealing the color of ecstasy.

Guo Hengyi though said that only part of his treasury was open.

But as Yang City City Lord, Sea Transformation Stage powerhouse.

Plus the name of Yang City Number One Powerhouse.

The treasure in the part of treasury that he opened to himself, it shouldn’t be too shabby?

“The elders don’t dare to quit.”

Liu Yang moved in his heart, and quickly bowed down and said:

“Since City Lord’s gift, Liu Yang accepted it.”

In this case, this treasure, if you do not accept it, it is not good.

It will make Guo Hengyi feel that he cannot look down on his treasure.

Therefore, Liu Yang is naturally not too filthy, and directly responded.

In addition, he is one of the poor, and naturally he must seize every opportunity to find wealth.

As for the compensation and reward that Guo Hengyi said, he didn’t think about it.

Most of this compensation and reward is due to Guo Hengyi’s face in Meng Tian, ​​and the strength he has shown.

Otherwise, if it is replaced by ordinary people, even if Guo Hengyi really compensates and rewards him, he will not open his treasury.

At most, a few 100,000 yuan would be good.

“Not bad.”

Guo Hengyi is satisfied with the nodded.

After agreeing to Meng Tian to take care of Liu Yang, he has naturally investigated Liu Yang.

I know that Liu Yang is very young, but his character is still very good.

At this time, he gave Liu Yang a treasure in the name of compensation, but he wanted to keep an extra incense.

With the strength shown by Liu Yang this time, where it will go in the future is really a matter of uncertainty.

As for the relationship with Meng Tian, ​​it goes without saying.

As Lord of the entire City, the things he considered, including all aspects, are far from ordinary people.

“In this way, I still have some things to deal with today. Liu Yang, tomorrow, you should also take part in the writing test of Martial Arts College Entrance Examination.”

“When the writing test is over, you go to City Lord Mansion to find me, and then I will show you my treasury.”

Guo Hengyi said.

“Thank you City Lord.”

Liu Yang even said.

Guo Hengyi showed a smile on his face: “In the future, you don’t need to call me City Lord, just call me Uncle Guo.”

“Yes, Uncle Guo.”

This kind of thing, Liu Yang naturally hit the snake with the stick.

“Drop wu~ Drop wu~”

At this time, a whistle sounded.

Following a series of Yang City special war chariots, it drove here quickly.


The door of a special war chariot opened.

A bearded man martial artist wearing standard equipment and a red bar on his arm quickly walked down.

This bearded man is the officer Huang surnamed Liu Yang has met.

Yan Bing’s immediate staff.

“City Lord, commander.”

After getting off the bus, the bearded man saw that Guo Hengyi and Yan Bing were both at the scene, immediately expressed a sigh, and quickly walked up.

“Huh.” Guo Hengyi glanced at the bearded man, nodded, “You will handle the matter here.”


bearded man quickly nodded.

Guo Hengyi obviously has really important things to deal with.

He gave a few words to the bearded man, and said to Liu Yang: “Liu Yang, I will leave first. After your writing test, must come to my City Lord Mansion.”

“Uncle Guo is at ease.” Liu Yang said with a smile, “I will definitely bother when that time comes.”

Guo Hengyi nodded, and then Yan Yan and several people, together, Yukong flew to a place.

Liu Yang looked at the silhouette of several people walking in the sky and felt envious for a while.

Opening Meridian Stage First Three Stages, Opening Meridian, True Energy, Condensing Liquid.

Only the martial artist of Condensing Liquid Stage is capable of spatial flight.

He does not yet know how long it will take to reach Condensing Liquid Stage.

Thinking about this, Liu Yang set his sights on the bearded man officer: “Captain Huang, we meet again.”

He still remembers this bearded man surnamed Huang.

He was Hu Yue of Yang City No. 2 High School and Instructor of Ke Yuanfei 2.

Of course, this bearded man himself, is still very unabashed, impartial and incorruptible.

“Yes, we meet again.”

bearded man smiled.

He thought that if Liu Yang just called City Lord’s name Uncle Guo, he would not dare to look down upon Liu Yang.

Knowing this one in front of me, I’m afraid it’s already Yang City, the pampered young master of the cream of the crop.

Then he looked at the scene.

It is even more amazing that Liu Yang made the big action this time: “Your brat is really capable.”

“Even these little characters of Evil God Society, even this evil thing, how did you kill?”

Bearded man looked at the ruins of House Monster scattered all over the place, his eyes were full of incredible colors.

That House Monster, he had seen it before, and even played against it.

Of course, when he played against that house monster.

The strength of that thing is much stronger than it is now.

“The evil thing I encountered is not strong, it is estimated that it is already weak to the limit.”

Liu Yang shook his head.

If he is an evil thing nemesis to himself, he naturally cannot tell the truth.

This matter involves Small Golden Tower.

If it is known, not only will he be in danger, but also his parents, fearing it will be in danger.

“Come on, I won’t ask you anymore.”

bearded man shook his head.

He thought of the relationship between Liu Yang and Guo Hengyi, and said, “The matter here, even if it is finished, then my people will deal with the follow-up.”

“These members of the Evil God Society were killed by you, and their spoils of war belong to you.”

“But we will not publicize this matter.”

“It will only be said that these members of the Evil God Society were tempted by us, you don’t have to worry about the revenge of the Evil God Society.”

“In addition, if you look at these things, are they useless to yourself?”

“If you can, you can sell it directly to us, and we all buy it at the market price.”

“As for the reward for this event at this time, City Lord just said that he will handle it, and I won’t reward it here.”

bearded man is neat, swift and decisive.

In a few words, everything was arranged clearly.

Liu Yang could not pick out any faults.

Especially the bearded man said that he would not publicize this matter, but even more so he said it.

Also, he can buy some of the useless spoils of war in his hands according to the market price, which makes him happy.

In this way, he can save him a lot of time.

“Thank you Captain Huang for your consideration.”

Liu Yang even thanked.

Then he pointed to the helmet of the former helmet man and asked the bearded man, “Captain Huang, I don’t know if you know, what is this thing?”

“This is a new type of signal jammer. It is a technology product that is barely Initial Rank. Although the value is not very high, the effect is not small.”

Seeing this helmet, the bearded man shook his head and said: “In fact, this time, our people have been paying attention to the city south old district here.”

“It is only because these members of the Evil God Society used this thing to isolate the nearby signals, they would become a fish that escaped the net.”

“It’s this thing.”

Liu Yang hearing this, slightly disappointed.

At the same time, he only knew at this time that perhaps the cell phone signal here had suddenly disappeared, and it was not the ghost of House Monster.

It’s just the ghosts that the members of the Evil God Society did, maybe.

“Captain Huang, this thing, and these Mortal Rank weapons, I’ll trouble you to help me deal with it.”

After thinking about it, Liu Yang said: “This laptop, and this sword, I want to take it back.”

The sword he said was the one that the black clothed person leader used before.

At this time he has recognized that this is a relatively common Rank 1 Low Grade sword.

The non-technical items used by martial artists are difficult to buy.

At the same time, the value of this thing is generally double or even several times that of the same level of technology products.

This thing, Liu Yang did not know whether it had any effect on himself.

But it has no effect, and he can exchange this with others in the future.


bearded man nodded, and then glanced at the laptop, said: “But this computer, I have to find someone to check.”

“Look at the information that is useful to us.”

“Also help you to see if there is anything like a locator in this stuff.”

“It should be.”

Liu Yang is nodded.

He had almost forgotten this before.

This is no trivial matter.


An hour later, Liu Yang took the sword in one hand and grabbed a laptop in the other and walked down from a special war chariot.

In the eyes, it was the gallery opened by Shan Ruyi.

That is his home.

“Finally home.”

Liu Yang long exhales one breath saying.

“It’s time to open up a new Item Slot and put these things in.”

Liu Yang felt the Three Essences Body Refining Pill, which was placed next to him, and he was a little excited.

Immediately he was watching, sending the Special Battle Squad member who came back to him. After driving away, he quickly walked home.

PS: Daily bowls.

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