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call out! call out!

Liu Yang, like Spider-Man, has a point on his toes.

A few times downstairs to his house.

Then, with a long body and palms like claws, he grabbed the raised part of the building and turned over and entered his room.

no way.

The black clothed person leader was stabbed with a sword, and his clothes were torn again.

Although his people are still lively dragon and animated tiger, so as not to worry about their parents, such things, naturally can not tell them.

But now.

Before him, there was no cultivation’Metal Breaking Blade’.

It is simply not possible to control your own body.

I couldn’t even do it like this, and easily walked up the building and turned into my room.

After returning to the house, Liu Yang changed his clothes after washing.

Then he didn’t open the Item Slot immediately, but edited a message and sent it to Meng Shan.

“Big brother Meng Shan, I heard people say that Dragon Gate Martial Arts University has a protecting sect cultivation technique called Innate Golden Core Skill.”

“But because of some problems, this cultivation technique is difficult to cultivate success.”

“So it’s been 3 years, and no Heaven’s Chosen student of Mortal Deity Stage has joined Dragon Gate University. I don’t know if this is true?”

After the news was sent, Liu Yang waited.

Seeing Meng Shan didn’t reply, I didn’t continue to wait.

Then he thoughts move and split a strand of consciousness into the Small Golden Tower in his mind.

Meng Shan is Dragon Gate Martial Arts University, Second Year Student.

Every day is very busy, maybe even entering New World, not necessarily.

Liu Yang sent a message to Meng Shan, and Meng Shan will give a serious answer every time.

But there are very few times to reply immediately.

Immediately after entering the Small Golden Tower, Liu Yang found 6 True Spirits in the Small Golden Tower.

One is House Monster True Spirit in deep red color, and the other is True Spirit, head of black clothed person in faint red color.

The remaining True Spirits are also True Spirit members of Evil God Society, but they are all white.

“go with!”

Liu Yang thoughts move and simultaneously drove the four white True Spirits in the small tower to fly outside the tower.

4 True Spirits just outside the tower, all rushed a short distance away.

Under the force of constantly killing them, quickly turned into nothingness.

However, Liu Yang was not surprised at all.

He released these 4 white True Spirits, just to let them consume more gray fog that’s all in his Soul Space.

“go with!”

After the disappearance of the four white True Spirits, Liu Yang’s heart moved again.

True Spirit, who followed the black clothed person leader, under his watch, flashed out of the Small Golden Tower.

Last time, Liu Yang killed the young martial artist in front of Hunter Union.

Choose to use its True Spirit to develop a Mortal Rank Item Slot.

But this time, the True Spirit of the black clothed person leader is stronger than the True Spirit of the ordinary Opening Meridian Stage martial artist.

So Liu Yang hesitated a bit and gritted his teeth.

Control the True Spirit of the leader of the black clothed person, and flew towards a faint red color bubble outside the five meters.

Faint red colored bubbles represent Rank 1 Low Grade Item Slot.


Under the watchful eye of Liu Yang, True Spirit, the leader of the black clothed person, rushed out of the Small Golden Tower and immediately began to shrink rapidly.

Just like a leaky balloon, after a while, it becomes a fist sized.

After another breath, it became the size of a red date.

“weng! ”

But at this time, True Spirit, the leader of the black clothed person, finally flashed into the faint red color bubble selected by Liu Yang in front.

“It is!”

Liu Yang was very happy.


Following him, the faint red bubble flashed slightly.

It turned into a golden scale and fell onto the Small Golden Tower.

“This is successful, shouldn’t it consume my character too much?”

True Spirit, the leader of the black clothed person, merges the bubbles and turns into his own Item Slot.

In Liu Yang’s heart, he became more nervous.

Compared with this newly developed Item Slot, he obviously cares more. At this time, can he use House Monster’s True Spirit to develop a Rank 1 Top Grade Item Slot?

Because only the Rank 1 Top Grade Item Slot was developed, he was able to put the new Three Essences Body Refining Pill into it.

Three Essences Body Refining Pill can be said to be a guarantee that he can quickly advance to the Overlord Stage.

You must not Liu Yang do not care.

He calmed down for a while, and then dropped his consciousness on the True Spirit of House Monster in the Small Golden Tower.

“go with!”

took a deep breath, Liu Yang never hesitated.

When I was wandering around in the True Spirit of House Monster, the suitable location of Small Golden Tower.

Motivated by ideas.

Make it quickly rush out of Small Golden Tower.

Outside the five meters and within ten meters, the only deep red colored bubble flew past.

call out!

red light breaks through the sky and wears heavy fog.

Like the same hole breaking countless obstacles.

Go straight to your destination and shoot past.

“Shoot missed!”

“A lot more!”


Later, Liu Yang clenched his fists tightly.

House Monster’s True Spirit, as soon as he left Small Golden Tower, he found that he had shot in the wrong direction.

And it’s not a little bit.

It’s almost crooked distance distance.

This House Monster’s True Spirit is Rank 1 Top Grade True Spirit.

But Liu Yang’s feeling is much more difficult to control than the Sky-Concealing Kangaroo True Spirit he acquired that day.

Liu Yang clearly felt a sense of stagnation in a swamp when House Monster left the Small Golden Tower.

It seems that this House Monster True Spirit is deliberately breaking free of his control.

“en? No!”

However, when Liu Yang was disappointed in his heart, he found that the house monster’s True Spirit, after breaking through a few strands of gray mist, did not decrease its own volume.

“True Spirit, which is an evil thing, is more resistant to fog and fog in my Soul Sea than ordinary True Spirit, is it more resistant to fog and fog?”

Liu Yang’s heart moved.

Then he saw that Evil Thing True Spirit rushed into his Soul Sea, after breaking through a dozen or so fogs in succession.

It turned out to be like a hot knife through butter, rushed into his Soul Sea, outside the area of ​​ten meters.

Then after rushing forward 2 meter away, the volume is still the size of an egg.

At this moment, a bubble suddenly appeared in front of him.

And there is also a bubble, which Liu Yang is most looking forward to, deep red color bubble.

“It is!”

Liu Yang looked upset.

Then he saw that House Monster’s True Spirit, no more accidents.

After a flash, with a bang, the deep red bubble burst.

Blended with it.

There was a buzz in the space.

Next to the Small Golden Tower, there is a new, extremely bright golden scale.

As if it were branded on it, a golden star.

“My character is really great.”

Seeing this scene, Liu Yang almost couldn’t restrain his heart in Zhong 2.

Cheers loudly.

He wanted to open up a Rank 1 Top Grade Item Slot and waited too long.

It’s probably been more than ten days.

In these dozen days, he can no longer feel the rapid progress of the cultivation base every day as before.

It made him feel that his heart seemed to be dead energy, not as young as before.

Liu Yang stared at the golden star for a long time.

Only thoughts move out of the small tower space.


As soon as he exited from the small tower space, he saw a flash of light on his cell phone and came a message.

“Is it big brother Meng Shan?”

Liu Yang thought, and immediately picked up the phone.

Open the message from Meng Shan and read it.

“We, Dragon Gate Martial Arts University Innate Golden Core Skill, are really difficult to get started for some reasons.”

“For ordinary martial artists, even if they get started, the progress rate is mostly very slow.”

In the reply message, Meng Shan not at all concealed Liu Yang.

Instead, he told the truth bluntly.

But then, Meng Shan’s words changed, saying:

“But generally speaking, cultivation base can’t reach Mortal Deity Stage, don’t care too much about this.”

“Because one of the cultivation conditions of this cultivation technique is that the martial artist must reach Mortal Deity Stage when he is in Body Refining Realm.”

“In addition, there is another reason why this cultivation technique is difficult to get started.”

“That is another condition of cultivation this cultivation technique, that is, Cultivator must have some kind of Innate Spirit Body.”

“3 years ago, our Academy, through a secret technique, can solve the problems encountered by martial artists without Innate Spirit Body when cultivating this cultivation technique.”

“It is only now that our Academy has been exhausted from a precious resource and it is difficult to do this, so it will be that in the past few years, there is no Mortal Deity Stage martial artist to join our Academy.”

“So that’s how it is …”

Seeing Meng Shan’s detailed explanation, Liu Yang suddenly knew.

“Innate Spirit Body…”

Then he suddenly thought that for most martial artists, talent is mostly fixed.

But for myself, this is not the case.

If he joins Dragon Gate Martial Arts University, it is not impossible in the future to solve the problem of not being able to cultivate the “Innate Golden Core Skill” that can build a solid foundation.

At the same time, if he was a Mortal Deity Stage martial artist, he joined Dragon Gate Martial Arts University.

As the scarce Dragon Gate Martial Arts University of Mortal Deity Stage martial artist, he will no doubt treat him like a scare treasure.

“Mortal Deity Stage!”

Thinking of this, Liu Yang thoughts move.

He first responded to Meng Shan with a few words of thanks.

Then suddenly looked at the Three Essences Body Refining Pill that I had just got.

PS: Daily bowls every day @

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