You can search for “I have countless Item Slot” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Liu Yang is playing with the white porcelain bottle in Three Essences Body Refining Pill.

After a moment, he moved his heart and pulled out the stopper.

Pour the medicine pill inside out.

This is a green medicine pill.

Start with a cold, like a naturally formed, frozen ice bead.

As soon as the medicine pill was poured out, there was a trace of white gas, which formed in front of Liu Yang’s eyes.

The white gas is also cold.

But it is very attractive.

It is like a delicacies that are carefully prepared, exuding the aroma.

“True incense!”

Liu Yang couldn’t help but twitched his nose.

I really want to throw this thing directly into my mouth.

“Hopefully, as I thought, I put this thing in Item Slot to speed up my Body Refining!”

Liu Yang took a deep breath.

He was really worried, he put this medicine pill in Item Slot.

Will make yourself into a human medicine pill.

Then he was really, even crying heart.

“put into a!”

Liu Yang’s thoughts flashed, and he didn’t hesitate anymore to start communicating. The Rank 1 Top Grade Item Slot was just developed with House Monster’s True Spirit.


in a flash, the Three Essences Body Refining Pill in Liu Yang’s hands shuddered.

From the realization of the virtual, from his hands, disappeared.

Then a message passed from Small Golden Tower to Liu Yang’s mind.

“It became.”

After receiving the information from the small tower, Liu Yang looked at him with joy.

Although Three Essences Body Refining Pill did not give him the new talent ability.

But as he expected.

This Three Essences Body Refining Pill, after being placed in the Item Slot by him, is really not much different from the Saber Skill Stone he put in the Item Slot before.

After using it, you can restore it every few days.

Only the recovery interval of Saber Skill Stone is 3 days.

Three Essences Body Refining Pill is 5 days.

It is enough to use Three Essences Body Refining Pill once in 5 days.

After all, with the horrible medical power carried by Three Essences Body Refining Pill, he just wanted to digest it thoroughly, for fear that it would take a few days.

“No hurry.”

Liu Yang took a deep breath.

Then he looked again, not far away.

It fell on the latest laptop that I had just brought back.

The core of this laptop is built with a Crystal Core called Short-arm Two-headed Monkey.

Incomparably thin.

Can be folded.

After folding, it is the size of a mobile phone.

This thing is already barely Initial Rank.

After the purchase, it can be permanently free, wireless Internet.

At the same time, the speed of processing all kinds of information is also fast.

The storage space is extremely huge.

In addition, after folding, this thing is really like a mobile phone.

Not only can you bind the phone number, use it as a mobile phone.

It also has relatively powerful camera, photo, and recording functions.

It’s a versatile one.

Liu Yang has decided to put this thing in his own Item Slot.

Look at when the time comes, what abilities you can get.

“weng! ”

As Liu Yang started communicating with the Small Golden Tower, the laptop that he had held in his hand and had been folded into the size of a mobile phone shook immediately.

Then quickly disappeared.

“it is as expected.”

Liu Yang took a closer look at the message from Small Golden Tower, and his thoughts moved.

After putting the laptop in the Item Slot, he did not give him the new talent ability like Three Essences Body Refining Pill.

But in the future, he would be equivalent to a humanoid computer.

You can go online at any time.

You can use the storage space of your computer to store a lot of information.

Even if he blinked his left eye, he could photograph what he saw.

As soon as the right eye blinks, it can display its own flashlight function.

Let the rays of light shine and see things in the dark.

Once your finger is stretched and connected to the data line, you can transfer data to other storage devices.

It even delivers power to small items such as mobile phones.

At the same time, due to Item Slot’s recovery features, Liu Yang has no need to worry at all, his laptop is running out of power.

“tsk tsk.”

Liu Yang feels that he is a bit inhuman now.

“In this case, I want to take Cloud Prefecture first in the writing test of Martial Arts College Entrance Examination this time, and it seems that there is no hope.”

Suddenly, Liu Yang thoughts move and thought of something.

After thinking about this, his heartbeat immediately began to accelerate, a little excited.

Liu Yang wanted to get Cloud Prefecture first in this writing test, not for fame.

It is for the future, after joining Martial Arts University, you can get rewards.

Liu Yang is really scared.

Every moment, he thought about it.

What methods can you use to earn more benefits for yourself.

He felt that Small Golden Tower was part of himself.

Item Slot is also a part of yourself.

The laptop you put in the Item Slot yourself is of course part of your own.

Shouldn’t you use your laptop’s ability to participate in the Martial Arts College Entrance Examination writing test, shouldn’t it be considered cheating?

“It must not be counted!”

“Otherwise, I have this ability, but I don’t need it, is it not a fool?”

“It’s like being able to walk with your feet, but with a hand.

Liu Yang muttered a few words in his heart.

“However, every year in the writing test, the test room is equipped with a signal shield, just like the helmet worn by the former Evil God Society member.”

“If I go to the exam room like this, it will definitely be futile.”

Suddenly, Liu Yang thought of the rules of Martial Arts College Entrance Examination writing test.

“Time is running out, I must download all the test sites of the writing test, the exam questions of the past years, and the mock test questions of all schools.

Thinking of this, Liu Yang dared not delay.

A direct conscious movement, in my mind, visualized the look of the laptop.

Then start to control the computer, and search for all the test sites, all test questions and answers on the Internet.

I downloaded all of these things.

This computer by Liu Yang has a powerful local search function.

When the time comes, he only needs thoughts move to search for the information he wants.

“This ability, tsk tsk.”

Liu Yang feels that putting a laptop into the Item Slot is absolutely correct.

Although this thing is of no use to the growth of his strength.

But the help for him is definitely not small.

“Unfortunately, any item I put in the Item Slot cannot be taken out.”

“Otherwise, it is really against the sky.”

Liu Yang’s heart is not enough to think of a snake.

Then he calmed down for a few more minutes.

Only then put my consciousness on the Three Essences Body Refining Pill in Item Slot.

Everything else is auxiliary.

Only by strengthening one’s own strength is it fundamental.

Suddenly, with Liu Yang thoughts move, the Three Essences Body Refining Pill became instantly available.


A magnificent medical power is like a rolling river breaking a bank.

Liu Yang’s body spread out.


At the same time, a strong fragrance filled Liu Yang’s mouth.

Liu Yang feels comfortable in his body, familiar with it, and poses the Nine Movements of Body Refining.

Constrain the medicinal power in the body and accelerate to temper your own body.

Let your body become stronger.

It even inspired blood energy hidden in the body.

Combine it with his special physique into the Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth in his body.

Formed a special kind of aura.

“The martial artist made a breakthrough from Diamond Stage to Overlord Stage. It is necessary to integrate blood energy in the body with Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth to breed something called Blood Soul.”

“Overlord Stage martial artist, not only can reach 10000 jins, but also can throw stones weighing tens of jins out of 100 tens of meters away.”

“It can also release Blood Soul to form coercion and suppress low-level martial artists.”

Liu Yang was thinking about some information from Overlord Stage martial artist.

weng! weng! Hum …

In cultivation, Liu Yang’s skin is more tenacious than cowhide, sometimes tight and sometimes loose, causing tremors.

In the tremor, sway the surrounding air.

like a horrible and powerful life, in a deep sleep, unconsciously breathing air.


After 2 hours, Liu Yang let out a long breath.

The steaming white aura spit out from his mouth, straight ahead.

I rushed forward 2 meter away and hit the wall in front before stopping.

Even after hitting the wall, the aura continued to move up along the wall.

The clocks hanging above the wall were all shaken and shaken, and there was a loud noise.


Liu Yang was taken aback.

If he blows the wall down in one breath, his dad would have to beat him to death on the spot.

Touching his chest, Liu Yang calmed down for a long time.

But then, he carefully felt his body, his face followed, showing a happy look.

PS: Putting small bowls every day, the days without chapters are hard

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