You can search for “I have countless Item Slot” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Teacher, I didn’t intentionally let Blackback hurt people, I just wanted to make a joke with Liu Yang.”

In Sun Feiyu’s office, Ma Xingwang eagerly explained.

Today, he has abused Xu Wenjie 3 games in a row, and he was in a good mood.

But he never imagined that he was about to leave school, and something like this happened.

His Pig-Dog Beast was the birthday gift his dad bought him half a year ago.

After half a year of training, there is usually no problem in not tying the leash.

I didn’t know what happened this time, the thing rushed to Liu Yang like crazy.

Liu Yang stood aside and kept silent.

“Pig-Dog Beast, I’ve seen it a few times, and I’ve never been so crazy. Also, after I integrated its True Spirit into the white bubble, I got a few memories of it. In the memory, it is because of me There is an aura that makes it irritable.

“In addition, according to the memory of Pig-Dog Beast, Xu Wenjie also has this kind of aura, but it is not obvious to me.”

Liu Yang looked at himself.

It was found that a few pieces of white powder remained on the parts that I was hit by Xu Wenjie.

“My father and I are good friends, and I grew up watching you grow up. I believe you.”

At this time, Sun Feiyu looked at Ma Xingwang and said: “But regardless of this time, what is the cause of your Pig-Dog Beast rushing to Liu Yang, and its impact is extremely bad. You are its owner, right You all have an inescapable responsibility.”

“Thank you Teacher!”

Ma Xingwang sighed in relief, said quickly: “How to punish, Teacher, just say it!”

Take responsibility, he is not afraid.

He is afraid that others do not believe in himself.

Sun Feiyu nodded, and then looked towards Liu Yang: “Liu Yang, you are a party to this incident, what do you say?”

“Teacher.” Liu Yang pondered for a moment, “Everyone has been in a class for such a long time, I know Ma Xingwang well, and believe that this time, it should be just an accident, nothing to do with him.”

“Liu Yang…”

Ma Xingwang turned his head, grateful, and looked towards Liu Yang’s eyes, which were different from before.

Liu Yang rushed to Ma Xingwang nodded, so he didn’t say anything.

every injustice has its perpetrator, he already knows that this thing is probably the ghost of Xu Wenjie, so naturally he will not complain with Ma Xingwang.

And he also knows that, according to the school’s school rules, since Sun Feiyu has said that Ma Xingwang is the master of the Pig-Dog Beast, he must take responsibility for this matter, and he is also a victim, so he will definitely get a copy make up.

At the same time, Liu Yang did not tell the story, and may have something to say about Xu Wenjie.

If he tells the story, the school will definitely investigate thoroughly.

If it was really Xu Wenjie’s ghost, then by the school’s rules, Xu Wenjie would definitely be severely punished.

It is not impossible to expel Xu Wenjie.


Xu Wenjie did things too much this time.

But if Xu Wenjie is handed over to the school for punishment, Liu Yang knows that it should be difficult for him to get another compensation.

He is also not hypocritical.

He knew that his home was in good condition.

At this time, the Small Golden Tower was obtained, and the Item Slot was obtained. It is necessary to continuously integrate a large number of precious items in order to play the power of the Small Golden Tower.

Not to mention anything else, if he wanted to incorporate a set of Black Iron Armor that could wrap the whole body in his first Item Slot, he would have to get at least a few 10000 dollars.

These 10000 yuan should be available at his home.

But after estimation, there is no more money in his family.

So he had to plan more for himself.

At this time, he wanted to teach Xu Wenjie a lesson in his own way.

And from Xu Wenjie, get a benefit to fill their vacancies in wealth.


“Liu Yang, thanks.”

Out of Sun Feiyu’s office, Ma Xingwang exhaled.

This time, if it wasn’t for Liu Yang, he would definitely be in trouble.

“No problem.”

Liu Yang waved his hand.

In the office, Sun Feiyu said he would report the matter to the school.

The final punishment of Ma Xingwang will be determined by the school.

The 3rd martial arts school in Yang City, although established only a few years ago, is not a key martial art school, but the school’s atmosphere has always been very good.

For such matters, it will definitely be dealt with solemnly.

And Sun Feiyu said that after this time, the school will most likely issue orders, and will not allow students to carry ordinary beasts that are not through the Beast Controlling contract.

Apart from this, Liu Yang himself will also get a compensation.

Of course, Ma Xingwang as the master of Pig-Dog Beast, this compensation must be borne by Ma Xingwang.


“Liu Yang, how’s it going?”

Liu Yang and Ma Xingwang just stepped out of the office building, and Zhou Bing and several other students in the class rushed up.

Xu Wenjie was among several people.

“It’s okay, it’s already clear. This time it’s mainly that Pig-Dog Beast is going crazy and has nothing to do with Ma Xingwang.” Liu Yang smiled pats Ma Xingwang’s shoulder and said voluntarily, “But Old Ma’s bad luck this time was His dog pitted, and he must have gotten some blood afterwards.”

“No way, who told me to meet the dogs?” Ma Xingwang grimaced. In front of Liu Yang, the arrogant appearance was gone, “but I’m not afraid, I have a lot of blood, this time I should be The people of Sir Guang donated blood.”

On the side, Xu Wenjie opened his mouth and looked like a dog.

This script is wrong!

Ma Xingwang cooperated with him, just after shaking the leash, the Pig-Dog Beast rushed towards Liu Yang. Can this kind of thing be made clear?

Instead, he encountered this kind of thing, had to keep it in his heart, and waited for revenge to come back later.

Is Liu Yang’s character so good?

“Xu Wenjie.”

At this moment, Liu Yang’s eyes suddenly fell on Xu Wenjie: “Come here, I have something to tell you.”

While speaking, he gestured with several others and then walked to the corner first.

Have something to tell me?

Xu Wenjie looked at Liu Yang’s back and felt weird.

Today’s Liu Yang looks like a Sir, with a calm feeling.

Not as big as them, that kind of passionate youth.

“it is good.”

There was a weird meaning in his heart, but he did not hesitate and followed Liu Yang directly.

Want to see what Liu Yang wants to say to him.

A few other people looked at them, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay. I didn’t know what Liu Yang was looking for Xu Wenjie.


Walking to the corner of the office building, Liu Yang stopped and looked at Xu Wenjie who was following him:

“Your previous proposal, I agreed.”


Upon hearing Liu Yang’s words, Xu Wenjie immediately smiled.

His proposal was to challenge Ma Xingwang 5 days after Liu Yang.

Now it seems that although Liu Yang can’t remember hating Ma Xingwang on the surface, he clearly doesn’t think so.

He just said, how old is Liu Yang, how could he have that Saint-like personality.

“However, 2 10000 yuan is not enough, I want 50000, and I have to pay in advance.”

At this time, Liu Yang spoke again.


Xu Wenjie’s face immediately changed: “Liu Yang, you have some lion’s big mouth. And, I want to win Ma Xingwang in the game 5 days later, but don’t you have any grudge against him?”

“What hatred?” Liu Yang pointed to the white powder on his chest and other places. If you don’t look closely, you can’t see the white powder at all. “Are you talking about these things? Also, the gloves you used to deal with Ok?”


Xu Wenjie immediately glared his eyes and looked at Liu Yang in disbelief.

How could Liu Yang find such small details?

“We are all students, even in a class, plot plot against and so on is still better.” Liu Yang’s tone is plain, “I didn’t tell the school about this matter, and I plan to rotten in the future. In the belly. But I feel that you have to pay at least some price.”

Xu Wenjie’s family is much richer than Liu Yang’s family.

But this is not how powerful Xu Wenjie’s parents are, but that Xu Wenjie has a big brother of Energy Refining Realm.

Xu Wenjie’s big brother is a relatively powerful role among the younger generation of Yang City.

For a powerful martial artist, 50,000 yuan is not a big sum.

But Liu Yang didn’t ask for more.

No matter how much, I am afraid that the grudges of 2 people will have to escalate.

He is now a small shrimp, it is really not suitable to grumble with people.

“Okay, Liu Yang, you are ruthless, 50,000 yuan of money, I gave it.” Xu Wenjie looked at Liu Yang as if he were watching a monster, “But you better talk and count, and this matter will always rot in the stomach. Here, and after 5 days, challenge Ma Xingwang.”

“Relax.” Liu Yang said casually, “but don’t blame me for not reminding me that after 5 days, I will challenge you again after I challenge Ma Xingwang.”

“no problem!”

Xu Wenjie’s tone was cold.

After challenging Ma Xingwang, will you still challenge him?

Idiots say dreams!

If Ma Xingwang played hard, it would not be a problem to beat Liu Yang for 2 days.

Even Liu Yang really challenged him, but it was just a matter of effort.

As he had thought before, Flying Dragon could not lose his face!

“However, this guy Liu Yang seems a bit evil. I can find such a hidden plot against him, and now he has the handle in his hand, wait for the money to be drawn, and don’t provoke him in the future.”

Xu Wenjie made up his mind.

Then he asked for the card number from Liu Yang and transferred the money to Liu Yang.

With 50,000 yuan available, Liu Yang was also excited.

With this money, he can buy a pair of Black Iron Armor and try to include it in Item Slot.

A strong man, picking a pick to plan the mountain, can’t plan much in a day.

But an ordinary person can drive an excavator, and it won’t take long to dig a big pit that the Hercules can’t reach.

This is a hardware problem.

For a martial artist, talent is the core hardware.

Liu Yang’s Item Slot, it is possible to enhance his talent’s treasure.

(Chapter 2 is issued in a row, so I won’t wait until night to republish it. In addition, the book the past few days may need to be renamed. Everyone remember the name of the big fat author’Dashu fat into a fish’, and finally put another bowl)

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