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With more than 50,000 yuan in his pocket, Liu Yang quickly returned to his home holding a saber case after leaving school.

Some impatients want to go online, and buy a full set of armor at the online martial artist store.

But at this time, Shan Ruyi had worn an apron and brought the prepared dinner to the table.

Liu Family has strict rules.

When eating, the family can talk and exchange feelings.

But after the meal is finished, everyone must be served together without delay.

That world, this World, including other things, are the same.

However, this also cultivates Liu Yang’s personality that will be dealt with immediately and immediately without any delay.

“Student competition will be held in your school in a few days, Liu Yang, how are you, are you confident?”

The family gathered around the table and tasted it carefully.

Shan Ruyi’s cooking is really good.

Liu Yang even felt that if Shan Ruyi went to open a restaurant, it would definitely be much hotter than her art gallery.

But this idea only appears occasionally that’s all.

Liu Yang did not really want Shan Ruyi to do so.

Although my family has ordinary conditions, they can live without being poor.

In this case, parents have their own ideals, so they have ideals.

Now that he has grown up, it is time for him to prop up this family.

Lifts the head, glanced at the faces of the parents who haven’t touched the traces of years, Liu Yang said: “Mom, it’s still not good, but I got some opportunities in the past two days, maybe I can compete for the first. .”


Father and Mother Liu raised their heads at the same time, their eyes showing concern.

Liu Yang swallowed the things in his mouth and said: “You can rest assured that there is nothing dangerous. This time, I mainly awakened a strange talent. It’s just how this talent is used. I haven’t figured it out yet, so I dare not dare Guarantee.”

“That’s good.”

Liu Tianyi nodded.

His character is slightly old-fashioned.

However, when Liu Yang was educated, violent methods were rarely used from childhood to the majority.

When he saw Liu Yang this time, he didn’t want to mention his talent, so he didn’t ask much. Liu Yang has grown up.

Seeing this, Liu Yang also sighed in relief.

Item Slot, and transmigration, he really doesn’t know what to say to his parents.

If I say that, I am afraid that I might be treated as a lunatic.

However, it was precisely because he knew his parents’ personality that he raised his mouth slightly at the dinner table and prepared 2 people.

Surprise and so on, naturally very good.

But if after a few days I really got the first place in the student competition, I will explain it later.

“Liu Yang, you hold this.”

After the meal, Mother Liu handed a white ceramic bottle with a large palm to Liu Yang.

“this is……”

Liu Yang was a little surprised.

Mother Liu said with a smile: “This is a bottle of Body Refining Pill. I heard that it is the most suitable to use medicine pill in Body Refining Realm. This bottle of medicine pill should be enough for you to break through to Body Refining 6th Stage.”

“Body Refining Pill?”

Liu Yang said in surprise: “Where does our family come from to buy this medicine pill? No, this thing can’t be bought with money?”

The name of Body Refining Pill, he has heard.

This is no less than Deer Blood Pill medicine pill, even better than Deer Blood Pill.

It’s just that anything useful to martial artists is quite expensive.

Especially things like Body Refining Pill and Deer Blood Pill can’t be bought with money.

Mother Liu shook his head: “Your dad met a martial artist in his early years. He has been thinking about your dad’s “Nine-Headed Lion”, and this time your dad sold that “Nine-Headed Lion” to him. “

Nine-Headed Lion?

Liu Yang was shocked.

Nine-Headed Lion is a work that Liu Tianyi was quite proud of in the early days.

didn’t expect this time, Liu Tianyi actually sold it and exchanged a bottle of Body Refining Pill for himself.

And Liu Yang was also very surprised, did not expect that in this World, it can only be regarded as a piece of wood carving, and actually can get a bottle of Body Refining Pill.

Of course, all this did not prevent Liu Yang from being moved.

He turned his head, looked towards Liu Tianyi, and shouted: “Father, rest assured, this time you have such a big blood, I will definitely give you the first return in a few days.”

“Go cultivation quickly.”

Liu Tianyi waved his hand, never looked back, picked up his carving knife, and walked to the balcony, as if suddenly inspired.


Liu Yang does not know what to say.

According to this physical memory, in earlier years, Father Liu and Mother Liu actually did not support his cultivation martial arts very much.

Just like that world.

Two of them want him to learn to engrave and one to learn to paint.

Fortunately in that world, in this World, monster evil thing has a vertical and horizontal direction, this kind of thinking is a bit pedantic.

Of course, 2 people just don’t support Liu Yang cultivation martial arts.

For Liu Yang’s choice of martial arts, the two also had no fierce opposition.

Later, when they saw that Liu Yang really liked martial arts, they stopped persuading.

At the same time, he began to take out his family savings to support Liu Yang in martial arts.

Back in his room, Liu Yang breathes deeply, took out his mobile phone, logged on the Martial Artist Shop online, opened the same city page…

The online Martial Artist Shop is the only online shopping channel of the Blue Star Alliance.

But here, only ordinary items can be purchased with money.

For advanced items, you must use Martial Artist Points only available in New World.

Liu Yang often visits the Martial Artist Shop in his free time.

Many things in it made him salivate 3 feet.

It’s a pity that he can’t afford any of the things he likes.

Suddenly, Liu Yang expression congeals looked at a store in the same city of Martial Artist Shop, which specializes in Battle Armor.

“Mortal Rank Top Grade Armor Black Iron Armor arrives, specially designed for the martial artist who cultivates Divine Ability’Three Thousand Iron Armor Energy’, covering the whole body, leaving no dead corners, a set of 50000 sets .”

Liu Yang looked upset.

Divine Ability is a powerful secret technique for cultivation of martial artist above Energy Refining Realm.

Liu Yang had heard of the “Three Thousand Iron Armor Energy” Divine Ability secret technique.

It is said that this is a Legendary martial artist, based on a large Divine Ability, a small Divine Ability created by himself.

Once this skill cultivation perfection, you can refining 3000 sets of iron armor into a powerful True Energy named’Three Thousand Iron Armor Energy’.

This True Energy, body protection to kill the enemy, two functions in one, is extremely magical.

After it emerged, it was even a burst of iron light, and it was endless, like countless steel collisions, and it was extremely powerful.

He did not expect that his luck was so good, only after turning a few pages in the mall, he saw this treasure.

A set of 50000 is very expensive for Liu Yang.

But he has exactly 50,000 yuan in his hand.

And Black Iron Armor of Mortal Rank Top Grade is also worth the price.

Bought it!

Certainly in my heart, Liu Yang looked at the evaluation and started to place orders.

Behind the Black Iron Armor sold in this shop, there is no comment yet, but this is normal.

Yang City is just a small county city.

Energy Refining Realm martial artist is not common.

Coupled with the fact that’Three Thousand Iron Armor Energy’ is famous, it requires the martial artist to have a powerful Iron Attribute Talent in order to get started with cultivation.

This leads to the entire Yang City, how many people are impossible to cultivate this little Divine Ability.

I don’t know what this shop thinks, but I actually went into this thing.

Liu Yang shook his head and waited quietly.

The bottle of Body Refining Pill that mother gave him, after he played with it, put it carefully.

He plans to wait for Black Iron Armor to get it and put it in the Item Slot before using it.

time flies.

Half an hour later, the doorbell rang and Liu Yang eyes shined, like a big horse monkey, deng deng deng ran downstairs and opened the door.

“Hello there.”

The city courier gasping for breath was holding a big box and stood at the door.

“You have worked hard, I will come.”

Liu Yang quickly took the box.

A large box weighing more than 100 pounds arrived in his hands without effort.

As soon as he turned around, he placed it on the ground in the house with one hand.

Deliveryman was envious when he saw this scene.

Knowing that Liu Yang can have this strength at this age, he will definitely be out of the ordinary in the future.

Soon, Liu Yang signed the list.

After Deliveryman left, he turned around impatient, picked up the box, and deng deng deng ran back to his room.

In the room, the box opened.

A set of Black Iron Armor with shiny black hair appeared in Liu Yang’s eyes.

This set of armor, folded together, cannot be worn at all.

However, if a martial artist with a moderate size is worn, it must be tightly fitted. It is specially created for the cultivation of the small Divine Ability,’Three Thousand Iron Armor Energy’.

Looking at this set of armor, Liu Yang took a deep breath, calmed down the ups and downs, then lifted the right hand, landed on it, and began to communicate Item Slot in his mind.


A magical force is generated and acts on the Black Iron Armor.

Suddenly, this set of Black Iron Armor Liu Yang just bought began to blur gradually.

After a while, the shadow disappeared completely.

“Body of Steel +1”

Suddenly, a message passed through Liu Yang’s mind.

Liu Yang lowered his head, raised his arm, and exerted a little force.

Seeing under his skin, it seemed that there was a flash of black flashing.

Then he consciously moved, pressed hard again, and hit his chest with a punch.


It sounds like the sound of hitting the old leather, but the touch is harder than the old leather, just like an iron plate, can not be shaken.

At the same time, Liu Yang did not feel much pain.

“It is!”

Liu Yang is ecstatic!

(The book needs to be renamed, but the editor can only change it after changing the contract status, ying ying ying, the contract has arrived, and I hope to change the contract status today, ying ying ying, and put the ticket in a bowl)

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