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Liu Yang stepped down from a taxi and looked forward.

In front, is the City Lord Mansion of Guo Hengyi.

Guo Hengyi’s City Lord Mansion is located in the very center of Yang City.

This is a huge building complex.

Guo Hengyi not only lives here, but also works here.

Many of Yang City’s major decisions come from here.

At the same time, in Yang City, space can be disturbed.

Reduce the appearance of Space Crack array in the city, which is also located in this mansion.

It can be said that this is the core of the entire Yang City.

“I will go shopping in the vicinity first.”

Liu Yang looked up at the sun and hooked the head.

Before he came over, thinking about this big noon, don’t catch up with Guo Hengyi for dinner, so he didn’t call in advance.

Prepare to go to the place first, and then stroll around the City Lord Mansion.

He waited in the afternoon to harass him again.

“Liu Yang, right?”

As Liu Yang thought about it, a soldier suddenly greeted him from the door of City Lord Mansion.

Liu Yang startled, even said: “Yes, I am Liu Yang.”

“Our City Lord said you might come over today, let me wait for you here.”

The soldier said with a smile: “I think you are going to take the writing test and may come over later.”

“Didn’t expect, you came here so quickly.”

Liu Yang touched his head awkwardly, and felt that he was a bit too impatient.

“Haha, come here without restraint.”

Seemingly seeing Liu Yang’s embarrassment, the soldier laughed and took a picture of Liu Yang’s shoulder:

“Go, I will take you into City Lord Mansion.”

“it is good.”

Liu Yang quickly followed the soldier and walked towards the City Lord Mansion.

Although this soldier only wore a normal soldier costume.

But in City Lord Mansion, he seems to have some status.

Along the way, 2 people are not only unimpeded.

The other people I met would all bow their heads slightly.

I don’t know why he was arranged at the door of City Lord Mansion so early in the morning, waiting for himself.

Soon, Liu Yang was led by the soldier and came to a building that was guarded by the guard.

“This is the treasury of City Lord.”

Far away, the soldiers who led Liu Yang whispered to Liu Yang:

“Our City Lord is in a meeting and it will take a long time before we can meet.”

“He told me before, let me take you, go to treasury and choose the treasure.”

“Wait, you don’t need to say anything, just follow me.”

“I will definitely help you, pick the best treasure!”


Just hearing the soldier’s words, Liu Yang’s expression was momentarily frozen.

“I’m not right!”

He suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the soldier in front of him.

Guo Hengyi said he would reward him with a treasure, obviously because of Meng Tian’s relationship and optimistic about his future.

In this case, when he sends the treasure, he should appear in person in order to appear solemn.

Instead of coping with things.

At the same time, he thought again.

Guo Hengyi obviously knows that he is going to take the Martial Arts College Entrance Examination writing test today.

Under such circumstances, how could Guo Hengyi, at noon, send his hands to the gate of City Lord Mansion?

As soon as he arrived, he directly brought the treasury to City Lord Mansion?


The person in front of him, when he took him into the City Lord Mansion, the other people turned a blind eye and made him a little dazed.

“Is it Guo Hengyi’s City Lord Mansion, there is a traitor?”

Liu Yang thought about it and immediately communicated with the laptop in Item Slot.

Turned it into a telephone look and called Guo Hengyi.

After he put this computer into Item Slot, he bound it to his mobile phone number.

The phone was just dialed, but within seconds, it was connected there.

“Liu Yang, did you end the writing test so quickly?”

Guo Hengyi’s surprised voice came from the phone.

However, under the control of Liu Yang, this voice, not at all, was released.

Instead, it is converted into text and displayed on the screen.

Liu Yang did not know what strength and purpose the soldier in front of him had.

He dared not talk directly with Guo Hengyi, which attracted the attention of this person and put himself in danger.

So he thought about it and said, “City Lord is in a meeting, I can wait.”

“Let’s just go directly to City Lord’s treasury, isn’t it good?”

“Nothing bad, rest assured.”

The soldier looked up while looking at the guard in front of the treasury in the distance.

He rushed to Liu Yang and said, “Before I come over, City Lord has explained clearly. Wait for you to listen to me.”


As soon as the soldier’s words fell, Liu Yang heard. On the other side of the phone, there seemed to be a sound of something breaking.

Liu Yang couldn’t think much, so he said: “Well, I will go with you.”

“now it’s right.”

There seemed a hint of joy on the soldier’s face.

Liu Yang followed, feeling nervous.

He didn’t know what the soldier in front of him was and what his strength was.

So dare not to act blindly without thinking.

Otherwise, he wanted to be behind the soldier.

Give this guy directly, kill him with a lock.

At this time, he also noticed that he had just dialed the past call, which was hung up by Guo Hengyi.

“It seems that Uncle Guo should come over soon?”

Liu Yang secretly said in one’s heart.

“Guard Xu, this is Liu Yang, you should have heard of it? I was ordered to take Liu Yang and come to treasury to pick a treasure.”

Before and after treasury, the soldier immediately rushed to a guard in front of treasury and said.

“Order, whose order do you offer?”

But before waiting for the guard to speak, a calm voice came out.

Then, a middle age person with a height of 1.9 m and a demeanor, turned out from a post behind treasury.

This middle age person is Guo Hengyi.


Seeing Guo Hengyi, the soldier who just made an official expression, complexion changed.

Following him, he smiled pleasingly and hurried to Guo Hengyi.

Holding Guo Hengyi’s arm, he shook, “Dad, why are you here?”

“If I weren’t here, wouldn’t you be upset by you here?”

Guo Hengyi coldly snorted.

“Where.” The voice suddenly turned into a feminine soldier, with an awkward smile, “I’m not thinking about it, Dad, you are busy in business and want to share some official duties for you.”

“You think carefully, I don’t know yet?”

Guo Hengyi shook his hand: “Will you go back now, change this dress?”

“Yes, I will go.”

Women dressed as ordinary soldiers joined together.

Following her, she quickly turned around and wiped her face, instantly revealing a beautiful face.

Then he blinked at Liu Yang and hurried to the distance.


Liu Yang was on the side, stunned.

Was that soldier just a woman?

And it’s Guo Hengyi’s daughter?

He thumped in one heart.

If Guo Hengyi came a little slower just now, he was afraid that he would use a lock throat to kill.

“Will of the people is vicious, great filial piety, great filial piety.”

“I used to only know that some parents show affection and dislike their son.”

“I only know now that there is a daughter who pits his father.”

“Not something, really not a thing.”

Liu Yang thought in his heart.

Of course, he only dared to think about it in his heart.

But dare not say this in front of Guo Hengyi.

As for what I gave birth to, I gave Guo Hengyi’s daughter a thought of killing him with a throat.

Otherwise, he was afraid of himself, and it would be difficult to get out of the City Lord Mansion today.

“Liu Yang, sorry, that’s my daughter, Guo Jun.”

At this time, after his daughter left, Guo Hengyi sighed.

Chong Liu Yang said: “Her mother, died when she was still small.”

“I pulled her alone, and she was spoiled. I hope you don’t mind.”

While saying this, he looked up and down Liu Yang.

I was really surprised.

Talent is okay for my daughter.

Although he did not go to school, he invited many teachers to teach.

Coupled with his personal guidance, the cultivation base has reached the Opening Meridian Stage Peak, distance to breakthrough to True Energy Stage, not far away.

The cultivation base is so wide that Liu Yang can avoid the awareness of his daughter and dial the phone to himself, which is really incredible.

And Liu Yang can find his daughter’s anomaly through a bit of clues.

Looking at Leopard in the tube, Liu Yang’s thoughts are also meticulous.

“You can kill a group of Evil God Society members with Diamond Stage’s cultivation base, and you can also kill evil thing at the same time.”

“This time, in a short period of time, was able to detect Little Jun’s anomaly, avoiding Little Jun’s awareness and notifying me, really worthy of the attention of Nine-Headed Lion Meng Tian.”

Guo Hengyi praised in his heart.

After this incident, he immediately paid more attention to Liu Yang.

I feel that if Liu Yang is given time, Liu Yang’s future achievements will definitely be limitless.

“Uncle Guo, rest assured, I was just scared just now, it’s nothing.”

Liu Yang touched his head.

“That’s fine.” Guo Hengyi smiled. “Little Jun is older than you, but not too big. You are both youngsters. You have time to come together.”


Liu Yang nodded.

But in my heart I felt that the woman looked like a trouble.

In the future, it is better to avoid it as much as possible.

“Okay, look at your impatient, I will take you to see treasury.”

Guo Hengyi shook his head.

Instructed Liu Yang to keep up, then turned and walked towards treasury.

Liu Yang jumped in his heart, even followed along.

“My treasure, included treasure, from Rank 1 to Rank 4, all of them.”

Guo Hengyi said while walking.

“Your cultivation base is too low now. It is useless to take a treasure with a too high level. I will show you the secret store of Rank 1 treasure.”

Rank 1?

Liu Yang’s heart moved.

I did not feel dissatisfied.

Now, he is almost impossible to develop Rank 2 Item Slot.

Just give him a Rank 2 treasure, it is estimated to have been idle for a long time.

It’s like the’Void-Cutting Slash’ Saber Skill Stone lying under his bed.

“Rank 1 is good.”

Thinking this way, Liu Yang soon followed Guo Hengyi to a huge bronze door.

This bronze door is very heavy at first glance, with beautiful patterns on it.

Around the bronze gate, there are 2 guards.


As soon as Guo Hengyi walked to the bronze door, the huge bronze door opened automatically.

Guo Hengyi walked slowly inside the secret store.

Liu Yang hurried to keep up.

Behind him, the giant bronze gate closed slowly.

At the same time, above the secret library, the bright rays of light lit up.

With the rays of light, a dazzling array of treasures appeared in Liu Yang’s eyes.

PS: Daily bowls

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