You can search for “I have countless Item Slot” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“This is my secret store for Rank 1 treasure.”

“You can choose any one here.”

Guo Hengyi turned around and said to Liu Yang with a smile.

Standing in this secret library, Liu Yang looked at the treasure on the shelves of each and everyone around him, and felt his heart beating at a rate of more than 300 beats per minute.

This secret store has a size of several hundred square meters.

Close to the wall, each and everyone treasure shelves are placed.

Rows of shelves are also placed in the middle of the secret store.

There are countless treasures on each shelf.


At this moment, in Liu Yang’s mind, only this word appeared.

Guo Hengyi, as Yang City City Lord, is really too wealthy.

Of course, Liu Yang also knows.

Most of these treasures were saved by Guo Hengyi and used to reward their men.

Instead of his deliberate collection, it is regarded as an ornament.

But even so, Liu Yang’s heart was shocked by fiercely.

He glanced.

I saw on the shelf on the left, countless Armor hanging on it.

These Armor are all shiny and bright.

At a glance, it is better than his Black Iron Armor, bring it up a level.

On the shelf on the right, blade, spear, sword, halberd, axe, shield, bow and whip, all kinds of weapons, everything.

On a shelf in the middle, each and everyone transparent bottles are stored.

Looking at it, Liu Yang saw that the transparent bottles contained Monster Crystal Core.

The Monster of Initial Rank has Crystal Core.

But when the monster died, most of these Crystal Cores would break.

Unbreakable is rarely cracked.

If you collect the unbreakable Crystal Core, you can sell a large price.

Because of many technological products, even the treasurer dedicated to martial artists.

During the manufacturing process, Monster Crystal Core is required.

However, Guo Hengyi, where the Monster Crystal Core is stored, looks at a glance, I am afraid there are hundreds of them.

“This is Opening Meridian Pill?”

Liu Yang was dizzy and walked around in this secret store.

Suddenly, his expression narrowed and his gaze stayed on a bottle of medicine pill.

The mark on the bottle of medicine pill shows that it is actually a bottle that can assist Opening Meridian Stage martial artist and develop medicine medicine pill.

At the same time, this medicine pill can also be used for Body Refining Realm martial artist, advanced Opening Meridian Stage.

Such a bottle of Opening Meridian Pill, if it is placed outside, the value is expensive, Liu Yang can hardly imagine.

But when he looked at it at this time, he found that Guo Hengyi’s treasury contained more than a dozen bottles of this thing.

Seeing these Opening Meridian Pills, Liu Yang immediately felt excited.

“I shouldn’t take long before I can break through to Overlord Stage.”

“After Overlord Stage, Mortal Deity Stage is certainly not a problem.”

“But after reaching Mortal Deity Stage, if you want to open up the meridians, I am afraid it will take some time.”

“If I have such a bottle of medicine pill, it will definitely be able to speed up my breakthrough to the Opening Meridian Stage!”

Liu Yang took Opening Meridian Pill off the shelf and carefully removed it.

Hold it in your hand and look carefully.

Wait for him to break through to Mortal Deity Stage.

Then break through to the Opening Meridian Stage with the cultivation base of Mortal Deity Stage.

With his deep accumulation, it will definitely be the same as other Mortal Deity Stage martial artists.

Open up 7-8 main meridians in one fell swoop and go directly to Opening Meridian Stage 7 8-Layer.

Reached Opening Meridian Late Stage, which greatly increased its strength.

Therefore, Liu Yang looks forward to breaking through to the Opening Meridian Stage.

“Why, you want to choose Opening Meridian Pill?”

Guo Hengyi approached Liu Yang and asked with a smile.

“I’ll look at it again.”

Liu Yang called to take a deep breath, and with perseverance, put the Opening Meridian Pill in his hand and put it on the shelf again.

Then he said: “Uncle Guo, you have too many treasures here, I look at the tricks, or would you recommend me the same?”

“Haha.” Guo Hengyi hearing this, laughed, “You’re smart.”

Then he walked a few steps and pointed to a few gray pockets hanging on a shelf not far away: “Do you know this thing?”

“This is…” Liu Yang hesitated, “storage bag?”

Last time, when Space Crack appeared in Yang City, he personally killed a Sky-Concealing Kangaroo.

Sky-Concealing Kangaroo’s Kangaroo Bag is the treasure used to make storage bags.

But Guo Hengyi here, Liu Yang glanced at it, and saw that there were more than a dozen storage bags hanging on the shelf.

“Yes,” Guo Hengyi said. “This is the storage bag.”

“My storage bag here, the best one, has about 3 cubic meters of space inside.”

“This thing, if you don’t have it, you can get one.”

“You are going to participate in the Martial Examination of the Martial Arts College Entrance Examination tomorrow. The location of the Martial Examination is west of our Yang City, in a Secret Realm in Hundred Trees City.”

“There are many cherished monsters in Secret Realm.”

“You hunt those monsters, the treasure you get from it, as long as you can bring it out, it belongs to you.”

“If you have a storage bag, it will be much more convenient.”

“In addition, this thing will allow you to use Condensing Liquid Stage all the time, no problem.”

“It’s the best price/performance ratio among all the Rank 1 treasures here.”

Liu Yang took a deep breath.

As Guo Hengyi said, storage bag is really important for martial artists.

On the Blue Star, there are many martial artists, all of which have happened. Obviously found a precious treasure in the wild.

As a result, because there is no storage bag, things that cannot be brought back.

After Guo Hengyi finished speaking, glanced at Liu Yang.

Seeing Liu Yang intentionally moved, but it seemed unwilling, he shook his head.

He went to another shelf again.

Pointing to a crystal clear and near-transparent bead placed in a transparent glass bottle above: “If you don’t want to choose storage bag, you can also choose this.”

“This is a Spirit Arousing Pearl, made into a pendant and hung on the body, which can increase the speed of Opening Meridian Stage martial artist and the introduction of Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth.”

“That is, to a certain extent, the cultivation speed of the Opening Meridian Stage martial artist can be increased for a long time.”

“I have this bead on my daughter.”

Liu Yang hearing this, my heart moved again.

But he endured it.

Prepare to see more in Guo Hengyi’s treasury.

Then inside, choose the treasure that has the most effect on yourself.

Otherwise, if this time, he hastily made a choice.

I’m afraid I don’t know how long to regret it.

After all, such opportunities are rare.

Seeing how Liu Yang looked, Guo Hengyi was not impatient.

On the contrary, Liu Yang’s temperament is indeed more calm than the general martial artist of this age.

Thinking so, he turned around.

Liu Yang again introduced his treasures and other treasures.

Liu Yang followed Guo Hengyi and listened carefully.

“Look at this thing.”

Suddenly, Guo Hengyi gave Liu Yang a series of introductions after a dozen treasures.

Suddenly it turned to a shelf, and pointed to Liu Yang something special.

This thing looks like a pair of shoes made of some special hay.

“This is a flying shoe on the grass. It is very rare. It is the only one in my treasury.”

“Opening Meridian Stage Peak martial artist, inspired by blood energy, can let himself walk on the grass for a few meters.”

“It’s the Body Refining Realm martial artist. If you put on these shoes, you can make yourself, when walking and running, the body is lighter and faster.”

“However, although this shoe is Rank 1 Top Grade treasure, it is equivalent to a consumable.”

“With the explosive power of the martial artist, if it explodes with full force, it usually takes a few hours to trample this shoe.”

How many hours can it be trampled?

But Liu Yang heard Guo Hengyi’s words, but his heart suddenly moved.

Others are afraid that this shoe will be trampled.

He is not afraid!

If he put this thing in Item Slot.

With the recovery characteristics of Item Slot, as long as he does not wear the shoes all day and explodes with all his strength, there will be no problem.

And even if it is completely broken, it can be restored.

“This treasure is…”

Liu Yang’s breath is slightly heavy and his eyes are shining.

“Uncle Guo, I choose these shoes, is there any problem?”

Liu Yang asked.

In his mind, he compared all the treasures that Guo Hengyi just introduced to him.

Finally, I found that these shoes should be the most valuable of these treasures.

Moreover, listening to Guo Hengyi said that this treasure, here he is, has only one.

After belonging to a village, there is no such shop.

Other treasures are available in other places at a price.

“No problem is no problem.”

Listening to Liu Yang saying this, Guo Heng eyebrows slightly frowned: “However, I told you.”

“This treasure, won’t take long.”

“So although rare, it is not very valuable.”

“Are you sure you choose this one?”


Liu Yang nodded.

Although, Opening Meridian Pill, storage bag, air-entraining beads, and various weapons in this treasury, Armor, he was also greedy.

But in contrast, he still likes this pair of’flying shoes on the grass’ the most.

“How about this……”

Guo Hengyi hearing this, walked 2 laps in treasury.

He was really surprised by Liu Yang’s choice.

As he said, because this straw shoe is a consumable.

The treasures that he introduced to Liu Yang before, each one is much larger than this one.

Therefore, he did not understand why Liu Yang made such a choice.

“Liu Yang.” After a moment, Guo Hengyi said, “I don’t know if you dare to gamble with me?”


Liu Yang startled.

I don’t know what Guo Hengyi means.

“You are going to participate in Martial Examination of Martial Arts College Entrance Examination tomorrow.”

Guo Hengyi looked at Liu Yang, squinting halfway, said with a smile:

“This time Martial Examination, I can borrow a storage bag for you.”

“I don’t know, do you have any confidence that in this Martial Arts College Entrance Examination, I was admitted to the top 50 Cloud Prefecture?”

“If you can enter the top 50 Cloud Prefecture in this Martial Examination.”

“I can let you choose 2 treasures in my treasury.”

“If not, you not only have to return my storage bag.”

“At the same time, all in vain, a treasure, cannot be selected.”

“Of course, if you don’t bet, you can choose the treasure and take it away as before.”

In this Martial Examination, if you enter the Cloud Prefecture top 50, can you choose 2 treasures in the treasure?

Liu Yang hearing this, a sudden jump in my heart.

According to the previous Martial Examination.

In the entire Cloud Prefecture, there will be about 7 Mortal Deity Stage martial artists and thirty-forty Overlord Stage martial artists in every circle.

In other words, Liu Yang wants to enter the top 50 in this Martial Examination.

Almost equivalent to him, he must get the top results among all Diamond Stage martial artists.

“I will follow the team tomorrow and go to Secret Realm in Hundred Trees City to participate in Martial Arts College Entrance Examination.”

“But Martial Arts College Entrance Examination officially begins, there are still a few days left.”

“During the past few days, I used Three Essences Body Refining Pill and I might not be able to enter the Overlord Stage!”

“Moreover, I can’t break through to the Overlord Stage. With my background, I want to get the top few among all Diamond Stage martial artists. Hope is definitely great!”

Thinking so, Liu Yang suddenly made up his mind.

He lifts the head, said with a smile: “Then as Uncle Guo wishes.”

“Just hope, when I win, Uncle Guo shouldn’t distress my treasure.”


Guo Hengyi hearing this, he burst into laughter.

“Now that’s the case, it’s final.” He stepped forward and slapped Liu Yang’s shoulder: “If you can really enter the Cloud Prefecture top 50 in this Martial Examination, I’m glad it’s too late.”

PS: daily bowls,

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